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When I was tasked with discovering the best e-liquids for 2018 I had no idea what to do. How in the world does anyone choose 10 e-liquids out of the thousands of brands and flavors all over the US, not to mention the world? An impossible task, to be sure. I was assured it could be done, all I had to do was to think. So that’s what I did… for weeks.

Best E-Liquids for 2018 Cannot be Chosen by One Person
As the managing editor of Spinfuel VAPE, I also do all the purchasing. One morning, while racking my brain about how to approach this impossible assignment, my boss, the publisher, sent me a text asking me to reorder another 10 60mL bottles of the “only” e-liquid he vapes; KILO Black Series Birthday Cake. My initial thought was that it seemed too early to reorder, so I looked back at our previous purchases.
I noticed that by the way we were ordering Birthday Cake that John was vaping, on average, about 30mL a day, or one 60mL bottle every other day. Because my boss used to vape all types of e-liquids for 5 years, I decided I’d asked him about it. I wanted to know why he had zeroed in on Birthday Cake for more than a year, purchasing about 5x 60mL bottles a week.
It’s my Winston Lights in a Box
My boss told me that after all the hundreds of flavors and brands he had tried since 2011, early last year everything he tried just did not compete with the lush flavor and deep clouds of KILO Birthday Cake, so he made the decision to stick with that one flavor, that, was for him… the BEST E-Liquid on the market. For Him.
When the vast majority of Vapers were smoking cigarettes, they had a “brand”. Marlboro, Winston, Newport, Kool, whatever. Some, a great many actually, preferred either the “soft pack” or “box”. For my boss, his brand for a couple of decades was Winston Lights…. In a Box. He told me the Winston Lights in the soft pack were “awful”, compared to the Box. Apparently, he was not the only one. Since I began researching for this Best E-Liquids for 2018, it turns out a lot of people had this kind of preference.
For the past year and then some, John always vaped Birthday Cake, 3mg nicotine, in 4 sub-ohm tanks. While the tanks changed over the course of the year, he chose them for their ability to bring out the particular flavor of Birthday Cake. I think maybe that relates to Winston Lights in a soft pack vs hard pack, or box.
Using this method of thinking about the Best E-Liquids for 2018, I decided to ask a couple of hundred ex-smokers and now Vapers, if they too had their version of their cigarette brand, in an e-liquid. If so, maybe there were certain eliquids that were common among these 200+ Vapers, and the ten most common e-liquids would make ideal picks for the Best E-Liquids for 2018. For Vapers looking for that “one” flavor, one of the ten chosen had to fit the bill. Well, surely not for everyone, we all have our favorites, but for Vapers that don’t want to spend a couple of thousand dollars trying every brand and flavor combination they can find, these ten would make an excellent start.
Best E-Liquids --- One More Thing...
Note* Not everyone has limited themselves to a single eliquid. In fact, of the 200+ people I emailed with, talked to on the phone, or met in person, only 3 others had done what John had done, chosen ONE e-liquid to vape 100% of the time. But nearly all of them had their “favorite”, which they vaped 60-80% of the time, leaving some room for exploration, especially those that had subscriptions to Vape Box. Adventurous Vapers like to try many different e-liquids, while still maintaining that “go-to” juice.
For 2018, these ten best e-liquids were chosen more often than any others, as the go-to eliquid for more than 200 Vapers in the US and UK. Oh, and there were two others that kept popping up as great choices that I have included as “bonus” e-liquids.
And Two Bonus Picks!
Trying to establish the top 10 e-liquids of more than 200 Vapers, Vapers with experience, Vapers that spent a ton of money every month in new gear, building their own coils, or buying top-of-the-line Sub-Ohm Vape Tanks, RTA, and RDTA’s was one of the most difficult things I’ve done for Spinfuel since I began working here in 2008.
Collecting the information had to be done in a way that there was no chance of pimping out a name for the hell of it, no promoting a name to invalidate the research, so there were no surveys taken, just email, phone calls, texts, and some snapchats. It took a while to extract the data, and I present them here with no bias toward any of them. Yet…
Two additional e-liquids were often talked about, and although they had not yet reached critical mass of being widely accepted among the 200, I got a strong feeling that they would, this year. One of them, Naked 100 Hawaiian Pog, I can understand, Naked 100, created and produced in one of those multi-million dollar labs that make dozens of brands, was, and continues to build brand recognition and they have hired so many “social media influencers” that in the short term at least, huge number of Naked 100 e-juice were going to fly off the shelves. Naked 100 is hot right now, I’m just not that sure they will remain so in the coming year. We shall see.
The other one, Pound Cake, made by a company called Glas E-Liquid, is another one I have a lot of experience with. This one was the first pound cake flavor that reproduced the taste, the flavor, of a sweet pound cake to a T. When I purchased my first bottle of Pound Cake by Glas I paid more than $20 for what I believe was a 30mL bottle. There were two reasons I couldn’t stay with Glas; the cost per mL, and the pretentious nature of their marketing. A delicious e-liquid, not a coil killer, but while Glas was positioning themselves as some high-end Rodeo Drive type brand, they were being made in a facility where “less pretentious, less costly” e-liquids were also being made.
Today, wanting to capture the latest information about Glas Pound Cake, I popped over to Element Vape and checked it out. To my surprise, Glas Pound Cake is now available in glass bottles of 75mLfor a small $23.95
So, What Have We Learned? Anything?
Another reason I was chosen for this project was because I love statistical analyses. I am in awe that there is nothing in physics that says that; in a city of one million people, on any particular Friday night, all one million could show up at the same restaurant for dinner. Or that all one million citizens of that city will adopt a cat on Saturday. And even though it is certainly possible, it never ever happens.
In a way, careful study of statistics can show that the world is predetermined, or just the opposite. It can prove the existence of God to some and prove the non-existence of God to others. Statistics is a passion of mine, it shows that things can be predicted in astounding accuracy, and yet there is room for anomalies so strange it could take your breath away.
However, there is no real science of statistics used here to reveal our Best E-Liquids for 2018. The number of people in our survey-that-isn’t-a-survey is too small, and there are hundreds and hundreds of e-liquid flavor profiles that are made and remade by hundreds of brands. Yet, getting 200+ people involved in a 2-week period discussing e-liquids with me, telling me which brands and flavors will always make for a satisfying vape, and hearing the same brand and flavors come up often enough to make some predictions of what people are vaping on a much larger scale, was the best 2 weeks I’ve had at Spinfuel VAPE.
Whatever you might think of the these 10, or 12, brands/flavors, keep in mind that in my group of experienced Vapers, Vaper that have used at least 100 other eliquids during their time, these are the ones that kept coming up, unbeknown to each other.
The above are certainly not my favorite 12 e-liquids, but I’m willing to bet that for many that read this piece will agree with the finding, and many will not.
If you are new to vaping, try some of these, the ones that have a flavor profile you think you might like, and maybe you’ll like them as much as the 200 does. All of these e-liquids are available at Element Vape, because the “buyer” for Element Vape is someone with a lot of talent for choosing to stock products that Vapers will like. I suppose that’s why Element Vape is one of the fastest-growing, most respected online vendors in the United States.
Dave Foster
- Managing Editor
- Spinfuel VAPE