Table of Contents [show]
The Labor Day Weekend – State of the State
After several months of exploration, testing, tweaking, and lots of frustration, the new Spinfuel eMagazine has gone live. And, after all that work it seems our development team is already doing storyboarding on the next new look. Yep, that’s right. The dev team made commitments on a general look and feel for what you see today way back in April, but then they saw some experimental work on a new framework that got them excited. Long story short, they finished up what you see today and immediately started working with the new framework. I wouldn’t expect to see something new until early 2015 though. These side projects are done in the spare minutes they find here and there. Anyway, I love the new look. Let us know what you think!
Giveaway Friday!
I have in my hands two bottles of Rocket Fuel Vapes eLiquid. One is a 30ML bottle of Reaper, Rocket Fuel Vapes newest, and most talked about tobacco ejuice. And, I also have a 30ML bottle of Cat’s Meow. Both are 18mg nicotine. Want one?
A Comment Contest
Since this is Labor Day Weekend we’re going to have a comment contest beginning now and ending at midnight Monday. Make a comment or two under this column and a cool new plugin we have will go through them all and choose 2 random winners. It’s all automated too. I only ask that you don’t flood the comments with repeated nonsensical comments. There are filters set to prevent them from being entered as official entries. You can make 1 comment each day, so you can have 4 entries by the time the winners will be chosen.
Commenting – Let’s try to center our comments on your favorite eliquids, favorite batteries and mods, things like that. Try not to make a plain statement, “I like this juice”, try to make it interesting, let us know why you like it, what it tastes like to you, and how you discovered it. If we generate a lot of comments it would be great if the comments were interesting to read for other readers.
Upcoming Reviews
We are currently working on several reviews at the same time. I thought it would be nice to let you know what’s coming up over the next couple of weeks. If you like, you can comment on which ones you’re most looking forward to reading.
- Kind Juice
- Kaizenic Labs (FanceeJuice)
- Eve eLiquids
- Hurricane Vapor Fog Milk (we’re just waiting to finish the interview)
- Juice Crate and NicPik
- And more…
Vape Gear
- Kanger GeniTank Mega (using one right now!)
- iJust
- iJust Mini
- Vision Spinner 2 Mini
- X.Fir eGear
- Lemo RTA
- IPV3 box mod 100W (late September)
- Provari 3 (why I wasn’t on the beta team I’ll never know)
- Tom’s Innokin MX-M (different than the MX-Z somehow)
- And more…
New Spinfuel Features
In addition to the new Video Channels, Spinfuel’s Vapor Trail and Spinfuel’s Daily Vape TV, we have some exciting new things coming up in September.
Spinfuel 101
We are revamping our Guide to Vaping to be a series of educational videos done by Nick Bessette. This series is going to be for beginner vapers, and will cover every aspect of vaping. Starting at the beginning and going all the way to the advanced personal vaporizer, along with clearomizers to tanks like Nautilus and Aerotank, the Vaping 101 will be the best series ever created for beginner vapers.
Spinfuel Advanced
Spinfuel Advanced will be a multi-media section of Spinfuel featuring videos by Nick, Tony, Smokenjoey and John Manzione, along with written tutorials and reviews on the very advanced aspect of vaping. Want to know exactly how to build a coil? Look to Spinfuel Advanced. Want to know to use a multi-meter? All the advanced stuff that advanced vapers do will be covered on an ongoing basis.
Coupons and Codes
Yes, we’ve finally decided to add a special section for all our advertisers to display special sales, coupon codes, Spinfuel-only sales, and more. This will be the place to hit everyday for the latest ways to save money on everything, hardware and eliquids. (Coming in September)
There are other projects in development but it’s a little too early to talk about them.
The Labor Day Weekend Hiatus
I don’t know how John was convinced to do this, but for the first time in almost 3 years Spinfuel is going to take the next 3 days off. Except in one way… because of the commenting giveaway I’m throwing, Dave has agreed to check comments every 3 or 4 hours and approve them. Personally, I think the only reason he agreed to do it is that since we moderate our comments to prevent spam from showing up, he can approve them through his iPhone. So even though he’s now living on the Lake in Meredith New Hampshire and plans to binge watch several shows on Netflix for 3 days, he can log on to Spinfuel every few hours and approve comments without breaking a sweat. Besides, he does plan on sending out the Saturday Newsletter.
On Tuesday, we’ll pick up where we left off with a new Spinfuel eLiquid Review for Eve eLiquids, and the interview of course, and a review for the new Kanger GeniTank.
I hope all of you have a terrific Labor Day weekend. If you find yourself bored come by Spinfuel and explore. The new design makes it so easy to explore our vast number of articles, almost 900 now!