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DailyVapeTV Goes To The Gala!
They only moved around the corner from their original location but man, what a difference! Huge selection of high end hardware, thousands of bottles of eliquid and a roomy lounge area. If you’re ever in Western, MA, make sure you check them out! Also a great turnout featuring some honored guests including the guys from Cold Fusion Juice, Steven Sapir from Benton Vapor, and many more. For more information about Voltage Vape check them out on Facebook:
Vaper’s News
Should the US FDA and the lawmakers in the capital manage to severely restrict the sale of advanced vaporizers and e liquid we will take a major hit on our personal freedoms and freedom of choice. Do not let this happen. Follow Spinfuel’s Vapers News daily, both positive and negative electronic cigarette news to stay informed on what is happening on the local, state, and federal regulations. This is the first time in American History where a product that can save millions of lives is being attacked daily. It is said that money is the root of all evil, and we can add that money is the root of all bad government decisions. Make sure your next vote is given to the candidate who believes in the most freedom.
Fight for Your Right to Vape!
Vape on!