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Ares Subohm Tank
Availability: Now – At Various online vendors
Grade – C
The Goocig Ares sub-ohm tank is another is an ever-expanding list of sub-ohm tanks coming out of Chinese vape gear manufacturers. There is nothing new, or innovative about the Ares, is just a another adequate tank at a price that is too high to earn our recommendation.
The subohm tank by GOOCIG, called the Ares is a 304-Stainless Steel and glass, dual vertical coil atomizer tank that performs as well as most other non-descript sub-ohm tanks in its class.
Coil heads are available in a singular ohms rating of 0.5-ohm. It is surprisingly effective between 15 to 30-watts, providing the vaporizer has enough amperage to push it. The newest firmware for the ProVape ProVari gives it enough amperage to make the Goocig Ares a good choice for ProVari users wishing to get into the sub-ohm world.
The coil heads are large and use organic cotton, and the resistance wire is produced in the USA. Flavor is adequate, but no more than that, and only after the coil heads are broken in. Initially, with a fresh coil, the flavor output is horrendous.
TizeTech manufactures the Goocig Ares subohm tank for Goocig. The tank features an adjustable airflow controller ring that uses holes instead of slots. There is enough airflow mixing with the e liquid to provide decent lung hits.
Features and Specs:
Dimension: 74*22mm;
Capacity: 3.5ml
Coils: RBC/RCC 0.5-ohm
USA Kanthal wire;
100% Japanese Organic Cotton
304 stainless steel and glass
3 level airflow adjustable function
What’s in the Box?
1X Goocig tank (Blue or Black)
1X RCC coil
1X RBC coil (Rebuildable Coil Option)
1X Glass tube
Optional Rebuildable Coils
For this review I picked up a 5-pack of Goocig Ares RBC coils which are rebuildable. These 5-packs are $12.99 (or so) and Vapers can replace the cotton to extend the life of the coil heads. The RBC coils are single horizontal coil set up at 0.5-ohms, and can be cleaned a number of times when done properly. You can wrap your own coils as well, so if you were inclined to do so you can wrap lower or higher ohm coils, as well as nickel coils for use in temperature control devices. These coil heads are not true RTA’s, but they are close enough.
The airflow controller uses 3x 3-mm air holes for a total of 9mm of airflow at its widest opening. There seems to be some whistling issues at various times, though nothing that is consistently repeatable. The airflow controller ‘ring’ is a wide metal band at the base of the tank. Moving the ring is smooth and fast. Happily, each time you choose the number of holes to line up it clicks into place.
After filling the tank and saturating the cotton by dripping a few drops of eliquid directly onto the cotton in the coil head I allowed it to sit for more than an hour.
All fresh coil heads require a break in period before their ability to deliver flavor is considered optimal. Unfortunately, after a an hour of use the tank still delivered sub-par flavor from my favorite e liquids (I know these flavor profiles like the back of my hand so when I test new tanks I use them because I do know what to expect from them.) meaning that an extraordinary amount of time is needed to get the tank up to optimal performance. The problem with a long break in period is that in order to break it in you have to vape with it. Who wants to experience poor flavor for that length of time?
Once the Goocig Ares coil head is broken in the flavor improves quite a bit. If you can live with an abnormally long break in period you might find the tank useful, but for me that break in time is too long to wait, and it will never become a tank in my collection for that reason. Well, that and the high price tag.
Vapor production is another story. When the airflow is set it’s widest opening the vapor comes hard and fast. Vapers looking for good vapor production will not be disappointed. Stepping down the airflow causes a tighter draw so Vapers looking to a mouth-to-lung experience can find it with the Ares.
The Goocig Ares is offered in black and in blue. I preferred the black tank personally, which is the one I used for this review. Offering a blue tank is somewhat superfluous, though I can see some Vapers wanting more choices when it comes to color.
The dual vertical coil setup allows for a powerful vape at lower wattage levels, which I certainly like, and bumping the wattage up a little higher than ‘optimum’ produces a nicely warmer vapor. As of now there isn’t a pre-built Nickel wire option for the Ares; so warmer vapor is only possible through higher wattage or by wrapping your own nickel wire coils.
While I generally like the Ares tank after the coil is properly broken in, the price of $35.99 is higher than I am willing to pay for something I deem to be “just another sub-ohm tank”, especially when there are so many other tanks that perform better and don’t require such a long break in time to faithfully deliver great flavor. Is it worth the price? Probably not, and with bigger ‘name brands’ producing great sub-ohm tanks at this price point and lower, I can’t see the Ares becoming a huge bestseller.
Honestly, I can’t see any reason to recommend this tank. Not because it’s a bad tank, its not, but there are several tanks that perform better and cost less. Vape gear priced $35-$40 should not be an impulse buy… it should be an investment.
Tanks like Kanger’s Subtank, Horizon’s Arctic, Joyetech’s Delta 2, the Vision MK, and the Herakles are much better choices, not to mention the amazing Youde Zephyrus for just $28.95 (MyVaporStore) and the SMOKTech VCT Pro (MyVaporStore) at just $19.95.
Warranty: Unknown.
The Goocig website doesn’t mention a warranty of any kind, so look to the vendor to see what they will warrant.
Grade: C – Why a C?
The tank performs better in the category of vapor production than it does in flavor fidelity. The dual vertical coils are terrific, large in size with large holes for lots of e liquid saturation, and the relatively lower wattage threshold is a plus, if used on the right device with enough amperage. The flavor does improve dramatically after several hours of use, but this long break in period and the price is a deal breaker with me.
There are a lot of choices for Vapers, especially with sub-ohm tanks, and with nothing innovative or particularly special about the Goocig Ares, there isn’t a good enough reason to spend $36 for it.
John Manzione
Note* – This product was sent to Spinfuel eMagazine for the purpose of a review.