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Julia Reviews The BlowOne and BlowEZPen eCigarettes
Blow is a new brand in the market of portable vaporizers (PV’s) by a company with several ecigarette and ehookah products and brands. “Blow” has a large line of pens and tanks to offer to vapers around the world. But, is there anything here that we haven’t seen before? Not really, no.
The BlowOne and BlowEZPen are two products we received last month for review. Well, after finally finding the time to unpack the box and begin our review more than a week ago, we’re now ready to render our verdict on both products, as well as the company itself.
Blow – The TrendSettah Company
Blow is owned and operated by Trendsettah, a company that likes to present itself as a hip, sexy organization out to conquer the vape community. I could go on and on, but this YouTube video pretty much sums up what Trendsettah is all about.
Yea, it’s like that. Not that I mind the pretty ladies, but really, does anyone really think electronic cigarettes are a fast way into a girl’s panties? Jesus I hope not.
With words like “World’s Best Vaporizers”, porn star celebrities hawking their wares, and generic hip-hop music droning on and on in their videos, this is a company that has already earned two strikes from me, and that’s before getting to the actual products.
I just can’t stand this kind of marketing. Companies like Trendsettah (hip-talk I suppose for Trendsetter?), want customers to believe that their products will boost their sex lives, help get gorgeous men and women in their beds, and at the very least, offer the customer a chance to actually be “cool”. It offends me as a vaper, a woman, and a human being. Or maybe I’m just not cool?
This video below shows off an admittedly very nice e-hookah, but I have to wonder if the company actually licensed The Beatles “Come Together”. If they did, that’s some serious coin, if they didn’t…well, Oh look, some same-sex kiss-teasing! Now that’s edgy! Hey, isn’t that porn star Jesse Jane over there?!
Stripping away all the bluster and showmanship and questionable taste, what we have with the BlowOne is an eGo battery and T2 clearomizer.
The BlowOne single pack consists of a single 650mAh eGo battery (in a variety of colors), a T2 clearomizer (disposable of course) and a USB adapter. You’ve seen this a million times before.
The eGo-type battery is among the shorted 650mAh battery’s I’ve ever seen. Comparing it to a Halo Triton 400mAh battery the size is only slightly taller, but I’m not about to say that the BlowOne isn’t anything other than a 650mAh battery. Battery life is a couple of hours of normal vaping time, and the recharge time is average for this type of battery, about 70 minutes. The Blow logo is printed on the side of the battery.
The T2 clearomizer is identical to the Halo Triton T2, and in fact works fine on a Halo Triton battery. My only problems with the T2 from Blow is the price, a steep $9.99, and absolutely NO mention whatsoever on the website that the long-wick atomizer can be replaced for about $2. Blow wants their customers to toss out the worn T2 and spend another $10 for a new one.
The BlowOne sells for $24.99, in and of itself, is an okay price for an eGo-type battery and a T2, 2.4ml clearomizer, with a short USB cable for charging.
BLOWONE Performance
Again, there is nothing new here with the BlowOne. A T2 clearomizer is a decent enough clearomizer. Vapor production is good, flavor is good, and the wick is still going after a weeklong use.
If I found myself out of town without a battery and clearomizer and happened across a BlowOne on a rack in a store for $24.99 I wouldn’t have any problem with buying it. For the long term though, it is way too early to tell.
How many generic eGo batteries have you purchased that suddenly died on you for no apparent reason? So I’ll have to revisit this review a couple of months down the road in order to let you know how it holds up with part time use.
The BlowEZPen
I can’t tell you why, but the BlowEZPen is just a BlowOne with a wall adapter and a lanyard. Performance was the same, size was the same, and the specs are the same, so on. The BlowEZPen is $10 more at $34.99.
The Vsmoke eLiquids
Also owned by Trensettah is Vsmoke, an eLiquid line made in the USA. These eLiquids are actually made for e-Hookahs but work fine in any electronic cigarettes. I have to say I’m happy about the juice being made in the US, and like other hookah eLiquids they are characteristically strong flavored.
The one we received were all Zero-Nicotine, produced ample vapor, and we’re pretty spot on in the flavor rendition. They are also expensive. $1 per ML, or $9.99 for a 10ML bottle. Cannot in good conscious recommend them.
Bottom Line for the BLOWONE
I just don’t understand the marketing behind a company like this, but its unfair of me to hold that against the products they sell. I am happy to report that none of the products sold by Blow are overpriced. Blow is a company that does what a million others do; buy components from China, have their logo imprinted on them, package them up and sell them at huge markup. That’s the normal operating procedure for dozens and dozens of companies.
Perhaps their overly sexual, hip-hop marketing techniques are just their way to find a niche. Having said that, whenever any company begins to use phrases like “Worlds Best” or “Best tasting” or “best” anything, it is a big turnoff.
As far as recommending any of their products all I can say it this; if you find yourself out of town and in need an eCigarette and you see a Blow product you can trust that you won’t overpay and it will get you through the day, but other than that, there are better products out there by companies that don’t try to play on your sexual desires or urge to be cool.
The BlowOne
- BLOW ONE 650mAh
- T2 BLOW Tank
- USB Charger
The BlowEZPen
- BLOW EZ Pen 650mAh
- T2 BLOW Tank
- USB Charger
- Wall Adapter
- Lanyard
Impressed yet?
Julia Hartley-Barnes
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