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Lucky Ruckus eLiquid Team Review
A new shipment of e-liquid from Lucky Ruckus arrived a few weeks ago, and oh man, what a great set of four flavors. We haven’t enjoyed flavors like these in a long time. Original, flavorful, and (mostly) all-day-vapes, we received one flavor from four different Lucky Ruckus categories.
Lucky Ruckus has created several categories for their original and outstanding e-liquids. These categories are:
- Lucky Ruckus E-Liquid
- Acrynomix E-Liquid
- Fancy E-Liquid
- Seville E-Liquid
- Southern Betty E-Liquid
- Southern Cafe E-Liquid
- The Classic South E-Liquid
- Touch Of Custard E-Liquid
As you will see in this review, and others, each category represents their own overall flavor characteristics, almost as though there were eight different brands at work here. However, there is only a single brand, and if you spend enough time with Lucky Ruckus e-liquids you could tell that the eight categories have the same distinguishing “tells”. A Lucky Ruckus e-liquid is full-flavored, yet smooth on the throat and lungs, and extremely satisfying.
Certainly some flavors were enjoyed more than others by the team, but one flavor in particular was such a major hit that for as long as the 30mL bottles lasted the team was obsessed with it. Whoever it was that created an e-liquid flavor profile from marshmallow milk deserves a statue in the Hall of Fame for E-Liquid Artists.
For the particulars of the Lucky Ruckus brand, and the affordable pricing, please take a look at our previous review from 2016 Or, if you want even more Lucky Ruckus reviews check out this one and this one from 2014. While you are out and about in Spinfuel, stop over at our newly constructed Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team Protocols for the latest information on how we conduct our reviews and what we look for.
The four e-liquids in this review were all vaped using various tanks and vaping instruments. Below is the list of gear we used.
Julia – CoV Defiant Tank, Subtank Mini with Atom Vapes ceramic coil heads (0.9-ohm) and the Vaporshark DNA200.
Tom – CoV Defiant Tank, Scylla tank (ceramic coil), and the WISMEC Reuleaux DNA200 and RX models.
Kiera – CoV Defiant Tank, the Tron Tank with Coil Arts ceramic coils, and the eVic-VTC stealth (all black) mod.
Jason – CoV Defiant Tank, Zephyrus v2, and Uwell Crown Limited Edition (Black and Gold). Mods used were the Sigelei Fuchai 200W and the Pioneer4You IPV5.
*The CoV Defiant used ceramic coils
“Acrynomix play a huge roll in today’s culture. The beauty of the acronym is how easy it is for someone to come up with their own meaning of a not so random assortment of letters. Acrynomix e- Liquid Artists have taken it upon their selves to help broaden the horizons of Vape Connoisseurs with this line of e-liquids. With names like NYFMR and SYWMS, we are giving you the opportunity to let the letters stand for whatever your heart desires. However, this line is not just about the name. Acrynomix is not only home to a recent Spinfuel Choice Award winner but is a full line of magically complex blends that our quickly becoming favorites of vapers everywhere.”
ACRYNOMIX – SSS – Spinfuel Choice Award
“An artistically blended cinnamon spice pastry with a touch of vanilla toffee.”
Julia: 5.00 – The cinnamon touches to this sweet pastry delight was a perfect addition. The pastry flavor components are never too heavy here, but satisfying all the same, a hard thing to accomplish. Vapor production is top-notch, and the flavor intensity is just right. A marvelous vape experience. – FLAVOR 4.75
Tom: 5.00 – The only score possible for this sweet pastry flavor with light cinnamon flavor notes was a 5.00. The major difference between SSS and other sweet pastry eliquids is the deep satisfaction this one offers. Something about how it seemed that every bit of the vapor was bursting with the flavor of a terrific pastry. No fruit components that you might see in other ‘Danish’ flavors, so the cinnamon serves in its place. FLAVOR – 5.00
Kiera: 5.00 – Luckily I vaped SSS before SUSU, otherwise I might have been a little disappointed. This is definitely a fine sweet pastry flavor with the added notes of sweet cinnamon that gives SSS a flavor profile that is deeply satisfying without going overboard. Easily an all-day-vape, SSS is a flavor that you need to experience to truly appreciate. FLAVOR – 5.00
Jason: 5.00 – I don’t usually recommend a pastry flavor to other vapers because they are all so different, and something I like might not be what other pastry vapers are looking for. But here, with SSS, I feel comfortable in saying that if you’re in the mood to vape a cinnamon Danish, then SSS is the answer. Sweet, full flavored, and satisfying, I added this one to my sweet category in my collection. FLAVOR – 4.75
ACRYNOMIX – SUSU – Spinfuel Choice Award Plus
“Smooth marshmallow milk created to take you back to the good old days.”
Julia: 5.00 – As a team I think we should create a special Spinfuel Choice Award for eliquids like SUSU. Maybe using the PLUS sign next to the word “Choice”. If we had that now, SUSU would definitely receive it.
I had no idea what marshmallow milk would even taste like, but once I started vaping it I did not want to stop. I loved this sweet, unique flavor so much I had several friends try it and every single one thought it was amazing and wanted to buy their own bottles. Regardless, it is a hard flavor to describe. In lieu of trying to describe what this actually tastes like, let me just say that this is one you simply must try. FLAVOR 5.00+
Tom: 5.00 – The team had a hard time at first trying to use the right words to describe what this incredible eliquid tastes like. After about an hour of steady vaping and no let up from the flavor I’ve decided that the flavor is like a toasted marshmallow, that sweet, very brown parts of the perfectly toasted marshmallow. It is just so good I find it hard to believe. Lots of vapor, a deep satisfying vape that you need to try. FLAVOR – 5.00
Kiera: 5.00 – While I loved every drop of this e-liquid I’m not so sure everyone will. It kind of tastes like marshmallow’s that are melted in warm milk. Not hot chocolate type marshmallows, but rather that sweet melted marshmallow flavor sitting atop a cup of sweet whole milk. For me it’s the perfect evening vape, so I’ve definitely added it to my rotation. FLAVOR – 5.00+
Jason: 5.00 – Until the team started talking about SUSU I was lost. I mean I loved the flavor, and its one that lasts a long time (though not quite an all day vape) but I couldn’t tell what it was I was tasting. Then the team began talking about toasted marshmallows. I can see that, and almost believe it, but I have to go along with what sweet petite Kiera had to say about it; the flavor is melted marshmallows. FLAVOR – 5.00
17th century Seville, Spain had a lot to do with tobacco. Any and all tobacco produced at this time had to travel through Seville before being distributed to the rest of the world. Smooth tobacco flavored e-liquids have helped countless vapors kick their smoking habit. Seville creators found a knack for creating marvelous tobacco flavor blends early on their mixology career. The Seville E-liquid family is full of diverse profiles ranging from light chocolate & coconut tobacco to a spicy pipe tobacco rendition known as Dark & Smoky.
PISTACHIOBACCO – Spinfuel Choice Award
“A classic RY4 blend with the perfect amount of pistachio.”
Julia: 5.00 – Now this one is truly unique in every way. I’ll tell you right now that not everyone is going to like it. Vaping this in a Council of Vapor Defiant, ceramic coil, at 55w I taste a huge pistachio flavor with RY4 tobacco notes. Its sweet-ish, very nutty, with the flavor intensity turned up to 11. The only drawback is this is not an all-day-vape for anyone other than tobacco vapers. For an hour at a time it is to die for, after that, I had to pull back and vape something else in the lineup. I think this one is going to be a classic flavor for years down the line though, because I don’t know any other pistachio/tobacco blend. Delicious, with deep, deep flavor. FLAVOR – 5.00 for 1hr, 4.00 after that.
Tom: 5.00 – One pull on my Scylla tank and I knew I was home, back in the land of amazing tobacco flavors in great RY4 tradtion. Only this time with a unique twist. This sweet tobacco blend is saturated with pistachio flavor like you wouldn’t believe. Never tasted anything like it before, and I’m going to make sure I always have at least 30mL in my rotation from here on out. Lots of thick vapor, dripping with flavor, this is a winner for every tobacco vaper in the world. – FLAVOR 5.00+
Kiera: 5.00 – If I didn’t love pistachios I wouldn’t have known what I would have scored this one in the flavor rating. Yes, there are tobacco notes in this blend, but more than anything else, the flavor of warm pistachios permeates throughout the vape. Thick aromatic vapor is very satisfying, and if you love pistachios nuts you’ll want to try this one. Not an all-day-vape for me, but for 30 minutes or so this is one hell of a vape. FLAVOR 5.00
Jason: 5.00 – If someone had told me that there was this exotic blend of pistachios and tobacco I would have not believed it. But, its true. Real, deep and dark RY4 tobacco notes (read=sweet) with plenty of delicious pistachio nuts. Not everyone’s idea of a great vape, but is you like tobacco blends, or have a hankering for a gold old RY4 and have not yet tasted a blend that contained pistachio nuts then you haven’t lived yet. My new favorite tobacco blend. FLAVOR – 5.00
“Occasionally our mixologist blows our minds with an uncandid combination of flavor notes that hit the spot like nothing you’ve ever vaped. As elaborate in structure as the Fancy name these profiles cannot be described any other way. Open up your mind and indulge in some of the most fantastic e-liquids ever manufactured.”
“An exotic sugar cookie blend with just the right amount of pear.”
Julia: 4.50 – As far as sugar cookies go, I have to admit that Precision offers an average sugar cookie flavor. What makes this eliquid above average is the addition of a sweet ripe pear. I think that if there had been more of the pear flavor than we would have something truly different, and maybe worthy of the official description. Plenty of vapor, a nice sweet cookie blend, but not the best I’ve seen by Lucky Ruckus. FLAVOR – 4.00
Tom: 5.00 – Over the holidays I had the chance to try out several sugar cookie e-liquids. Here, with Precision, I taste sugar cookie, but not an ‘exquisite’ sugar cookie that I know is out there. But, when you add in a delicious pear flavor you get something totally unexpected; an original sugar cookie that sends pear flavor notes directly to the brain. I wouldn’t think I would be crazy about a sugar cookie flavor, but Lucky Ruckus knows a thing or two about mixing it up to create something that is appealing and distinctive. If you like sugar cookies, or if you like pears, this is one you should try. FLAVOR – 5.00
Kiera: 4.50 – All the components are here, a pleasant sugar cookie flavor, an authentic pear flavor, but for some reason it didn’t do for me what it did for Tom. I don’t know why really. I taste both flavors, though the cookie flavor is dominant, but it didn’t excite me enough to warrant that official description of “exotic” or “just the right amount of pear”. With other flavors that were kickass, I was a bit disappointed with this one. FLAVOR – 4.00
Jason: 5.00 – I could tell this rather simple blend of sugar cookies and pears would be one of the eliquids we wouldn’t see eye to eye on. On paper I don’t think the two look appetizing. Pears and sugar cookies? But, it works. Laying down a layer of sugar cookies with intense vapor production, and slathering a layer of ripe pears, Precision is complicated, but delicious and satisfying. I don’t think sugar cookie flavors should be limited to a touch of cinnamon here or a touch of vanilla there. Instead, Lucky Ruckus took the opportunity to create something different, yet familiar. I enjoyed this one a whole lot. FLAVOR – 5.00
Three of the four e-liquids earned the Spinfuel Choice Award based on the superb quality of the ingredients, the packaging and labels, and the overall excellence of the Lucky Ruckus Creations. While some members enjoyed certain “flavors” more than others, there was no doubt about the hearty recommendations we extend to every reader looking into discovering more delicious e-liquids.
The highlight of this review was the incredible, and original, flavor profile for the Acrynomix SUSU. Once and a while, as a vaper, we all come across an e-liquid that encapsulates everything we love about flavor, vapor production, and the utter satisfaction that comes with the ‘perfect’ e-liquid. Acrynomix SUSU is that e-liquid. Don’t miss an opportunity to experience a truly remarkable eliquid.
The real standouts in this collection of four is, of course, the SUSU from the Acrynomix line, and Precision from the Fancy line. SUSU had us all falling over ourselves for more of it, while the pear and sugar cookie Precision was definitely a divider of opinion. Lastly, the pistachio and tobacco blend, while not a unanimous all-day-vape, was remarkable in the flavor delivery. The division was based not on flavor or vapor, but on how long it can be vaped before switching to a different blend.
In the end, it’s about you and what you are looking for. These four flavors all represent different lines from Lucky Ruckus, and each one plays out the flavor profiles in a different way. Regardless, these are moderately priced premium eliquids that should be in more tanks around the country then they are. Texans have been enjoying these great eliquids for a long time, but Lucky Ruckus is ready to be enjoyed all over.
The Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team – Julia and Kiera Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride and Jason Little.