Juice Broker? Now There’s An Idea!

Juice Broker? Why Didn’t I Think Of That? For quite some time now, especially after retail vape shops began opening up around the country faster than [...]

Stupid people
Stupid Stupid People

Stupid…Stupid People The number of times I shake my head during the normal course of the day increases exponentially to the number of times I spend time [...]

VCC Tampa 2015 – Thoughts & Observations

VCC Tampa 2015 – Final Thoughts and Observations Tampa Florida held its 2nd VCC event this past weekend. This morning I'm offering up my final thoughts [...]

Will new Vape Gear Change Everything?
Has New Vape Gear Changed Everything?

Has New Vape Gear Changed Everything? Can new Tanks and Box Mods to vape with move us from infancy to adolescence? Is the recent addition of [...]

eLiquid Regulations Are Needed

Trust But Verify – The eLiquid Industry and Regulations Indiana Senate Bill 539 – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Introduction My initial reaction to the Indiana’s [...]

Is Vaping Safe? Who Do YOU Trust?
Is Vaping Safe? Who Do YOU Trust?

Is Vaping Safe? Who do you trust to Tell You The Truth? The vaping industry has grown from a relative niche market at the turn of [...]

Thoughts on Spinfuel's Presence at the VCCNE 2014
Thoughts on Spinfuel’s Secret Presence at the VCCNE 2014

SmokenJoey and John Manzione Cover The VCCNE I’m back. It’s Tuesday morning, July 1st. I’ve just returned from the VCCNE in Springfield MA. This particular vaping [...]

Electronic Cigarettes And FDA Overreach

Is The FDA Right? Electronic Cigarettes are not tobacco products. Some vapers believe the FDA has proposed ‘light touch’ regulations while other vapers believe this is the [...]

Are Some Vape Shops Failing Their Customers?

Vape Shops Failing Their Customers - Isolated Incident or Widespread? What you are about to read is a true story.  After my experience with the two [...]

Will Big Tobacco Miss the Boat… Again?

"Cig-A-Likes will become a stopgap product" While tobacco companies were insisting that electronic cigarettes were nothing more than a fad, or a minor fluke at best, [...]

Let’s Pretend The Post Office Refused eLiquids

Post Office Madness Earlier this week an established eLiquid vendor, a favorite of many, was told by their local post office that they could not pick [...]

Johnson Creek – Republic Tobacco Vaping is NOT Smoking?

Does Smoke Juice Have A New Meaning? For the past few days we’ve received several emails from our readers asking us what we thought about the [...]

Vaping Is Deadly And Should Be Banned

Deadly and Dangerous, Vaping should be banned.... And Other Ranting from the Lunatic FringeIt isn’t just the anti-smoking individuals and groups that want the electronic cigarette [...]

Triple 7 Expands Product Line – An Interview

A Discussion - Triple 7’s Paul Lowenthal and Spinfuel’s John Manzione When 777 eCigs became a sponsor of Spinfuel eMagazine, way back in 2012, they were [...]

We Can Lose The E Cigarette War

The E Cigarette War Can Be Lost If you pay any attention to news concerning electronic cigarettes then you know that every single day we are [...]