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On Friday morning (December 13th, 2013) a package arrives from The Plume Room. Before I open it I ask Dave if we’re expecting anything from them. “No, not that I know of.” Dave says. So, I take the box into the office and open it up. Inside are a couple of bottles of Angel Sauce, a new limited edition eLiquid from these uber-premium eJuice artists at The Plume Room.
New Readers Take Note* Spinfuel eMagazine recommends only premium level e Liquid. The Plume Room, and others we review, use only the finest ingredients available, have ‘lab certified’ facilities and special procedures for mixing and storing, use high quality bottles, provide vital information on every label, and prevent tampering with shrink-wrap neckbands and other safety measures. If you are new to ‘vaping’ we urge you to look into these matters before ordering.
E Liquids by premium vendors are perfectly safe to use, contain no harmless chemicals, and provide a clean, safe vaping experience – Spinfuel eMagazine
Angel Sauce is described as a delicate blend of zesty, citrus flavors of orange and sweet lime with a creamy raspberry flavor…”evoking a delightful Rainbow Sherbet flavor” that is an, honestly, one of the most delicious vapes I’ve experienced in a very long time.
Angel Sauce is a completely unique, brand new taste experience for me. In addition, Angel Sauce is unlike anything else from The Plume Room. There isn’t an eLiquid from them that I haven’t vaped, and several remain on my rotation, even more in my collection, so I know their signature well. They are serious about flavor, vapor, and the whole vaping experience, and they put out some of the best juice anywhere.
Yet, Angel Sauce remains a special creation by the same mixing genius that brings us such great flavors like “Candied Cavendish” and “Creamy Chai Latte”.
The All Day Vape
With Angel Sauce The Plume Room has created a new way in which to describe what an all-day vape can be. Before this new flavor sensation an all-day vape would be said possess the flavor, vapor, and throat hit that satisfies all day long. That is certainly true.
But there are many all-day vapes that I have in my rotation that fit just that category. In other words, I have eLiquids that are workhorses, they taste fine, great even, but they are only used when I need to be able to fill a large tank and vape it in a state of ‘absent mindlessness” for long periods of time.
Most of my all day vapes are flavors are flavors I wouldn’t break out if I wanted something special, perhaps a sweet dessert vape, or if I was in the mood for something very fruity. Most of the time I change flavors several times a day, to fit my mood mostly, and those are usually reserved for flavors that don’t lend themselves to the all-day-vape status very well.
Angel Sauce, however, is exactly the kind of eLiquid that gets you excited about vaping. That great fruit-sherbet flavor, the great dessert flavor, that one flavor you see among your collection and think “Oh yeah, that one! Come here you!”… And without warning Angel Sauce becomes the all-day vape that you want, you hope for, for one reason; you don’t want to stop vaping it. It doesn’t fit the mold of the Workhorse ADV (all-day-vape), but there it is.
The Future of E Liquids?
Angel Sauce says something about the great talent of The Plume Room’s Andrea, a master of flavor, but it also says something about the future of eLiquids, how after all this time new flavor experiences are possible, that the eJuice marketplace doesn’t have to be a market full of ‘variations on a theme’.
There remains room for originality and creativity, room for great new flavors that will satisfy in ways you never thought were possible. That’s a lot of responsibility for a single new flavor, but Angel Sauce truly carries that weight marvelously.
When I read the description for Angel Sauce I’m was not sure what to expect. I’ve had all of these flavors before; orange, raspberry, and lime, in dozens of different ways, in various blends. E-Liquids that highlight one flavor over another, or try to combine them all, and many of them are pretty damn good. To experience Angel Sauce means to go beyond the three separate flavors that make it up the flavor component and go to where this magical formulation takes you.
I went into this review knowing the reputation of The Plume Room, having had vaped a couple of hundred gallons of their juice over the past 2 years (well, you know…) and I knew it was probably going to be an excellent new flavor, but I didn’t really expect it was going to be something this good and this original.
So, what does it taste it, in relatable terms?
Angel Sauce, on the first drag, offers up the immediate taste of raspberry, a sweet raspberry but with a light, slightly grainy texture.
Not a light flavor, no, the raspberry was very much a serious raspberry, but it was delivered with a light texture, like a bowl of raspberry sherbet, which is a completely different taste from what you get with a bowl of raspberries, or raspberry ice cream, or any other raspberry delivery method.
That taste of ‘sherbet’ is a unique enough, and as a raspberry sherbet introduction, it is marvelous.
After that sweet delicate raspberry sherbet flavor comes a a rush of sweet lime with gentle orange notes, as they mix together to form a combination that your taste buds recognize but just haven’t encountered in vapor form until now. Vaping Angel Sauce feels good. I mean you expect it to taste good, but to feel good? That’s new, that’s rare. And it smells so good I was tempted to take a sip, but instead I touched the dripper with my finger then touched my tongue with my finger. The sweet sherbet flavor was in the liquid as well.
Warning: I am an expert eLiquid connoisseur, do not try this at home. Nicotine can be toxic in liquid form.
My First Time with Angel (Sauce)
In order to get an immediate sense of the flavor in Angel Sauce my first drag was intentionally short, barely a second or two. I did this so as to see what the flavor intends to be and get a sense of ‘will it or won’t it’ (succeed)? I do this a lot, and when I say that my first time with any eLiquid is with a 510-cartomizer that’s what I mean.
You can’t review an eLiquid with a single short drag, but you can get a notion of where the review is going to go. It sort of sets the pace, if you will, you get excited about what comes next, or you immediately adjust your expectations.
The vapor coming out of that first, short drag was much tastier than I expected it to be. So I proceeded to vape normally with the cartomizer for a while. Normal for me is to take, on average, 3 to 4 second drags. I thought I would spend maybe a good 10 minutes with it, but then decided this was going to be a longer first session than I usually do, and I went about looking for the right clearomizer or tank, and the right battery to use for an extended vape.
(I have since vaped Angel Sauce and only Angel Sauce from Friday afternoon to right now, this minute, on Sunday morning, as I do my last proofing before sending it to Dave for publishing)
Looking at some of the hardware that are on the Spinfuel schedule for upcoming reviews I decided to continue the Angel Sauce vape with a new, hi-tech Vision X-Jet that we got from MyVaporStore.
Vision X.Jet clearomizers are Bottom Dual Coils. The X.Jet has a removable 510 drip tip (it’s a slip on slip on drip tip, no screw threads). You fill the X.Jet from the bottom, and it holds a not-that-decent amount of juice, 1.6ML. Not much when you think about clearomizers, but it’s not too, too bad. The X.Jet clearomizer is also a good looking, if effeminate clearomizer.
I decided that in this situation the 1.6ML capacity wasn’t enough, so I kept looking. By the way, the official name for this clearomizer is the X.Jet Spider by Vision.
In addition to the X.Jet clearomizer MyVaporStore also sent us the Vision X.Jet Mini Nova 2.0ml. It’s available in a 2.0ML and 3.5ML capacities. The ones we received were 2ML.
These ‘tanks’ work exactly the same as the clearomizer, bottom dual coils and the whole bit, but they are plastic tanks with a 510-thread. The X.Jet tank system comes with 2 extra atomizer heads; both are 1.8-ohm dual coils. They work great but are butt-ugly to look at.
The plastic looks cheap, the end caps do not easily screw into the tank, you really have to make sure the threads are lined up properly before you turn the cap to screw it in, and the outer metal caps look more like cheap base metal than stainless steel or brass or any of the more attractive materials used in Kanger ProTanks or other high-end tanks.
The X.Jet Mini Nova are $14.50 each, a little cheaper than the Protank and others, and despite them not being the best thing to look at there isn’t a single bit of metallic taste, no burning issues, and the flavor is very accurate.
They’re ugly, but they work far better than a lot of the newer tanks and clearomizers that have come out in 2013. So the 2.0ML X.Jet Nova was my pick for the first serious vape with Angel Sauce.
To get the best results I let the filled tank sit for a few minutes, like Vision says you should do. I wound up having to fill the X.Jet three times on my first night. I managed to vape up 6ML of Angel Sauce.
Granted the dual coils will burn juice faster, but still, 6ML in 6 hours is a lot of vaping. I switched between a Vision Spinner at 3.8v to a ZMAX at 3.7v and my ProVari at 3.8v. For Bottom Dual Coils that’s a fair amount of voltage. Any higher and the flavor changed to toasted marshmallows.
As you’ll see in our review of the X.Jet’s, they are damn good clearomizers. I didn’t experience a single dry hit so far. I do get some popping sounds on occasion, but that’s a plus for me. My wife and I, for some odd reason, find the popping sound a good indicator that the coils are doing their thing, and doing it well.
Whether that’s true or not I have no idea, but it worked great and I’m glad I chose Angel Sauce to test it with. For me, the X.Jet coils are the first non-long-wick coils that produced a non-metallic taste. The vapor production was every bit as good as long-wick coil heads, and the flavor was always accurate.
I’m telling you, these new coils are no gimmick. I just hope Vision will take a play out of the Kanger playbook and quickly upgrade them to include Pryex glass, better external metals, and a better presentation.
We will review the new Vision X.Jet later in the week, but suffice it to say, there is a good chance this new style of hidden coils and wicks may change the entire clearomizer/tank market.
Angel Sauce Particulars
Unless you hate the flavor of sherbet, raspberry, orange, and lime, you have to try Angel Sauce while The Plume Room has it. It is a Limited Edition flavor so you don’t order some now you may have to wait until next year. Angel Sauce is definitely in the “must buy” category.
Unfortunately, Angel Sauce is not available as a 60ML option. I went to The Plume Room to order a couple of 60ML bottles so that I would have some around for the first couple of months of the new year, and was disappointed to find that 30ML was the biggest option.
Angel Sauce is a 50:50 PG/VG blend, and it is offered in 6mg, 12mg, 18mg, and 24mg nicotine strengths, as well as Zero-Nic. Our test bottles were 6mg and 12mg; I will order a few bottles of 18mg in 30ML size today.
A 15ML bottle of Angel Sauce will cost $9.99, and a 30ML is $19.99. Since you’re not saving any money buying the bigger size it doesn’t matter which one you buy, other than a 30ML will last longer than a single bottle of 15ML.
The Plume Room has something very special with Angel Sauce, and we are awarding it with the new 2014 Spinfuel Choice Award (details forthcoming). It is a masterpiece, and if my Christmas shopping doesn’t empty my wallet I plan on stocking up on it before it disappears. You should too.
Bottom Line
Angel Sauce is as good as it gets. A splendid combination of extraordinary flavors, blended so perfectly that it creates a brand new experience. If you’re looking for something new and delicious for yourself, or for that certain Vaper on your Christmas shopping list, grab this now, today.
With less than 10 shopping days till Christmas I don’t even know if The Plume Room can get it to you in time, but you can, and should, try. If you like sherbet, orange, raspberry, or lime, I promise you, this is going into your own rotation. Don’t second guess and miss out, buy it today.