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The Year of the Big Switch For Smokers?
As we approach the end of 2014 many people will be looking towards 2015 and their New Year’s resolutions. While the number of tobacco smokers around the world continues to fall, with many switching to electronic cigarette, do you have any plans for 2015? Could 2015 be the year that you switch from tobacco to electronic cigarettes?
There are many rumours and untruths which seem to be circulating the electronic cigarette industry. In basic terms, why should you be looking towards 2015 and a tobacco free year?
Reduced toxins
A number of studies have confirmed that traditional tobacco cigarettes contain in excess of 4000 toxins many of which are potentially harmful to your health. Many people are also not aware that it is possible to smoke/vape without the need to inhale these toxins as the main ingredient in electronic cigarettes is nicotine. When you also bear in mind the growing number of vaping devices now available within the electronic cigarette industry, not to mention the enormous number of flavoured e-liquids and ecigarettes, there really is something for everybody.
Reduced cost
As the cost of tobacco cigarettes around the world continues to grow, heavily influenced by tobacco taxes, the cost of an equivalent tobacco cigarette in e-liquid form is minimal. If you take into account the fact that a 10 mL bottle of e-liquid offers the equivalent of 100 tobacco cigarettes we are talking about a significant reduction in your overall smoking expenditure. In these times of austerity and cost-cutting what better way to improve your finances?
Health implications
While we await the conclusion of a large number of medical trials associated with long-term electronic cigarette use, it is worth noting there have been no major concerns expressed to date. All ingredients contained in a high-quality electronic cigarette/e-liquid are already present in many other quit smoking products such as nicotine inhalers, patches, etc. This is an element of the electronic cigarette industry which many people do not appreciate, despite the controversy surrounding regulations there are no new ingredients in a modern day electronic cigarette or e-liquid
Social acceptance
.Slowly but surely the general public are beginning to accept electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices which can still be used in many public places. This does seem to be at loggerheads with the political situation where local authorities across the US seem determined to ban vaping devices from the public domain. There have been concerns expressed regarding secondary smoking although a number of trials and tests have shown this problem to be non-existent. As the vapour from an electronic cigarette hits the atmosphere it very quickly evaporates while smoke from a tobacco cigarette lingers for far longer.
Slowly but surely the electronic cigarette industry is moving towards the mass market with more and more people switching from tobacco cigarettes. As we approach the end of 2014 and the start of 2015 we will see an array of New Year’s resolutions from the smoking community. Would you benefit switching from tobacco cigarettes to their electronic counterparts?
Mark Benson
Mark Benson is a contributing author for Spinfuel eMagazine. His continuing columns will bring a levelheaded approach to the dynamics involved in realizing a positive future for the e-cigarette industry. For more information on OK Eliquids and other products available please visit the OKCigs website.