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Vapor Soul is proud to call itself a budget eliquid company. After all, a 30mL bottle of Vapor Soul is just $7.49. While most of us are purchasing 60mL bottles anywhere from $19 to $34, Vapor Soul chooses to sell 60mL for just $11.98. Imagine. Now imagine finding the perfect all-day-vape from Vapor Soul and stocking up with 200mL Unicorn bottles at $21.98 per bottle. A budget eliquid brand, yes. But the juice itself is anything but budget tasting.
Vapor Soul e-juice is produced in Vapor Soul’s official Clean Room and is 100% VG Based for massive cloud production and clean, pure flavor. Vapor Soul does not use PG in any of their blends.
Despite the budget eliquid prices, Vapor Soul uses USP Food Grade Vegetable Glycerin with natural and artificial flavoring. Whoever it is that is creating these flavors I think it’s safe to say that this mixologist is knows how to get the best flavor out of an ALL VG blend.
Vapor Soul Eliquid is available in 30, 60, 120, and 200mL bottles. Because these blends are made for sub-ohm tanks and RTA’s, nicotine is limited to 3mg, and 6mg. Naturally, a zero-nicotine blend is available for each flavor as well.
Budget Eliquid Scoring?
Julia – “Maybe this isn’t the place for it, but I just have to say; Does a budget eliquid brand deserve to be judged a little differently than a full priced brand? Do they deserve a half-point handicap because their blends bring down the cost of vaping like nothing else can? I struggled to answer that question myself, and I decided that just because a company makes a very affordable eliquid, that eliquid still needs to be a great tasting juice made in safe conditions, bottled in safe bottles, and shipped in accordance of requirements for liquids meant for vaporizers. I instructed my team to judge Vapor Soul as they would for brands that sell vape juice for 4x the price. Below are mine, and my team’s, honest assessment of this budget brand.”
The Three Flavors
There will be times when Vapor Soul, like many other brands, will ship eliquid that is freshly made and may not have had enough time to fully age (Steep). If you find any hint of artificial flavor or any sort of chemical aftertaste, you’re vaping juice that’s less than 7-10 days old. Shake the bottle, put it away, come back and do it again, daily, for a week, and just as sure as I’m typing this, your juice will amaze and delight.
This time the Spinfuel VAPE Eliquid Review Team chose the following three flavors to review;
Frosted Roll – A fresh cinnamon roll flavor with extra icing.
Muffin Top – A sweet baked cinnamon apple vanilla muffin flavor
Treason – A Lemon Meringue Pie blend
Each team member chose their own vape gear for this review. All used sub-ohm tanks, from the SMOK TFV8 Cloud Beast to the Melo 300, the ProCore Aries, and the HellCat sub-ohm tank. Resistance of the coils ranged from 0.12Ω to 0.4Ω, and wattage ranged from 75W to more than 150W.
Let’s Review These Spinfuel Choice Award Winners
When you order e-juice from Vapor Soul you always have a checkbox for adding additional flavor. (It’s $1.50) I’m not sure, but I think this checkbox is available to potential customers that may believe that an all VG blend may not have a full flavor profile, since PG is the natural flavor carrier. When we agree to review eliquids from Vapor Soul we ask that they send their standard blends, no additional flavoring. – Julia
Frosted Roll – A fresh cinnamon roll flavor with extra icing.
Julia: 5 Stars – This delicious cinnamon roll blend deserved to the full 5 stars, and as cinnamon roll e-juice goes, the flavor was soft, yet tasty, and it made a delightful all-day-vape.
Tom: 5 Stars – Hitting the cinnamon roll flavor profile right on the nose, combined with a thick 100% VG base, this one is perfect for a “warm” cinnamon roll vape at 120W. I loved it.
Kiera: 5 Stars – I’m a sucker for cinnamon roll vapes, and to think that I could vape this warm, gooey, Cina-Bon like flavor for mere pennies a day is just too good to walk away from. Frosted Roll is in my rotation, and I recommend it to any cinnamon roll fans.
Jason: 5 Stars – Whenever I’m faced with reviewing a super budget eliquid brand I tend to look for things that would explain the low budget eliquid prices. Things like chemical aftertastes, or a sore throat afterwards, something to explain why these guys can charge $21.99 for 200mL while other charge $21.99 for 30mL. But when it comes to Vapor Soul, I don’t find anything other than tons of clouds and a full, natural flavor. Frosted Roll is pretty awesome stuff.
Muffin Top – A sweet baked cinnamon apple vanilla muffin flavor
Julia: 5 Stars – Although I am awarding this cinnamon apple vanilla muffin blend with 5 stars, I must admit that on this occasion I might just ask for additional squirt of flavor on my next order. Not because there isn’t enough flavor, but because this blend of cinnamon, apple, and vanilla is so good I’m thinking that “more is better”. The cost is low enough to try it anyway, and if extra flavor is too much, then I’ll go back to the standard amount.
This thick, sweet, cinnamon apple muffin flavor with a touch a sweet vanilla is seriously satisfying, and because it’s all VG, it works as an all-day-vape with ease.
Tom: 5 Stars – A smooth vape with incredible clouds, and each of flavor components are easily tasted with a long direct lung hit. First up is that tingle of sweet cinnamon, then a sweet red apple flavor midway through, followed by a touch a vanilla on the trail end of the exhale. Very smooth for an all-day-vape
Kiera: 5 Stars – Although these 3 flavors sound as though they would vape best as a morning vape, I found Muffin Top to be the perfect mid-day snack-vape. The sweet apple and vanilla flavors, and just a tap of cinnamon, satisfies my afternoon desire for a snickers bar or some of sweet-tooth snack. Just a terrific blend of the right flavor combination.
Jason: 5 Stars – I taste a real apple and cinnamon muffin here. While Vapor Soul says it has a vanilla touch to it, I get more of a muffin batter flavor, which in my mind is a better flavor than a simple vanilla. Either way, I enjoyed the heck out of it and vaped my way through 60mL of it in 4 days.
Treason – A Lemon Meringue Pie blend
Julia: 5 Stars – After vaping Vapor Soul for many months I’m beginning to suspect the emphasis on flavors when they use different combinations of flavorings. This Lemon Meringue Pie blend for instance, I suspected that VS would hit on the Meringue flavor a little more than the lemon flavor, and I was right. Anyone that enjoys Lemon Meringue Pie knows that it is that thick topping of Meringue that gets you. Sweet, cotton-candy/sponge cake/hint of lemon and sugar combination that just oozes with pleasure, the Meringue has to be good, or you just have a lemon pie.
Vapor Soul Lemon Meringue Pie has a nice balance of sweet/zesty lemon, sweet thick meringue, and a piecrust that ties it all together. Buy in big bottles, the older it gets, the better it becomes.
Tom: 5 Stars – An all-day-Lemon-Meringue-Pie that is as fun to vape as it is delicious. Sweet, yes, but also light and sunny, makes for a terrific all day vape. One of the best I’ve had. I wish they made a Key Lime Pie based on this flavor component formula.
Kiera: 5 Stars – When Julia and I dine out we hit the mom and pop type restaurants on the outskirts of Boston and into southern New Hampshire. It is these small, family owned joints that serve the best pies, including lemon meringue. Vaping this one from Vapor Soul is like vaping the best lemon meringue pie. A subdued sweet lemon, thick meringue and a sweet pie crust combine beautifully.
Jason: 5 Stars – While I’m not a big fan of pie in general, I certainly don’t like lemon meringue pie. Maybe blueberry pie, on occasion, but not this. Yet, vaping this lemon meringue pie is a whole other story. Maybe I do like the flavors, and what gets me about the pie is the lemon jello substance and that weird spun sugar meringue thing. Whatever, I love this juice, especially using a 6.5mL Melo 300 at high wattages.. Yum!
As we continue to work our way through the budget eliquid brand that is Vapor Soul it has begun to bother a couple of us when we spend so much more money on other brands we love. Some are too good to give up, and we’ll continue to spend the money, but seeing as how Vapor Soul sells 200mL of their juice for the same price as we spend for 60mL, it does take its toll.
We won’t pretend to tell you that we know why Vapor Soul is able to create such great eliquids and sell them for a fraction of what others do, whether it’s marketing expenses, or bottling costs, we just don’t know. Vapor Soul has simple, and simplistic, labels on their plastic Unicorn bottles, and they ship wrapped in bubble wrap, not their very own carton, but when they produce such awesome flavors and so much thick clouds of vapor, does it matter? We don’t think so.
Whatever Vapor Soul has done this year to improve upon their already terrific flavors, all we can do is applaud their efforts to evolve without increasing prices, and to encourage our readers that want to save a lot of money and still vape quality, budget eliquid. Vapor Soul must be tried to be believed.
Try out some Vapor Soul eJuice Here
Social Media for Vapor Soul
Instagram – @VaporSoul_Com
Julia and Kiera Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride, and Jason Little, the Spinfuel Eliquid Review Team – 2017