I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday and VERY Happy New Year!! I would like to thank everyone who takes a moment to stop by and check out my column. Today we’re gonna spend time with Beard Vape.

These reviews are my opinion, of course, but having a Culinary background-I do believe my palate is valid. I review all flavors-not just what is my cup of tea-and give my opinions based on flavor. I want people to know what it tastes like in my experience. I drip for all of my reviews to get the most out of my tasting. I usually try it a few times before I write the actual review. Enjoy and feel free to leave feedback!!


Beard-GroupShot Have you ever wondered about Beard Vape Co? Wonder no more, I’m here to tell you a little about their company and four of their flavors. It’s probably one of the most iconic labels out there. I know I have noticed it many times. The name simply derived from one of the partner’s fathers who has a huge beard, and thus his nickname is “Beard”. The name clicked one evening when they were all throwing the idea around about beginning an ejuice company. Since then, they have also opened a shop in Culver City, California. They use a sterile mixing environment and all of their products are mixed using USA sourced food grade products and flavorings. They wanted to make flavors everyone could enjoy and relate to…so let’s talk JUICE!

     “New York style cheesecake with strawberries on top……Mmmmmm.”cheesecake

NO.05 is a 60vg/40pg blend that has a nice vapor production. On the inhale, a nice strawberry flavor that coats the roof of my mouth in a pleasing way. As I’m exhaling, I notice the cheesecake taste. As the exhale continues, the flavors combine like a fork piercing through the perfect piece of strawberry cheesecake. It’s creamy, fruity, and has just the right touch of sweetness. If you enjoy cheesecake, especially with strawberries on top, you should check NO.05 out!

thinmints   “Literally a Girl Scout thin mint. Literally.”

NO.88 is a 80vg/20vg blend with a super vapor production. On the inhale, a nice mint flavor that seems to have a nice milky chocolate taste come into play right before the exhale. The chocolate mint flavor is then combined throughout the exhale reminding me of one of my favorite cookies that come around yearly. I enjoyed this one most with a nice morning cup of coffee.

   “Creamy Hibiscus Cotton Candy.”flowers

NO.64 is a unique 70vg/30pg blend that is sweet with a touch of a floral essence that I actually don’t mind. I get a milky sweetness when I inhale. It seems hard to put into words. A floral note hits me at the tip of the exhale but fades quickly as I notice the fluffy, sweet cotton candy note throughout the exhale. The vapor production is nice and the flavor is so unique that I keep picking it up. I seem to be enjoying it! The floral note is not overly floral. It’s a sweet floral if that makes sense. It does to my taste buds, so just roll with it!

shake   “Vanilla Custard With A Dash Of Vanilla Custard.”

NO.51 is a 85vg/15pg blend with a nice, dense vapor production. On the inhale, a warm vanilla flavor. I don’t really notice the creaminess until the beginning of the exhale. As the exhale continues it develops into the custard I am more accustomed to-the creamy, vanilla flavor all at once. It is a good, rich custard flavor and the clouds are HUGE. I feel like going to the local ice cream joint now, but it’s January. Bummer.

I used zero-mg to do the tastings with these flavors so there was virtually no throat hit on any of them. They were all nice and smooth. The eliquid came in 15ml amber glass bottles. You can order them in 15ml, 30ml, or 120ml and they are priced at $12.99, $24.00, and $80.00. The nicotine levels available are 0,3,6,12, and 18mg. Make sure you look up Beard Vape Co on Facebook and hit them up with a like. Also, follow them on Instagram and Vapetilly at @beardvapeco.

I’m pleased with the overall taste of Beard Vape Co. eliquids and the vapor production. The fifth flavor they offer at this time is NO. 32 which is described as a cinnamon funnel cake. Follow me @vapinski on Instagram to catch this review in a few weeks when I cover a subscription box company!!

My ratings are as follows:

  1. 05: 4/5stars
  2. 88: 4.25/5stars
  3. 64: 4.25/5 stars
  4. 51: 4/5 stars