Six New Vapor Liquids From Johnson Creek

It is a big day for vapers and Johnson Creek ™Vapor Company. Along with the release of an amazing new box mod, the Vea™ Elite, powered by the Evolv DNA 40, a new line of “vapor liquid”, called the “Elite” line, is released as well. Read the Vea™ Elite Review Here

These new vapor liquids are all high-VG formulas made to be exceptional vape experiences in the newer RBA’s, RDA’s and subohm tanks that are all the rage today. As good as they all are, and they are exceptional, they are available today only in 10mL bottles. The reason that’s a problem, for me, is that using a subohm tank I will go through more than 10mL a day, so I would prefer 30mL bottles or larger, sooner rather than later. They are coming, but they’re not here now.

This new line sells for $5.95 per 10ml bottle, and considering they are Johnson Creek blends that’s a remarkable price. Johnson Creek’s reputation for high-end premium vapor liquid is renown over the world for quality, purity, and flavor, so 59 cents per mL is pretty decent.

The Six Vapor Liquids

Appelanche™ – 65VG – 35PG

Broadberry™ – 70VG – 30PG

Cinnerin™ – 75VG – 25PG

Coastalime™ – 90VG – 10PG

Peachified™ – 90VG – 10PG

Plantana™ – 70VG – 30PG


I’ve been vaping Johnson Creek™ Classic smoke juice for years now, and I’ve had eliquid affairs with Vanda™, Domestic, Autumn Crisp™, Tennessee Cured™, Marcado™, Silverthorn™, Island™, and most recently, Gold Reserve™. So I know the characters of the Johnson Creek smoke juice. This new line, the Johnson Creek™ Vapor Liquid line, has a brand new flavor profile, one that I would not have recognized as a Johnson Creek smoke juice. That was, ah, unexpected.

Unexpected maybe, but certainly not a disappointment. That’s the coolest thing about vaping anyway, experiencing an unlimited number of flavors in the form of vapor. So, when reading my impressions of the these six new blends keep in mind that no matter what you think of past Johnson Creek smoke juice flavors, these are very different.

Applelanche™ – “Find yourself in the apple orchard with this tart, but sweet flavor. Reminiscent of a crisp natural apple, but with over the top flavor.”

My Take: Thankfully Applelanche™ is more sweet than tart, because overly tart flavors are not my thing. For thisAPPLELANCHE review I received 3x 10mL bottles, 3mg nicotine for each one. At the end of the review period I had only 1 bottle of Applelanche left, meaning that I managed to vape 20mL.

Applelanche™ is definitely flavorful, and true to the official description it has a natural apple flavor. Better than that, it is a real vapor producer. Vaped with the Vea™ Elite and Canteen™ Elite tank (0.5-ohm coil) this is an apple vapor liquid I wouldn’t think twice about vaping. Apple lovers will fall in love with it. 4.5 Stars

Broadberry™ – “Indulge in this creamy, classic New York cheesecake topped with delicious strawberry glaze. Finish it off with sweet and crunchy bakery notes.”

BROADBERRYMy Take: Very complex flavor layering in this one. More strawberry than cheesecake, I would describe the flavor as “bright”, not a heavy strawberry/cheesecake flavor. On the exhale is a small amount of a pastry/bakery flavor but nearly unnoticeable to me. Broadberry is also a major vapor producer, and out of 30mL I vaped it down to the last drop. For a complex strawberry treat I would give this one a 5-star rating.

Cinnerin™ – “Explore the warm, creamy custard whipped with sweet and spicy cinnamon. Subtle notes of graham cracker round out this savory vape.”


My Take: For 3 days this was my favorite of the six. I love that cinnamon touch mixed with warm custard flavor notes. I don’t taste the graham cracker in the finish, and I had hoped to. Still, this one is the closest to a flavor I am most used to, vanilla-like custards with a nice touch of spicy cinnamon. Out of 30mL I ran out on day 3. 5 Stars

Coastalime™ – “Travel to the tropics and swim in an ocean of sweet mango and a bite of lime, and refreshing mint. Wake up your palate with a light, but assertive kick.”

COASTALIMEMy Take: The official description is exactly right. That said it was that bite of lime and a hint of mint that caused me to turn away after almost 10ml. I love mango, and expected the mango to be the dominant flavor here, its not. Lime is a strong flavor, and in Coastalime™ the lime beat up on the mango without mercy. If you like lime, you’ll love this one. – 4 Stars

Peachified™ – “Taste the history in grandma’s freshly baked peach cobbler. Liven up your senses as you savor thePEACHIFIED juicy peach and sweet cinnamon flavors.”

My Take: Out of the fruity flavors this was my favorite. I like peach flavors a lot, and the peach in this vapor liquid does not fail. Add to that a touch of that ‘cobbler’ flavor and a note of cinnamon on the exhale, this is one I vaped all 30mL in the shortest time. Huge vapor clouds! 5 Stars

 Plantana™ – “Step into the old ice cream parlor. The perfectly aged banana paired with thick cream creates the most delectable banana milkshake.”

plantanaMy Take: I began vaping all six of these vapor liquids almost 2 days before getting the flavor menu, and as such I knew this to be a banana vape but there were elements that I couldn’t put together. Then the flavor menu arrived and it was a big “aha” moment. This is a banana milkshake flavor without question, and a ton of vapor clouds that my wife recognized as being a banana flavor. Don’t expect the usual banana flavored vapor liquid, this is different, and better, than most. – 4.75 Stars


These new Johnson Creek™ Vapor Liquid’s are all blended to produce maximum flavor with maximum vapor production. Each one succeeds brilliantly, and the only defining factor that made one more enjoyable than another is personal flavor preferences. Because I lean toward heavy, warmer flavors I gravitated toward Cinnerin™, Peachified™ and Plantana™ more than the other three. I really like the fact that Johnson Creek did not lock themselves into one VG/PG ratio, and did what was best for each blend.

While for the most part I vaped them with the Vea™ Elite and the Canteen™ Elite tank, I wanted to try them out in other tanks and using other box mods. While the Canteen™ Elite did a great job, I have to admit that the Delta 2 and the Zephyrus tanks dug a little deeper into the flavors and were responsible for bringing on a bit of a higher score. Plantana in the Zephyrus, with a new coil and my IPV4 at 60w made me want to cry over the deep, deep banana milkshake flavor, while the Cinnerin performed best with my Delta 2 and 0.5ohm coil using the Vea™ Elite at 40watts as the vaporizer.

Johnson Creek™ Vapor Company tells me that the smoke juice that we all know and love will still be available under the “Classic” moniker, so that’s a good thing for vapers like me that still want to keep bottles of our favorites on hand. But I can honestly say that if JC continues to produce new flavors in this new profile they will win me over every time. This is new, this is Johnson Creek 2.0 new. And I like it.

Highly recommended!

John Manzione