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Votes Count – You know how it goes with President Trump. At first Mr Trump will throw out words that he thinks makes perfect sense, only to realize later that maybe he shouldn’t have said it. We’ve never heard Trump say he was wrong, he just ignore what he said previously.
Warned that he might lose votes, Mr Trump seems to be backing away from flavor restrictions. That’s a smart idea. 13 million adult Vapers can easily decide to vote against you, or even worse, just stay home in 2020. That makes a President take notice.

From the Week
In response to the youth vaping epidemic and growing concerns about lung disease, President Trump — at the urging of first lady Melania Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump — announced he wanted to ban candy, fruit, and mint e-cigarettes. His outlook changed after White House and campaign officials warned him such a ban could cause him to lose the votes of people who own vape shops and those who use the products, The Washington Post and The New York Times report.
When this reporter was in High School in Memphis, a whole lot of kids smoked. Most of us took that habit into adulthood. Only attempting to quit once the effects of smoking began messing with our breathing, even causing cancer to several friends after just 20 years. No one called ‘kids smoking’ an epidemic.
Today, in 2019 the number of kids smoking is the smallest ever. Kids vaping is even less. Yet somehow, kids picking up an e-cigarette is the end of the world. Vaping is 95% safer than smoking, so what gives?
To be fair (TO BE FAIRRR…), as isolated from the public that US Presidents are, it’s easy to understand why President Trump had no idea just how large the vape community is. To ban flavors, I’m absolutely sure Trump figured that most adults would want to vape tobacco flavors.
I mean, what 250 pound man with a full beard and ragged jeans would fill a tank with “Angel Tears” from The Plume Room? Well, Mr. President, tens of thousands actually, this reporter included.
So we get the initial reaction. Now that you understand more about us, what will you do?
More from the Week
After Trump first mentioned the ban, angry vapers took to social media, tweeting their thoughts on the matter along with the hashtag #IVapeIVote. While the move may please pro-vaping advocacy groups, anti-tobacco activists aren’t ready to give up just yet.
It’s actually, #WeVoteWeVape. (journalists are a dying breed aren’t they?)
The article defines a major problem with this whole vaping definition; “ anti-tobacco activists aren’t ready to give up just yet.” <<— e-Liquid is NOT a tobacco product! I’ve been saying it for 8 years, and it’s till true today. There is no tobacco, no combustion, and none of the 4000 harmful ingredients tobacco has in every leaf. If the FDA would have seen e-liquid for what it is way back when, things would be different today.
So when did Trump begin to Crack?
On Nov. 4, the night before a morning news conference, the president balked at the signing of the decision memo. Mr. Trump was briefed on a flight to a Lexington, Kentucky, toward a campaign rally. He then refused to sign the one-page “decision memo,”. Stating that he didn’t want to move ahead with the flavor ban. Reason? It was primarily at his wife’s and daughter’s urging, because he feared it would lead to job losses. This comes from a Trump adviser who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Like we said, Trump understands more about the vaping situation. By now he has surely learned the real culprit is Bootleg THC cartridges made with Vitamin E Acetate solution. Perhaps things will get back to normal sooner rather than later.
Mr President, can you please get on the phone to Governor Charlie Baker and tell him to stop being an asshat? Baker is a dictator, and his new Bill to grab a person car for just having flavored e-liquids in his/her car is downright insane. Better yet, fly to Massachusetts and smack the governor across the face. Yea. That.