Hurricane Vapor Launches! The Spinfuel eLiquid Review – Updated

A few months ago the Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team had the pleasure of being the first to do an in-depth review Hurricane Vapor’s entire eLiquid line. We had a blast, and wound up spending a few days vaping some of the best juice we’ve experienced. Their Cuban Coffee, Toasted Amber Tobacco, and so many more were simply amazing. These guys were going to launch as a premium vendor from the get-go, and Spinfuel was going to be the first vaping publication to let the vape community know about them. Then something happened, as they often do, the result being a delay of more than four months.

Hurricane VaporWe were so impressed with the quality of Hurricane Vapor’s eJuice, and the men behind between the names, that we kept in touch with Christian the entire time. Through Twitter, the occasional email, and even through Facebook, we watched as Christian struggled to make the dream of Hurricane Vapor remain alive. If nothing else, these past months showed us all what it means to never give up, no matter how hard it is to get back up and keep swinging. A real inspiration, in every sense of the word, and the dedication to the vision of bringing a premium line of eLiquid to the vaping community, Christian Vargas has earned the respect of the Spinfuel staff. Best of all, beginning Friday, April 12th, these incredibly delicious eLiquids will finally begin shipping to customers everywhere. If you haven’t already pre-ordered now’s the time

So, seeing as how Hurricane Vapor is here, standing ready to serve the vape community a rich, full flavored line of authentic tasting eJuice, and since we’ve received confirmation from Christian that their magnificent recipes have remained untouched, save for one which Tom will talk about below, we decided to republish our review. And we can finally make public our decision on which flavors had earned the Spinfuel Choice Award. Nothing in this review has changed, unless otherwise noted.

Note* just a few days before we were to announce the awards for Hurricane Vapor we learned of their launch delay. At that time we felt it best to hold the awards close to the vest and wait until those of you that depend on our reviews for new and exciting eJuice flavors could actually order them. That time has arrived. – Today we proudly announce that out of the ten launch flavors, six of been awarded the Spinfuel Choice AwardsJohn Manzione – Editor/Publisher

 Hurricane Vapor – A Spinfuel eLiquid Review

Head Writer: Tom McBride – with Julia Barnes, Jason Little, Keira, and Lisa Johnston.

 A Vaper’s eLiquid

I tend to think that in order to fully appreciate the eLiquids from Hurricane Vapor you must enjoy the vaping experience more than the ‘smoking’ experience. In other words, while someone just coming off analogs would definitely love Hurricane Vapor eJuice some of the nuances or complexities of a flavor like Toasted Amber Tobacco might be lost on someone who has not yet developed a taste for fine eLiquids.

A cigarette is just that, a cigarette, but Vapers know that vaping eLiquid is a deeper, more satisfying experience. It seems to me that Hurricane Vapor is not trying to replicate the flavor of the cigarette but is instead aiming to deliver amazing flavors in the form of deep, thick clouds of vapor. If you’re the type of Vaper that wants the flavor and experience of Marlboro or Winston, or even Kools, Hurricane Vapor isn’t your eJuice…yet. On the other hand, if you’re the type of Vaper that wants a powerful and satisfying vape with layers of mysterious tastes and textures Hurricane Vapor may just become your favorite eLiquid provider for years to come.

In The Beginning

Hurricane Vapor is in actuality two (2) uniquely American people with a uniquely American story. Their personal history and their subsequent pursuit to establish a top-shelf eLiquid to be enjoyed by millions represent the best of real ‘American Values’. Sharing a bit of their history as well as the inspiration behind Hurricane Vapor will, I hope, shed some light on what makes Christian Vargas and his new partner and wife Lisa Vargas, two of the most exciting new faces in the vaping community.

Hurricane Vapor is the brainchild of Christian Vargas, who is President and Founder of the company. He is also the head ‘cook’. Lisa Vargas has taken over as co-owner and runs the inventory management system, is in charge of sourcing and ordering materials, in charge of cost-per-unit balancing, and handles incoming and outgoing financials. I know this might sound awfully “corporate”, but I assure you there is plenty of ‘artistry’ going on as well.

Both Christian and Lisa are very serious about where they want to bring Hurricane Vapor and to get there is going to take as much business savvy as it will artistic talent for creating great eLiquids.


Before the formation of Hurricane Vapor Christian was inspired by the electronic eCigarette’s success in getting smokers off tobacco so he created a Facebook page called ‘Vapor Movement’ to raise awareness of the non-tobacco alternatives to help smokers live a healthier lifestyle and in less than 3 months the page had more than 5000 “fans”. What was once a Facebook page has since turned into a community for people dedicated to promoting a healthy, safe, and “just plain smarter” alternative to smoking deadly tobacco

With the winds at their back, and a passion in their hearts Christian and Lisa decided to create their own line of eLiquids that would represent the melting pot that is Miami; to take that ‘Miami Experience’ and create complex, multi-ethnic gourmet flavors that cannot be found anywhere else in world. Once you taste the brilliance that is Hurricane Vapor’s Cuban Coffee for example, you will instantly understand what these two dreamers have achieved.

American Exceptionalism is alive and kicking in Hurricane Vapor and the two bright young people behind the dream. Hurricane Vapor has their ‘clean room’ up and running, in South Beach, the legendary section of Miami. Somehow it seems only natural that South Beach beckons. On April 12th they begin shipping their eLiquids everywhere, and right now you can pre-order your eLiquid choices and get a jump on the Vapers waiting until the 12th.


Hurricane Vapor got our attention a few months ago (as well as the attention of others, including our friend and associate SmokenJoey) with their mysterious Internet movie clip and carefully selected advertising (and strategic twitter activity), and we were genuinely intrigued. After some exchanges with our lovely Julia Barnes, it was decided that Hurricane Vapor would be invited to submit their pre-launch (but finalized) eJuice for a full-fledged Spinfuel eLiquid Review.

Over the course of the time spent with HV Spinfuel has worked closely with them on the review and an extensive Interview with Christian and ex-partner Miguel Monterrey.  Still, neither of them has a single clue as to the content of this review. They were not sent a rough draft, a synopsis of our impressions, or any kind of a ‘tell’ of where this review might go. Speaking for myself I think these guys have brass pairs considering that Spinfuel is somewhat notorious for the truth. The confidence in themselves, their company, and their product is yet another sign of their American Exceptionalism. So…. Let’s get started.

The Review

The Head Writer?

No doubt many of you that have been reading our major eLiquid reviews might be somewhat surprised to see that I am the head writer this time out. (Don’t worry; Julia is holding my hand the entire time

It’s not that it’s my turn at bat or anything like that, it has everything to do with the flavors that make up Hurricane Vapor initial lineup. With names like “Toasted Amber Tobacco”, “Sunshine Cured Tobacco”, and “Cuban Coffee”, who better to lead this review than someone who seeks out these types of flavors all the time? I wanted this one, and I wanted it badly. So here I am.

The Team Comes Together

Hurricane Vapor sent up two 2x 30ML bottles of each of their flavors. That meant that not only could I put together a 5-man/woman team we could extend the vape time to 6 days instead of three. Other than the “Oh my God, can you believe this one!” type remarks we held back having face to face meetings until those 6 days came and went. When we finally did sit down we couldn’t shut up for hours.

Luckily we still had some eLiquid left over to enjoy while we discussed them one by one. The only bad thing to come out of the meeting was the realization that we had to wait until launch time to get more. Such is prerelease review I suppose.

I asked Julia, Jason, Lisa, and Keira to join my team and they eagerly agreed.

Hardware and Software

Since there was a full complement of team members and 6 days of vaping we had the opportunity to vape Hurricane Vapor juice in more ways than ever before. Here’s the breakdown of the team members and what they used for testing the juice.

Tom (me): ProVape Provari mini – w/MOV XL Tank, 510 cartos by Apollo and Boge. Halo Cigs G6 batteries and cartos. Vapage XL MOD (a gripper).

Julia: Vaporetti batteries and cartridges. Totally Wicked Tornado and CE4, MyVaporStore ZMAX with Texas Tuff Tanks. Johnson Creek Vea.

Jason: MyVaporStore Lambo with SmokTech tanks and 510 cartos. MyVaporStore/Joyetech 510 Ultimate batteries and cartridges with 510 cartomizers.

Lisa: Apollo eCigs VTube with new ViVi Nova’s and “Monster Clearo”, Apollo Superior eGo.

Keira: MyVaporStore The Bolt with various 3ML and 6ML tanks from Apollo, Totally Wicked, SmokTech, Vision, Phoenix. Johnson Creek Vea.

The Hurricane Vapor eLiquid Flavors

All bottles from Hurricane Vapor are square shaped, not round. (See photos) eLiquids are available in 15ML and 30ML sizes, with sampler packs that may be offered in smaller sizes.  HV Juice will be available in 0% nicotine to 2.4% nicotine strength. The price is not yet set in stone, but I’m told they will be aggressively competitive.

This list may or may not be the official launch list of eLiquid flavors. If any additional flavors are added to the launch we’ll see if we can’t get ahold of them beforehand and create a new review for those specific flavors…

  • Sunshine Cured Tobacco – Spinfuel Choice Award
  • Toasted Amber Tobacco – Spinfuel Choice Award
  • Berry Jello Shots
  • Vice City Ice
  • Miami Lemon Drop
  • Florida Orange Creamsicle
  • Peaches & Irish Cream – Spinfuel Choice Award
  • Cuban Coffee – Spinfuel Choice Award
  • Chocolate Frost Bite – Spinfuel Choice Award
  • Galleta Dulce – Spinfuel Choice Award

As with previous Spinfuel eLiquid Reviews we are using the 1-5 star rating, with 5 stars indicating an amazing, original, and delicious juice that delivers in all major areas; flavor, vapor production, and throat hit. Any juice with a 1 star rating is basically Unvapeable. (Hey! A new Spinfuel word!).

And Here We Go…

Sunshine Cured Tobacco – Spinfuel Choice Award!Tom: Of the two tobacco flavors this one didn’t score as high as the other one did, the Toasted Amber Tobacco. I enjoyed it immensely, but once I vaped the Toasted Amber Tobacco this one slipped a bit in my rating scale. Sunshine Cured is the lighter of the two tobacco liquids and for many it will be their new favorite tobacco eJuice. It would have been mine if not for the Toasted Amber. The vapor is excellent and the throat hit was almost perfect. – 4.5 Stars – Updated April 8th – I’m bumping this to 5 stars, which is what it should have been in the original review. After the review was over I kept reaching for this flavor for several days until we ran out. Now, beginning Friday, I can finally order more!

Julia: It’s been several weeks since I had vaped a tobacco flavored juice and Sunshine Cured was an utter delight. Sunshine Cured is a nice, medium blend that has a delicious delivery and absolutely no chemical aftertaste. I had a favorite tobacco blend before this and now I’m definitely leaning toward Sunshine Cured Tobacco. Vapor production is excellent. Throat hit was exactly what I want in a vape. – 5 StarsSpinfuel Choice Award 2013

Jason: Sunshine Cured Tobacco is a true tobacco blend. I don’t mean that it tastes like a cigarette because there isn’t any tobacco blend that tastes like an analog. If it did it would be awful, I mean come on! Sunshine Cured delivers the real flavor of an excellent fine tobacco. It delivers a very satisfying, almost calming experience. Sunshine Cured is the best way to get a great tobacco flavor without actually chewing on tobacco leaves. – 5 Stars

Keira: When I started vaping I stuck with sweet fruity blends like Bananas Foster and Pineapple Upside Down Cake, so Sunshine Cured Tobacco was a first for me. I was truly stunned by how different it is from sweet flavors. Sunshine Cured is not sweet, and somewhat dry, exactly how a tobacco flavored eLiquid should be. But it was also luxurious, velvety. I fell in love. Vapor was marvelously thick, and the throat hit was perfect. – 5 Stars

Lisa: As soon as I heard Keira describe Sunshine Cured Tobacco as velvety I knew exactly what she meant. This is not a super-sweet vape, but it is also one of the most, I don’t know, rich and satisfying flavors. There is something about it that is mature, professional. Maybe it’s indescribable for me at this point. All I do know is that Sunshine Cured is out of this world. Vapor production was very, very good. Throat hit was excellent. – 5 Stars

Toasted Amber Tobacco – Spinfuel Choice Award! – Tom: Toasted Amber is exactly the tobacco flavor I seek when I find myself searching for the ultimate tobacco vape. It has a very rich, very deep flavor that I find incredibly satisfying. It is a bit sweeter than Sunshine Cured, with deeper tones and a nuttiness to it that rounds out the intense flavor. Vapor production is about the same as Sunshine Cured, which is excellent. Throat hit was a tiny bit more than Sunshine. In my book it doesn’t get any better than this. – 5 Stars

Julia: I spaced the two tobaccos at either end of my review period. I vaped Sunshine Cured first and then waited until the end to vape Toasted Amber. Then I filled 2 carts with both and attached them to two batteries. For the next few hours I switched back and forth. Initially Toasted Amber was winning the contest between the two tobacco blends if only because the Toasted Amber was richer, sweeter, and darker.

You tend to pay more attention to the one making the most noise and in this case it was Toasted Amber. But then, after spending time with both of them I realized that they each played their part equally well. Sunshine Cured is a delicious daytime tobacco vape and Toasted Amber is a better nighttime vape. I can see myself vaping Sunshine Cured all-day, during the day, and then switching to Toasted Amber at night, after dinner, with a glass of wine. Vapor is excellent, and the throat hit was perfect. – 5 StarsSpinfuel Choice Award 2013

Jason: No doubt about it, Toasted Amber is a sweeter, richer flavor than Sunshine Cured. Both are incredible tobacco blends and, in my opinion, are perfect vapes for different times of the day. Sunshine Cured is a great tasting tobacco blend that you can vape while doing many other things. You don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it after a while. It becomes a part of your day. Toasted Amber, on the other hand, grabs your attention with its strong, rich, nutty goodness and is a great vape for when you are relaxing, watching TV, reading or perhaps even the perfect vape for the “afterglow” period. Vapor was spectacular and the throat hit was solid. – 5 Stars

Keira: After vaping Sunshine Cured I wanted to wait a while before tackling Toasted Amber, so in between them I had vaped Galleta Dulce and Chocolate Frost Bite, both excellent vapes and very different than tobacco blends. When it was time to vape Toasted Amber I was ready, and I really thought they would be very similar in taste. They are not. Toasted Amber is both darker and sweeter than Sunshine Cured. Toasted Amber is a strong flavor with an abundance of vapor and a big hitting throat hit. I really don’t have a tobacco blend in my rotation because I would much rather vape a vanilla or pineapple flavor, even coconut. So I don’t think I will be adding either one to my rotation but if I had to it would be Toasted Amber because it’s sweeter. – 5 Stars

Lisa: There is a lot to love about Toasted Amber Tobacco, for the tobacco lover anyway. Even though this isn’t a flavor for me I would still rate it 5 stars because it is so true to its name and watching Tom vape it you just know that anyone who loves tobacco blends is going to love it. Toasted Amber is too much for me, too powerful. Vapor was great, as was the throat hit. 5 Stars

Peaches & Irish Cream – Spinfuel Choice Award! – Tom: Whenever I vape an eLiquid made from two or more flavors the first thing that interests me is which one is going to be the dominant flavor. In this case I wandered if it would be “Irish Peaches” or the “cream”. Since the pre-production bottle indicated that the peach flavor was “Irish” peach, I was looking for a unique Irish taste. For the life of me I could not point to a dominant flavor, they were divided evenly.

But here’s the thing; when peach season arrives I buy a lot of peaches. My girlfriend and I make several peach dishes like peach pie, peach ice cream, and so on. What I love most however is to cut up a 2 or 3 peaches into a bowl, put some granulated sugar on top and pour light cream over it (you can’t buy light cream in this part of Florida, so I can only do this back home in NH), let it sit overnight and then have it for breakfast. This flavor, this rich peachy flavor and the creamy cream flavor is exactly what Peaches & Irish Cream tastes like. Exactly. I loved it. Vapor production is out of this world. Throat hit was terrific. 5 StarsSpinfuel Choice Award 2013

Julia: I started to notice more “cream” flavors in eJuice a few months ago. At first it was a strange flavor. Cream in a vape tastes very rich, sweet, and thick…and sometimes it is paired with another flavor that just doesn’t work. But with peaches? It works beautifully. This blend of cream and peaches is one of the most satisfying blends I’ve enjoyed this year. You really taste a genuine peach and a rich creamy cream. Vapor production was the best of the lot, and the throat hit was good, about medium. 5 Stars

Jason: Peaches & Irish Cream is almost a desert vape. It’s a sweet and creamy peach blend that you could easily enjoy in the morning or evening. While I thought it was plenty delicious in the afternoon during my initial vaping I enjoyed it even more later that night. A nice balance of both authentic flavors, Peaches & Irish Cream is right up there with the best sweet vapes around. 4.5 Stars

Keira: It has been my experience that peaches and cream vapes are evenly divided between good executions and poor executions. I’ve loved several and I’ve discarded more than a few. Hurricane Vapor is definitely on the side of “loved”. A sweet and creamy vape with plenty of peach flavor, Peaches & Irish Cream is a very smooth and rich blend that for anyone that enjoys peaches and cream vapes would do well to try this one. The blend tastes properly “aged”, with full-bodied flavors for both peaches and the cream. Not an all-day vape for me, but a great evening vape. 4 Stars

Lisa: Hurricane Vapor chose their initial flavors extremely well. I think the spectrum of flavors is about perfect for a company starting out, even if they all don’t achieve the same level of greatness. For the Vaper that is looking for a sweet and creamy peach flavor this is one of the best. I’m adding this one to my rotation as a preferred evening vape when I want something peachy. If you are the type of Vaper that likes creamy vapes or vapes with a good dose of peach flavor then you’re going to really love this one. Vapor production was remarkable and the throat hit was very good. 5 Stars

Chocolate Frost Bite- Spinfuel Choice Award! – Tom: Early this year I did not like chocolate flavors in any eLiquids I tried. In fact I damn near hated them. But, that was back when I was vaping prefilled cartos from juice made in China. Still, it tainted my future enjoyment of chocolate flavors from USA-made eJuice makers for months. Then, several weeks ago I began to discover what others before me discovered about a good chocolate flavored eJuice. Chocolate CAN be smooth, chocolaty, and delicious, if its done right. Apparently the Chinese juice makers have no real clue about Chocolate.

Blending a chocolate flavor with a minty flavor is pretty easy if you’re an ice cream maker, but it’s much harder to pull off if you make eLiquids for a living. First problem is the minty flavor. I don’t like menthol, so if an ejuice maker tries to blend chocolate with menthol in order to get that coolness I’m going to flat out hate it. Still, there are times when the ejuice artist can really pull it off and make something spectacular using an authentic mint or even peppermint.

Chocolate Frost Bite is an excellent execution of smooth chocolate flavors and real minty goodness. I really enjoyed it. Will it make my rotation? I’m not sure yet. It depends on how much I miss it. If you are still looking for that great blend of mint (not peppermint) and smooth creamy chocolate, this could be the one you’re looking for. If it is you’ll never look back. 5 Stars

Julia:  Chocolate Frost Bite is delicious. Period. It is a very mellow milk chocolate with a real mint flavor. Breathe in and you’ll get a nice whisk of coolness, and what you won’t taste is an awful menthol flavor. In fact it’s kind of an amazing blend. I’ve had some great chocolate and peppermint blends this year, but this one is a real mint flavor, not peppermint, and it makes a difference. With vapor production and throat hit off the scales this is one mean combo that makes true chocolate lovers swoon. – 5 Stars

Keira: As a bon a fide chocolate addict I can attest to the real chocolate flavors in the amazing and minty blend. The chocolate is smooth and not overpoweringly rich, and the vapor production was almost comical. I would take a puff, and then exhale and the thick vapor would just keep coming! I even got a strange look from Jules, like “What the hell is happening! Is this a magic trick?”. (I’m not kidding). So, I’ve decided to give Chocolate Frost Bite 5 stars.

Lisa: It takes a lot to get me to really like a chocolate/mint vape. Thankfully Hurricane Vapor got this one perfect so it turned out to be one of my favorites. A velvety smooth milk chocolate (at least I think its milk chocolate) and a delightfully brisk minty exhale makes Chocolate Frost Bite one of the best I’ve had. Ever. These are the kinds of flavors I live for, something that will satisfy my nicotine urges and at the same time tame my sweet tooth. Not an all-day vape for sure, but an excellent minty vape for those times when you need something sweet and minty. Definitely adding to my rotation. 5 Stars

Cuban Coffee – Spinfuel Choice Award! – Tom: If you like coffee blends you will love Cuban Coffee in ways you wouldn’t believe possible. I thought eLiquids couldn’t possibly deliver such a strong, yet sweet and smooth, coffee flavor like this. Cuban Coffee is so original, so bold, and yet so delicious that if any one flavor is going to put Hurricane Vapor on the map it will be this one. Vapor is outstanding and the throat hit was magnificent. 5 Stars!

Julia: There are few coffee flavors that I adore. Those few deliver excellent coffee goodness without a hint of harsh, mouth burning ugliness. Today I add another one to the list; only this one zooms up to the top of that list.Spinfuel Choice Award 2013

I have never had Cuban Coffee before. Never even heard of it. Apparently the real Cuban Coffee is a very strong and very sweet coffee served like espresso but with a taste all its own. Hurricane Vapor has created a Cuban Coffee that I believe would be the same great taste of an actual Cuban Coffee. Not that I would actually know, mind you. Do not confuse this one with any type of espresso vape you’ve experienced before. I’ve enjoyed many espresso blends and they don’t taste like this Cuban Coffee blend.  Not anywhere near an all-day vape for me (because it’s so bold), but I will definitely add this to my rotation for those times when I need a real pick-me-up. Cuban Coffee is an amazing achievement. 5 Stars!

Jason: Cuban Coffee is an amazing vape, just a little too strong for my taste. This is a very dark, very sweet flavor that will definitely perk you right up. What I liked about it is how fully flavored it is without causing any harsh throat hits or that burning feeling in your mouth. Hurricane Vapor really delivers on the flavors for all ten of their eLiquids but Cuban Coffee takes the #1 spot for bold and daring. 5 Stars

Keira:  The way you guys were going on and on about Cuban Coffee I got so excited about it I could hardly wait to vape it. Then I tasted it. Oh my God how strong is it? I can understand why Tom and Jason would love it, they love strong flavors like nobody else, but me, I just couldn’t vape it. I wouldn’t say it was Unvapeable, but it was way too strong to enjoy it for very long.

I want to score this highly because it delivers exactly what it’s supposed to. Just because I couldn’t handle it doesn’t mean that others, who enjoy strong coffee flavors, would feel the same way. So, that being the case I’m giving it 4.5 Stars. For a girl that loves to vape vanilla cookie dough and strawberry shortcake I have to admit that Cuban Coffee has an allure. If you want a coffee flavor that will knock you on your butt, this is it. 4.5 Star

Lisa:  Hurricane Vapor has created a coffee flavored vape that is unlike anything I have ever vaped before. Very strong coffee flavors and yet so sweet, Cuban Coffee is a remarkable blend. A real achievement when you think about it. Personally, I loved the Cuban Coffee is small doses, a few minutes at a time. Any more than that and it would be too much. For all the coffee lovers out there in Vapeland though, you’re going to think this was created in heaven and delivered to you special. 5 Stars

Berry Jello Shots – Tom: What a terrifically sweet vape this is! Berry Jello Shots is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, a mixed berry flavored, sweet Jello-like vape with an abundance of vapor and a great throat hit. I don’t know how they managed to trick my brain into tasting that peculiar Jello flavor but they sure did. The only thing missing is the alcohol. 5 Stars for execution

Julia:  A sweet Jello and berry vape that produces a fantastic amount of vapor and a medium but well received throat hit. I liked it, and I enjoyed all the time I spent with this flavor, but it wasn’t really a stand out for me. Hurricane Vapor has several standouts that are original flavors that you won’t find anywhere else. Berry Jello Shots is an original flavor, but not on the scale of some of the others. 4 Stars.

Jason: While I found it a good flavor, and Tom is right about that Jello-taste, it wasn’t as complex as the others. Vapor is terrific though, and the throat hit, while not super, was better than many other sweet vapes. 4 Stars

Keira: Berry Jello Shots is exactly what I look for in a vape. A sweet berry flavor that hits the spot for a sweet tooth Vaper like myself. I too was very surprised by how they were able to replicate that Jello flavor. How do they do that? Vapor was good, but not the best, and the throat hit was okay, not bad. 4 Stars

Lisa: Berry Jello Shots is an evenly balanced vape. The taste of berries are dominate, but barely so. That delicious Jello flavor was also very apparent and it gave the flavor an original taste. Smooth, rich and sweet, this is an excellent sweet fruity vape. Vapor was awesome and the throat hit was quite good. 5 Stars

Miami Lemon Drop – Tom: I’m not crazy about lemon, and I much prefer Lime instead. But, there is something about Miami Lemon Drop that is simply incredible. It has a non-tart lemony flavor that I loved, and this other flavor that I can’t really describe. It works on every level. A perfect balance of sweetness and lemon flavor that is irresistible. 5 Stars

Julia: What I thought would be a simple lemon flavor turned out to be so much more. If you like lemon you’ll love this one. There is something unique about the mix of flavors. Although the taste of lemon is there it’s a fuller lemon flavor. More sweet than tart, this one is something special. Excellent vapor and throat hit too. 5 Stars

Jason: Yes, Miami Lemon Drop is a good lemon vape. But again, where it the originality of the Sunshine Cured Tobacco or the Cuban Coffee? A perfectly suitable lemon vape but it lacks the ‘Wow!” of some of the other Hurricane Vapor offerings. 4 Star

Keira: I think its unfair that you (Jason and Lisa) would judge a perfectly good flavor like Miami Lemon Drop against something as original as Cuban Coffee or Sunshine Tobacco. Not every flavor is going to knock it out of the park. Give these guys some time. Yea, Miami Lemon Drop isn’t as original or powerful as some of the others but it’s a delicious vape. A sweet lemon vape with a little something extra. Vapor was terrific and the throat hit was better than I had hoped. 4.5 Stars

Lisa: Miami Lemon Drop is a really good, really sweet lemon vape. Vapor production is outstanding and the throat hit was more than decent. But other than that? I’m not overly excited about it like I was some of the others. It’s a normal flavor that rounds out the initial offering of a new eLiquid brand. Good, but not great. 4 Stars

Galleta Dulce – Spinfuel Choice Awards – Tom:  For those of you that might not understand Spanish, Galleta is Spanish for “cookie”, and Dulce means “sweet”, so this Hurricane Vapor original is simply a ‘sweet cookie’ flavor. And is it ever amazing! This is definitely one of my favorite new flavors. Unbelievable vapor and a good throat hit, Galleta Dulce will win over the hearts of many a lover of cookie and cake Vapers. Take it from a guy that spends most of his time with tobacco and coffee flavors, when it’s time for something sweet without being overly sweet or candy-like, this one is the one to go to. 5 Stars!

Julia:  A terrific Spanish sweet cookie (or is it Cuban?) that is unlike any cookie flavor vape you’ve ever had. This is where Hurricane Vapor really shines, in delivering tastes that are unique, delicious and complex. The vapor is outstanding and I got a good throat hit as well. One of my favorites, 5 Stars!

Jason: You see? This is what I mean about Hurricane Vapor. There is this very special connection to Miami and some great flavors and these guys are great are capturing them. This cookie vape is a sweet vape but with such an original cookie flavor that it reminds you that this is something new, something special. 5 Stars

Keira: Wow! Galleta Dulce knocked me out it was so good! Even before I knew what Galleta Dulce meant I knew this was a special cookie-like vape, but with the taste of something I’d never tasted before. A full flavored smooth cookie vape with the right amount of sweetness and the right amount of awesomeness. I’m going to adding this one to my rotation! 5 Stars

Lisa:  I love these kinds of flavors, but there is something to this one that I’ve never tasted before. Delicious, sweet, rich, and very satisfying. I am blown away! Vapor is excellent and the throat is pretty damn good. 5 Stars

Vice City Ice – Tom: In the original review Vice City Ice was scored the lowest number of stars then any of the others. Hurricane Vapor has reformulated the recipe and has created a new flavor base for Vice City. We have not been able to try this flavor yet. When we do we will update this review with our impressions and star score. And with a new peppermint base this is sure to be an interesting update!

Florida Creamsicle – Tom: Florida Creamsicle is the first eLiquid that has claimed to be a Creamsicle and actually delivered on that claim. What an unbelievable flavor! I love Creamsicle and every time I see an eLiquid brand offer their version of one I’ll buy it. No one has ever gotten it perfectly right, until now. Tons of vapor and a great throat hit make this a huge 5 Stars.

Julia: I was shocked that this actually tasted like a Creamsicle. That is such a hard flavor to nail down and Hurricane Vapor actually did it. Amazing. Smooth orange and creamy goodness with plenty of vapor and a medium size throat hit, this is one I’m adding to my rotation. Vapor and Throat hit were surprisingly good. 5 Stars

Jason:  A full-bodied flavor of smooth orange and vanilla ice cream makes Florida Creamsicle one for the books! Great vapor, good throat hit, this is the one Creamsicle out there that gets it right. 5 Stars

Keira:  I know you guys have all tried many Creamsicle flavors before but I haven’t. In fact, I haven’t had a Creamsicle in like forever. So I have no idea what to expect with Florida Creamsicle. I must say it is a hell of a good vape. I’ve tried some orange flavors before and try are really hard to get right, but the orange flavor in this is just about perfect. What a great blend of orange and vanilla, or whatever it is that makes a Creamsicle a Creamsicle. 5 Stars

Lisa:  I guess I’m the only one here that doesn’t much care for this flavor. Don’t get me wrong, its okay. It’s just not my thing. Great vapor though, and the throat hit was pretty good too. 4 Stars

And in the end…

Where Hurricane Vapor gets it right they get it exactly right. There is no doubt that we are going to be hearing some great things from these guys as time goes on. Original, full flavored, and expertly crafted eLiquids are clearly the norm for this new brand.

Out of the ten flavors reviewed most where homeruns. The only ones that didn’t manage to hit it out of the park are the more simple recipes. Perhaps these flavors were created as a way to fill out the launch, I can’t say for sure. But I do know what it comes time to deliver a complex and original flavor these guys do it wonderfully well.

It was agreed that the two best flavors were Cuban Coffee and Galleta Dulce, but running close behind were the Toasted Amber Tobacco and Chocolate Frost Bite.

Hurricane Vapor has yet to launch but they are already producing eLiquids on par with some of the best. They will be an exciting company to watch in the months and years ahead.

Tom McBride with Julia Barnes, Jason Little, Keira Hartley, Lisa Johnston