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Craft Vapery Review
I was emailed by the folks over at Craft Vapery to test their eliquid subscription service and even though I am in the UK I thought it would be interesting to see how a subscription service would work. I filed out the questions from the email which is also on the site when you create an account. This was very easy and I did like the selection process to adjust which flavour profile to suit you. You could also choose how many bottles you would like sent out from two to eight which of course change the price of the subscription and you can adjust this however you would like.
The strengths you can order are 0, 3 , 6 , 12, 18 Mg strengths. You also had a comments section so you could give them more info on the eqliuids you prefer. You also had options in the order section to have a starter kit added, this is a standard Kanger protank kit and also a option to have five Kanger ProTank heads to be sent out along with you eliquids each month.
The order took just over a week to reach me and the packaging was very well made. A strong custom made box with thick foam inserts had been used and they also packed in some sweets and a handwritten letter as well. One thing I had noticed was the bottles themselves where not wrapped and were loose in the compartment and should have been wrapped for extra protection but on arrival they where fine with no signs of damage.
I was sent out four 15mls bottles that fell into my taste requirements and one of the bottles was a Tester bottle for a new flavour. The other three bottles where glass with a dropper and sealed with a security seal. They had the standard labels but I would have liked more information on them but Craft Vapery had included some cards with more information which I think is a great idea.
This system of subscription does seem to me to be a good idea as it can introduce you to new elqiuids that you might not buy but also it’s a good way not to run out elqiuids as well.
Review of samples sent out
Tested all eliuids with IGo W Plus @ 1.4ohms and Aspire Nautalius @1.6Ohms.
Vinyl Vapes Old School Menthe PG/VG 30 70 6mg
Its menthol based but has a “Fishermans Friend” taste with a hint of Aniseed? on a lung hit but the taste changed quite a bit on a mouth to lung hit, kind of weird but in a good way. Great vapor and I do like the taste! Not what I expected but a pleasant surprise. The best flavor is on the lung hit.
Frisco from Frisco Vapor PG/VG 50/50
A sweet tea flavor almost like lemon tea and very nice in the flavour and vape. This also worked really well in clearomisers I think due to the 50/50 mix. This one was my favorite and surprised me as I thought tea might not work in a vape.
I’ve Got A Feeling from Craft Vapery Tester Bottle PG/VG 30/70 6mg
A very light sweet coffee flavor, could do with a little more coffee but very pleasant and worked well as a all day vape. Still a nice ejuice and one I would like to see improved more.
Vaper Storm Illusion Sub Ohm Blend 6mg PG/VG 15/85
Due to the high VG this one might struggle in a clearomiser so I used my RDA and got a nice custard flavors, then a nasty sweetener flavor and then could just about taste a caramel style flavor. Not the best but still nice. Plenty of clouds due to high VG.
Overview and Notes
So all in all the flavours I got where all very good, they fell into my style of vaping very well and I do like this idea. My only concerns are as a UK vaper I would have to pay for shipping and this would lose my discount. For the US vaper I believe the shipping is free and this model in the USA will work great and on that I would recommend this to any vaper out there. I hope they can bring this to the UK and Europe but I think that would take a while to happen.
One thing I do also like is with this membership you can buy extra bottles of eliquids and get a discount on these as well. If you find a flavour you really like then this allows you buy more. I would also like to see 30ml bottles as an option as well.
Gareth Witty