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Award-Winning Artisan Eliquid by the Masters of Flavor
Today’s review of some of the finest artisan eliquid by The Plume Room is the first eliquid team review to feature a new set of team members. For the last half decade Tom, Jason, Keira, and myself, have been bringing you our impressions to more than 200 vape juice reviews. It’s time for new blood, a fresh look, another perspective, on some of the best e-juice brands we’ve enjoyed over the years.
Why ‘The Plume Room’?
Spinfuel VAPE has reviewed artisan eliquids from ‘The Plume Room,’ numerous times (do a search above), so why a new review? A few reasons come to mind.
One reason is because so much as changed in the way of vape-gear. The last proper review was in 2014, and the tanks and mods we used were all higher resistance coils and lower maximum wattage. Most Vapers today use sub-ohms and high wattage mods, how can they relate to a review that includes vaping TPR juice with an EVOD mod or an Aerotank (original)?
Then there is the fact that the vape community has exploded since 2014, and although our reviews are always available no matter when we published them, so few Vapers know how much Spinfuel VAPE continues to go through bottle after bottle of The Plume Room vape juice every week.
Finally, while so many of TPR’s artisan eliquid carry the Spinfuel Choice Award from reviews in 2012, 2013, and 2014, would they earn the same awards when vaped in ultra-sub-ohm coils and high wattage mods? Does the flavor change with sub-ohm tanks? Is the cloud production subpar now? Is TPR still a great brand after so many High VG brands have launched, designed to deliver a sub-ohm vape experience with enormous clouds of vapor?
The answers to the above, and more, await you below in this March 2017 review.
While our new team reviews some of finest brands, like vape juice, and vape juice, the original team is not retiring. We’ll be back soon with terrific new vape juice reviews of our own. Enjoy. – Julia
About ‘The Plume Room’
The Plume Room was established in 2012, the same year Spinfuel VAPE launched. During their first year, and the following year, The Plume Room was awarded with 12 Spinfuel Choice Awards. To us, The Plume Room could do no wrong. A true creator of artisan eliquid (as in every flavor is unique to The Plume Room and created by the artist Andrea)
Every e-juice blend we were presented with was a delight to vape, and since our very first review, a TPR (The Plume Room) artisan eliquid has always been a part of our vape-juice rotation.
What is a Vape Juice ‘Rotation’?
Long ago the Spinfuel VAPE staff, everyone from the eliquid team members, vape gear reviewers, even the staff you never hear about; accounting, buyer, executive secretary, began referring to the eliquid flavors they were ‘currently’ vaping as being in ‘rotation’. A new juice blend can be added, or subtracted, from a rotation at any time, and often is.
When an eliquid is in ‘rotation’ it means that the juice is enjoyed at least once each week, at most daily, until a new eliquid takes its place. If anyone goes more than a week without vaping a certain vape juice, that ‘flavor’ begins to be referred to as ‘being in my collection’.
A ‘Collection’ can consist of any number of eliquids we love to vape, and that we keep around, sometimes moving it back into rotation, or perhaps bringing it out for an occasional rump.
When we say that a TPR “artisan eliquid has always been a part of our vape-juice rotation” it means that since 2012 every in-house staff member has been vaping a TPR eliquid every week.
For John, it’s been Angel Sauce and Citrus Crema’ in his constant rotation, for Dave it’s the honey-infused Angel Tears, and before that Pistachio Pudding, for Christina it’s always been the most authentic Banana Pudding eliquid on the market, and for Lisa, well for Lisa it’s always been a toss-up between ‘M-Type’, a too-true cigarette tobacco flavor reminiscent of Marlboros, and Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea, a delectable blend that The Plume Room got exactly right.
The Plume Room’s Artisan Eliquid now ships their ‘vape juice’ to 45 countries, and counting. Their delicious Artisan eLiquid is expertly blended in a lab, using only the finest ingredients, and because of the ‘supernatural’ talents of Andrea and Troop, The Plume Room will still be standing long after the bulk of ejuice brands have folded up and moved on. (which seems to be happening faster and faster these days)
Vape Gear Used in This Review
The Plume Room has not reformulated their lineup to a High VG line. Each of the eliquids are 60% VG, 40% PG, (Angel Sauce remains a 50:50 blend) which allows them to be vaped brilliantly in all types of tanks, from plus-ohm to sub-ohm, though we wouldn’t recommend this ratio for RDA’s or RDTA’s.
John – I’m all about SMOK products these days, so for me this collection of vape juice was reviewed using the SMOK TFV8 Big Baby tanks, using the V8-Baby-T6 coils. These coils have a resistance of 0.2Ω and are rated for 40-130W. SMOK recommends an optimal vape at between 70-90W. It seems no matter what the VG ratio is, I find 70-80W sublime, even for these 60% VG blends. I used several Big Baby’s, and the SMOK H-PRIV, G-PRIV, G320 Marshal, and a GX350.
Dave – I kept it simple for The Plume Room e-juice. I used SMOK Big Baby tanks, the V8 Baby-X4 Quadruple Core coils with a resistance of 0.15ohm. This coil head is rated for 30-70W, and recommended range of 45-60W. I found that 50W to be optimal for these 60% VG eliquids. I used one box mod, the Lost Vape Therion DNA166.
Christina – My box mod that I use every day is the Smoant Battlestar 200W TC Box Mod. I have since began using the WISMEC/Sinuous Predator 228 and the Elabo tank, but for this review I stuck with the Battlestar and a SMOK Baby Beast (2mL), and the V8 Baby-M2 Dual Core, with a resistance of 0.3ohm, and rated for 25-45W range. SMOK recommends 35W, so I stayed with 35W.
Lisa: – I absolutely love my SMOK AL85 Alien mini. However, this kit comes with the SMOK Baby Beast, which doesn’t have enough juice capacity for me, so I used the SMOK Big Baby, and the V8 Baby-T8 Octuple Core, with a resistance of 0.15ohm. This coil is rated for 50-110W, and SMOK recommends a range of 60-80W for an optimal vape. With ‘The Plume Room’ I liked 60W the best.
The Plume Room’s Artisan Eliquids in this Review
1 – Creamy Chai
“Our version of Chai, a popular tea beverage- Robust, yet sweet chai spice in a creamy base. Surprisingly delicious & satisfying. This is a must try if you are looking for something different than your typical fruit or pastry flavor- or that “spot on” chai!”
2 – Pistachio Pudding
“Another original from The Plume Room! This Limited Edition juice is a dead ringer for Pistachio Pudding. (Come on, admit it! You know you love it!) Light, creamy, and teeming with yumminess. This may be your next All-Day-Vape!”
3 – Banana Pudding
“A gentle banana beautifully layered with cream, a touch of vanilla & undertones of pie crust. Silky smooth, well rounded & JUST sweet enough!”
4 – Angel Sauce
“Angel Sauce delicately blends the zesty, citrus flavor of orange and sweet lime with a creamy raspberry…evoking a delightful “Rainbow Sherbet” flavor that is an absolute treat to vape!”
5 – Angel Tears
“Sweet Honey blended with a gentle cream! We could write a song about this flavor- “OMG Yum” (Repeat Chorus 10x). Inspired by the tears caused by heavy handed FDA regulations.”
6 – Citrus Crema’
“This sweet & creamy eliquid has notes of citrus beautifully layered with notes of cream. A sweet treat reminiscent of those push up pops that we all knew and loved as kids.”
7 – Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea
“Sweet tea on a hot day, sweet tea in the morning, sweet tea with lunch- TPR’s refreshing blend of Raspberry and Peach infused Sweet Tea liquid might be your new ADV!”
The Plume Room 2017 Spinfuel VAPE Artisan Eliquid Team Review
Bottle Sizes, Nicotine Strengths, and Price
The Plume Room is one of the few brands that still offer 10mL bottles. A 10mL bottle is nothing more than a sampler, and for $6.99 it runs 69 cents per mL. If you’re looking to give TPR a chance, then perhaps the 10mL bottle is a good buy. Chances are, you’ll kick yourself for not ordering a larger bottle, but TPR ships fast, so you won’t be without for long.
TPR also offers a 30mL and 60mL option. The 30mL is $16.99, the 60mL is 33.00. The best value is the 60mL bottle for 55 cents per mL. Admittedly, The Plume Room is on the expensive side, but comparing one ultra-premium brand to another isn’t so cut and dry.
Because ‘The Plume Room’ offers a 60:40 VG/PG blend, the eliquid will last somewhat longer in your sub-ohm tank. A 60:40 blend requires less wattage, which means the juice in the tank is not vaporizing as quickly as a 70:30 or 80:20 blend.
Lastly, The Plume Room is not a Cloud-Chasers brand. TPR is formulated for Flavor Chasers, and at flavor chasing they are the masters of artisan eliquid.
Angel Tears
Sweet Honey blended with a gentle cream
John: 5 Stars – Angel Tears is one of the newer artisan eliquids from TPR, and it has never been reviewed in Spinfuel VAPE. That being the case, Angel Tears had to be a part of this 2017 review.
Angel Tears has a sweet honey base to it, topped with a rich, delightful cream. Honey as a flavoring in eliquid has always been a hit n miss with me. There are some that I enjoy, and some I cannot stand. But, as usual, when Andrea decides to work a flavor she works it until it is the best it can possibly be. There is no comparison between all the honey infused eliquids I’ve vaped over the years and Angel Tears.
Angel Tears is the perfect honey/cream vape juice, and it is so indescribably delicious that you must try it to appreciate the richness and sensuousness of it. I ordered a bottle, vaped through half of it, and went back to TPR and ordered more. This all-day-vape is on my daily rotation, now, and I have a strong feeling it will be for quite some time. For honey ejuice fans, Angel Tears is a must-try e-juice.
Lisa: 5 Stars – You don’t see many artisan eliquids on the market that have a honey base. It’s not easy to work with it, and to be done right the honey flavoring must deliver the true essence of sweet, rich honey, without a single harsh note. The Plume Room has done just that with Angel Tears.
TPR blended the right amount of heavy sweet cream to the perfect honey flavoring and delivered an eliquid that every honey loving vaper would fall in love with. I never would have believed a honey-infused eliquid could be an all-day-vape, until I vaped Angel Tears.
Christina: 5 Stars – Vaping Angel Tears artisan eliquid in a sub-ohm tank brings out a richness that I’ve never experienced with a honey based eliquid before. I feel in love with the deep honey notes imbued with a sweet slight-vanilla cream to the point where I knew Angel Tears belonged in my rotation.
Dave: 5 Stars – Angel Tears caught me by surprise. I’m not a huge fan of honey flavors in eliquids because they never seem to replicate the taste of real honey. Well, The Plume Room has, and not only that, TPR balances the authentic honey sweetness with rich creamy notes that when combined creates one of the most satisfying vape experiences I’ve ever had. I knew TPR made great artisan eliquid, and Angel Tears deserves to be an award-winning vape juice every bit as much as Angel Sauce. A perfect honey infused all-day-vape and a true “artisan eliquid”.
Banana Pudding
A gentle banana beautifully layered with cream, a touch of vanilla & undertones of pie crust.
John: 5 Stars – The Plume Room’s Banana Pudding is famous for being the best banana pudding vape juice in the world. TPR nailed the real flavor of homemade banana pudding. The question now is, does Banana Pudding hold up in a sub-ohm world?
I would be lying if I told you I didn’t know the answer to the above question until this review. I’ve been vaping TPR Banana Pudding since late 2012, and no artisan eliquid brand has ever created a better one in all that time. In a sub-ohm tank the deep flavors of banana, vanilla wafers, and vanilla pudding are richer, and better than they ever were.
Now I get to say this in writing; there is always a bottle of Banana Pudding in my rotation, and when vaped with enough power the deliciously sweet combination of flavors contained in the rich clouds of vapor are incredible.
Lisa: 5 Stars – I think that every Vaper that has tried The Plume Room has at one time or another tried their Banana Pudding. No one does banana pudding like TPR, and in a sub-ohm tank the clouds are warm, and thick with the flavor of the world’s best banana pudding dessert. A must try, all-day-vape.
Christina: 5 Stars – My first experience with The Plume Room’s Banana Pudding was a long time ago. Since then I’ve tried more than a dozen variations by other brands, and have always come back to The Plume Room’s version.
My mom made the best banana pudding as a special dessert while I was growing up, and whenever I vape TPR’s Banana Pudding I am always reminded of how great it was. This is my mother’s recipe, in liquid form.
Dave: 5 Stars – Banana Pudding by The Plume Room is an eliquid I always have on hand. Even when I began to use lower resistance coils and vaping at higher and higher wattages, Banana Pudding always held up. The Plume Room may still blend their flavors in 60/40 VG/PG, but there is something in the way they do it that allows even the most advanced vapers to enjoy the amazing flavors with ample clouds. Best banana pudding vape juice on the planet.
Citrus Crema’
This sweet & creamy eliquid has notes of citrus beautifully layered with notes of cream.”
John: 5 Stars – Normally, I never stay with a citrus based eliquid after just a few minutes of vaping it. I’m just not a fan. So, when I tell you that of all the artisan eliquid The Plume Room has mastered over the years, Citrus Crema has always been in my Top 3 flavors of all the brands… combined.
Yes, The Plume Room does use citrus flavors in this blend, but they managed to remove every bit of the bitterness I can taste in other citrus blends, and they leave behind the pure essence of citrus flavors, mixed with a rich, ultra-creamy base that whenever I load up a tank and start vaping, all I want to do is sit back, vape, and let the world fade away. If you’ve been looking for a citrus based flavor that leaves the citrus tang out of the equation, this is the one you must try. The only citrus blend I will vape.
Lisa: 5 Stars – To me, Citrus Crema and Angel Sauce have similar flavor profiles. The main difference between the two is Angel Sauce has a heavier rainbow sherbet flavor while Citrus Crema is delicate, creamier, with this remarkable ability to deliver a citrus (orange, lime, lemon) flavor tone, without a hint of that acidity you get with citrus fruits. I adore both eliquids, but it is Citrus Crema I go to when I want something calming, something I can sit back and relax with. An all-day-vape, and something no other brand has yet been able to duplicate.
Christina: 5 Stars – During our discussion about these flavors, my team members nailed the flavor profile of Citrus Crema. My only contribution that I feel worth mentioning is that this recipe allows citrus fruit lovers to enjoy their favorite flavors as an all-day-vape, and for some reason I don’t understand, I get the longest coil life with this flavor than any other eliquid I vape, TPR and otherwise.
Dave: 5 Stars – The defining quality of Citrus Crema is how TPR can deliver an eliquid full of the best things about citrus flavors without that tanginess that oranges and lemons have. Maybe the perfect creamy component eliminates the tangy notes, or maybe it’s something else. I’m not sure. What I am sure is that this one is such a fun flavor to vape, and a flavor that does not die off a couple hours later. An all-day-vape, and especially rich in flavor and vapor when vaped warm.
Creamy Chai
“sweet chai spice in a creamy base.”
John: 5 Stars – There are three Chai -based eliquids that I keep on hand all the time. Ginger’s Ejuice “Gingerbread Chai”, Vape Dudes “Chai Latte Private Stock” and The Plume Room’s “Creamy Chai”. Each of these blends are the best Chai-infused eliquids on the market, and happily all three are still available.
TPR’s Creamy Chai has a spicy chai component that isn’t played down. The flavor is an authentic chai tea with creamy notes throughout. Of the three, Creamy Chai has a stronger throat hit, even at 3mg nicotine, and as such doesn’t quite earn the all-day-vape status with me. That said, this is one satisfying vape juice, and whenever I feel like a chai vape, it is difficult to choose among my 3 favorites.
Lisa: 5 Stars – Creamy Chai is a spicy, flavorful blend of natural chai and spices that creates a very satisfying vape. Easily a 5 Star eliquid, the level of spices will not please everyone. While I prefer something less spicy and a little creamier than this one, it is still one of the best chai eliquids out there.
Christina: 5 Stars – The key flavor difference in Creamy Chai and other Chai-based eliquids I’ve tried is spices. A good Chai vape has to be spicy, and with The Plume Room’s take on it, this Chai vape juice is loaded with terrific spices, then folded up with a creamy top note. Delicious, and very satisfying.
Dave: 5 Stars – John and I have discussed his, and mine, favorite Chai eliquids at least a hundred times. All three chai juices we both love have a fantastic chai core, but each one is played out in a different way.
I’ll admit to enjoying Vape Dudes Chai Latte more than TPR’s Creamy Chai, but only because Vape Dudes plays up the ‘cream’ factor a little more, and tones back some on the spices. Ginger’s Ejuice fits between them, spicier than Vape Dudes, but not as spicy as TPR. But each one has a place in my rotation.
Creamy Chai from TPR is a satisfying vape for afternoons and late evening, and at least twice a week I’ll load up a tank and sit back to enjoy a couple of hours of a delightful chai vape. Although Creamy Chai is certainly a 5 Star juice, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea.
Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea
Sweet tea on a hot day, sweet tea in the morning, sweet tea with lunch- TPR’s refreshing blend of Raspberry and Peach infused Sweet Tea
John: 5 Stars – For years now, whenever I go out to dinner I ask for a flavored iced tea. Some places offer a Raspberry Iced Tea, others offer a Peach Iced Tea, and still others offer only Sweet Iced Tea. This marvelous blend of flavors, with a sweet tea base, is very much like those iced teas at various restaurants.
What I love about The Plume Room’s magical way of blending flavors is how you can pick out the flavor components however you like. Vaping this terrific vape juice I can choose to taste the raspberry over the peach, or the peach over the raspberry, all the while engulfing my taste buds in a sweet, southern style iced tea. Very satisfying, and most definitely an all-day-vape.
Lisa: 5 Stars – Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea is my all-time favorite artisan eliquid from The Plume Room. I love how each of the flavors swirl as the vapor flows over the tastebuds on the exhale, especially when I exhale slowly. And that’s the best way to vape this beautiful blend, deep direct lung draw and a slow, slow exhale to capture every bit of the flavor. A must try for every Vaper that orders a flavored tea at any restaurant.
Christina: 5 Stars – I don’t drink iced tea, and when I drink hot tea I use honey instead of sugar. So, vaping this Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea was the only one of the seven flavors I wasn’t sure about. I have vaped just about every eliquid from The Plume Room, and there are only a couple I don’t like, but this review would be the first time I had tried this one.
TPR uses a sweet, delightful raspberry flavoring and an authentic ripe peach flavoring that I love in other vape juices. But the base of this blend is very much a sweet tea flavor. What surprised me was how good it was despite being a flavored sweet tea eliquid. I might not want to vape this one every day, but I will certainly keep on hand for times when I want a wonderful mix of raspberry and peach, in a sweet concoction that satisfies in ways I wouldn’t have thought possible.
Dave: 5 Stars – Several of these flavors we’re reviewing from The Plume Room are eliquids I vape all the time. Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea wasn’t one of them, until this review.
I don’t know why, but for the past couple of years I’ve stacked my rotation of eliquids with “Blockbusters”. By that I mean that with access to any eliquid, at any time, every bottle in my collection is “special”. There are no “everyday” or “workhorse” ejuices in my collection, and most certainly not in my weekly rotation. Until now.
Raspberry Peach Sweet Tea artisan eliquid is a wonderful flavor and a satisfying vape, but it’s not a blockbuster like Creamy Chai or Angel Tears. It is a simple blend of great flavors, but damn if it isn’t a wonderful all-day-vape for the workweek.
Pistachio Pudding
a dead ringer for Pistachio Pudding.”
John: 5 Stars – As the old guy here I must admit that Pistachio Pudding is one of my all-time favorite flavors from The Plume Room, but… I cannot vape it all day long anymore.
After a few hours of vaping this super-rich, super delicious flavor of pistachio’s it gives me slight indigestion. I have no idea why, but it does. I wish it didn’t, because there is nothing like this flavor anywhere else in the community of eliquid makers. It is unique, flavorful, satisfying, and I would bet anyone younger than me would make it their all-day-vape. Well, I know it does actually, because up until late year it was one of my all-day-vapes. Getting old sucks.
Lisa: 5 Stars – This vape juice, Pistachio Pudding, is so delicious it makes me want to cry. Like anyone else I love pistachios, but I’ve never had any kind of pistachio dessert. Not even pistachio ice cream. So, the first time I was asked to try this TPR favorite I didn’t know what to expect. That was more than 3 years ago, and I am still vaping it today.
There are two flavor components at work here, one is the authentic pistachio flavoring, and the other is this actual ‘pudding’ flavor. Or maybe it’s a texture instead of a flavor. Anyway, this indelible combination produces such a wonderful flavor that is precisely pistachio pudding in vapor form. Vaped warm and the flavor is intense, darkly flavorful, with enormous clouds of vapor. Spectacular!
Christina: 5 Stars – Had I spent just an hour or so with Pistachio Pudding I don’t think I would have appreciated it enough to award the for 5 Stars. For one thing, Pistachio Pudding is a weird flavor. Pistachio’s in vapor form? Really? But then something wonderful happened.
About an hour after I started vaping Pistachio Pudding artisan eliquid (about 4 tanks full, or 8mL) I unscrewed the Baby Beast and reached for another one with Angel Tears in it. Before I could fully attach the Angel Tears tank I felt this pull… a pull to put the Pistachio Pudding tank back on. So, I did, and for the next several hours I was indoctrinated into the Pistachio Pudding Society, a group of people that are hopelessly addicted to pistachios. Okay, that’s not true, but I did wind up vaping this incredible, and incredibly strange, vape juice for many, many hours.
Dave: 5 Stars – John has been vaping Pistachio Pudding from The Plume Room for a very long time, and although I’ve tried it, and enjoyed it, the flavor was a little too far off the wall for me.
For 3-years I never vaped Pistachio Pudding again. Then this review happened, and I filled a tank with it, found my optimal wattage, and everything I remembered about it from 3 years back had all changed. This is phenomenal stuff!
The difference between then and now had to be the vape gear I use now. Back then, while flavor was a big deal, even the best of the best strived for a flavor that didn’t have a chemical taste to it. The thing is, yesterday’s Pistachio Pudding is the same as today’s, but with much better gear we can really taste every nuance of flavor.
Angel Sauce – 50:50 PG/VG
“A delicate blend of citrus flavors of orange and sweet lime with a creamy raspberry…evoking a delightful Rainbow Sherbet”
John: 5 Stars – While most of the artisan eliquid reviewed today is 60: VG, 40% PG, Angel Sauce is a 50:50 blend. That said, Angel Sauce is fine for use in a sub-ohm environment, but you’ll notice a harder hitting throat hit.
Angel Sauce IS a liquid version of rainbow sherbet. Sweet, natural orange, lime, and raspberry without a hint of tartness you might expect from the orange or the lime. This is a creamy blend that your taste buds will recognize as rainbow sherbet, in the past possible way.
Lisa: 5 Stars – When John became enamored with Angel Sauce he would hawk it to everyone. Every Vaper he encountered would hear about this spectacular rainbow sherbet ejuice. The thing is, he’s right. If you like sherbet ice cream, this is going to knock your socks off.
Each flavor component of this true artisan eliquid maintains its identity somehow, so that there is no mistaking a sweet orange, a tasty raspberry, and a pure non-tart lime flavor. Angel Sauce, although a 50:50 PG/VG blend, should be tried by every Vaper.
Christina: 5 Stars – For the longest time I’ve been a big fan of Angel Sauce. In my opinion, this ejuice should have won eliquid of the year back when it was first reviewed. Angel Sauce has been my Sunday Vape for more than 2 years, and it will continue to be. The perfect rainbow sherbet in vapor form.
Dave: 5 Stars – I remember John seriously considering asking The Plume Room to bottle up 1000 5mL bottles of Angel Sauce to give away through Spinfuel VAPE, and to take to one of the Vape Expos, just to encourage people to try this incredible rainbow sherbet juice.
When I began vaping Angel Sauce I would buy it in 18mg nicotine to use in an ordinary clearomizer. I remember the day I first used a Kanger Subtank, with a 0.5Ω coil. I had half a bottle of Angel Sauce left, at 18mg nicotine, and filled the tank. My first draw from the drip tip kicked me so hard my throat hurt for an hour. I ordered a 3mg immediately, and when it arrived I tried it again and the purity of the flavor was so much better, I found it hard to believe.
There is nothing like Angel Sauce on the eliquid market. A blend of flavors so precise that everyone I know instantly recognizes Angel Sauce as a delicious rainbow sherbet. Despite its 50:50 PG/VG blend, in my SMOK Big Baby tank, Angel Sauce produces enormous amounts of vapor. Not the super-thick vapor you see in high or max VG ejuice, but, but the volume of vapor is there. I do wish Andrea would find a way to create a High VG version, even a 70:30 would be welcome, but Angel Sauce is too good to give up just for the sake of some thicker vapor.
The Plume Room Artisan eLiquid Conclusion
The Plume Room has always played a big part in our enjoyment of vaping. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that every eliquid we reviewed today is awarded the 2017 Spinfuel VAPE Choice Award. We’ve been vaping these flavors for years, but it occurred to us that we haven’t taken an official stance on these eliquids from TPR since the days of clearomizers and 20W mods.
Our intention with this review was to go on the record about 50:50 and 60:40 VG/PG blends and let our readers know that despite all the talk, and all the love, we have for High and Max VG eliquids, that there remains one brand that will still enjoy, even with ultra-low resistant tanks and high wattage mods.
The Plume Room line is a line of artisan eliquid designed for flavor more than huge clouds of vapor. Although with good sub-ohm tanks, like the Official Spinfuel Sub-Ohm Tanks from SMOK, each of these 60:40 blends produce more than enough vapor for most Vapers. However, should the day come when TPR decides to offer a High VG version of their current line, we would be right there, cheering them on. But, until that day comes, if it comes, these eliquids will do just fine.
If you’re looking for the ultimate Flavor Experience, The Plume Room’s artisan eliquid must be a part of your ‘vape juice’ collection.