The Two Faces of Vaporin – A Scam Alert

SCAM ALERT – VAPORIN Hitler liked dogs, or so it is said. Child Molesters are sometimes priests. Do the nice things some people do erase, or [...]

SCAM ALERT 2014 – RegalCigs

The Regal Cigs SCAM is still out there. CONGRADULATIONS! You have been QUALIFIED for a smokeless e cig starter kit!  And so it goes, another electronic cigarette SCAM… First, [...]

American Smoke Scam – Worse Than We Thought

American Smoke Even Worse Scam Alert. Over the past year or so we have been attempting to alert consumers to various e-cigarette scams on the Internet. [...]

American Smoke Rebuffs Julia’s Scam Alert

Spinfuel received this comment from Bill F at 7:23PM on December 5th, 2013. We present it here, in it's entirety. We would love to read [...]

SCAM ALERT: American Smoke

UPDATE! December 6th, 2013 by Julia Hartley-Barnes Boy oh boy, has this scam alert created a stir or what? I guess it is time for a [...]

SCAM ALERT: Vapex – The $99 Monthly Rip-off

SCAM ALERT: Vapex – The $99 Monthly Rip-off Did you know that ONE 10ML Bottle of eLiquid is equivalent to 55 packs of traditional cigarettes? No? [...]

Vaporin e Cigarettes Review

Vaporin Electronic Cigarettes Vaporin is a new company and a new brand, who has since dove head first into the eCigarette Scam Business.. Their product diversity [...]

Will The Real Lift Vapor Please Stand Up

A Story of Redemption? - A New Commentary by John Manzione Please make sure you read the entire commentary to read the truth about Lift Vapor, [...]

SCAM ALERT: Now I’m just confused… eCigClub?

eCigClub Ripoff Report Last night we received an email from an interested reader who alerted us to yet another e-cigarette scam. But this one is different. [...]


Scam Alert: ECIGAID EcigAid
6538 Collins Avenue #95
Miami Beach, FL 33141 Would you knowingly accept this Privacy Policy? We may share your contact information with our business partners or [...]

SCAM ALERT – Smoke Smart – Dallas Texas

Smoke Smart Ripoff We have never been more outraged then when your News Blog editor pointed out this ugly scam just yesterday. Smoke Smart, out of Dallas [...]

e-Cigarette Scams Alert: Smoke Star (aka Lift Vapor)

The SmokeStar Rippoff Game Another day means more e-cigarette scams to warn you about. Today it’s Lift Vapor doing business as Smoke Star. (We can only [...]

E-Cigarette Free Trial Scams – Emerald Lux

SCAM ALERT: Emerald LUX Joins the Con Game Have you been “lucky” enough to receive an email like this one? Sadly, this leads to the same type [...]

E CIGARETTE SCAMS ALERT – LiftVAPOR aka, LiftCigs, aka, Saphire Cigs

Another eCigarette SCAMS ALERT: LiftVAPOR Rip-off LiftVAPOR Is A Horrible E Cigarette Brand And here we go again. This time, out of Connecticut comes LIFTVAPOR, , another rip-off [...]

SCAM ALERT: XOCigs Another Rip Off eCigarette Brand

XOCigs Con Artists The con artists are at it again. In what looks to be a Saphire/Regal clone, XOCigs is offering pretty much the same god-awful [...]