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Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team – G2 Vapor eLiquid Review
Our team first reviewed G2 Vapor back in the early spring. It was published on April 7th of this year (2014), along with the interview for G2 Vapor. Today we bring the long awaited sequel… six more flavors that complete the current lineup, except for one newly released flavor we didn’t get a chance to review. The new flavor is called ‘Dr. Green’.
G2 Vapor is a formidable eJuice company in several ways. All the flavors deliver on flavor and vapor. The G2 Prime lineup, consisting of Vazilla, Drunk Monkey, and Gilligan’s Island are in heavy rotation for several staffers here at Spinfuel eMagazine.
In our first review there wasn’t a single blend that didn’t earn at least 4 Stars. That review came in at more than 8000 words, one of the longest reviews we’ve written. The sequel review, while scoring in the same range, is going to be a good deal shorter, so you shouldn’t have to divide it into chapters that you tackle like a book. You should be able to get through the entire review in one sitting. J
The six additional flavors we review today are; G2 Original, the first eLiquid created by G2 Vapor, Cactus Juice, Shocker, DeShock, El Blacco, and the third G2 Prime blend, Gilligan’s Island.
Did they hold up to G2 Vapor standards set in the first review? Are there any Spinfuel Choice Award Winners among these six? We’ll soon find out.
G2 Vapor Particulars
The original review, linked here laid out all the particulars about G2 Vapor, including the information available on the G2 Vapor labels, sizes available, and pricing. We urge you to take a look at that review for information you may not find in this sequel.
These six flavors arrived more than a month ago, and have been sitting in a dark, cool storeroom until we were able to spend 72-hours of uninterrupted vaping. It’s fair to say that the six flavors fully matured while awaiting this review.
Important Points To Consider
Ordering – Customers cannot visit the G2 website to order eLiquids. G2 Vapor distributes their products to retail vendors, a list of which is shown here: WHERE TO BUY
While we still believe that G2 Vapor could expand their presence in the vape community by selling directly online, it is just our opinion and however they choose to market their product is completely up to them and has no affect on this review. As long as the authorized vendors are kept well stocked with we find no fault with the way they choose to sell their juice.
Unfortunately however, being well stocked is more the exception and not the rule with nearly every vendor and retail shop listed on G2 Vapor’s “Where to Purchase” page.
One Standout Retailer
A vendor, with an online store and a physical vape shop worth mentioning here is Vintage Vapours, a shop in California. Their website shows several photos of the inside of the shop and it is damned impressive. They seem to have a large inventory of products, including several eLiquid brands, and it’s the first time we’ve seen an “auto-ship” program actually worth talking about in a good way.
For instance: while Vintage Vapour carries just four flavors from G2 Vapor they offer many other hard-to-find eliquid boutique lines. G2 Prime Vaziila as listed on Vintage Vapour we can see the price is the usual selling price of $12.95 for a 15ML glass bottle. (Vintage Vapours seems to carry only 15ML bottles of G2 Vapor) while G2 Vapor offers 15ML, 30ML, 60ML and 120ML bottles for each flavor of eliquid.
Subscribe And Save – Should you decide to “subscribe” to that flavor you can set up a schedule anywhere from one a week to every 8 weeks. Subscribing to the flavor will save you 20% off the price the juice, and you’ll receive free shipping as well. This is an option each one of us here would definitely take advantage of, and we are pretty much against any type of auto-ship programs, but in this case it looks to be an excellent option.
Our only concern about the subscription model would be ‘what happens if Vintage Vapour cannot fulfill the order on time?’ Do they substitute another flavor or do they notify you that it’s not in stock? We’re not sure.
Still, a subscription model like this could be a fantastic way to save a few bucks and not have to worry (much) if your local shop or online vendors will have what you want in stock the next time you wanted to order it.
We were so impressed with this type of program we think something like this should be considered by individual brands. With no contract, no minimum order, or other ‘catches’ we would love the opportunity to set up an auto ship with many of the eliquids we vape all the time.
The Team
The Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team is, as usual, made up of Julia (me), Tom, Keira, and Jason. We use our own personal vape gear and we try to use as many different clearomizers, tanks, and glassomizers as feasibly possible.
We vaped these six eLiquids exclusively, for 72 hours, at which time we meet to discuss what we had experienced while vaping them. A lead writer, Tom or myself, assembles all the notes from the team members and builds a narrative for our audience (you). No one on the team ever knows which eLiquid, if any, will earn a Choice Award until the review is complete and all the scores were tallied up.
Scoring 1-5 Stars – What They Mean
Using our standard 1-5 Star system, we score each of the eliquids we review. The score is based on the following:
- A score of 1 star means that no matter what we did to improve things this eLiquid was just unvapeable. Lousy flavor, little vapor, no throat hit, and a general waste of time and money.
- A 2-Star score means that while we can vape it, we’d rather not. The problems can range from a lousy aftertaste to an artificial or soapy flavor. After spending a certain amount of time with it we just think it’s not a very good eliquid.
- A 3-Star score means the juice is nothing more than ‘average’. The flavor, vapor, throat hit were nothing special. There is very little complexity at play; it’s a one-trick pony. A take it or leave attitude about the juice is unavoidable. Not that we think it’s a bad eliquid we just find it mediocre. Not terrible, not special, just ‘meh’.
- A 4-Star flavor is an above average juice, but not an award winning one. A pleasant vape for a pleasant time. Could become a part of our rotation, and it would certainly qualify to be found in our eliquid collection.
- A 5-Star eliquid is an excellent ejuice with superb flavor fidelity, lots of thick and flavorful vapor. It can have a good ‘throat hit, although the quality of a throat hit plays very little importance in determining an award winning juice. A 5-Star eliquid would be welcome in our rotation and it would certainly be a part of our collection of ejuice.
Quarter Points – Using the whole number, 1 through 5, we can and often do use quarter-star increases to narrow in our score. A 4 Star eliquid is a good eliquid, and while we wouldn’t go so far as to say it was an award winning eliquid, we could bump that 4 stars to 4.25, 4.50, or 4.75 based on certain criteria. You will often see eliquids scored this way.
And Now The G2 Vapor Flavors
G2 Original
“The very first liquid ever created by the G2 mixologists. Late one night in an attempt to re-create an enjoyable anise liquid, the wrong flavoring was added and the rest is history. Multiple apples are blended together with the distinct taste of a forbidden absinthe drink.
So many hidden gems are in this vape and though many have tried, none to date have identified them all. “
JULIA: Had G2 Vapor’s founders shared this eliquid with me before they launched, and told me they decided to do a startup eliquid business based on this ejuice I would have thought them crazy.
I wouldn’t have believed an eliquid containing a moderate amount of anise could serve as the cornerstone of juice brand. But I would have been wrong. This is a really good eliquid.
G2 Original has certain qualities that I didn’t expect to see in an ejuice that contains anise. First, a mix of some deep apple flavors, including the tart characteristics of green, or granny smith apples, and the sweetness of a red delicious apple, surrounded by a modest amount of anise. Apple and anise are great together.
This unique juice produces a ton of flavorful vapor, and offers the best throat hit of the six flavors we’re reviewing today. I’ve never found an anise-infused eliquid that I could vape all day, and G2 Original is no different. Some of the most delicious eliquids I’ve vaped are just not all-day-vape material.
But it comes closer than any other anise-based juice has. There is a real balancing act at work here, and instead of being hammered by one particular flavor G2 Original blends them in a way that to experience one flavor is to experience them all at the same time.
If you enjoy the uniqueness of anise in a vape, and apple flavors from tart to sweet, I think G2 Original can be your next big ejuice. 4.75 Stars.
TOM: I agree that G2 Original was a bold move for G2 Vapor. I don’t believe that anise, or licorice, has mass appeal, so by being the first juice by G2 Vapor had to mean that they were especially confident in this flavor, with good reason.
I really enjoyed this apple-anise combo. The vapor is thick, flavorful, and abundant. G2 Original is fun to vape, and the tart and sweet apple flavors are a very satisfying mix. I would definitely recommend G2 Original to any vaper looking for something different, but tend to enjoy both apple and/or anise flavors. 4.75 Stars
KEIRA: Two of the six eliquids in this review contain anise, yet both are very different from each other. G2 Original is a marvelous apple + anise combination with a good throat hit and the potential to be a great cloud chasing flavor if used with the right hardware.
Jason was able to produce huge clouds of vapor with this one using his eVic Supreme and one of his RBA’s (can’t remember which one it was) so if you want to chase clouds G2 Original makes a great ammunition for the eCigarette weapon of your choice
While the presence of anise can’t be missed, the strongest flavors to me are that of green and red apple. G2 Original is a great combination that delivers a satisfying vape. A must try for vapers who can appreciate the light touch of anise. 4.75 Stars
JASON: While all six of the eliquids reviewed for the G2 Sequel have varying degrees of vapor production, they are all pretty damn good. G2 Original just so happens to have to largest vapor production of the six.
It’s also the one with the most flexibility. I was able to move up and down the voltage range and it still held together well. The higher the voltage the warmer the vapor, naturally, but the flavor didn’t change. So for me I was able to push it higher than usual to produce huge clouds of vapor yet not burn the taste or alter it. That was a great experience.
As for the flavor prolife for G2 Original: it consists of an assortment of various apple flavors wrapped around the sweet, unique flavor of anise. G2 Original has become one of my favorite eliquids. I’ve put it into rotation already by ordering a couple of bottles. I never thought I would buy an anise-based eliquid. 4.75 Stars
Gilligan’s Island – A Spinfuel Choice Award Winner
“Imagine being on a tropical island where fresh fruits are ripe for the picking all around you. Slice some pineapples up, crack a fresh coconut open for its rich milk and blend in a few other tropical fruits that you come across and you will have created the perfect refreshing summer vape. Let this liquid transport you to life in the tropics.“
Note* – After our first review of G2 Vapor we ordered this eliquid because of our delight with Vazilla and Drunk Monkey, the other members of the G2 Prime lineup. Unlike the other flavors in this review our experience with Gilligan’s Island extends over a couple of months.
JULIA: One of the best Pina Colada-type flavors in the business. But it didn’t start out that way for me. We’ve had a couple of large bottles of Gilligan’s Island for a while now, and it has been vaped for weeks by the staff. Admittedly, we’ve been big fans of this one.
At first, and like most Pina Colada-type eJuices, the taste of pineapple was dominant as well as tart and tangy. A pineapple flavor can ruin a blend like this unless that pineapple has a chance to mellow out. After several weeks that were exactly what happened…it mellowed and most of the tartness of the pineapple left.
What remained was a sweet, relaxed flavor of sweet pineapple, and it blended with the sweet coconut flavor, (and hints of other tropical flavors) and became this truly marvelous full flavored tropical vape. Gilligan’s Island is one of my favorite tropical blends and it remains in my rotation. I’ve been waiting for weeks to award it with a Choice Award – 5 Stars
TOM: I would like to be able to say that there isn’t a lot of difference between the G2 Vapor and the G2 Prime eliquids, but the truth of the matter is there is. Well, either that, or G2 Vapor knows exactly what kinds of recipes would lend themselves to the G2 Prime treatment and which ones wouldn’t. I say this because I really like all of the G2 Prime flavors a lot.
Gilligan’s Island, much like Vazilla or Drunk Monkey, is a rich, flavorful blend that has a deep, rich flavor, massive amounts of vapor, and gives the Vaper a degree of vape satisfaction that is out of this world. 5 Stars
KEIRA: Looking for the perfect tropical eliquid has been something Julia and I have been doing together for more than a year now, and we think we’ve come as close as ever with Gilligan’s Island.
This is a beautiful blend of pineapple and milky-sweet coconut.
Vapor production is excellent. With even less than stellar hardware you’ll get thick vapor that you wouldn’t expect to see.
If tropical coconut and pineapple eliquid blends are your kind of juice then you need to get one, and soon. 5 Stars
JASON: When we ordered this back in mid-April we were on a high for any G2 Prime juice based on how well Drunk Monkey and Vazilla did. It took a couple of days to age before that tart tinge of pineapple would dissipate, but when it did it was just such a great tropical colada type ejuice. Lots of flavor, even more vapor then I had expected, and I expected a lot. Loved the creamy coconut milk and sweet pineapple, with hints of other tropical fruits. This is one of those “I must vape this” eliquids. 5 Stars
Cactus Juice
“A clean and refreshing blend of sweet and tart citrus. Cactus Juice has overtones of oranges and tangerines with a hint of pineapple and tart undertones reminiscent of fresh squeezed lemonade that will prickle your tongue and make your mouth water. The hotter you vape, the sweeter it gets.”
JULIA: Before I tell you about Cactus Juice I want to address the claim by G2 Vapor: “the hotter you vape, the sweeter it gets”. Could this be true?
To test this claim I filled a 510 cartomizer, standard resistance, and let it rest overnight. Then, about mid-morning I began vaping with it.
Using a Spinner 2 I set the dial to my usual starting point of 3.8ohm, which is the lowest setting for a single coil cartomizer of standard resistance.
At this setting the dominant flavor was lemon, with hints of orange, definitely tart. Then, as I continued to bump up the voltage the orange/tangerine flavors became more and more noticeable. At 4.8v (the maximum voltage for a Spinner) the character of Cactus Juice flipped from a tart lemony flavor to a sweet orange flavor with small bits of lemon. In other words, G2 Vapor is right.
Surprisingly, running it at 4.8v didn’t burn the juice at all; it just made it sweeter, warmer, and produced a lot more vapor. Never in my life would I have thought I would put a lemon/orange juice into my rotation, but that’s exactly what I did. 4.75 Stars
TOM: I’m not the biggest fan of tart citrus eliquids, for a couple of reasons. One is that citrus can do a number on plastic tanks, and two, the tart flavor is just not that appealing.
Having said that, after watching Julia’s experiment I filled an Aerotank Mini (glass), with 1.8ohm dual coils, and vaped at 4.4v and it was a damn nice vape. Barely enough tartness to detect when running it warm, and the orange flavor was a sweet orange. Okay, so maybe I won’t add this to my collection or rotation, but I can say that if you like citrus, of the lemon and orange variety, you’ll love Cactus Juice. 4.5 Stars
KEIRA: G2 Vapor warns about the plastic tank issue with this high citrus juice. So I made sure to steer clear of the X.Jet Spider when vaping it. Instead I used an Aerotank Mini with a 1.8ohm coil head. I like a tart vape once and a while, and with Cactus Juice that is exactly what you get.
Yes, I saw it action at high voltage, and yes it does get sweeter and less tart, but let’s face it, for vapers that like their vape on the tart side, Cactus Juice is a great pick. Tons of vapor and a medium throat hit round out the character of this ejuice. Not for everybody, but what juice is? 4.25 Stars
JASON: Cactus Juice is that lemon/lime eliquid most brands have ticked off on their list of ‘must have’ offerings. Only this time, instead of lemon/lime G2 is doing a lemon/orange combo, making it an original vape flavor. The vapor clouds are massive, the throat hit was good at the higher voltage settings, and as someone’s citrus vape it fills the job nicely. I enjoyed Cactus Juice ten times more than I thought I would. 4 Stars
El Blacco
“Blackberries and smooth pipe tobacco, vanilla and more. Imagine your grandmother pulling a fresh blackberry cobbler out of the oven and putting a scoop of sweet vanilla ice cream on top. After indulging you enjoy a smooth pipe tobacco with your grandfather. Now swirl that all together and you have El Blacco. Many have said this is one of the hidden gems in the G2 lineup.”
JULIA: Pipe tobacco? Nope. El Blacco does not remind me of a pipe tobacco at all. What it is though is a sweet, deep flavored blackberry eliquid. El Blacco is a fruity vape but not a tobacco vape.
Having tried El Blacco at various times of the day I can say with some confidence that I never tasted any vanilla or any hint of a tobacco…just delicious blackberry.
El Blacco is a fruity vape that produces a lot of thick vapor, but at most voltage settings there was very little throat hit. Bumping the voltage up did warm the vapor some but did little, if anything, for the throat hit. Bottom line; this is a sweet, fruity blackberry eliquid, one that you should definitely try if you like blackberry. 4.25 Stars
TOM: What a disappointment for this tobacco-loving man! Here I was all hyped up for a nice smooth pipe tobacco with blackberry notes and what I wound up with was a simple, but pleasant, blackberry eliquid.
It was a sweet and fruity experience, one that I enjoyed after I got over the lack of a pipe tobacco experience. A healthy amount of vapor, a very light throat hit round out this fairly simple juice. If I was in the mood for a blackberry flavor I might just choose El Blacco, but pipe tobacco this isn’t. 4 Stars
KEIRA: Yum! Now this is a delicious blackberry vape! Who cares if the description is wrong, El Blacco is one of the sweetest, juiciest blackberry eliquids I have had yet. Fruity, full of vapor, but sorely lacking any punch in the throat hit department. I like it a lot!
But here’s the thing; if no one tasted pipe tobacco flavors are we vaping a mislabeled flavor, or is the tobacco so subtle that we all missed it? I don’t have the answers, but I’m a little concerned that no one caught even a whisper of tobacco. 4.5 Stars
JASON: I’m with Tom on this one. Don’t tell me it’s a pipe tobacco when it’s anything but. Like the others all I tasted was a sweet blackberry flavor wrapped in a thick vapor cloud. If this was marketed as a fruity vape of blackberry it would have scored as high as it gets, but because I’m supposed to taste a little vanilla and experience a smooth pipe tobacco-like vape, I just can’t do it.
If you’re looking for a sweet blackberry ejuice look to El Blacco, just don’t expect anything but blackberry. 4 Stars
“Sometimes that which shocks our mouth makes for an enjoyable experience. Mouth-watering fresh raspberries blended with natural anise. This combination gives you tongue numbing levels of berry/anise satisfaction. This distinct liquid stands out in a muddied crowd of anise liquids.”
JULIA: I truly didn’t expect this one to be any good. I love raspberries, but anise added to it? Yuck… or so I imagined.
The reality is this ‘Shocker’ is one awesome vape. Strong raspberry flavor with a very pleasant anise notes, Shocker is one of those flavors that confuse your brain for a minute or two and then it comes together like no other. Wow, not for everybody, and not really an all-day-vape, but one of the most interesting eLiquid flavors I’ve had in a long time. For an unusual change, this is a definite “must try”. 4.75 Stars
TOM: Completely different than anything I’ve tasted before, but in a very good way. But before I tell you about it, let me warn you this is not the right eliquid to start your day with. The flavor of raspberry and anise (licorice) will not go well with just waking up, or even with your first cup of coffee.
But around midday on this is a flavor that will drag you over the finish line. Drop in a ton of vapor, a medium throat hit, and one of the tartest raspberry flavors in recent memory and you have a eliquid begging to be vaped. Bravo! 5 Stars
KEIRA: If you don’t like the flavor of anise you’re not going to like Shocker at all. Never mind the sweet and tart raspberry flavor, which is there in abundance, the anise imprints on everything. Shocker is a weird flavor, good but strange. I enjoyed it most in the evening, with a glass of red wine of all things. Wine and anise just work somehow. Who knew?
I enjoyed the vapor production with Shocker, and although the throat hit was okay, it was lighter than I expected. This is not a ‘wide appeal’ flavor, but for vapers looking for something new and interesting, Shocker is it. I’m not sure how to feel about the coloring of this juice though. It’s a red colored eliquid, most certainly made this way to emphasize the whole “Shocker” theme; just not sure it’s needed. – 4.25 Stars
JASON: Shocker turned out to be one of my favorites from G2 Vapor. Not that Shocker is a great all-day-vape or anything, but the flavor is different than anything I’ve ever tried, except for maybe mashed potatoes eliquid from TNG.
Anise makes a good licorice base and the raspberry is almost like raspberry syrup; very thick, very intense flavor. It’s not for everybody, but if you like strong raspberry flavors and you like the taste of anise, this could be your go-to vape when you need something to kick out of the doldrums. Great vapor, thick, aromatic, and tasty, and a light to medium throat hit, Shocker is the big surprise of the six flavors reviewed here. 4.75 Stars
“Not everyone can vape anise, so the G2 fans pleaded with us to make a version of SHOCKER that was anise free. DeShock was created, it is clean and true to the raspberry fruit. Thou raspberry is the dominant flavor, there are several secret berries hiding in the background along with a few other tantalizing twists.”
JULIA: It seems that may G2 Vapor customers enjoyed the strong raspberry flavoring in Shocker, but didn’t want that anise flavor. DeShock is the result of customers who said they wanted a juice with the same raspberry but didn’t want the anise.
Do they get what they want in DeShocker? Yes and no.
The same raspberry flavoring in Shocker is definitely the dominant flavor here. But, without the anise to give it life it’s a much ‘smaller’ eliquid. By that I mean that it’s a good enough raspberry eliquid but it lacks a strong character now. It also lacks the same amount of vapor production you see in Shocker, though it’s still pretty good.
There is no other way to look at it; DeShock is an average raspberry juice: 3 Stars
TOM: DeShock is an excellent raspberry eliquid. Sweet, fruity, with an intense raspberry flavor, I enjoyed it immensely, and I’m not the biggest ‘fruity’ Vaper. While I enjoyed the anise-infused version, DeShock was a great decision by G2 Vapor.
You might want to try and pump up the voltage for a warmer vapor, a bigger throat hit, and an even deeper raspberry flavor.
With a dual coil 1.8ohm clearomizer I went to 4.2v and found a heck of a sweet spot, though 4.4 and 4.5v held up nicely. Not only would I vape DeShock regularly, I will add it to my rotation until I get tired of a very deep flavored red raspberry ejuice. If raspberry flavors call out to you, DeShock is one you need to answer. 4.75 Stars
KEIRA: DeShock makes a great early morning and late evening vape. One of the deepest raspberry flavorings is used in this recipe, and like the anise version, it is delicious. I found myself enjoying DeShock at 3.7-3.8v in the morning and 4v-4.3v in the evening, using dual bottom coils at 1.8ohms. Vapor production is good at 3.7v, great at 4.1v. However, no matter how high I pushed DeShock I couldn’t seem to get a good throat hit.
G2 Vapor tells us there are a few mystery berry flavors in the background of DeShock, and you can certainly isolate them if you try hard enough. All the berries come in at the exhale, and, I think, are dark berries, blackberry, boysenberry, and similar berries. If you enjoy a full flavored raspberry vape then DeShock is the one you need to try. Anyone that loves that raspberry sweet/tart flavor will want to add DeShock to his or her collection. – 4.75 Stars
JASON: We can all agree that DeShock has the same raspberry characteristics of DeShock without the funkiness of anise.
As an all-day-vape goes I don’t think DeShock could swing it. It’s too tart to avoid vapers tongue after a while. There is an amazing raspberry at work here, with its intense flavor and good vapor production this is a G2 Vapor eliquid that anyone could enjoy, just as long as they enjoy a strong sweet and tart raspberry profile. 4.75 Stars.
As we said in our first review, we would love to see G2 Vapor offer their lineup online, but they are happy with their methods so who are we to say its wrong?
What I think G2 Vapor might miss out on is the spontaneous purchases people make when they hear about a great eliquid. There is an impulse to share in the discovery of a great tasting juice, but when you can get it you tend to push it to the side and pay a visit to other online brands to satisfy that urge to try a new flavor.
As much as we liked what Vintage Vapour was doing with their ‘subscription model’, the fact remains they do not stock every flavor G2 Vapor carries. It seems that no vendor does. What a pain it would be to want to try all the flavors in this review and have to purchase them from 2 or more vendors?
The shipping alone would piss me off. It might be worth doing it, but its still a pain.
When all is said an done, G2 Vapor qualifies as a premium label, just as their G2 Prime eliquids qualify as ‘ultra-premium’ eliquids. Each of the eliquids have ample flavor, better than average vapor production, and there isn’t even a hint of an aftertaste or artificiality to any of the flavors.
Last but not least, sometimes a sequel review can be seen as a mop up review. Do the best flavors in the first review, then pick up the rest in the second or third. With G2 Vapor (and others) it doesn’t work that way. These six flavors are definitely not the leftovers from the first review.
G2 Vapor’s “Where to Purchase” page on their website is woefully out of date and inadequate. Someone needs to spend a few hours cleaning that page up. Several sites have gone under, other have changed names, and still others show Out of Stock on just about every G2 flavor they carry.
The best I can tell you is to scour the page or ask your local vendor to look into carrying them. An eLiquid line this good deserves a better distribution system, that’s for sure. If you visit Vintage Vapours in person or online it might be a good idea to ask them to start to carry the entire G2 Vapor lineup, and maintain a healthy stock level.
G2 Vapor is a solid line of eLiquids, and the number of flavors that we actually like are remarkably high when compared to many others. G2 Vapor offers large 120ML bottles in their lineup, when you can find then. These 120ML bottles bring the “cost per ML” down quite a bit, making it a very affordable brand.
We buy 120ML bottles of Vazilla and Drunk Monkey now, and will add to them as we are able. A bottle of eliquid, when stored properly, will last a year or more, so it makes sense to buy that size for flavors you really like.
Now it’s your turn. Tell us about your experiences with G2 Vapor. Which ones have you tried, and which ones did you add to your rotation? Where did you buy them, what did you pay, and what was their inventory like? Share your experience with your fellow readers and us. We would really love to hear from you!
Till next time,
Julia Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride, Jason Little, and Keira Hartley-Barnes
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Exploring the World of Vaping in 2023: A Flavorful Journey to Quit Smoking
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