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What a huge difference Ginger’s eJuice has made in my vaping life! Sometimes it seems that everyone has something akin to soul mates for everything, not just people. For instance, some people feel the Ford Mustang is the only automobile that truly speaks to them (for me it’s the Dodge Challenger). Others have an affinity for a particular brand of coffee, or computer, cell phone, and even a brand of toothpaste.
For some reason, these ‘things’ just feel right. I feel that way about Ginger’s eJuice. For some reason Ginger’s eJuice has never made a flavor of eJuice that I didn’t like (and most of them I love). It’s strange when you think about it, but there it is.
Now, that’s not to say Ginger’s eJuice is the only eLiquids I vape. Far from it. I enjoy eLiquids by several companies, some of them are dear to my heart and if for any reason I would not be able to vape certain flavors from certain companies it would really bum me out.
Still, with Ginger’s eJuice there’s something different, and when a new flavor is introduced to the lineup I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same thing I felt when I fell in love for the first time. (Hello Sandy!)
On Friday (11/16/12) I received several new flavors from Ginger (in 7.5ML tester bottles) and I’ll tell you, I was in Vaper’s paradise over the entire weekend. Ginger’s new additions are all fantastic, and in some ways more sophisticated, more refined, and more intricate than many of her earlier flavors, though even her early stuff is terrific juice.
I enjoyed them all, some more than others, but they were all fun and delicious to vape and all but one are now on my rotation of juice. Even if I’m not crazy about certain flavors (cough* Cranberry *cough), its not because of Ginger’s eJuices execution of the flavor, it’s the flavor being used in the first place.
If you haven’t yet enjoyed a ‘Ginger’s eJuice’, err, ah, eJuice, now’s a great time to try some very new, and very awesome flavors. Here are my impressions on Ginger’s latest offerings. The Good, the great, and “what was that?”…
Okay, let’s talk eJuice!
Ginger’s eJuice – Hot Cocoa –
My very first puff (or hit, drag, whatever) of Hot Cocoa I was immediately struck with “How in the hell did Ginger’s eJuice replicate the taste of Hot Cocoa?” I mean this isn’t a simple chocolate vape. It’s a cup of hot freakin’ cocoa! How do you get that precise with a flavor?? It’s like taking a cup of hot chocolate and vaporizing it, and then inhaling it.
Giant plumes (I love that word ‘plumes’) of vapor from this one, and an amazing throat hit. Nicotine strength was 1.6% too, so you can imagine the throat hit if you went up from there. Hot Cocoa is a vaping flavor you can vape for hours on end. I know… I’ve done it. Grade A+
Ginger’s eJuice – Hazelnut Macchiato
This is a hazelnut/coffee blend that really knocked my head back! First, the hazelnut is very prevalent in this mix, and the coffee is like an espresso, but creamier, if that makes sense. Every morning for the past 5 years or more I start the day with hazelnut coffee, so I know what it should taste it.
Ginger’s eJuice is better than my morning coffee, the hazelnut taste is very much there without being harsh and the espresso coffee is a nice rich taste that also doesn’t harsh your vape. I mean, this just works on every level. A great morning or evening vape. Grade: A
Ginger’s eJuice – Boston Cream Pie
I discovered the ‘Boston Cream Pie’ vape many months ago from another brand of eJuice way back when I did some legwork for another Julia-led eJuice review. I fell hard for this flavor back then and have since vaped 3 or 4 different versions of it from different companies, looking for even better versions.
Despite trying this flavor from other companies I’ve always returned to the original eJuice company when I needed to restock it.
When I found the Boston Cream Pie vape among the selection of new flavors from Ginger’s eJuice I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do.
I held it up to the light, opened the bottle and sniffed the contents, twirled it around in my fingers. The dark golden color looked right, the aroma smelled right, but I wasn’t sure if this was going to be able to compete with my favorite blend from the other company. But I had hope.
I wouldn’t have minded if it didn’t meet my criteria because I was very happy with my current Boston Cream Pie.
Ginger knows how to create excellent juice (she is one of the best Flavorists in the business) and though I love the vast majority of her flavors there are, on occasion, flavors in the same vein that I enjoy better from other brands, and there are flavors that other brands create that Ginger’s does not.
So if the Boston Cream Pie (ever want to know the origins of Boston Cream Pie?) weren’t as good as my favorite it would be okay.
So what about Ginger’s eJuice Boston Cream Pie? It’s better than my previous favorite. A lot better. This is now my preferred Boston Cream Pie. And I can tell you exactly why Ginger’s beats out my previous favorite; flavor and throat hit.
Ginger’s eJuice has more flavor; a more authentic flavor, and a more robust throat hit (again at 1.6% nic) than my previous favorite. The vapor production is about the same, both are excellent vapor producers. If you like Boston Cream Pie, then you must try Ginger’s eJuice Boston Cream Pie. It is to die for. Grade: A+
Ginger’s eJuice – Gingerbread Chai
I found out about a week ago that Ginger was planning to release this one and I wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. Chai? A tea flavor with gingerbread? Not exactly something you chump at the bit to try, ya know? Ginger assured me that it was something special, and honestly, I believed it probably was, but just not something I would ultimately go for.
But tried I did, and my reaction was pure surprise and delight. I loved it, I really loved it a lot.
Ginger’s eJuice website describes this new gingerbread chai with these words; “Gingerbread is the first flavor note that takes you away to childhood memories… and then the chai tea comes in, giving it a wonderfully complex finish (reminding you that you’re a grown-up now!)”
Well, she’s right and she’s wrong. First, the gingerbread (history of gingerbread) IS the first flavor note that you taste, but it doesn’t remind me of my childhood because my childhood was extremely messed up and if I ever did taste a flavor that kicked in my childhood memories I’d flush it down the toilet in a heart beat.
The Chai is the flavor that kicks in at the end, and it is a wonderful flavor that doesn’t taste like I thought it would. I kind of expected, you know, a Lipton Tea type flavor and that ain’t it. It’s more complicated than that. It’s a delicious flavor and an unexpected flavor.
Ginger’s eJuice says that Gingerbread Chai is an all-day vape and it is. I could easily see filling up a 6ML tank and enjoying this all day long. Grade: A
Okay, let’s see. I’ve already spent almost 1500 words talking about 3 flavors, and if I don’t stop I’m going to lose you. So, let’s briefly go over the remaining flavors.
Ginger’s eJuice’ Cranberry Champagne
It is as she describes it; “It’s not super tart, and it’s really refreshing! To some, it might taste a bit like fizzy Kool-Aid… but if you taste carefully, the slightly tart champagne notes linger on a while…” – I’m not crazy about tart flavors, but the description is correct when it states that is not ‘super-tart’, and there is a hint of sweetness to it.
I liked it, but this is not a flavor I will add to my current rotation, something I did with the 3 flavors above. That said, if you like cranberry vapes this is going to knock your socks off. How do I know? Because Julia tried it and she loved it. Grade: B
Ginger’s eJuice – Nutty Nanner Bread
This one isn’t fair because it hits all my favorite flavors; nuttiness, bananas, and banana-bread flavor. This is definitely going into my rotation; it will probably replace my current “Banana Cream Pie” flavor, at least for a while. Banana makes an awesome vaping flavor. Grade: A
Ginger’s eJuice – Pumpkin Eggnog –
Ginger’s eJuice describes this flavor like this; “The rich creamy goodness of the eggnog and pumpkin pie are the first things you notice…followed by the wonderful spiced Pumpkin Pie spice notes! The “finish” makes you wonder if someone spiked your eggnog 🙂”
I’ve been trying other brands that contain pumpkin or eggnog, or both, because it’s fall and I want to get into the fall traditions, and I either found the pumpkin flavor weak, or a heavy cinnamon flavor overwhelming, among other things.
What I wanted was a vaping flavor that really did have a rich pumpkin flavor, with eggnog (vanilla-based) and a cinnamon kick at the end. Maybe Ginger read my mind because this is the nicest, most flavorful holiday flavor yet. I loved it. Grade A
Ginger’s eJuice – New Flavors Conclusion
All of the Ginger’s eJuice ‘new’ flavors are delicious and delectable. The ones I will buy without even thinking about it are the Hot Cocoa, Boston Cream Pie, Gingerbread Chai, as well as Nutty Banana Bread.
I don’t see myself adding the Cranberry Champagne only because I come into contact with so many eLiquids that even if I vaped 24 hours a day (instead of 15) I still wouldn’t have time to vape them all. The Hazelnut Macchiato is awesome, so I would definitely want more of this; if I had room to add this one, that is.
I will buy some and then switch it with various flavors when I want something with a real kick.
Each of the new flavors has massive amounts of vapor and an excellent throat hit, which I found to be a pleasant surprise. I’ve stopped vaping 2.4% nicotine because I vape too many hours a day for that much nicotine so I’ve been getting used to a less “powerful” throat hit.
These flavors really had an excellent throat hit at 1.6%, much better than many flavors I’ve been vaping these days. They ‘hit’ like 2.4% blends.
Ginger’s eJuices are carefully crafted, complex flavors that, I know from personal experience, are created with a passion for great eLiquids. I began vaping Ginger’s eJuice many months ago, and every time new flavors are introduced I’m more impressed with how good they are. This time around, in all seriousness, the new flavors are the best yet.
I know this is just one person’s opinion, and it’s not the whole Spinfuel Team who has each developed a real eLiquid connoisseurs taste. I did have some of the team members try these flavors, for a minute or two, just to see what their initial impressions would be and they all agreed that the new flavors were excellent.
They were disappointed that I only had 7.5ML tester bottles. I think they were hoping to do a full-blown review with them. So, its not just me that think these new flavors are good, but still, these are my words, not theirs.
Ginger’s eJuice Particulars
Ginger’s eJuice is available is 12ML, 15ML, 30ML, and now 60ML sizes (Can’t wait to get a few of these in 60ML bottles!). They offer several nicotine strengths, 0, 6, 11, 16, 24 and 36MG, and offer plastic and Amber Glass bottles (with droppers).
Ginger offers free USPS Priority mail for orders over $75. They also have special deals, sales, and discount codes (Ginger often offers discount codes when certain sporting teams she likes win a game), so you should follow her on Twitter @GingerseJuice and let her know Spinfuel recommended the follow, okay?
Ginger’s eJuice is created under the strictest conditions, free from any source of contamination. Their eJuice is sold under license by more than one company (I’m not allowed to say who or how many) and is sold in many retail vape shops under the Ginger’s eJuice label.
Ginger’s is up to about 50 flavors now, and of those 50 I probably have 20-25 of them in my current rotation. (My rotation consists of the top 50 flavors made up from several brands).
I recently wrote about the top eLiquid creators (Flavorists) and their ‘signature’, if you vape enough of them you learn to recognize that signature.
Each of these new flavors, all of them excellent, has that unique signature. It is a signature of quality, passion, and a drive to perfection and I’d know it anywhere.
If you’re looking to try out some new flavors hop over to Ginger’s eJuice and try some. You won’t regret it.
John Manzione
What’s John Vaping? 3 Great eLiquid Flavors!
Vaping With Julia – January 5th – 10th, 2013