Mojo Vapor Got Boss Review

Vaping With Vapinski     

This week with parking in place and a gorgeous side walk I’m ready to rock-n-roll as far as the shop goes!! YES!!! It’s about DAMN time. I am blessed to have such a loyal patronage here and that I have always been a “people” person. Helping others is just what I was meant to do. That is why many vendors choose to get Mojo Vapor Got Milk Collectioninto this business. Brett Weiss for example, owner of Mojo Vapor, is doing so many wonderful things in this industry that I can’t wait to share with you. This line of eliquid, Got Boss, is one of those things. Back in May, Joseph Tuohy (the Vape Boss) was told to go introduce himself to Brett. Brett said Joe was just one of those guys you just gravitate towards. Joe really enjoyed Brett’s Mojo line and they developed a relationship and became friends. Brett said, “In mid July, I did Vape the South. While I was down there, I saw him(Joe) work the room. I approached him and wanted to utilize him as the front man for an eliquid. The marketing has to be good, and the product has to be even better!” He wanted to help further the Boss’s career because he is a great guy who does a lot for the industry. The Boss had been approached by other juice lines prior to Brett’s offer, but just never felt it was the right way to go. They came up with the “Got Boss” line name because of Joe’s nickname. Matt Mastro a tattoo artist from Binghamton, NY came up with the killer labels of Joe in the Milk truck.

Mojo Vapor has always used only high end organic products… mostly. Brett’s partner is the master mixologist who chooses to stay out of the lime light most of the time. They use as many natural flavorings as possible in their products. I can tell when an eliquid is made of  the best PG/VG and when organic flavorings are used. They are smoother, hit my palate nicer, and the throat hit is mild. The flavor is always clean and fresh. Speaking of flavor, let’s get to the Got Boss Milk Collection so you can start craving some now….

“Strawberry Milk….”

So, if it’s strawberry milk that you want, you should probably grab some of the Got Boss Strawberry Milk. On the inhale, it was as if the milk and strawberry hit me separately for a moment before they blend together throughout the rest of the vape. I enjoyed that aspect of the vape. The strawberry is a really good flavoring that blends nicely with the cream where neither overpowers the other. The sweetness is spot on and it’s very smooth. The final part of the exhale leaves me feeling as if I have actually tasted strawberry milk. It’s a little confusing to my taste buds to be honest, and that’s GOOD…!! For those of you looking for a different strawberry vape, this could be the one. Everyone has a strawberry and cream vape or strawberry custard. I have two favorites! This, however, is a strawberry MILK and has a totally different taste to it from the strawberry flavoring to the milk aspect. It’s very enjoyable!! There was a mild throat hit and great vapor production. I enjoyed Strawberry Milk best between 30-40 watts on my Lotus LE80 with a Popeye RDA and a .3 ohm coil build. I’ll be using this set up for the rest of the reviews and re-wicking between flavors, of course!!

“Caramel Milk….”

Mojo Vapor Got Milk Collection     Caramel Milk is another smooth blend of flavored milk that you can’t go wrong with especially if you like caramel flavoring. On the inhale, a lovely caramel flavor rounded out with the creamy milk that flows into the exhale. The exhale is a great combination of flavors. The creamy caramel flavor is just delicious and I just want to keep hitting it. It goes especially nice with a cup of coffee!!  I have never had a caramel milk until I mixed the glass for the photo. You can’t tell that it’s a beige color, but it was pretty darn tasty…just as tasty as the exhale especially. There is a mild throat hit at 3mg and an excellent vapor production. I enjoyed this best around 45 watts.

     “Chocolate Donut Milk-The real deal!”

Mojo Vapor Got Milk Collection     So, chocolate donuts are a ton of people’s weakness…right? Well, now you can vape them!! Hell yeah! When I started vaping, that was a HUGE bonus for me, all of the sweet flavors. With Got Boss’s Chocolate Milk you feel as if you are munching on a chocolate donut and chasing it down with a sip of milk. On the inhale, I taste the chocolate donut instantly. It’s pretty spot on too. I love that this is really well blended as well, it really is the real deal. The milk and cream is more of an undertone in the inhale just smoothing the chocolate donut flavoring out enough to make it rich and tasty. The exhale is delicious too and more like a creamy chocolate milk where the flavor lasts to the end, but still think a touch more cream could have made it pop just a bit more! I enjoyed this at 45 watts as well and it also had a mild throat hit. The vapor production was great!

I also ran the Chocolate Milk in a Herakles Tank with a .3 ohm gClapton coil and the flavor was just as good at around 40 watts as it was in the RDA.  The donut flavor was more intense in the inhale, but just as tasty. The milk was definitely more evident in the exhale. However you choose to enjoy it, the chocolate flavoring blends well in this vape. The throat hit was still mild and the vapor production still excellent!

     “Fresh baked apple fritter, with a tall glass of sweet milk.”

     Apple Fritter Milk has probably one of the best apple flavorings in an eliquid I’ve tasted to date. As soon as I inhaled, the apple flavor was what got me. It wasn’t overpowering, just really tasty and blended well amongst the fritter notes and sweetness of the milk. The exhale is smooth and reminds me of a creamy apple flavored milk. The dough from the fritter is there, but subtle. The throat hit is mild and the whole vape is again, really tasty!! I preferred this one around 40 watts. I didn’t get to do a photo for this one because I actually just got a small bottle to try right before they bottled and started selling it . It is online and available in shops NOW….!!!

If you are interested in the Got Boss line, set out to find one of the 35+ B&M stores that it is in already!! If you can’t make it to one, go to Mojo Vapor. The eliquid retails for $9.99/15ml, $18.99/30ml, and $64.99/120ml which is pretty good pricing for this quality of eliquid. Make sure you follow Mojo Vapor on Facebook and Instagram @mojovapor. Make sure to follow The Boss on Instagram @boss_vape.

The Chocolate Donut, Strawberry, and Caramel Milks are all a 65vg/35pg ratio and the Apple Fritter Milk is a 70vg/30pg blend. They come in the following nicotine levels: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, and 18mg. I LOVE the labels and the Vape Boss is just one of those charismatic people that not only captivates you, but makes you want to try this eliquid as well. I would have tried it after just getting to know both of these guys without doing this review!!

It’s such a pleasure getting to work with people who make a difference in the industry. Props. I’m looking forward to the fifth and final flavor of the line which will be featured in a future update article….!!!

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