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The Vapor Girl – A Sequel eLiquid Review – Part One
It’s been a few months since we first reviewed several flavors from The Vapor Girl. Because eLiquid companies are always trying out new flavors and tweaking others we are reaching back this year to some of the brands we reviewed last year in order to follow up with a ‘sequel’ of sorts, to try out additional flavors and to bring our readers up to speed on significant changes that might have taken place since our last visit.
“Today’s review for The Vapor Girl eLiquids is a minor sequel review; just seven (7) flavors are being reviewed out of more than 90 flavors currently available. Yet, by the end of the review we have generated nearly 6000 words. That is a lot to read on any topic, and certainly more than enough for seven flavors of eJuice. So, beginning today we trying something new. In addition to the “To The Top” button at the bottom of every article in the eMagazine we’ve placed links at certain points so that should you wish to finish the review at a later time it will be easier to find where you left off.
We would appreciate any feedback about this new format so if you can, please comment below. The length of your reviews need to be longer than other reviews you might see elsewhere, but we would like to make them easier to digest, or easier to follow, so any ideas you might have to make that happen would be appreciated.
As The Vapor Girl continues to refine their flavors and/or invent new ones, Spinfuel will attempt to keep you, our readers, up to date so that you can make well informed buying decisions.
What’s New?
The Vapor Girl has been undergoing some major changes since our last review, and among those changes is a complete overhaul of The Vapor Girl website. Continuing that unique mix of the roaring 20’s and modern Goth, the look is both original and, well, cool. The ‘look and feel’ isn’t the only things to have changed though. There have been several improvements to navigation, organization, and even more in-depth information about each and every product offered. There is also a larger selection of hardware and accessories now in addition to more than 90 eLiquid flavors.
Victoria, co-owner with her husband Marc, of The Vapor Girl Inc., has never been shy to reveal herself to her customers and she continues that tradition by offering an almost complete rewrite on her “About” page. An interesting read, we learned quite a bit. Coming up on their first anniversary of the launch of The Vapor Girl, Victoria has managed to build a terrific business by offering high-quality eLiquids and some of the most unique hardware and accessories we’ve ever seen.
A Word About Hardware & Accessories
Stepping out of the normal eLiquid Review procedure for a moment I thought I’d take the time to mention Victoria’s hardware and accessory line. It’s worth mentioning because Victoria somehow manages to get ahold of some of the coolest, most unique stuff around. Coming up later this week is our review of the V-Core Clearomizer and the Sub 2.0, two items I’ve not seen anywhere else. Both are extremely high-quality items but at the same time pretty damn affordable as well. From items like these to eGo batteries with incredible ‘etched’ designs, drip tips so cool you’ll want to own a bunch of them, to raw herbal atomizers and ePipes and eCigars, it’s a though Victoria’s spends every spare minute looking for products that no one else dares to risk carrying because they would appeal to a niche audience. And that may be, but when you’re the only game in town to offer such things you get the whole pie of this niche audience, and not just a slice. Whenever I get a little bored sifting through normal vendor websites I hop over to The Vapor Girl to see all the new and cool products Victoria has been able to obtain. If you’re looking for something really different, it’s worth browsing The Vapor Girl whenever you can.
Flavors In The Review
We didn’t choose the flavors to review in this sequel. Having said that, there are a couple of flavors here that we would never have chosen to review and by not reviewing them we would have deprived our audience, and ourselves, of the pleasure of getting to know some incredible blends that we can now recommend highly.
The flavors this time out, are for the most part, esoteric in nature. Flavor combinations that you do not normally see. Some work and some don’t, but every single one of them was created in an effort to provide the Vaper with something delicious and something different. Each flavor is a success because they were created with you in mind, and created with care and commitment. And remember; just because I might not enjoy a certain flavor doesn’t mean that you won’t.
Today’s sequel review will look at 7 flavors; Captain Black, Nutmeg Tobacco, Vanilla Tobacco, Virginia Fire-Cured Tobacco, RY4 Classic, Rum & Koke, and Cherry Koke. The nicotine levels were all 12MG.
The Vapor Girl is a premium hand-crafted, 100% American made and American sourced eLiquid. The nicotine fluid is pure nicotine extracted from honest-to-goodness North Carolina tobacco plants. This is an expensive process, and one that provides a much more authentic flavor. There are few eLiquid vendors using naturally extracted nicotine and even fewer than are doing so with American grown tobacco. While this adds to the price, a little, TVG prices are still very much in line with the other high-end premium eLiquid vendors. You will taste the difference from the very first puff.
TVG has expanded the options for plastic and glass bottles since our first review and you can now order 5ML, 10ML, 30ML and 50ML sizes. A basic 5ML (sampler size) is $3.99, and it goes up from there to $6.99 for 10ML, $15.99 for 30ML and $24.99 for 50ML.
Bottles And Labels
In our first review (link here) we were shipped eLiquids in plain brown glass bottles. Victoria was waiting for new labels to come in and rather than risk missing the deadline for the review it was decided to go ahead with the review by shipping out the eLiquid without formal labels. Happily, this time out we were shipped eLiquids in the same physical bottles and labels that the customer would receive, both glass and plastic, and they look great.
Each 30ML bottle we received was either a dark brown glass or plastic. Glass bottles run $2 more. Both glass and plastic bottles are affixed with a large white label stamped with The Vapor Girl’s flowery logo framed around the entire label, with an oval in the middle. Inside the oval part of the logo the particular flavor is written by hand. Unfortunately there is no information about the nicotine content, date of mixing, or anything else. Offering a wide variety of flavors, in a wide variety of PG/VG ratios and nicotine content it would be nearly impossible to include all this information on a label, but the consensus here was that in future we would like to see the date of the mix on the bottle, at least. The bottles were shipped US Mail Priority and they were packed safely and securely.
The Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team
With several tobacco flavors in this review it was a no-brainer to have Tom McBride on the team. In addition, regulars Jason Little, Keira Hartley, Lisa Johnston and myself rounded out the team. Each of us was given an equal amount of eLiquid for each flavor and I left it up to the team members to decide what hardware to use.
The batteries used in this review were a ProVari mini, two eVics, a new VAMO from The Digital Cig (review coming), “The Sub 2.0”, as well as the Anytime CVI from MyVaporStore. Cartos and Clearos ranged from simple 510 cartos from Kanger, as well as Kanger T-3’s and MT3’s, Vision Vivi Nova’s, all from MyVaporStore, and an amazing clearomizer called the “Dual Layer V-Core” supplied by The Vapor Girl (review coming).
The Review Procedures
As always, there was a 72-hour period in which we vaped only the flavors we reviewed. At no time during the 72-hour period did any team member go off to vape their personal eLiquid flavors. After the vaping period we met and discussed the flavors in detail. As the lead writer my job was to take in all the written notes, listen and discuss with the other members of team, take more notes and then build out a review. It took a couple of days to distill all the notes and assemble them into what you are now reading.
We used our standard 5-Star rating system. Beginning with this review any flavor that is awarded 5 stars by all the members of the review team is immediately designated as a Spinfuel Choice Award Winner. Did any flavors make the cut this time out? Read on to see…
And Now… The Results
Captain Black (Award Winner): Directly from TVG (The Vapor Girl) description: “Captain Black Cigar Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl has a huge following~ people love it for the mild cigar tobacco taste and the wonderful aroma produced from the vapor. Delicious all day vape!”
Julia (me): On the bottle were the words “Capt. Black”, and that’s it. Nothing about any cigar flavoring was to be found. And I’m happy there wasn’t. For me, this was not a normal cigar-flavored blend; it is far better than that. I’m not sure, but had the label indicated that it was a cigar blend I might have approached it differently.
I could taste blackberry (?) as a dominant flavor, with hints of vanilla as well. Definitely sweet like the small “swisher sweet’ cigars many of my friends would have during card games back in the early nineties. Capt. Black delivered ample vapor, lots of flavor, and a sizable throat hit, especially for 12MG nicotine level. This flavor worked for me on all levels, and it will find itself on my normal rotation, for a while at least. 5 Stars
Tom: Definitely a sweet cigar flavor, and a damned good one at that. The Vapor Girl is very deliberate in their flavors and Capt. Black is no exception. Some of the flavors work; some do not. This one, with overtones of sweet vanilla and some fruity undertone I couldn’t quite make out, worked very well. I dug it, a lot. This is the first ‘sweet cigar’ vape that I really enjoyed.
For a 70/30 PG/VG mix it delivered a nice throat hit although it might have been a little better had it been 80/20 or a higher nicotine level. The vapor was thick and plentiful. An excellent ‘sweet cigar’ vape that I highly recommend IF you are looking for that type of flavor. 5 Stars
Jason: I thought I was going to vape some Rum concoction or something with a name like Capt. Black so I braced myself for that kind of flavor. Imagine my surprise when that flavor turned out to be a light and sweet cherry/blackberry kind of blend. I totally enjoyed vaping Capt. Black and would recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet cigar flavor.
When I buy eLiquids for myself I never order a 70/30 mix; it’s either an 80/20 for a strong throat hit and intense flavor, or a 50/50 for use with tanks. That being said, Capt. Black seems to work out perfectly well at a 70/30 ratio, producing a large plume of vapor with every hit and more than enough flavor. Even the throat hit was sizable and direct. I’m giving Capt. Black the maximum number of stars on one condition. There are Vapers that do not want a cigar experience regardless of whether it’s sweet or not, so if cigar vapes are not your thing Capt. Black is not that award winning vape you can blindly buy for its rating or faith in the reviewer’s similar likes and dislikes to your own. You have to want a sweet cigar flavor, and if you do Capt. Black is one of the best out there. 5 Stars
Keira: I didn’t think that I’d like Capt. Black at all. I saved this flavor for near the end of the 72 hours because I had a feeling it would turn out to be the worst one of the bunch. Wow, how wrong I can be sometimes! Capt. Black is a sweet blackberry/vanilla/cherry/whatever flavor that somehow works. Excellent vapor and a very solid throat hit make Capt. Black a marvelous eLiquid. Although I don’t think I would vape this as a part of my normal vaping routine I would certainly enjoy it now and again. 5 Stars
Lisa: For a sweet flavor with only 30% VG Capt. Black puts out a heck of a lot of vapor. I suppose you could say the 70% PG is the reason why it delivers a really nice throat hit, but what makes this a big winner for me isn’t any of those things (although they are important). Instead, it’s the flavor of Capt. Black. If this is what a sweet cigar tastes like I guess I missed out. I loved it. Despite the sweetness there is a ‘cigar-like’ feel to the whole thing and that was just enough of uniqueness for me to take it up a notch. 5 Stars
Nutmeg Tobacco (Lowest Rated eJuice of this review): The Vapor Girl describes this flavor like this: “Nutmeg Tobacco Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl is a blend of freshly ground nutmeg and our favorite tobacco blend. This creates an incredibly rich, sensational vaping mixture that only the truly adventurous enjoy! If you enjoy nutmeg in savory food dishes, such as stuffing, you will learn why this is such an underground favorite.”
Julia (me): “Underground flavor” is the perfect words to describe Nutmeg Tobacco. Some people will love it, some will not. I did not. Not even a little. Too “nutmeggy”, too peppery. A non-sweet peppery tobacco that punches you in the face with the flavor of nutmeg. 2 Stars
Tom: I knew Julia wouldn’t like this. Hell, I figured few people in this office would like this, and I was right. But, if you’re like me and you want a real, non-sweet powerful sensation than this is right up your alley. A genuine Nutmeg taste, a very big flavor mixed with a strong tobacco flavor. You either love it or hate it. I loved it. Though I do recognize its limited appeal. A not-for-everyone-4.5 Stars.
Jason: I’m going to keep this short; you really have to like Nutmeg to like this flavor. I am uncertain as to why anyone would want to vape it. I am shocked that Tom truly likes it. I watched him vape this while he wasn’t looking and the smile and contentment on his face while doing so had me very confused. Different strokes I guess. 1.5 Stars
Keira: It would be very unfair or me to say much about Nutmeg Tobacco. I feel like I would be overly critical if I were to tell you what I think about it. So, let me just say that I took 4 drags from this flavor and couldn’t force myself to take a 5th one. I’m so sorry, but I can’t see why anyone would want to vape Nutmeg. 0 Stars
Lisa: “Nutmeg? Really?” That’s what I thought when I read that The Vapor Girl produced a Nutmeg Tobacco flavor. Then I read the description and I realized that even TVG knew that this was going to be a selective eLiquid with a limited audience and I understood. Tom can vape this all he wants, as for myself, after 20 minutes I knew there was no overcoming the nutmeg flavor. 1 Star
Vanilla Tobacco: The Vapor Girl says this; “Vanilla Tobacco Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl was born from when I thought there were no tobaccos that I would ever vape (certainly none that were created by anyone else that I had tried)… so I was experimenting with the things that I found the most delicious. At the time, it was a particular mix of vanilla that was the most rich and flavorful vanilla I thought possible. So I mixed it with a batch of a tobacco mixture and let it sit until I worked up the confidence to try it out. Upon vaping it the first time I had really thought it had been mislabeled, as the taste was well beyond tobacco~ it had blended up into a mix that had transcended both tobacco and vanilla. After our menthol, this vanilla tobacco is our best selling liquid, with many people telling us how it tastes like this and that, which happen to be very difficult to be able to purchase. We’re just happy we can make so many people happy year round with its availability!”
Julia (me): When people talk about vanilla as a flavor in eLiquids they don’t often talk about the differences in the many vanillas concentrates out there. This is an excellent Vanilla Tobacco blend, one I think many people will enjoy. But, the vanilla flavor should not be confused with other vanilla flavors that you might have had. This particular vanilla is creamier than most others.
TVG Vanilla Tobacco is a sweet, creamy, vanilla that reminds me of an actual ‘cream’ flavor more than a traditional vanilla flavor. Very rich, and very flavorful, I can understand its popularity immediately. Although it is an enjoyable vape with intense flavor, tons of vapor and a light to medium throat hit, it winds up being the least complex flavor of the one we reviewed, and that’s not a bad thing. I like it, I vaped every drop afforded me, and I can truthfully say that although it is sweet its not so sweet that you can’t vape it all day. 4 Stars
Tom: Believe it or not, I liked Vanilla Tobacco by TVG. It is sweet, there is no denying that, but it’s a ‘good’ sweet. It did not overwhelm me, and I was able to vape it for hours on end. Thankfully there is also a sizable amount of tobacco flavor.
TVG Vanilla Tobacco delivers a creamy vanilla; Julia is right about that, with a nice touch of tobacco, a very smooth tobacco too. I enjoyed the amount of vapor it put out, but the throat hit (at 12MG anyway) was very light. 4 Stars
Jason: The worse thing I could say about Vanilla Tobacco was that I could not get a big enough throat hit with any hardware I had on hand. But I could generate a huge amount of vapor that gave me the power to create all kinds of smoke rings and whatnot. The taste was pretty much as described, no surprises or funky ‘nuances’ to get in the way. A straight up Vanilla Tobacco that most people would enjoy … a lot. 4 Stars
Lisa: Sometimes an eLiquid flavor is exactly what you think it will be. TVG Vanilla Tobacco satisfies your sweet tooth, offers more vapor than you think you can handle (really) but a light throat hit.
I can understand why its one of TVG’s most popular flavors; the pure vanilla is deep and satisfying in ways that many vanilla vapes are not. This could easily be an all-day vape for Vapers wanting a sweet vanilla experience. 4.25 Stars
RY4 Classic: The Vapor Girl says this; “RY4 Classic Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl has a deeper caramel note coupled with vanilla bean and a richer tobacco than RY4W. Easily an all day vape, it deserves to be in your rotation.”
Julia (me): Again, Victoria shows how well she knows her eLiquid flavors and how well she can choose and blend certain flavors to create new and interesting ‘takes’ on familiar themes. While I enjoyed this RY4 blend it was not my favorite RY4. By her own description she tells us that this is a ‘caramel’ leaning RY4 and it definitely is that. While I have vaped many RY4’s in the past I can only think of a small handful that I truly liked in any case. What threw me off with this formula was the heavier use of caramel, one of my lesser-liked eLiquid flavors.
This “RY4 Classic” produced an excellent amount of vapor and a medium throat hit. 3.5 Stars
Tom: The Vapor Girl’s RY4 Classic is probably the most complex RY4 eLiquid I’ve had in a while. Some RY4’s can blend so completely as to have one singular flavor without much complexity. TVG’s RY4 Classic is the opposite. It seemed as though every drag produced a slightly different variation in flavor, which I found very nice. One drag leaned on caramel, one toward vanilla and one toward something else altogether. Interesting to say the least.
Vapor was plentiful; throat hit was really good in a large battery with the voltage pushed to about 4.5v, so all in all it was an excellent eLiquid. 4.5 Stars
Jason: I’m not sure about this one. I liked it but I’m not sure how much I liked it. Hard to explain. There was definite RY4 flavors, good vapor, a light to medium throat hit, and so on. But it seemed like something was amiss. It could have been the extra caramel that upset the balance, or it could have been an almost complete absence of vanilla. Maybe it needed a bit more time to sit and steep (it had about 14 days total –ed). For me it was an average RY4. 3.5 Stars
Keira: I agree that RY4 Classic had the general taste of an RY4, but I rather liked the direction it veered off on. This one had a punch to it, a strong flavor that was more in your face than most other RY4’s I’ve tried. I mean, when you vape an RY4 blend you can recognize it as an RY4. RY4 Classic was instantly recognizable as an RY4, but it managed more than that.
I didn’t have a problem with vapor output on any of the flavors in the review, including this one, but some lacked a throat hit in the acceptable ranges. RY4 Classic had a very decent throat hit to me, and I imagine that at 18 or 24MG nicotine it would have been even better. I think if you’re looking to add an RY4 to your rotation and you’re tired of the RY4’s you’re vaping now this could be a good one for the job. It didn’t ‘wow’ me as much as I wanted it to, but it didn’t disappoint me either. 4.0 Stars
Lisa: I was surprised at how much I enjoyed RY4 Classic. I thought it delivered on all levels, including the throat hit. I liked that it went off into a different direction than most RY4’s but still managed to retain a basic RY4 foundation. It makes me think that perhaps TVG had developed a good RY4, or rather a ‘traditional’ RY4 and then tinkered with it until it could go off into another direction that yielded something better than a traditional RY4 flavor but maintained the basic structure.
The vapor production, like all the flavors, was very good, and the throat hit was better than most. It’s hard to remember that going down to 12MG nicotine allows you to vape more without overdoing it but at the same time you get less of a throat hit overall, unless you vape it at higher wattage/voltage. I vaped RY4 Classic with a Joyetech eVic, wattage set to 8.5w and I vaped it at 4.6v with a Viva Nova using a 2.8ohm atomizer. This turned out to be a good choice for me, and I enjoyed the results more than I thought I would. RY4 Classic is an excellent, yet a little different, blend many people will enjoy. I know I did. 4.5 Stars
Rum & Koke: Described as: “Rum & Coke Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl is formulated to taste like my first favorite mixed drink~ a classic rum and coke~ with a nice dark Jamaican Rum. Delicious and you can enjoy it any time of day without any guilt!”
Julia (me): I know most people will not believe me what I say this, but Rum & Koke and Cherry Koke both had that “frizzle” taste that you would expect with a real live Cola. I don’t mean it actually fizzled or anything, but it had that same ‘soda pop’ taste. Anyway, this is a like vaping a vaporized version of rum and coke, and I enjoyed vaping it but I don’t think this could be an all-day everyday vape. Rum & Koke is more like a special occasion vape, when your normal flavors aren’t doing it for you and you need something to liven up your taste buds. 4 Stars
Tom: I know exactly what Julia is saying, a cola-carbonated flavor is what Rum and Koke delivers, with a delicate taste of alcoholic rum. I don’t think I’ve ever had an eLiquid like this before. I didn’t think it was possible to make something taste carbonated. I didn’t exactly like it or dislike it, but it was very different. 3.5 Stars
Jason: I agree with everyone’s assessment that Rum & Koke has a carbonated taste, which is strange, and the flavor or rum and cola is quite good. But as an eLiquid with wide appeal, I think it misses the mark but maybe it’s supposed to. I will say this, if you like to drink rum and coke you already have all you need to really dig this flavor. So, on that note, I’ll give it 4.25 Stars
Lisa: Rum and Coke, in a liquid that you vaporize and inhale, that’s what this flavor is. Absolutely amazing that TVG is able to do it, and do it well. A couple of years ago Rum and Coke were all I drank in clubs and bars in Boston, so I am very familiar with the taste. TVG did a great job with it. I liked it a lot, but like Tom says, this is a specialized eLiquid that will appeal to certain Vapers. Still, a terrific mix. 4.5 Stars
Cherry Koke: Described by TVG as “Cherry Koke Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl is brand new and tastes similar to my favorite soda, but with a bit of a deeper black cherry note. And not quite as sweet. Actually, it’s just how I wish that yummy cherry soda were! But it’s super delish and speaking as a member of a growing band of followers, makes for a great all day vape.”
Julia (me): This flavor has the same fizzy base that Rum and Koke has, the same ‘carbonated’ feel. Only instead of Rum it was an intense black cherry flavor. If Cherry Coke is your drink this has to be in your eLiquid collection. After vaping it for a while I really wanted to taste TVG’s cherry flavoring because it has to be a deep, dark cherry flavor. Very good! 4 Stars
Tom: Cherry Koke does a great job delivering the taste of cherry coke, no doubt about it. But like cherry coke, it is a sweet flavor, with sweet cherry flavoring. The coke part of the vape was a lot like the rum and coke flavor, but the cherry flavoring made all the difference. I’m getting used to sweeter flavors these days, so while I would have discounted this one 5 or 6 months ago, I welcome it now. Good job! 4.5 Stars
Jason: What impresses me most about Cherry Koke is that the cherry flavor is incredible. A lot of the cherry flavors I’ve had before have a hard edge to them, and they are either very smooth or overly sweet. The cherry flavor in this is smooth and sweet, but still very cherry-like. I like this one a lot more than I thought I would. 4.5 Stars
Lisa: An intense black cherry flavor over a coke flavor, with a touch of carbonated flavor adds up to one confusing blend. Cherry Koke is, to me, and afternoon vape. Like all the flavors we review I vape them in the morning, afternoon and evening to get a feel for when the best experience is for that particular flavor. For cherry coke there was a dramatic difference in flavor vaping it in the afternoon. It has too hard an edge for the morning hours, and it was too complex for an evening flavor (late evening too, like after 10PM). But at 2 or 3 in the afternoon it was almost like drinking one of those 5-hour energy drinks. It woke me up.
Like the other flavors, vapor production was good. But with cherry koke and rum and koke the throat hits were better than the others. Wait, maybe not better, but harder, which I liked. Cherry Koke is a good eLiquid to have around for times when nothing else will quite do it for you. 4 Stars
Virginia Fire Cured (Award Winner): Described thusly: “Virginia Fire Cured Tobacco Flavor Premium E Liquid from The Vapor Girl is a strong flavorful tobacco vape with the taste of Virginia Fire Curing~ tobacco cured in a certain manner which imparts a particular taste and smell that is very unique to the Virginia (and some say Kentucky) manner of tobacco curing. This has quite a following although some say the smell does not agree with non-vapers/smokers, as it is too similar to the real thing.”
Julia (me): Victoria hits it right on the head when she describes this Fire Cured Virginia blend. Despite its almost too authentic flavor to real tobacco I enjoyed it quite a bit. But it is very close to real tobacco, and it can bother non-smokers. (It did here, with our FedEx guy who walked in when I was vaping it).
Strangely, it produced a little less vapor than say, Vanilla tobacco, but still plentiful, and it wasn’t a “cigarette” experience either. Rather, Virginia Fire-Cured was a good, genuine tobacco flavor that was deep, smooth, and delicious. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. 5 Stars
Tom: A superior tobacco experience that was so enjoyable I hated to see the end of it. This is what a fire-cured blend is supposed to taste like, and if you want the taste of a real tobacco this is it. I disagree with Julia about the vapor production; I noticed no difference between this blend and any of others.
What you should take away from this review if you haven’t vaped a fire-cured Virginia blend before is this; that particular ‘taste’ you get with most tobacco blends in normal eLiquid flavors is very different from this. Fire-cured Virginia tastes like actual tobacco, smells like tobacco, and satisfies like tobacco. The eLiquid tobacco flavors can be very good, very satisfying and all the rest, but also very different from actual tobacco. Don’t expect a cigarette, cigar, or pipe taste if your try this, instead expect something much deeper, richer, and cleaner. 5 Stars
Jason: Shockingly good. I would have never guessed that any fire-cured style eLiquid could taste like this. The flavor is a rich tobacco leaf flavor in the best possible way, without any chemical additives that a cigarette tobacco could bring. Fire-cured Virginia eLiquid is very special; producing a ton of vapor, a great throat hit, and a tobacco flavor you could vape all day and never tire of. This is where The Vapor Girl’s commitment to “Premium North Carolina Extracted Tobacco Nicotine” really shines. 5 Stars
Keira: I never thought I would enjoy a flavor like this, but there is something about it that kept drawing me back into it. With 5ML of Virginia Fire-Cured to vape I was able to spend an entire day and part of the next with it. (Which worked out very well since I couldn’t vape the Nutmeg stuff). I enjoyed the entire day’s vape more than I have with anything in a long time. Julia suggested I pull out a Texas Tuff Tank and use that to vape it. She was exactly right too. All I had to do was fill the tank, find the sweet spot with the Anytime CVL I used, which was 4.6v by the way, and I got the same great taste all day without having to adjust a thing.
I found it hard to believe that this was an eLiquid blend and not some kind of tobacco leaf that was liquefied. The flavor was deep, robust, and rich without a hint of chemicals or other misleading flavors. 5 Stars
Lisa: I think the only one on the team that expected to enjoy this fire-cured blend was Tom, but it turned out that we all did. I enjoyed it so much that I filled a Vivi Nova with it and whenever I had the chance to go back to it I would.
I think what I liked about this flavor the most was how real it tasted. While I tasted what I considered to be real tobacco there was a natural sweetness to it as well. I don’t know why or how, but it hit every point I needed it to hit, making it one of the best vaping experiences I’ve had in forever. Virginia Fire-Cured eLiquid by TVG is an achievement to be awed by. Great job! 5 Stars
Buying Advice
If you’ve yet to check out any flavors from The Vapor Girl you should make a note to yourself to do so soon. With their new facilities, new flavors, and expanded operations this is a great time to check them out. If you are a first-time customer I advise you to stick to the more casual flavors, pick a few that you might already be familiar with from other vendors instead of jumping off with 30ML buys of Nutmeg Tobacco (unless you’re crazy about nutmeg), in order to get a feel for their ‘signature’ flavor blends that make The Vapor Girl and original premium eLiquid vendor. Then, after you’ve come to know TVG some you can branch out and order a couple of the more esoteric blends.
As a new customer to The Vapor Girl I could definitely recommend the Virginia Fire Cured if you are into genuine tobacco flavors, as well as the Vanilla Tobacco. But if you are the type of Vaper that prefers sweet, non-tobacco flavors the flavors reviewed today might not be the best choice for you. I suggest reading our first review (here) in order to get an idea of what to expect with the more familiar flavors.
Bottom Line
It is always a pleasure to work with The Vapor Girl. The products, whether it’s the professional premium eLiquid line or their cool and unique hardware products, are fun to use, and fun to write about. Victoria is a one-of-a-kind modern woman with a wicked business sense. It’s hard to believe that The Vapor Girl is just a year old.
The flavors in this review are very different from the basic recipes we review when we look at an eLiquid vendor for the first time, flavors like various banana blends, chocolate, coffee, blueberry, cookies, and simple tobacco blends. We wanted to review some of the more esoteric flavors offered by TVG. I think we managed to do just that.
These flavors reviewed today, from the nutmeg tobacco to the rum and koke (coke), are limited appeal flavors, some more than others though. We know that, Victoria knows that, and now of course you know that.
Wake Up
I am sure that like every one of us you too have moments as Vapers when your usual fare just isn’t doing it for you. Nights when you’ve been vaping your favorite flavor all day and by 9PM you can’t even taste it anymore, those are the times when something very different is called for. A great tasting, but edgy flavor that can bring your taste buds back to life is vital to have in any eLiquid collection. The flavors reviewed today fit that bill.
In Particular
Of course, not every flavor reviewed here was “out there”. The incredible Virginia Fire-Cured tobacco is a magnificent blend that truly delivers a “fine” tobacco flavor and vaping experience. There are other “fire” cured tobacco blends that are terrific in their own right, but this one by The Vapor Girl was especially nice. A worthy Spinfuel Choice Award winner and a flavor that will be greatly appreciated by Vapers looking for a true fine tobacco blend. Just don’t think you’re getting an analog cigarette experience with it. A good fire cured tobacco blend is a hundred times more flavorful than any ‘cigarette’ eLiquid.
The Vapor Girl offers more than 90 different flavors and we’ve still only scratched the surface between the first review and this sequel. There are several more TVG reviews coming this year and we couldn’t be more excited to bring you our upcoming reviews.
Julia Barnes, lead writer, with Tom McBride, Jason Little, Keira Hartley, and Lisa Johnston