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MVP 3.0 From Innokin
I know more than a couple of people that have been vaping for a short time (under a year) that were a little confused with the recent release of the iTaste MVP3.0 by Innokin because it was just a few weeks ago that Spinfuel, and others, reviewed or demonstrated the Innokin iTaste MVP 20w. While both devices carry the MVP moniker, they are not successive devices. In other words, the MVP 20w is not the precursor to the MVP3.0; it is a standalone 20w box mod with a 2600mAh self-contained battery, which just so happens to carry the MVP name. While both devices are box mods, and both are variable wattage devices, the MVP3.0 is also a variable voltage device like the previous MVP devices. Still confused? It’s okay, follow along with my review and decide for yourself where the MVP3.0 fits into your vape-life.
Initial Reaction
The iTaste MVP3.0 is the third iteration of the official Innokin iTaste MVP series. The iTaste MVP3.0 is an improved device over its predecessors, featuring a wider range of Variable Wattage and Variable Voltage settings, more safety features, and continues to function as a portable charging unit for small electronic devices. Last, but not least, the MVP3.0 can be used while being charged, otherwise known a being a pass-through device.
Some of the biggest improvements to the MVP series in the V3.0 feature a spring-loaded pin, which allows for flush connections with virtually any 510-connection tank or glassomizer. The 510-threads are also stainless steel, giving the threads a much longer life span. The self-contained battery is a full 3800mAh, allowing for hours of vape time before it needs to hit the charger. I haven’t taken mine apart to reveal the specific battery(s), though I’m sure someone has. But really, is that important?
Wider Ranges
The Innokin iTaste MVP3.0 offers variable voltage settings of 3.0v to 9.0v, and adjusts in 0.1-volt increments. The Variable Wattage range has a low of 6.0w and a high of 30.0 Watts and is adjustable in 0.5-watts increments. While the increments are nothing new, the 3-9v and 6-30w range provides for a much-improved versatility in the MVP series. Vapers, from “newbies to advanced” can now use lower resistance coils with ease, (down to .4ohms!) as well as higher resistance coils (up to 2.5ohms). We’re talking options, and lots of them.
Another big improvement in the in the MVP3.0 is the use of vRMS DC current technology. By implementing vRMS technology the MVP3.0 provides for very accurate power setting with a deviation of no more than 0.1 Watts.
Coil resistance metering was found to be spot on in my tests, and with the ability to provide accurate settings and readings end users can zero in on the sweet spot like never before.
For instance, say you have the MVP3.0 running at the full 30-Watts with a Kanger Subtank equipped with a .5ohm coil head, or the Aspire Atlantis (.5ohm coils are standard in the Atlantis), the vRMS technology allows for precision delivery of the exact wattage called up, and delivers it consistently, throughout the life of current battery charge. From the first hit to the last, you are vaping at the exact wattage you set. This kind of accuracy works extremely well with coil resistances between a low of .4-ohms and a high of 2.5ohms. Stable power means a better vape and longer battery life, and comes standard with the MVP3.0.
Because most of the new devices coming out from all the major APV (advanced personal vaporizers) manufacturers have the latest feature set I’ve listed them below my real world usage report. There are a couple of unique features I will discuss below, like the use of vRMS technology above, but for a quick-look at the features, go to the bottom of the review.
“In the Field” – My Real Life Usage Report
Over the course of the past few weeks I have been using several box mods, more than I have in the past. From small box mods like the SMOK XPro M50 (now 65w) iStick 30, and the MVP20w, to the larger box mods like the IPV Mini and Mini 2, the Sigelei 50, 100, 100Plus, and even the iStick 50w, the MVP3.0 stands proudly with the larger box mods. Of course, this is to be expected because of the large battery capacity of 3800mAh. In any case, box mods are certainly the most talked about, and purchased, devices this year and the MVP3.0 will certainly be a major player in the category.
Know Your Device
I should mention that if you decide to purchase the MVP3.0 after reading this review and watching a couple of video reviews (like Smokenjoey’s excellent review), the one thing that might catch you off guard is the small USB output plug on the device. Unlike every other box mod I’ve used in the past several months, only the MVP3.0 features this plug. It is used for piggybacking onto other electronic devices that can accept the micro-USB plug. Unfortunately, Apple’s iPhone and iPad are not among the devices you can use with the MVP3.0’s micro-USB plug. However, it should be noted that if your iPhone uses a Mophie™ juice pack you could recharge the juice pack with your MVP3.0. Most other smartphones and tablets do make use of the micro-USB and can be powered from the MVP3.0.
To charge your micro-USB equipped electronic device with the iTaste MVP3.0, plug the built-in Micro USB cable into the device and power on the MVP3.0. You can also use the MVP3.0 USB charging cable for the same purpose. Plug the larger USB port into the MVP3.0 and the micro-USB into the device and then power on the iTaste MVP3.0. Only one device at a time can be charged or powered by the iTaste MVP3.0. Attempting to charge more than one device could damage your MVP3.0.
Points of Interest
I found the iTaste MVP3.0 exteriors textured finish to provide a sure grip when holding it. The device feels solid, stable, and well made. The tolerances in the various components are tight, secure, and machined nicely. For a $59.95 box mod you definitely feel like you’re getting more than your money’s worth.
The battery life is phenomenal for 3800mAh. The vRMS technology manages power efficiently, making for more time for vaping and less time for charging. It recharges somewhat faster than the iStick 50’s 4400mAh battery, which recharges in 4-4.5hours on average, and the MVP3.0 seems to average about 3 hours.
Admittedly, the eLeaf iStick 50w offers a slightly smaller footprint, rounded edges, larger battery capacity (4400mAh) and a better price tag ($49.95), and it will surely be the MVP3.0’s main competition among mainstream vapers. That said, there are plenty of features that the MVP3.0 has to offer that the iStick does not, including the vRMS technology and the electronic device charging ability. I would venture to say that for vapers looking for the utmost in power accuracy and want that ability to do a fast charge on their smartphone or tablet, the MVP3.0 is going to be their chosen box mod. In addition, the MVP3.0 offers the Innokin name and history. Vapers looking for large battery capacity and a smaller, rounded edges device, and who are cost conscious will probably swing toward the iStick 50.
Competition is fierce right now, especially in the box mod arena. Brand loyalty, price, feature sets, and quality control are all valid factors to take into consideration when deciding on your box mod purchase. Because of that, I had to ask myself a tough question; if I had to pay for a box mod, which one would I choose? Not an easy question, even though I have used most of the mods that are available today. It might sound like a cop out, but because the prices of the current crop of box mods are mostly inexpensive, I would not buy just one. Allow me a few minutes to tell you which two I would buy, and why, and to balance it out, which two I would not buy, and why. (It would take more than 5000 words to go through all of the current box mods.)
Box Mods I would buy, and why
The two box mods that stand out for me are the iTaste MVP3.0 and the iStick 50w. I own both, and received them both within a day of each other.
The MVP3.0 is an obvious choice for me because of the accuracy of the power delivery. As a coil builder and RDA/RBA user that’s important. Since I no longer build or use prebuilt coils below .5ohms I have no real need for anything above 30/50w. I also have a Mophie on my iPhone 5 so being able to throw a little juice its way if needed is a plus. The name Innokin means something too, so I would gladly lay out $60 for it.
The eLeaf iStick 50w is just $50, and provides 50w of power. I like the looks of it, especially in black, and the OLED display is clear, bright, and easy to read. This is the box mod I would use in ‘friendly’ environments like a party. Although I take the MVP3.0 more seriously, I enjoy the little tweaks in the iStick 50 over the smaller iStick 30, 20 and even the mini.
Box Mods I would not buy, and why
Some of the box mods I own have been given to me for review purposes (I’m always surprised when we don’t have to send them back to the vendor or manufacturer), and some I’ve given away to friends and some I’ve tossed in the drawer. A couple I still use, especially when I am meeting with other advanced vapers, which I do on occasion to try out new coil builds. The two mods I wouldn’t buy, but do own, are…
The IPV Mini. This is a 30w device that works well, and is sold for around $50, but with the recent addition of the IPV Mini II, and the unreliable experiences I’ve had with the Mini, it is a box mod I’d take a pass on.
The SMOK XPro M50 is also one I would not buy, but only because its $58.95 price tag is a little steep for what you get. I like the size, and the feature set is nice, but we’re talking real money, and there are better choices out there. And, it may not be exactly rational, but I feel like SMOK pushed the M50 out of the door too fast, and made a rash decision that they then messed up even more by making another rash decision to push out a 65w version within a couple of weeks. I want my devices to be well thought out by the manufacturer, and this one screams of frantic moves.
There are box mods for every vaper, each one offering the same basic set of features, and each one offering something unique, even if its just the design. It seems to me that the only box mod that bridges the gap between mainstream vapers and advanced vapes is the iTaste MVP3.0. Mainstream vapers will like the look and feel, the charging abilities, and the safety features, and advance vapers will appreciate the .4ohm resistance level, the vRMS tech, and the wider range of voltage and wattage. Remember, I’m talking about a box mod that appeals to both types of vapers.
Some box mods appeal strictly to mainstream vapers (the iStick’s) and some strictly to advanced vapers (IPV Mini 2 and Sigelei 100 PLUS), but when a company plays both sides and delivers an affordable and attractive box mod like the MVP3.0, you know its going to sell very well.
Features of The iTaste MVP3.0
Battery Level Indicator:
Variable Voltage:
Voltage can be adjusted from 3.0 – 9.0 volts in .1-volt increments.
Variable Wattage:
Wattage can be adjusted from 6.0 – 30.0 Watts in .5 watts increments.
Low Voltage Warning:
Short Circuit/Atomizer Protection:
Automatic real-time atomizer Ohms detection.
Pass-Through Vaping
Voltage or Wattage Memory
Portable power source for electronic products:
Compatible 510 connector:
Technical Specifications:
Operating Voltage: 3.0V-9 V
Operating Wattage: 6.0W-.30W
Standby current: 100uA max
Maximum output Wattage: 30W
Maximum output Current:10A
Maximum output Voltage: 9V
Clearomizer Resistance: 0.4 Ohm (minimum) – 2.5ohm (maximum)
Built-in 3800-mAh polymer Li-Ion rechargeable battery.
Charging: Micro USB DC5V/1A
OUTPUT port :DC5V /1A
Tom McBride