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In most of our reviews at Spinfuel VAPE, we commend companies for keeping things simple, cutting through the noise, and delivering a top-quality vaping product. It’s not that we don’t like advancement – we very much appreciate it when it enhances the act of vaping. Unfortunately, that’s not really the case with the new Sense Linked Vape Arrow 230W Starter Kit.
Underneath the bells, whistles, lights and thunder, Sense has delivered a decent high-wattage vape mod. But for the price they’re asking – and the strange number of things they get wrong with the technology on the Arrow – I can’t readily recommend the mod. Let’s dive in and see why.

Initial Impressions of the Sense Linked Vape Arrow Mod Kit
In the Arrow preview, I asked the following: How much is too much when it comes to vaping technology? Well, after a few weeks with the Arrow, I think I might have an answer. And that answer was staring me in the face right from the outset.
When you remove the Arrow mod from its packaging, the first thing that jumps at you is the significant size of the device. It’s not tremendous, like a 3- or 4-battery mod, but for a dual-18650, nor is it uncomfortable to hold, but it’s pretty damn big.
The second thing you’ll notice is an odd plastic window on the top of the mod, opposite the 510-connection. You might think it’s just a random addition, but you’ll soon learn that this is not only a multicolor flashlight, but also a way to illuminate your vapor.
Yeah, I’ll give that a minute to set in – you now have a colored LED light to add flair to your vapor. Now, it’s doesn’t explicitly say this in the documentation, but a quick visit to YouTube tells the story.
The third thing you’ll notice is the colored panels that frame the display. There are only two pattern choices, both of which are seemingly inspired by Neil Degrasse Tyson. Yet the cosmic theme is NOT represented in any of the device wallpapers, the box design, or even through the name of the mod. It’s just sort of THERE, with no rhyme or reason behind it.
At first (read: the preview) I enjoyed the graphics. It was only after spending time with the mod that I realized what a disjointed experience this really is. And over time, the look and feel of the entire mod was degraded in my eyes.
Still, as strange as this seems, a light show and weird graphics aren’t even the most oddball feature of the Sense Arrow. That award goes to the Bluetooth connectivity and vaporware connected to it, for the sole purpose of changing the color of the screen’s wallpaper.
Sigh… We’ll dive into these “features” in a minute but allow me to get through the more practical items on my list.
On a structural level, the Arrow is built well, with a passable 510 connection, excellent fire key, a welcome three-button control scheme, and the same stunning 1.3-inch screen we saw on the Sense V-Jet kit.
One item of note – because the 510 connection sits next to raised platform atop the Arrow mod, the largest tank you can fit on there is 25mm. Anything larger will rub against the metal, or not even fit at all.
Sense Arrow Kit with Herakles 3 Tank 230W Specs:
- Capacity: 5ml
- Atomizer Size: 24.8 * 62mm
- Battery Size: 93 * 52.2 * 29.5mm
- Battery Capacity: 2 * 18650 (not included)
- Max Wattage: 230W
- Connection Threading: 510
- Airflow Adjustable: Bottom
- Fill Liquid: Top
- Output Wattage: 7W-230W
- Output Mode: VW / VT (SS, Ti, Ni) / TCR (M1, M2, M3) / TFR
- Resistance Range: 0.1ohm-3.0ohm (VW Mode), 0.1ohm-1.0ohm (VT / TCR / TFR Mode)
- Temperature Range: 100°C-315°C/200°F-600°F
Sense Arrow Kit with Herakles 3 Tank 230W Contents:
- 1 x Sense Arrow Mod (without cells)
- 1 x Herakles III Tank 25mm (0.6ohm coil pre-installed)
- 1 x Replacement V-Jet Coil (0.4ohm)
- 1 x Replacement Glass Tube
- 1 x Charging Cable
- 1 x User Manual
- 1 x Warranty Card
- 1 x 510 Drip Tip Adapter
- 1 x Set of Spare Parts
The Score

Operating the Sense Linked Vape Arrow Mod Kit
Because the Sense Arrow’s display is so busy, it can be a little overwhelming. But the default settings do a good job conveying pertinent information, and users shouldn’t have any trouble navigating he myriad options using the three-button control scheme.
One area that Sense nailed with the Arrow was functionality – under the hood lies a 230-watt powerhouse, with full temperature control adjustment, TCR and preheat settings and more. While it functions just like the V-Jet mod, the larger display makes it easier to find your way to an ideal vape.
However, one prediction I made about the Sense Arrow’s Bluetooth capability was the chance to tinker with wallpapers and color schemes. And that might be on the table if the app was actually functional… or even available. Yet, no matter where we looked, I could not find an app by Sense, Linked Vape, or any other related company. So, while Bluetooth might seem intriguing down the line, there’s no functionality connected to it that we could find.
Which is fine, because the well-done menu system is more than adequate for selecting any available levels of customization, by choosing themes, screen savers, clock settings, and much more. It’s not a tremendous draw for me as a vaper but know that Sense and Linked Vape are trying to add some more connectivity to what we do.
Now, about those lights. LEDs are apparently so vital to the Sense Arrow experience that the flashlight section on top of the mod has its own dedicated button. Right after a user fires, they can then press the button to activate any number of flashing, pulsing, multicolor light displays, presumably to light up the vapor like a DJ stage show.
My take? It’s irresponsible. At the time of this writing, the vaping industry is undergoing tremendous scrutiny for marketing to youth and fighting to gain credibility as a viable alternative to smoking. Yet vape companies continue to shoot these efforts in the foot by releasing products that aim toward more youthful activities.
Is this to say vape products can’t be enjoyable? Of course not. But is a light show designed to show off vapor tricks really the best way to support the cause? Maybe I’m overreacting… but then again, I remember when companies tried to get Flappy Bird onto devices, too. Silly, wasteful and unnecessary.
Finally, the Sense Linked Vape Arrow kit comes complete with a Sense Herakles III sub-ohm tank. Our thoughts on this tank are well-documented right here, so let’s focus on the Arrow itself for this review.
Vaping the Sense Linked Vape Arrow Mod Kit
Writing all these negative remarks wears on me, because when stripped down to bare essentials, the Sense Arrow vapes well. Like, really well.
For starters, there are precious few mods in my collection that ramp quicker, or more smoothly than the Arrow. Even though it doesn’t have that initial “punch” that some other devices show off, I found the Arrow was capable of delivering warm, rich vapor in next to no time at all. And the preheat settings were distinct and well-implemented, with notable benefits to each (though I’ll almost always stay at “normal’).
Pushing the Arrow to 230 watts was no problem at all using the right atomizer, and for the first time in a while, I didn’t experience any excessive heat or random warnings along the way. The same goes for maximum temperature in TC mode. Instead, the Arrow just shrugs it off, even though there’s just two 18650s powering the mod.
In temp control, everything works as intended, but the well-designed menu system makes it easy for vapers of all skill levels to switch modes, set coil types, adjust wattage, lock resistance and more. THIS is where the bright, colorful menu system becomes an asset – not when changing themes and wallpaper.
But, even if the Bluetooth and app were active features, would using a smartphone to make these changes be easier than just going into the device menus? I SINCERELY doubt it and continue to wonder why companies can’t just make better vape mods, instead of trying to build better mousetraps.
Bottom line: If you like the look of the Sense Arrow and only care if it vapes well, you’re all set. Buy one with confidence, because it hits hard, and hits consistently.
One last note – the Arrow’s battery life is stellar, even with all the lights, color screens, high wattage output and endless menu customizations. On two 18650s, vaping at a wide range of wattages, I managed 5-6 hours of steady performance before the cells called it a night. Considering just how much the Arrow has going on within the circuitry, this was impressive, to say the least.
Wrapping up the Linked Vape Arrow Kit
I’m trying not to let my personal feelings get in the way of an objective review, but I also can’t let some of these items slide. For example, if Sense opted to leave out the LED flashlight, could they have redesigned the top of the mod to accommodate larger atomizers? Could they have reduced the size to make it more palm-friendly? All things we’ll never know…
But the real problem I have is that vape quality seems to be the third most important factor in releasing the Sense Arrow. It vapes well, but all the other distractions and silliness get in the way of what could have been even better.