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Welcome to the “Got Questions?” Giveaway!
Today, July 18th, we launch the newest, and largest, Spinfuel Vape Project ever! We call it, Got Questions?, and our intent is to build a huge resource in the Vape Community for Questions and Answers related to vaping. You are invited to participate in our 2-WEEK OPEN BETA. And if you choose to participate you’ll have the opportunity to win some great prizes!
Grand Prize – Lost Vape Triade DNA200 AND a Uwell Crown 2 sub-ohm tank.
Second Place – WISMEC Reuleaux 200S AND a VGOD Trick Tank!
Third Place – SMOK H-PRIV 220W Box Mod
STEP ONE – REGISTER to Post Questions – Once you register and login you will see two options, Go to Q & A or Go to Forum. Choose the Q&A option to go directly to the Got Questions? homepage.
STEP TWO – POST Questions And Answers*
WINNERS WILL BE… determined by the number of GOOD questions and GOOD answers added to the Got Questions? project beginning on July 18th and ending on August 1st. Winners will be announced by August 7th. We have developed a script that can pull each username and display the number of questions and answers and links to them, in under 2 seconds. We will use this script to determine the winners.
GOOD QUESTION = A GOOD questions is, first, a question that has not yet been asked. Use our SEARCH feature to make sure you question has not been asked before.
Secondly, as you will see, the Add A Question box offers a TITLE, or the essence of your question, while directly below is space to add “content” to your question. Provide details others would need to provide a good answer. Read some examples to see what we mean. Tell the brand, model, situation, conditions, or anything else that allows other Vapers who may have had the same problem and found the solution.
GOOD ANSWER = A good answer is one that considers the entire question, in context, and then provides an easy to understand, but complete answer to that particular question. Your answer can be as precise as you can make it, but it must be a good answer.
VITAL: Because the “Got Questions?” project will be open to the public while this Giveaway runs its course, you MUST create a USERNAME that INCLUDES the LETTERS – SF, as in SF_JIM, or SF_Sally. This will be the ONLY way to track the Giveaway Entrants.
EMAIL: For some reason, our system hates Hotmail and Yahoo email accounts. We urge every user to use a GMAIL or iCLOUD email account for this giveaway. Gmail and iCloud are both free, easy to setup, and 100% reliable. If you decide to use your hotmail/yahoo email account Spinfuel will not be responsible for unreceived emails from our system.
A: – For the past week we’ve had a few Beta Testers adding questions and answers, so please use the SEARCH form on every page to find out if your question has been asked. If the topic of your question has been asked, do not post it. When it comes time to add up your questions and answers, any question found to be poorly asked, or asked previously, will be deleted and it will not count.
B: – Check your spelling! The “Got Questions?” is an English language section, so we urge that if you are not 100% proficient in English, do not enter this Giveaway.