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The Aspire SubΩ Battery and Atlantis Giveaway!
A special Cold Open video in order to show you the Kanger SubTank as it compares with the Atlantis… and, the real reason for the video… a GIVEAWAY for the Aspire Atlantis and Aspire SubΩ Battery.
2014 has been a fantastic year for vapers, with so many terrific new eliquids on the market, the advent of subΩ hardware for mainstream vaping, and the huge jump in quality are just a few of the biggest reasons why this is the year it all changed. 2015 is going to continue down this road and bring more, and even better, products and juice. It begins with the Kanger Subtank and Aspire Atlantis, but it won’t end there. Enjoy the video, and enter the giveaway!
John Manzione
Vapor Trail Channel SubTank video review
Vapor Trail Channel Aspire Atlantis review
Kanger Subtank and Atlantis provided by Ave40
The Cold Open Video
Publisher of Spinfuel eMagazine, John Manzione, has taken to YouTube to deliver some unique, often amusing video dialogs that talks about certain products and whether he believes it a product worthy of your disposable income or not. Nearly every new product comes across our desks before they hit the vendor shelves so John feel’s its his job, along with ours, to give you as much honest information as possible so that you are as fully informed as you can be before you order the product. Don’t be fooled by slick packaging, or even slickly produced videos by certain reviewers that earn money for every purchase you make. Spinfuel, and The Cold Open, is not affiliated with any company and our loyal is with you, the Vaper. Look for new Cold Open videos right here in Spinfuel, or on Youtube. Subscribe and never miss another one.