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The Rocket Fuel Vapes eLiquid Review
After the Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team reviewed Rocket Fuel Vapes the first time I knew that we would have to revisit them on more than one occasion. With so many other eLiquid reviews coming up though, it could have been a while. So I decided to make do with a solo review of four (4) flavors I had ordered from Rocket Fuel Vapes that weren’t covered in the original review or my follow up review. These four flavors, along with the original review and follow up, still don’t cover the complete line of eJuice, so there will be yet another review soon. In the meantime, these four flavors impressed me enough to warrant taking the time to write and share my own impressions about them.
About Rocket Fuel Vapes
Rocket Fuel Vapes is a new company, starting up just earlier this year, and it is a team effort of Kim and Sadie, two passionate entrepreneurs who are committed to not only developing a line up of great flavors, but also doing it with the best ingredients they can find. They don’t take any short cuts, and they don’t’ look for bargain priced ingredients. High-Grade PG, VG, and flavoring extracts from the best companies and the highest-grade nicotine on the market. Their eLiquids are Diacetyl free, and of course, pure 100% American made. They are without a doubt, a premium label.
Rocket Fuel Vapes eLiquids are available in both 10ML and 30ML PET bottles, $6.50 and $16.00 respectively. Nicotine strengths are 6mg, 12mg, 18mg, and 24mg. All flavors are also available as nicotine-free. I am vaping 18mg for this review, my personal preference. For Vapers that want to sample Rocket Fuel Vapes there is a 5-pack sampler available for $22, you pick the 5 flavors. The 5ML bottles are sun-shielded amber glass with glass droppers.
The ‘House Blend’ is 70/30 PG/VG. Right now, the 70/30 ratios are the only available blend, making it a difficult choice for anyone with Propylene Glycol sensitivities. That said, they all have pretty great throat hits, and the vapor production is more than adequate. In fact, the vapor production has always been more than I expected from such a high PG ratio. Propylene Glycol at 70% also gives Rocket Fuel Vapes extraordinary flavor.
Not only does Rocket Fuel Vapes make delicious and satisfying juice, they also do a great job in presentation and packaging. Their PET plastic bottles feature the long stem tips that make it so easy to fill a cartomizer and clearomizer, all the information you could want is clearly printed on the labels, each bottle is properly shrink-wrapped to prevent tampering and maintain freshness, and their graphics, arguably the least important aspect of a juice company, is exceptional. I’m a sucker for good presentation, and chances are I’ll try mostly anything if it’s attractively packaged, but in this case they could have packaged their product in a sandwich bag and I’d still enjoy them. Though, I’m really glad they didn’t choose plastic Baggies.
The eJuice I’m reviewing this morning where bottled on October 1st, so it’s only been a week and the flavors are already fully formed and mature. If they get even better that will be a very good thing indeed, but as of right now, they are all full bodied and ready to vape.
The four flavors from Rocket Fuel Vapes were vaped with the Vea and Triton, and just to see how far I could push the juice I loaded up one of Tom’s rebuildable atomizers (AGA-TD), with a coil of 1.4ohms and stuck it atop the iTaste 134, and fired up the wattage. The flavor (Hello Sunshine) was amazing and the vapor was like one of those huge smokestacks in industry parts of Philadelphia or Chicago. Maybe if I could convince Tom to make me up a whole bunch of coils I would use an RBA more often, then again maybe not. The iTaste 134 and the AGA-TD makes for one huge piece of vaping hardware.
Rocket Fuel Vapes – The Four Flavors
Dolly’s Blue Ribbon
“Dolly’s lemon meringue pie always won the blue ribbon at the fair. Her blue-ribbon secret was to add hints of lemon to accentuate the creamy filling and the buttery crust.” – Rocket Fuel Vapes
Dolly’s Blue Ribbon has the ‘heaviest’ flavor of the four. It has the wonderful taste of lemon meringue, authentic meringue, and just the right amount of lemony goodness. The cream and buttery crust flavor gives it the weight of a deeply satisfying desert vape that is not too sweet, yet plenty sweet at the same time, as a real lemon meringue pie would be. Outstanding artistry at work here, a blend so nicely done that it’s hard to stop vaping it and take a break.
Whenever I have an Italian dinner the tomato sauce in it makes me want something sweet and satisfying afterwards, and before I started vaping it would have been a slice of chocolate cake or, well, lemon meringue pie. Since getting this bottle of Dolly’s Blue Ribbon it’s become my ‘go-to’ eJuice after every evening dinner. Of the four flavors reviewed today, this one has the deepest flavor, the creamiest flavor, and the most satisfying. I don’t think anyone could turn down this flavor. Dolly’s Blue Ribbon, like several other Rocket Fuel Vapes eLiquids, has found a place in my rotation. If you only try one of the four flavors make it this one.
Bee Sweet
“A unique blend of golden honey and brown sugar sweetened figs and pears. “- Rocket Fuel Vapes
I have vaped eLiquid flavors that claim to have honey in them, but they’ve never tasted like real, authentic, honey from a bottle. More often than not honey has been used as a sweetener, not as a dominant flavor. Bee Sweet is about as authentic as you can get. It’s a great flavor and not nearly as sweet as I thought it would be. I would think that in order to get vapor that tasted more like honey than Bee Sweet you would need to actually drip real honey into a clearomizer.
Bee Sweet is, without a doubt, my favorite eJuice of the four in this review, but not for the reason that you might think. Maybe it’s even my favorite flavor of all Rocket Fuel flavors that I’ve tried, though I haven’t tried them all yet. Not because it’s my all-time favorite “flavor”, but because I’ve never tasted an eLiquid that came close to this kind of originality. Being an original, deeply flavorful, and very, very satisfying, Bee Sweet is a special eJuice.
Bee Sweet is also a real vapor producer, but with a slightly milder throat hit than Hello Sunshine. I have vaped Bee Sweet for an entire day so I can say with confidence that if you like the flavor of real honey this would make a great all-day vape.
If you really like the taste of honey, real honey, then this has to be tried. Any honey lover would want to keep a bottle of this around for any occasion or even as a ‘staple’ to vape on most days.
Hello Sunshine “If you love peach sweet tea, try Rocket Fuel southern sweet tea e-liquid. Sweet and mild southern peaches ripened to perfection and set adrift in sun-brewed black pekoe tea.” – Rocket Fuel Vapes
First, Hello Sunshine is a sweet vape with a marvelous throat hit and an abundance of vapor. Second, the flavor is an authentic peach tea, which is a difficult flavor to capture.
I found Hello Sunshine to be an excellent juice to start the day with. The first vape in the morning has to have a big flavor, and this one has just that.
As a juice that will maintain its flavor as the day wears on, I can see why it has become a favorite ‘all-day’ vape among Rocket Fuel fans. I haven’t yet enjoyed Hello Sunshine as an all-day vape yet, but I am looking forward to it. A powerfully sweet, generously flavored, completely satisfying peach tea eJuice, Hello Sunshine is a great choice.
Rocket Pop
“A blend of cherry, lime and raspberry that will take you back to long-forgotten summers of the past.” – Rocket Fuel Vapes
Rocket Pop is one of the flavors I was most interested in trying. I’ve heard from plenty of people that loved it, and were very impressed with the delicate blend of cherry, lime and raspberry. One of my all-time favorite Rocket Fuel flavors is Limerick, and if they were using the same lime flavoring in Rocket Pop then I wanted to vape it.
As it turns out lime is not the dominant flavor in Rocket Pop, it’s cherry. This is also one of the better ‘layered’ flavors in that your first taste is a big, sweet cherry blast followed by raspberry. On the way out a nice lime flavor catches your taste buds, so you get a terrific combination of all three. You might think that the three flavors would blend together and form a singular taste, but that doesn’t happen.
The throat hit was much lighter than Hello Sunshine, but still pretty good. If you have to have a strong throat hit I wouldn’t advise going down to 12mg or 6mg nicotine with Rocket Pop. Vapor production was good, but again somewhat less than Hello Sunshine, though more than enough for me. For both these reasons Rocket Pop would make an exceptional all-day vape.
Rocket Pop is not the best flavor of the four in this review, but it is still a very good one. If the sound of cherry, raspberry and lime sound good to you, Rocket Pop is an eLiquid you need to try.
I think it’s pretty obvious that I liked each of the four flavors. I decided to order them after reading the descriptions, and the descriptions turned out to be very accurate. I liked some better than others, but for the most part all four will become a part of my collection of personal eLiquids for the foreseeable future.
Hello Sunshine certainly had the hardest hitting throat hit, and produced an abundance of vapor. It was also flavorful as can be. Bee Sweet is a favorite of mine because of the artistry involved in making such an original flavor, and as someone that enjoys the flavor of honey I enjoyed vaping it quite a bit. Though not as hard-hitting as Hello Sunshine, Bee Sweet is a honey lovers dream come true.
Dolly’s Blue Ribbon is one of those eLiquid flavors that make you glad you vape. It is the most satisfying of the four, heavy cream flavor with an authentic lemon meringue. I would be very disappointed if this flavor was ever dropped from the Rocket Fuel lineup. (Truth be told, I would be disappointed if any of them were dropped from the lineup).
I guess I would have to say that Rocket Pop was the one I liked the least. But you shouldn’t get the wrong idea, if I were on the review team Rocket Pop would have gotten 4.75 Stars, the remaining 3 would have been 5 Stars across the board. The three would have received Spinfuel Choice Awards and the next time the team does a review of the remaining Rocket Fuel Vapes flavors we will include these four so that the others will have the opportunity to enjoy them and vote on them.
As a part of Spinfuel eMagazine I have been fortunate to be able to sample a whole lot of different eLiquids. Because of that I have many favorite flavors and brands. Over the past two years it always surprises me when a new company comes along with something original and delicious.
I am particularly impressed with Rocket Fuel Vapes…
Having launched less than six (6) months ago Rocket Fuel has been able to maintain a level of quality and consistency found in larger and older companies like Johnson Creek and Mountain Oak Vapors. Launching any kind of company is a difficult proposition, and an eLiquid company has to be one of the more difficult businesses to launch successfully. Yet, because of the talent, commitment, and passion, the two people behind Rocket Fuel Vapes have created a first-class premium eLiquid company, and their success has been spectacular.
I personally enjoy several brands of eLiquid, and for me there is no bigger sense of satisfaction than being able to tell thousands of Vapers about the great brands I’ve discovered, or the team has discovered. Publishing this review of four great flavors from Rocket Fuel Vapes has been a privilege.