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The last few years have seen numerous studies being carried out on various aspects, and effects of vaping. From investigations into whether or not candy flavoured e-liquids are aimed at children to in-depth research into whether second-hand vape can cause cancer, the breadth of topics covered is quite breathtaking.
With so many different kinds of research having been performed in order to spin the negative effects of vaping toward various agendas, vapers can easily point to documented, unbiased evidence to prove to vape-sceptics that e-cigarettes pose no danger to the public and are better for the health than smoking regular tobacco cigarettes. Here is a quick guide to five of the most prominent studies about the effects of vaping and the results which they found, so you can have greater peace of mind about making the switch from smoking and so you can point doubters in the right direction.

1. University of St Andrews (UK), ``Comparing The Cancer Potencies Of Emissions From Vaporised Nicotine Products Including E-Cigarettes With Those Of Tobacco Smoke``
This study which was carried out at the UK’s University of St Andrews took measurements of the cancer potencies of tobacco products as well as heat not burn products and e-cigarettes and determined that the risk of developing cancer for those vapers who use their device at the normal watt settingwas practically as low as the risks associated with using other nicotine replacement therapy products such as gum – a figure as low as under 1%.
This study proves once and for all that the claim of anti-tobacco and anti-vaping groups that vaping is equally hazardous as smoking is false and, indeed, demonstrates that it is considerably less dangerous.
Another research by cancer research UKcame to the same conclusion…
2. National Academies Of Sciences, Engineering, And Medicine, ``Public Health Consequences Of E-Cigarettes``.
This very recent study is dated from 2018 and produces the most recent and up to date evidence to support the using of vaping devices over traditional tobacco products.
The results of this comprehensive study showed substantial evidence that the user’s exposure to any potentially toxic substances (except nicotine) when using e-cigarettes is considerably lower than the risks from using conventional cigarettes together with substantial evidence that short-term negative health problems associated with the heart and lungs are reduced when switching from cigarettes to e-cigs.
This study also revealed that the second-hand exposure to pollutants and nicotine is lower from e-cigarettes than from tobacco cigarettes.
3. University of California San Diego, ``E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation: evidence from US current population surveys.``
This is just one of the studies carried out in 2017 which supported vaping as one of the best ways to cut down or quit tobacco cigarettes. Using data from the US Census, this research showed that smokers who switched to vaper were more likely to succeed in quitting the habit than those who tried other methods to stop.
The figures of the study showed that 65.1% of vapers were more likely to try giving up smoking, compared to just 40.1% of non-vapers, and 8.2% compared to 4.8% were likely to be successful in their attempt.
4. Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos - ``E-Cigarettes Emit Very High Formaldehyde Levels Only In Conditions That Are Aversive To Users: A Replication Study Under Verified Realistic Use Conditions``.
This study was carried out by Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos as a response to an earlier paper from the Portland State University which was published in the New England Journal Of Medicine and which stated that when some early top-coil clearomizers were overheated they produced dangerous formaldehyde emissions.
Since the release of this paper, its results were debunked by numerous experts, however, this most recent counter-study by Dr Farsalinos replicated the PSU study and proved that in the original research, smoking machines were used which produced dry hits that would never be inhaled by real-life vapers because of their horrible taste.
The most recent research shows that, while the formaldehyde levels may have been raised in those extreme circumstances, they were not realistic, since no live vaper would subject themselves to such conditions. It also revealed that, when used in the appropriate manner, as intended, vaping devices did not produce excessive levels of formaldehyde, so vapers have nothing to worry about.
5. Riccardo Polosa, ``Effect Of Smoking Abstinence And Reduction In Asthmatic Smokers Switching To Electronic Cigarettes: Evidence For Harm Reversal``
While many anti-vaping enthusiasts were adamant that using e-cigarettes would be just as harmful as tobacco to vapers’ lungs, in fact, there have now been several studies carried out that have proved time and again that this is not the case. Anti-Vaping organizations, for whatever reason, continue to hope, or manufacturer, that some study, somewhere, will show the negative effects of Vaping. Sadly for them, they won’t find them.
One of the most convincing is the research carried out by Dr Riccardo Polosa, who found that smokers with asthma who switched to vaping, and indeed, who just reduced their smoking by using e-cigs, enjoyed better lung function after making the change. This evidence supports the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool and to reduce the harm from tobacco, even in smokers with asthma.
The Negative Effects of Vaping just are not There
These are just five of the most recent studies to have been carried out into the effects of vaping, and the evidence all shows clearly that not only do e-cigarettes not harm the health of the user or the bystander anywhere near the effects that smoking would, they actually have less of an effect and can even have positive benefits for the vaper’s well-being and lung function.
There are likely to be many more studies carried out over the weeks, months and years to come that go even further to prove beyond a doubt that vaping causes no harm to either users themselves or those around them so that e-cigarettes can finally be fully embraced as an ideal alternative to tobacco without opposition.