MigVapor Vimanna Juice Bar Video Demo

With a huge investment in technology and the best ingredients available, MigVapor has created the finest method yet for vapers looking to create their very own delicious, cloud-chucking e-juice to exacting specifications. I’ve used MigVapor’s online mixing board, The MigVapor Vimanna Juice Bar, a hundred times, at least, to create some awesome all-day-vape eliquids, and I must tell you, only one or two has been a disappointment, victims of an overly active imagination. Approaching custom blended eliquids seriously can produce excellent eliquids that are every bit as unique as you are.

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How To Use This Very Cool Web App

In this review/how-to of the MigVapor Vimanna Juice Bar I’ll take you step by step through the process of mixing a custom blend, but first, a little background information on why custom blending makes sense in 2016 and beyond.

Before MigVapor launched their state-of-the-art hardware AND this sophisticated Web App for online mixing, there was, and is, MigVapor’s  Vimanna line of e-juice. Already mixed, bottled, and ready to vape, it is the “branded” name for MigVapor’s ejuice line. The Vimanna line is very popular among mainatream vapers looking for strong flavors, and since the introduction of their High VG line, the Vimanna brand is reaching out to satisfy cloud-chasers and low resistant, high wattage vapers from around the globe.

Using the Vimanna brand, MigVapor has created many eliquids for several categories including, tobacco flavors, breakfast flavors, fruity flavors, menthol and minty flavors, dessert flavors, sweet treats, beverage flavors, and more. Within these flavor categories MigVapor Vimanna breaks down further into their “single flavor”, “multi-flavor”, blends, and their High VG line, called “VG Red”.

MigVapor’s Vimanna line consists of 50:50 PG/VG, except for the VG Red line, which is a 70:30 VG/PG made for sub-ohm vaping. The various lines of  bottled e-juice share the common characteristic of “strong” flavored eliquids, but they are also accurate flavors, where Raspberry tastes like Raspberry and French Toast tastes like, well, French Toast. Vapers who have yet taken the challenge of creating their own unique eliquids are loyal customers of the MigVapor Vimanna line.

Choosing E-Juice to Match Your Vape Gear

MigVapor Vimanna E-Juice Online Mixing Web App

50:50 VG/PG and HighVG eliquids are built to work for different vape gear.  Choosing the right Vimanna e-liquid is critical to enjoying the premixed and pre-bottled blends. I’ve had friends and colleagues tell me that the Vimanna 50:50 eliquids produced flavors that were too strong to vape. MigVapor developed these eliquids to deliver strong flavors, but many times the reasons some vapers say that Vimanna eliquids have too much flavor is due to using the wrong atomizer/tank. If someone is using an ultra-low resistant coil and setting the VW mod to match the coil resistance, an eliquid that is mixed for maximum flavor is going to deliver too much flavor.

Using a sub-ohm tank with a coil head rated at 0.15-ohms with a strong flavored  50:50 VG/PG is just asking for trouble. Using a 1.8-ohm or 2.1-ohm coil with a HighVG eliquid isn’t a good idea either.

I did some experimenting with various 50:50 VG/PG blends a few months back and I too found the flavor production to be on the way-to-strong side when vaped with a SMOK Alien 220W mod and a SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast with a 0.15-ohm coil head. When I dug out a Vision eGo-threaded battery and a 2.1-ohm XJet clearomizer the same 50:50 VG/PG eliquids delivered fantastic vape experiences.

You have to pay attention to the kind of eliquid you use for the vape gear you own. Because many people have moved, and continue to move, toward sub-ohm vaping, which means vaping at higher wattages, MigVapor created and released their Red line, a 70:30 VG/PG blend.

Tips on 50:50 and HighVG eliquids

  1. Despite my preferences and the preferences of my circle of vapers, most people today are not using sub-ohm tanks and high wattage mods. An e-liquid brand that wants to reach the widest number of vapers needs to accommodate plus-ohm and sub-ohm vapers.
  2. Vape Pens and MTL (mouth to lung) tanks and coils are still sold in much greater numbers than sub-ohm tanks and high wattage box mods, which is why we are seeing major manufacturers like Joyetech, Innokin, Aspire, SMOK  including a plus-ohm MTL coil head in their tank packages.
  3. Since 50:50 VG/PG blends are made for Vape Pens or MTL tanks/coils they need to have a stronger flavor pprofile in order to satisfy the user.
  4. HighVG vapers almost always use low resistance coils and high wattage vape gear, to produce bigger clouds of vapor and a softer flavor profile.

Vimanna eliquids by MigVapor, when mixed as 50:50 VG/PG should not be vaped with sub-ohm coils and high wattage mods. MigVapor’s HighVG Red Line are the better option for sub-ohm vaping.

The Takeaway here is that vapers buy the right VG/PG ratio for the vape gear he or she has. While this seems like common sense, many mainstream vapers don’t pay much attention to the VG/PG ratio and end of disappointed with the e-juice purchases. Vapers that opt for creating their own special flavors must first discover what VG/PG ratio will work best with the vape gear they have.

Enter the Famous Vimanna MigVapor Juice Bar

 There are so many reasons why custom e-juice mixing bars are so popular in Vape Shops around the country. And now, with MigVapor’s new top-notch Web App, mixing custom flavors online is just as much fun, and creative, as do it in a physical Vape Shop.

Here are MY reasons for Coming to the MigVapor Online E-Juice Bar

The Online Juice Bar allows me to choose 60mL and 120mL sizes with the HighVG option. The Online Juice Bar technology automatically displays the nicotine strengths that are available to me, in the case of the HighVG blends, its 3mg, 6mg, and a zero-nicotine strength. CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE

If I were to choose the 50:50 VG/PG blend I would be presented with many more nicotine strengths, all without refreshing the page. The Online Juice Bar offers, 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, 18mg, 24mg, and the zero-nicotine option.

Once I’ve choose the size of the bottle, the nicotine strength, and the PG/VG ratio a large green arrow slides across the page and I’m directed to click “Next”. The next screen on the Juice Bar allows me to begin my mixing, or to enter a Recipe Code I’ve used before.

If I making a new mix I get 5 flavor sliders. I don’t have to choose 5 flavors, I can choose 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The Slider begins at 0% and increases by 10% all the way to 100%. Mixing stops once you reach 100%.

One of my favorite MigVapor Vimanna e-liquids I’ve created consists of Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Coconut. The result is a super creamy vanilla base with spicy notes of sweet cinnamon, and just a touch of sweet coconut on the exhale. Deciding the percentages of each flavor took a little experimenting, but once I understood how to use the mixing board and understand the characteristics of the flavorings I can now decide on what I want a new e-liquid to taste like and I can almost always get it right on the first try.

 MigVapor Vimanna “Julia’s CinnNilla”

 I call my favorite MigVapor Vimanna e-liquid CinnNilla. I knew that the base flavor, the one I would taste during the entire lung hit was a creamy vanilla. Vanilla had to have the large percentage of flavor. I also wanted my e-liquid to have a healthy amount of cinnamon sugar, a flavor that blends so well with a good vanilla. Naturally I wanted a Cinnamon experience as much as vanilla, but I knew the vanilla would calm the spicy cinnamon. For the exhale, I needed just enough coconut to make itself known, but not too much to take over another flavor. I wanted it to be to my “finish” note, so rather than use the smallest amount, 10%, I upped it to 20%, making sure it could break through when I needed it to.

The result of knowing what I wanted to taste and how I wanted to taste it resulted in this recipe:

 Vanilla – 40%

Cinnamon – 40%

Coconut – 20%

That’s the secret to successfully mixing your own e-liquid, knowing WHAT you want to taste, and HOW you want to taste it, the order of the flavors. To get to 100% accuracy it might take a couple of recipe changes, but if you know what flavors you like, and you have a pretty good idea of how two or more flavors would taste together, then building a complex, layered eliquid of your own isn’t as hard as you might think.


MigVapor Vimanna E-Juice Online Mixing Web App

I’ve used other “Build your own eliquids” before, but for me, the quality of the flavors, the fact that these eliquids are VG based, and the control over the percentages of the flavors I can mix, puts MigVapor marvelous Web App and awesome quality of ingredients, at the top of this very short list of custom eliquid vendors.

If you want to experience what it feels like to create a very special, and unique, eliquid of your very own, you have to give this a try. There is nothing quite like creating something new, and having it taste “out of this world“. You get real satisfaction by creating something, and when people around you love what you’ve created you can’t help but feel like you’ve contributed something vital to the vape community.

I couldn’t recommend The Vimanna Juice Bar by MigVapor more highly than I do. MigVapor built something truly innovative with this new Web App, you have to try it to fully understand what it feels it. Once you do, come back and share your experience here in the comments.



Julia Hartley-Barnes and Dave Foster