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Vaping With Vapinski Looks At King’s Crown
This week I will be reviewing another wonderful line created by Suicide Bunny known as King’s Crown. Their e-liquids don’t hit your hands until they have gone through a quality control process like no other. “If it’s not built out of the very best ingredients to make the very best e-liquid in America, it’s not a Suicide Bunny product. Simple as that.
Kings Crown e-juices are blended for maximum flavor — and maximum impact. Some take you gently along familiar paths. Others thrust you into exotic realms filled with new discoveries.” The labels on King’s Crown depict more amazing art work. The flavors are a great blend of flavors that come from a wonderful imagination.
Let’s get to the JUICE….
“When you aim high, you can achieve wonders. And The King is the juice that towers above all else. It’s a sophisticated liquid birthed from imagination and dedication, perfectly balanced, and infused with mysterious flavors.”
The King is full of flavor and gives off a great cloud of vapor. It reminds me of a freshly baked peanut butter cookie. On the inhale, a nice peanut flavor that reminds me of biting
into that yummy cookie. On the exhale, a nutty cookie dough flavor that is very smooth. I am enjoying this one a TON. It seems to have a perfect balance of all the flavors. I just want to sit back and relax. The King has a mild throat hit. Try it out!!
“Our practice has made Claim Your Throne perfect. Enjoy a blend of sweet creams, butterscotch, and brown sugar. There’s nothing else like it anywhere. So don’t take the plunge unless you’re ready for something unique.”
Claim Your Throne is a sweet, smooth vape. It starts out with a sweet cream on the inhale and a touch of brown sugar. I catch the butterscotch at the tip of the exhale and the flavors blend together as the exhale continues. The total blend has a nice creaminess and overall taste. The vapor production is good and it has a mild throat hit. If you like sweet dessert vapes, this is for you.
“This is it: the e-liquid that will capture your attention — and keep it forever. Sweet custard. Spice. Ripened stone fruits. It’s a twist on traditional fruit flavors. When the crown calls, you will answer.”
Bound by the Crown is a complex blend of fruits and custard. On the inhale, I can taste a nice fruity blend with a definite peach flavor
coming out the most. On the exhale, the creamy custard comes into play. The sweetness is not overwhelming and the blend is a nice overall flavor. Bound by the Crown gives off a decent vapor production and has a medium throat hit.
“Your day is what you make of it. And Fight Your Fate is the juice to take with you on your journey. This beautifully crafted liquid will wrap you in tart lemons and sweet ripe-ripe strawberries. It all combines to create the experience you dream of.”
Fight Your Fate is a strawberry flavored lemonade vape. On the inhale, I get the ripe strawberry flavor right off the bat. The lemonade follows soon after and they blend
during the exhale. The flavor is more sweet than tart, and well balanced. It reminds me of a nice drink I would enjoy on a warm, summer day….but can vape year round!!Well done King’s Crown!! Fight Your Fate gives a nice vapor production and has a mild throat hit.
The 30ml bottles retail at $22 a piece and one website that you can order from is I have to give props to a local B & M every once in awhile!! Steel City Vapors is located in Pittsburgh, PA!!! Go Pittsburgh!! The nicotine levels that are available are: 0,3,6,12, and 18mg. The flavors that Suicide Bunny came up with for this line are unique and thought out. They are full of flavor. Check them out on Facebook!
My ratings are as follows:
The King: 4.75/5 stars
Claim Your Throne: 4.5/5 stars
Bound By The Crown: 4.25/5 stars
Fight Your Fate: 4.25/5 stars