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Atom Vapes gClapton Coil Atomizer Heads Review
by J. C. Martin, III
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
All 4-Pack Atom Vapes G-Clapton OVC Atomizer Heads: $21.99
Atom Vapes has recently released a new line of atomizer heads that incorporate the use of Clapton coils. Atom Vapes Golden Clapton coil atomizer heads are amazing. They are better than other atomizer heads I use all around. It is that simple. The ones I have tested and use are for the Kanger Subtank, a personal favorite. The other Atom Vapes Clapton Coils for the Arctic, Herakles, and Aspire sub-ohm tanks have larger cotton holes, as those tanks’ atomizer heads do, than the Kanger Subtank. Is there really any noticeable difference in regards to the atomizer heads that come with the sub-ohm tanks as opposed to gClaptons? Yes there is. Though the difference may be hard to notice, especially for those new to vaping, the cloud production is larger and the flavor is enhanced with the use of gClaptons. We do not get paid to say it, however if you have been using a sub-ohm tank mentioned above for a few weeks and need to or want to replace the atomizer heads, try out the gClaptons. You will be pleased.
Criticism Notions
What is the difference between a normal coil in an atomizer head and a Clapton coil; what is the main purpose of a Clapton coil? These are common questions among people who have never heard of a Clapton coil, or who have never built one. A basic Clapton coil is a normal wire coil with a smaller wire wrapped around it, much like the bass strings of a guitar, hence the name “Clapton,” named after Eric Clapton, the famous guitarist and musician. When e-liquid soaks into the cotton, it also partially soaks into the coil. As Clapton coils have wire around wire, e-juice soaks into the coil to provide for evaporation of the liquid from the coil as well as the cotton, which allows e-juice to evaporate from the heat of the coils. Therefore, Clapton coils can evaporate more e-liquid than a normal coil, providing for more flavor and larger cloud production. Their flavor/cloud production are why Clapton coils are a popular choice among vaping enthusiasts who enjoy building various kinds of coils.
What is there to even possibly criticize in regards to these notions? While the idea to incorporate a Clapton coil within an atomizer head is a new and appreciated innovation unique in its creation, and 24ct golden atomizers do promote more conductivity than other atomizer heads, the coils within the gClaptons from Atom Vapes could be slightly larger. A coil too large would not be preferable, as it would produce too much heat, however a coil with a 26 gauge inner Kanthal wire and 28 gauge outer Kanthal wire would have been better. The chance does exist that these sizes are actually what is used in the atomizer head, however they are assembled in such a manner to appear smaller than they could be, regardless, and the coils in the atomizer heads are not completely wrapped from end to end -just the majority of the middle of the coil. The coils work great, and there is really little to no reason to complain about their design. If Atom Vapes designs a new line of gClaptons with slightly larger wire, I am sure the cloud and flavor production will be even better. I would try them out if at all possible.
How do these ideas fit in with the TC atomizer head gClaptons as opposed to the Kanthal ones? Not at all. Temperature Control is completely different, and the size of the wire appears to be dead on. TC takes a little effort and consideration, as one has to find the right temperature for their prefered ‘sweet spot’ with their chosen mod. This takes time and experimentation, however there is always a noticeable difference in well-chosen settings as opposed to something besides them.
What is a good suggestion for a Ni200 G-Clapton atomizer head coil? 280°F with an IPV4s mod. That is an opinion, however, and most people can probably find their preferred temperature settings within an hour or so of vaping and changing the temperature settings of their mod. These first opinions are subject to change within a few weeks, however finding a setting that works for your purposes is possible to do in a relatively short amount of time. TC devices sometimes have only a setting for when the coils increase in heat to the chosen setting. For these devices, I recommend a shut-off setting of 340° F. Usually, I can inhale a cloud of maximum proportions and flavor as the heat only rises to about 318° F with, for instance, the eLeaf iStick TC 40W. Actual temperatures may vary depending on each device available, and usually vary depending on vapers’ preferences, too. Start with lower temperatures, and increase them until you find the right setting for you. If the cloud production is too hot, decrease your settings. Remember to let the cotton in the atomizer head re-saturate for a minute or two, if you feel as though the cotton has started to dry out. In my experiences, I was able to vape a few times every ten minutes or so with G-Clapton atomizer heads without inhaling a single dry cotton hit, which was an impressive experience.
Costs of Normal Replacement Atomizer Heads
In regards to comparing the cost of using gClaptons instead of normal replacement coils for other tanks which can utilize gClaptons, at least try the gClaptons out one time, though they cost a bit more. They are sure to make enough of a difference to be your atomizer head replacement of choice from there on out. Of the four tanks mentioned above, three of them commonly list 5-pack replacement atomizer heads for about $14.99 or less on the web. The Atlantis subtank’s atomizer head replacement 5-pack lists for about $9.99, though there exists a few quotes for about $1 less. Is it really worth the $5-$10 increase in cost for a 4-pack of 24ct Golden atomizer heads with Clapton coils? I believe there is; they provide for a more flavorful vaping experience and larger clouds.
Features and Specifications
Atom Vapes gClapton SUBXERΩ 0.32Ω OVC Atomizer Heads:
4 x OVC ( Organic Vertical Clapton ) Coils In Box
24ct Gold Plated for Reliable Voltage Flow
Ohms Resistance Label on Atomizer Head
30% Longer Life Than Other Coils
0.3 Ohms Resistance
Large Wicking Openings
Recommended for 25w/45w
For Devices Able to Use Low Resistance Coils
Compatible for Specified Sub-Ohm Tank
Available for Kanger Subtank Mini, Subtank Plus, and Subtank Nano
Available for Aspire, Herakles, and Arctic Sub-Ohm Tanks
100% Pure Organic Cotton Wicking
Professionally Hand Built Coils
2 Separate Wire Gauges
Recommended Utilization 30 watts (or 29.5W)
Included Atomizer Head Priming Instructions
Designed in Holland
Engineered in the United Kingdom
Atom Vapes G-Clapton SUBXERΩ 0.15Ω Ni200 TC OVC Atomizer Heads:
4 x OVC Coils In Box
TC ( Temperature Control )
For Use with TC Mods Only
Ohms Resistance Labeled on Atomizer Head
24ct Gold Plated for Reliable Voltage Flow
30% Longer Life Than Other Coils
0.15 Ohms Resistance
For Devices Able to Use Low Resistance Coils Only
Large Wicking Openings
Compatible for Specified Sub-Ohm Tank
Available for Kanger Subtank Mini, Subtank Plus, and Subtank Nano
Available for Aspire, Herakles, and Arctic Sub-Ohm Tanks
100% Pure Organic Cotton Wicking
Professionally Hand Built Coils
2 Separate Wire Gauges
Packaging Weight 58g
Recommended for 25 – 50 watts
Atomizer Head Dimensions 22mm x 12mm
Included Atomizer Head Priming Instructions
Made by Vape Heads for Vape Rockstars
Designed in Holland
Engineered in the United Kingdom
Thoughts on Use of Atomizer Heads
Installing and using an atomizer head properly can mean the difference between enormous cloud production and a device not even working at all. Mainly, you must prime the atomizer head properly, or your vv/vw mod may not even work, and priming the coil takes more skill with the TC version. You simply do not want to burn the new cotton, and over-priming the coil can give you a ‘Check Atomizer‘ message on your mod’s display. How do I avoid these terrible disasters? I bend the rules a little.
Bending The Rules
I install the coil in the tank with no e-juice, and set the settings for the TC as I would normally. Then, with just one quick click/hold of the firing button, I test the ohm’s reading of the atomizer head. Upon seeing no message on the display screen, I proceed to priming the coil by the instructions. This means to take the tank apart in order to fill it 1/2 full with e-juice and prime the atomizer head with only a drop or two. I then re-assemble the sub-ohm tank, take an average sized puff, and set the device aside. This way, the organic cotton can saturate, and the tank will actually work well.
Once, upon receiving a new sub-ohm tank with Ni200 TC, I dropped a massive amount of e-liquid onto the atomizer head and filled the tank up over 85% of the way. This drowned out the atomizer head, and the display read, “Check Atomizer.” Upon removing the atomizer head and letting the e-juice seep out of the atomizer head, I reassembled the sub-ohm tank. It still did not work. I eventually got the tank to work properly days later, however these reasons are enough to remember to prime the atomizer head without drowning it out. A quick, dry-cotton activation will not burn the cotton, and as long as you do not over prime the atomizer head, a sub-ohm tank will surpass most other vaping methods. A dry-cotton quick-test method increases your chances of a Ni200 Sub-Ohm atomizer working properly with various devices.
Are there any other notable differences between Atom Vapes Clapton SUBXERΩ Gold Plated atomizer heads and other sub-ohm atomizer heads? Absolutely. While you may think at first upon trying out the atomizer heads that they will be very close to the same, they are slightly better with re-saturation, as they take less time to soak in e-juice. There is a notable difference. As G-Clapton coils retain a small amount of e-juice, they nearly eliminate the process of setting aside a device to let the organic cotton re-saturate.
Is it even possible to inhale one vape cloud after another so many times that the organic cotton produces a dry hit? Maybe, however it is pretty difficult to do. There is no reason to do so on purpose, usually, as I can inhale multiple vape clouds in succession and still find the G-Clapton coil atomizer head to be saturated enough for the next nice vapor inhale.
Can you prime a G-Clapton atomizer head as you would with other atomizer heads? Sure, they can be primed the same way one can prime them with a normal atomizer head. Both the Kanthal atomizer head and the TC Ni200 version can be used the same way you would use the heads you replace them with. Your temperature settings may be slightly increased for the TC Ni200 atomizer head, though their method of use is the same.
To Atom Vapes, you have thoroughly impressed me. I have not yet encountered any other sub-ohm atomizer head idea of this caliber. Thank you for your innovative ideas and products; gClaptons work as well as they shine in their lustrous beauty. We will be waiting to see what you come up with next.
Atom Vapes has an extensive description of their warranty policy on their website, in case their products are defective. As they are some of the nicest products on the planet, it is doubtful that they would make something available flawed. The end consumer must register the new product or products within 14 days for the 90-day warranty policy to be valid. Of course, damage caused by misuse will not be covered under their warranty.
About Atom Vapes
Atom Vapes incorporates a highly progressive and unique view in regards to the vaping market. On their website, they mention people being able to work for them near Shenzhen China. Atom Vapes believes in listening to customers’ likes and dislikes, designing the best products, and making them available to those who enjoy them. They are easy to contact, and their products are appreciated. To learn more, check out the “Meet the Team” page on their easy to navigate website. You should also check out their website to learn more about their exciting, industry competitive Phatboy Subxero Kit Set.
In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed testing out the gClapton SUBXERΩ OVC atomizer heads from Atom Vapes and was thankful to be able to. They are truly excellent and produced some of the most impressive cloud productions I have experienced. I do recommend them over the normal atomizer heads that come with the Kanger Subtank or other tanks. If I knew someone with an Arctic Sub-Ohm Tank in need of a new atomizer head, would I highly suggest the gold-plated gClapton OVC atomizer heads as replacements? Absolutely, as they enhance vapor production and flavor. This is the reason I gave the gClapton atomizer heads 5 of 5 stars: I can think of no drawback in choosing gClapton OVCs over any other atomizer heads on the market, except for the extra few dollars you might pay. Thank you for reading and remember… vape on.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
J.C. Martin – Staff Writer