Smoking Vs Vaping – A Steve Barret Video

There are a huge amount of myths that exist about the e-cigarette industry and for those looking to get into vaping, and away from smoking tobacco products. It can often be difficult to distinguish between what is a myth and what is factually correct and scientifically proven.

Those who seek to criticize the e-cigarette industry often say that vaping is a gateway for young people to abuse tobacco cigarettes. The reality could not be further from the truth, according to a University of Oklahoma Health Science Center study of 1,300 college students which found e-cigarettes were not a gateway for young people to abuse cigarettes.

Another criticism surrounding the e-cigarette is that second hand vapor from e-cigarette devices is toxic, yet e-cigarettes are not a source of second hand exposure to combustion toxicants, unlike tobacco cigarettes which have a highly documented second hand exposure fatality rate. This was the conclusion of a study run by the Oxford Journal called ‘Second Hand Exposure to Vapours from Electronic Cigarettes’.

A myth that is widely circulated is that vaping is not an effective method to help quit cigarette smoking. However, according to a global survey of 19,000 consumers run by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, e-cigarettes are largely used to avoid the harm associated with smoking cigarettes and can even be effective in highly-dependent smokers.

Have a look at the video below called ‘Smoking Vs Vaping: Eradicating the Myths’ by purplebox vapours which gives a snapshot of some of the biggest myths out there, or read the accompanying guide into the fascinating world of vaping for complete beginners. You might also want to take a look at Spinfuel VAPE’s Guide FOR New Vapers if you’ve already joined the millions of people who have quit tobacco and joined the ranks of vapers.

Steve Barrett is Managing Director of purplebox vapours, a popular specialist vaping store and vaporium in trendy Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland, and e-commerce store He regularly blogs about the growing vaping culture and vaping related issues.