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Judy Henry Wants You To Know More About E Cigarettes
The invention of the e cigarette presented us with a glorious opportunity. It has made it possible for many of us to quit smoking, including myself. It has given many of us the opportunity to start new businesses, including myself. With great opportunities, come great responsibilities. Are we living up to those responsibilities, or being so reckless that we are jeopardizing our health and possibly causing the collapse of something that has the potential to be so great?
We all recognize that this industry is not regulated. There are no rules for our safety and well being, and we have government agencies breathing down our necks and looking for a way to shut us down. It is up to us to make smart decisions and demand the safety and quality we deserve. In addition, there is a lot of confusion as to what is safe to vaporize and what is not. The truth is that none of us really know. It will be many years before the effects of what we are doing show actual results. What we do know is what we were doing to our health smoking cigarettes. Together, we certainly have the opportunity to do something much better.
I have agreed to take this platform (my new column here at Spinfuel eMagazine) because I want to see this industry survive and be the very best it can be…because of all the questions, confusion and concerns I hear from our customers on a daily basis…and because I am just pissed off in general at the obvious lack of concern by some companies for the well being of others. I absolutely acknowledge that there are also some fabulous companies creating incredible products that do care tremendously about our health and well being. As with any great endeavor that offers the ability to generate huge profits, a few bad apples can spoil it for everyone.
I have no agenda other than creating open a conversation that allows the truth so that we can make educated decisions for ourselves. I have no fancy credentials or background in this area, but have surrounded myself with experts, and will present the best research I can find on various subjects that relate to our products. I cannot do this without your help, so together let’s start breaking down some of the confusion surrounding the e cigarette, and bringing our industry up to a higher standard.
Judy Henry, Proprietress Guilty Pleasures Organics LLC
TOPIC NUMBER ONE: eLiquid Warning — Know What Your Vaping!
Coming up on my three year anniversary of switching from smoking cigarettes to vaporizing with an e-cigarette, I look back with extreme gratitude for this life changing technology. I am proud to be part of this exciting industry and stand beside other companies striving to make a positive impact on lives by offering positive alternatives to smoking. Unfortunately, there are companies/individuals cashing in on this exploding industry with total disregard for the contents of their product and how it may negatively impact our health in the future.
Let me be clear that I have no idea what company this is, nor do I know if this is a mandated label requirement of another country. My problem with this is the lack of labeling on the bottles.
A few of months ago, I had a customer call me. He had run out of our e-cigarette e juice and on a whim, stopped by a local corner store with a big banner outside stating that they now sold e cigarettes and e juice. He purchased a box of the e liquid and when he returned home, read the outside of the box. This is the actual box he purchased.
What is even more disturbing is that when he returned to purchase another box for me for evaluation purposes, the bottles had been placed on the shelf for sale without their boxes. There was no labeling as to ingredients and no warnings. On what planet is this acceptable? Certainly not ours! When did it become okay to vaporize something into our lungs that is so hazardous that you need to wash your hands and forearms after handling?
It is time for us to educate ourselves and demand the simplest of safety measures on these products. It is up to us to force the companies manufacturing e-cigarette liquids to be responsible.
There are plenty of responsible companies to choose from that deserve your business.
As is custom in Spinfuel eMagazine, your comments are most welcome. Let’s begin a dialog, and together, let’s make this a safer, better, industry.
Judy Henry
Judy Henry is the Proprietress of Guilty Pleasures Organics. Judy is not compensated for her work with Spinfuel eMagazine in any way. We asked Judy if she would bring her enormous amount of knowledge, and her huge support staff of scientists and other experts at her disposal, to the pages of Spinfuel for the sole purpose to help educate Vapers who might not otherwise understand the maze that the electronic cigarette industry as become. Because Judy is so passionate about this industry, and so willing to take the time to help others become non-smokers, Ms Henry agreed to contribute to the original content of Spinfuel eMagazine. – John Manzione – Publisher