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Deeply entrenched in the Tank Wars I am beside myself with the excitement of so many tank options to choose from. “Which one should I buy?” “Which one do I need?” Which one do I want?” I think its safe to say that most vapers have thought these things, and more, over the past few months. With the release of the Joyetech Delta 2 these questions just got a bit tougher to answer.
The, dare I say, revolutionary Delta 2, features a new, user-friendly controller that allows an eLiquid Valve Controller on the replaceable sub-ohm coil to adjust the amount of ejuice flowing into the coils, it can also be used with a wide range of wattage settings (from 20 watts to 50 watts), and is now an all-stainless steel construction… The Joyetech Delta 2 is a powerful, high performance tank that will run neck and neck with both the Aspire Atlantis and Kanger Subtank. Like the Kanger Subtank the Joyetech Delta 2 also has a replaceable RBA option.
After spending a great deal of time with the three top tanks on the market, the aforementioned Atlantis, Subtank, and Delta 2, I have come to know the intricacies and characteristics of each one, and I have dubbed the Delta 2 the “grown up” of the three tanks. As I get into the details of this terrific new tank you’ll understand why.
The Delta 2 Package:
1x Delta 2 Mouthpiece (wide mouth)
1x Delta 2 Tube
1x Delta 2 RBA Base
2x Delta 2 Atomizer Heads
Using The Joyetech Delta 2
Filling the Tank is pretty much as straightforward as you’re going to get with a modern day tank – Simply unscrew the tank tube from the Delta 2 base, and fill with eLiquid from the hole at the bottom along the inner wall of Delta 2 tube. Make sure not to over fill the tank. Screw the tank back together, allow the coils/cotton to saturate really well (a good 20 minutes is what I allow) and you’re ready to vape.
Air and eLiquid Flow Control
In addition to an effective airflow controller the Delta 2 also allows you to adjust the eLiquid flow. There are reasons when you want to adjust the juice flow, and reason when you don’t.
Adjusting the airflow: There are two slots on the atomizer base that work in tandem. Rotate the airflow ring clockwise or counter-clock wise to adjust the amount of air coming into the tank this way. The less air coming into the tank the tighter the draw, the more air the looser the draw.
For vapers that vape the “mouth to lung” way a tighter draw is always preferable. For vapers that prefer “lung hits” a looser draw allows more air/vapor to move directly into the lungs. As a mouth to lung vapers myself, I prefer tighter draws.
Now, about adjusting the eliquid flow…
Naturally, controlling the juice flow is only available when using the standard Delta 2 coil head. The coil head is rated at .6ohms, and for vapers using the lung-hit approach will find it advantageous to open up the controller to allow more eliquid to flow directly onto the coils. For mouth to lung vaping you probably won’t want to flood the coils with juice because the draw is always weaker and shorter than when taking a lung hit.
Without getting too technical, look at this way; vapers that are looking for the biggest clouds of vapor they can get are more apt to take huge drags from the tank, and lots and lots of air will be moving across the hot coils, and the juice will then vaporize much faster than when a vaper is inhaling into the mouth first and then moving the vapor into the lungs afterward. With that much air flowing past the hot coils, the introduction of “opening the flow gates” as it were, with the juice controller, the coils always have plenty juice to vaporize. A word of advice: If you’re not taking lung hits with the Delta 2 then keeping the juice flow wide open might cause leaks, or flooding of the coils because you’re not vaporizing the juice at the same rate as lung hit vapers.
The Delta 2 adjustable ring for controlling the ejuice is located at the bottom on the coil head. You can rotate the ring clockwise or counter clock wise in the same way you adjust the airflow controller on the outside of the tank. The eLiquid controller features 3 slots around the coil head, and like the airflow controller the less the slot is covered the larger the liquid flow will be, and vice versa.
Caution: The coil heads for the Delta 2 will not work properly with low-wattage devices, so please do not attempt to use the Delta 2 with devices that don’t put out at least 20-25w. The perfect match for the Delta 2 is, obviously, the eVic Supreme, but during my review period I used it on a myriad of devices ranging from the MVP20W (I had to max out the wattage with it and did not get the optimal vape), the VOX 50w, the Heatwave Defender (25w), the iStick 30, the Pioneer4You IPV Mini (30w), and Tom let me use the God 180, which was definitely overkill. Honestly, because I use an eVic Supreme I was most comfortable using that, and the new SMOK XP Pro (50w).
The RBA Component
The Delta 2 features an RBA/RDA setup inside the tank. If you decide to use this component instead of the prebuilt coil heads you’ll find it very easy to use. It features an easy to access deck, a fine well wall, and a chimney. It is a single coil setup, with a nice size coil already installed, making it really easy to start using. As I mentioned in my preview video, I prefer a larger single coil then two smaller micro coils not only because its easier to work with but because a single coil fires up faster and, in my opinion, put out a thicker volume of vapor. The single coil build that comes with the tank is rated at 1.0-ohm. With your tank you’ll receive some organic cotton, a small screwdriver, and an extra coil and screws.
Dripper or Tank?
The nice sized well and chimney makes the Delta an excellent RDA. If you’re interested in trying out several eliquids for a review or to discover a new favorite you might consider the RDA feature a godsend. However, you can also fill the tank with 4+ ML of eLiquid and use the tank as an RBA.
Juice Hungry
The three tanks we’ve discussed ad nauseam these past few weeks are all excellent performers with one unfortunate side effect; they are all juice hungry monsters and the Delta 2 is no exception. On a normal day of vaping using the RBA setup or the coil heads I will burn through at least 3 tanks of juice. The same can be said for the other high-performance tanks as well. On the plus size, the Delta 2 will allow you to lower your nicotine level. I haven’t vaped 18mg nicotine in a couple of months; it’s been 6mg or 11mg.
A word of caution: The three tanks in this class, the Atlantis, the Subtank, and the Delta 2, may need a “coil adjustment” from time to time. I’m hearing people complain about the Atlantis and the Subtank (the Delta 2 hasn’t reached the public quite yet) being DOA after replacing the coil heads, and with a quick check to make sure the coil head is securely attached to the base 99.99% of the complaints vanish. So, if this happens to you, check the coil head and make sure it is secure.
In Conclusion
Using the devices mentioned above I spent the past several days running more than 15 tanks of juice through the Delta 2, and other than a coil head cleaning (Q-Tips only) the coil head is still going strong. I’ve used the RBA setup about 25% of the time, and the cotton, though definitely showing signs of age, was still functioning up to this past Friday, when I decided to replace the cotton with fresh strips.
I have several Delta 1 tanks in my arsenal of vape gear. I use them exclusively with my eVic Supreme because, well, black Delta’s on a black eVic make for a mean looking setup. When the Delta 2 becomes available I will most certainly pick up several for my arsenal, but I won’t ditch the Delta 1, despite the major advances in the Delta 2.
So, is the question of deciding which of the three high-performance tanks even a valid question? I’m not so sure. For all of the great features of the Kanger Subtank, it is a monster truck of a tank. Certainly less of a monster than the Kanger Turbo, but it is still a huge tank. After spending quite a but time with the Subtank I’ve decided not to buy any further OCC coils for it and to eventually let the ones I do have find a home at the bottom of my “Island of misfit vape gear”. For me, the Subtank is too big for normal use.
The Aspire Atlantis is still in heavy rotation with me because of the perfectly matched Aspire Sub-ohm battery. The Atlantis produces phenomenal flavor and vapor, and it will be in rotation until the Atlantis 2 comes out. (The Atlantis mini and Subtank mini are already in preproduction).
Where does the Joyetech Delta 2 fit into my overall vape usage? Well, since I only have the one Delta 2 and a single replacement coil I am currently curbing my usage until I can get more supplies (the review period is over, time to use something new anyway). When that happens the Delta 2 will become my “go-to” tank, my everyday tank, for two reasons; It is a better looking tank (especially if it comes in black, fingers crossed), and because the flavor and vapor is a small notch above the Atlantis.
What concerns me about the eventual success of the Joyetech Delta 2 is that if too many vapers tie the Delta to the Joyetech eVic and not as a tank that works extremely well with a wide variety of high-wattage devices then it may stay too far under the radar to become the major success it deserves, and that would be a shame.
Pricing and Availability
As I write this review I still have no word on when the Delta 2 will begin to hit the vendors shelves. I was told early January, so I expect to see them up on MyVaporStore by the end of the week. I expect the price to be about the same as the Delta 1 when it was released in early 2014, probably around $35 or so.
The Joyetech Delta 2 is a major upgrade to an already fantastic tank. With the new eLiquid flow control, the built-in RBA component, and the new sub-ohm coil heads you can count on the good name of Joyetech that the tank will last forever, and provide hundreds of hours of sublime vaping. Yea, I recommend it…highly.
John Manzione