I was lucky enough to meet the next vendor, Ogre Juice,  that I am reviewing at the Vape Expo in Hamburg, PA. They were one of the few I actually got to step away from my booth and go visit to try and I was VERY impressed. Partners Brandon and Harold mix in a sterile clean room and use every precaution to ensure quality and cleanliness. They started mixing ejuice because they were both drippers and just wanted something more to suit their own personal tastes. As more and more people tried the juice they made, more wanted it. Next came a demand for it, so they made the next step and last year set up a larger scale operation. They just launched the company in April 2015. The name of the juice of course came from Brandon’s 6’8” 300lb size and nickname, “Ogre”. They just ran with it. His partner’s fiancée did the label artwork, which they didn’t want to go overboard with, and decided to just concentrate on the eye in the O of Ogre. I think the labels are super! Of course, I am partial to the colors of lime green and black too. James Marsico even made an Ogre Box Mod just for them. I had to include a photo. They are sweeeeeeet!!! I’ve heard nothing but GOOD things about his boxes. I’m looking into them currently. Now, time for some Ogre JUICE…

The Ogress’s Cream

   “While the enchanting Ogress is trying to satisfy her refined appetite, she chooses our delightful peaches and cream juice. The scrumptious juicy peach is combined with a sweet heavenly cream to let this juice please even the most discerning vapors.”

If you like peaches and cream, you must give The Ogress’s Cream a try! This is coming from someone who is not a big fan of peach flavors at all. (It may have something to do with a time at my Aunt’s wedding when I may have been a little young and snuck too many groom’s shots from my Uncle’s tray and ordered fuzzy navels at the bar!) This is a nice, smooth, and well-balanced vape. On the inhale, a delightful peach flavor that the cream swirls right into before the exhale. The sweet peach and cream are a great combination and the flavor lasts throughout the exhale. I tried this at various watts from 30-70 and it honestly tasted good at all of them! I liked being able to change up the flavor and it still taste good no matter what! I sampled this particular blend in Hamburg, PA at an expo at 70watts in a Maganus Tank and it was just as tasty!! I will be using my HexOhm V2 with a Production RDA and a .3-ohm coil build for all of these reviews. This set up just rocks.


     “After a long day of eating people under his bridge the grotesque troll needs a refreshing beverage to wash down all of the bones he has ingested. So what’s better than Troll Beer? This root beer float has a rich root beer flavor complimented by classic vanilla ice cream to make this juice a treat for everyone.”

     Anyone looking for a delicious root beer vape? Look no further! This root beer vape takes it one step further by adding a rich, creamy addition. I feel as if I am actually sipping down a real float. YES, it’s that good! The inhale is full of a scrumptious root beer flavor intertwined with that lovely taste of the vanilla ice cream just melting into it. It’s a classic that lasts throughout the exhale as well. It will leave you simply wanting more, but also feeling guilt free! No calories in this bad boy!! I vaped this from 30-70 watts as well. I enjoyed it best around 50 watts, but enjoyed it at all ranges.


     “This juice is just that, CHAOS. The captain takes control of the ship leading his loyal berry crew to explore the vast milky seas, looking for the long lost silver spoon. Help the captain and his crew of berries find their way to satisfying your taste buds with this reminiscent cereal blend.”

This is another smooth and creamy vape by Ogre Juice. It’s well blended and has a nice balance between the cream, cereal, and berry notes. Crunch Berry seekers will want to try this out. On the inhale, I taste the cereal and cream and it tastes like heaven. The berry note dances in right before the exhale and the final blend is that nice flavorful spoonful we all know and love!! This is a lot creamier than most Crunch Berry vapes and that is why I enjoy it more. Some of them just taste too dry if you know what I mean. I enjoyed this best around 50 watts as well.

Ogre Juice Yeti

CUSTARD ORGE JUICE     “In the snow capped mountains of Nepal is where the Yeti resides. You can find him keeping the secret recipe to this decadent juice. This luscious velvety custard is sure to please your palate. This recipe has a delicate vanilla undertone to round out this amazing juice.”

I just set the Yeti straight at 50 watts and let it roll. It is one of the smoothest custards I have tasted. The more I vaped it, the more I liked it. The inhale is full of a rich, creamy custard that is truly tasty. I love that the vanilla in it is just a subtle undertone that I just notice here and there throughout the vape. The exhale is full of rich clouds. All of the Ogre Juice has produced nice clouds so far! If you are looking for a smooth, velvety custard…Yeti is a must try!

Ogre Juice Ogre’s Blood

     “Harvested from the head Ogre himself, this is the Ogre’s life force. Surprisingly, the blood of an STRAWBERRY CRUNCH ORGEOgre is sweet and creamy with the succulent taste of strawberry milk that will keep your mouth watering and craving for this divine e-juice.”

     Ogre’s Blood is a sweet strawberry flavored vape that does remind me of a strawberry milk, but it’s just a tad too sweet for my liking. On the inhale, a sweet strawberry flavor comes out right away. The milky note dances in right before the exhale but the sweet strawberry is still the predominant flavor. This is a tasty blend and lasts throughout the entire vape. If you like them sweet, and like strawberry, this one is definitely for you!! I liked this one best around 40 watts.

FRUITLOOPSOgre Juice Cyclops’s Cereal

     “The only way to enjoy these pebbles of fruit is by chucking some serious clouds at the giant Cyclops guarding his delicious bowl of cereal hidden in his milk covered cave.”

Cyclops’s Cereal reminds me of a heaping bowl of fruit loops. On the inhale, I taste the citrus fruit cereal and then the milky creaminess swirls in and makes the flavor change to a little on the fruitier side. The citrus still lingers in the background throughout the vape. The exhale is a total spoonful of the cereal, milk and all. If you like fruit loop vapes, this is one to check out for sure. It’s smooth, creamy, has a mild throat hit, and has a great vapor production!!

Ogre Juice has launched with a pretty solid set of six flavors that are sure to please a number of palates. Their juices are for sale on their web site and retail for only $13.99/30ml. This is a super price for this caliber juice in my opinion!! Make sure to follow them on Twitter at Ogre Juice and on Instagram @ogrejuice.

My ratings are as follows:

Ogress’s Cream: 5/5 stars.

Troll Beer: 4.5/5 stars.

Captain Chaos: 4.75/5 stars.

Yeti: 5/5 stars.

Ogre’s Blood: 4/5 stars.

Cyclops’s Cereal: 4.5/5 star
