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The following review is the personal opinion of the Spinfuel reviewer, and does not reflect the position of “Savage Enterprises or PHÜRT”
A Synthetic Nicotine, fruit flavored e-liquid that will satisfy like it was 2016 all over again. Flavor. Clouds. Satisfaction. 3mg and 6mg TFN. Available Now.
Spinfuel has been reviewing TFN e-liquids for a long time. TFN is chemically identical to tobacco nicotine, without a single atom of tobacco in the formula. TFN means Tobacco Free Nicotine, and as such, should not be legally, or constitutionally be controlled by current vape laws. Just don’t expect ‘this’
democratgovernment to respect that.
Savage Enterprises and PHRUT Vape Juice
Savage Enterprises was founded by Chris Wheeler and Matt Winters with the belief of helping the masses who needed an alternative to combustible cigarettes.
As former smokers wanting a solution, Chris and Matt found the e-cigarette space to be very appealing.
In 2013, Matt and Chris opened O.C. Vapor Chamber (later renamed to Savage Vapor), a retail location for e-cigarettes in Orange, California.
After gaining traction quickly with their e-Liquids, they jumped into the wholesale market at the tail end of 2014. Savage Enterprises started growing at a rate they didn’t expect and closed their established vape stores in 2016.
They embrace the rapid change in e-cigarettes and stay competitive and innovative to help smokers quit smoking. Something the US government does NOT want. Without smokers there is less tax revenue. Never mind the countless number of horrible deaths… nothing to see here. Move on…
A Brand New Vape Juice Review!
So, here we are in late 2021, tens of thousands of businesses have closed, hundreds of thousands were thrown out of work because the past and current Presidents of the United States purchased votes and money from Big Tobacco. The current President said, essentially, “elect me and I’ll kill vaping completely.”
“You got to pay your masters Mr. President. Big Tobacco on the phone, sir” – John Manzione, owner of Spinfuel.
Well, enough of this raging against corrupt politicians. Let’s talk about PHRUT Vape Juice by Savage Enterprises. Made with TFN, every flavor I’ll write about today is, in a word, fantastic!
A Common Question Asked by Users of Google:
“Can You Still Buy Fruit Flavored Vape Juice”
The law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in January 2021 bans the retail sale of flavored tobacco products including menthol and fruit flavors, as well as those used in electronic cigarettes. … “California will continue to fight back and protect children from Big Tobacco.” (Yea, whatever you say Mr. Corruption)
Not only does this corrupt attempt by California Governor Gavin Newsom flat-out lie and distort scientific facts, but this is also a disgusting, yet perfect example of the definition of “politician”.
One who twists and distorts facts and innuendo wherever this mouse-of-a-man can, by making it appear as though killing off the vape industry hurts “Big Tobacco”. That simply isn’t true. It helps Big Tobacco.
The very corrupt Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) was the sponsor of the disgusting Bill. When the Bill was pushed out for voting, by state officials, until November 2022, he was quoted as saying: “It’s a sad day for California when the money of Big Tobacco is able to delay the inevitable while continuing to addict and kill more Californians,”…
Yea, right…
Remember what Shakespeare said about lawyers? I’d love to change Lawyers to Politicians. There is nothing lower on the pole of life than a politician.
And there is a special place in hell for politicians, directly adjacent to pedophiles and people that club baby seals.
Anyway. Enough. Let’s Review!
The PHRUT Vape Juices – A 2021 Review
Mango Madness – 3mg and 6mg TFN
Grade: A+
This 100mL bottle offers a Mango & Pineapple & Strawberry combination that blend together so well, and is such a welcome flavor that I almost, honestly, teared up because I believed the days of delicious flavors of e-liquid were gone forever.
Naturally, the first flavor whisking along the tastebuds is a sweet mango goodness. Once inhaled into the lungs that mango stays for a moment, and on the exhale a magnificent, sweet strawberry rolls over those same tastebuds, and then finally an amazing pineapple flavor. It is only the finest vape juice blends, the ones that have gone through trial-and-error numerous times, that can deliver such precise flavors in order. You might think that an e-liquid with 3 different flavoring would combine into some “magstrawpine” concoction, but that is not the case when blended by a master vape juice artist.
Savage sent us 2x 100ml bottles of 4 flavors. I’ve been spending time with all four flavors using the SMOK TFV16 Tank with the Kanthal 1.7-ohm coil at 68W, powered by the Triade DNA250 3-cell mod. Each flavor produces thick aromatic clouds. Surpisingly, even vaping for hours at a time, I’ve yet to experience vape-tongue.
While I have vaped more of the Mango Madness then the other flavors, it’s only because I have an affinity for mango. As you’ll see below, the three other flavors are equally flavorful and a wonderful vape.
Honey PHRUT – A blend of Guava & Peach & Pear & Caramel
Grade: A
When I first glanced the red box containing the 100mL plastic bottle (w/needle nose tip) I was ready to try a “honey” flavored vape juice. Over the past 11 years I’ve vaped my share of honey-infused juices, so I was more than ready…
…then I read the flavor blend. Saw with word “Guava” and my heart sank a bit. “Oh no, not Guava” I said. I hate guava and never understood why anyone thought guava would be a good idea for a vape juice.
But, being the team player, I picked up a new SMOK TFV16 with the same Kanthal 1.7-ohm coil, filled the tank, and let it sit a bit.
It was during this ‘wait time’ that I noticed the other flavors that were being used. Peach, I love peaches. Pear, love me some sweet red pears. Finally, Caramel. Now caramel is one of my go-to flavors. Deep, sweet, chewy caramel… oh yea, this might be good after all.
How to tell if the vape juice you’re about to vape is ‘quality’
No matter what flavor, or combination of flavors in your vape juice bottle, if it’s anything but clear, it’s not quality. Every great eliquid is clear as day. Keep that in mind when you’re shopping for juice.
Honey PHRUT has a strong scent of the fruit Guava. If you’re a fan you’ll love it even more. If you’re not (like me) it might frighten you some. As a fan of Honey PHRUT I urge you to work through that Guava scent and get to vaping this marvelous juice once the coil has been saturated.
Honey PHRUT is not a Guava vape juice. It is so much more.
I’m no expert, so I can’t tell you why this blend of caramel, peaches, and pears works so well with guava. Blend together, these four flavors create something completely new; sweet and deep, yet fruity and tropical. It’s weird honestly, but oh so good.
The clouds produced by Honey PHRUT is a tad more voluminous than Mago Madness, quite possibly because of the caramel component. It’s been said that the clouds are a little less aromatic, though there are still sweet and caramel scents wafting off into the air.
So, after a few hours spread over a few days, I would describe Honey PHRUT as a deeply caramel, yet tropical flavored vape juice ideal for wintertime. It’s December in New Hampshire, and one these colder nights a tank full of Honey PHRUT, a good movie, or even better, some great music, is a perfect way to spend the time.
Purple Lemon by PHRUT – 3mg or 6mg TFN – 100mL
Lime & Cranberry & Grape
Grade: A+
So many Vapers love Grape flavored vape juice. I mean, they seriously love it. From the first vaper I knew at a large vape company way back in 2011 to the girl I met at the last convention I went to (pre-pandemic) Grape flavors were the best of the best.
But not to me.
Once of my all time favorite e-liquids was a Key Lime Pie flavor that imitated the taste of the best Key Lime Pie I ever had (down in the Florida Keys), and during the days of ample vape juice variety, I always kept a couple of bottles of Key Lime Pie flavors on hand.
So imagine blending a top tier Lime flavoring with a top tier Grape flavor, and using a top tier cranberry flavor as a bridge between these two very different flavors. I never would have considered using these three flavors together, but I guess that’s why I never bothered mixing my own vape juice.
Like Mango Madness, Purple Lemon hits with a delicious tropical, yet sweet lime flavor on the inhale, a tangy cranberry for a brief moment at the end of the inhale, leaving you with a deeply sweet full mature grape on the exhale. What a spectacular combination, and one I plan to keep close for as long as possible. Purple Lemon is right up there with Mango Madness.
Melon Refresher by PHRUT
Watermelon & Lime & Strawberry
Grade: A-
If you’ve been reading Spinfuel for years (we hit the internet on February 1st, 2011) then you might already know that there have been only 2 or 3 “melon” flavored e-liquids that I could tolerate. Melon flavors, like real melons, don’t have strong flavors, and if you had to concentrate them to make them flavorful you wind up with an awful vape.
Melon, including watermelon, is best used as a base. It’s naturally sweet, has a light presence, and combines easily. Now take some of the best flavoring in the world, like Lime (love me some lime!) and a sweet ripe strawberry, combine them with a refreshing watermelon base and the result is a vape juice blend that hits so well, so full of flavor, that you can do some serious damage on a 100mL bottle in an evening.
Unlike the flavors above, Melon Refresher is a pure fruity vape juice. Light, delicious, with massive clouds of vapor, this is best vaped in the background, like you would sip a brandy. Delicious, yes, but not so bold that it make you stop what you’re doing just to pay attention to the flavors.
For melon fans, Melon Refresher just might be the best melon to come out in 5 or 6 years. Even if you’re not into melon vapes, the lime and strawberry combine to create one fantastic vape juice.
Blue Citrus by PHRUT – 3mg and 6mg TFN – 100mL
Blueberry & Raspberry & Lemon
Grade: A+
You would have to work hard to mess up a vape juice using blueberry, raspberry and lemon. There a many of these combos on the market (I mean, there used to be before the benevolent fascists took over), so I had to wonder; “Have I experienced this flavor before?” No. No I have not.
As I said, the secret of great vape juices is top tier flavors and a perfect blend. Not an equal blend, not a simple 33% x 3. PHRUT must have tried dozens of blends before coming up with Blue Citrus.
Blueberry is a stronger flavor then raspberry or lemon, so it is going to be the inhale flavor. This blueberry flavor is a naturally sweet, yet deep blueberry that reminds me of blueberry pie filling.
The bridge flavor here is lemon, a sweet/tart flavor waking up the middle of a long vape. It’s a clean lemon, delightful, and a bit more tart than sweet.
On the exhale comes this incredible raspberry flavor that hits deep, pure, almost concentrated flavor. An amazing achievement.
And in the end….
Spending time with 5 incredible vape juices, writing a real December 2021 Review about some brand new e-liquids is dumbfounding. Here I was living off scraps from friends in the industry, expired or slightly off recipe vape juices, all because of what this corrupt government did to our industry.
Spending time with 5 incredible vape juices, writing a real December 2021 Review about some brand new e-liquids is dumbfounding. Here I was living off scraps from friends in the industry, expired or slightly off recipe vape juices, all because of what this corrupt government did to our industry.
So many companies are gone, so many people are living off welfare, meals on wheels, and other state sponsored ways to keep a roof over the heads, and food on the table… all because Big Tobacco bought enough politicians, including the last two Presidents of this country, and are doing everything they can (some illegally I might add) just to make sure tobacco companies can maintain profits and the government can collect taxes from people who are destined to die. Horrific death by cigarettes.
This is the only way we can fight back now. Forget your money-grubbing organization that promised to save the industry. The only way to save the industry is through action. Buy these vape juices any way you can. Protest by voting anti-vape politicians out of office.
We deserve flavorful vape juices by extraordinary companies like PHRUT and Savage.