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Last Updated on January 12, 2024 by Team Spinfuel

It’s not a surprise to anyone that cannabis has been bigger than ever. The same friends in high school who were against it are now indulging in it. Even baby boomers who grew up with their parents experiencing Reefer Madness are starting to open up to it. Marijuana has been one of the best things this generation could have been open too. Not only are people using it for recreational purposes, but many people have opened their eyes to what cannabis do medicinally.

Before 1996, you would have never guessed a store front would be stocked with its shelves full of weed. Since then, Prop 215 (Californias initiative for medical marijuana) opened up America’s palette for cannabis. This lead to the revolution we have today. Since then, you don’t wait on the corner of the street for a shady character to give you a “dime bag”. You can just walk into a store filled with all THC infused products.

What is a Dispensary?

A dispensary is a store solely for cannabis and related products. Whether you are looking for medicinal values in your marijuana or recreational, you can find anything here at https://weedmaps.com/dispensaries/in/united-states/maryland. There are low THC to really potent cannabis flower, concentrates, wax, edibles, lotions, drinks, smoking accessories, water pipes, vapes and much more. With the rise of CBD (Cannabidiol), dispensaries have started bringing them on board too.

Dispensary Delivery Service

The past decade has proved to us that humans love convenience and saving time. Instead of just going out to get your cannabis, you can simply call a marijuana delivery service company This makes life easier by just calling or using the app. Simply load your information (name, address and credit card) on file and pick your favorite strain to be delivered.

Medical Dispensary

Although cannabis is not the only herb you can vaporize and get therapeutic benefits from it is the most common. It has one of the widest spectrums of ailments it can help with. Some want benefits that to help with their anxiety and others want it to help for sleeping. Marijuana is known to help a wide variety of ailments. Most people confuse the medicinal aspect of cannabis. Although it can help with many things, it does not cure any illnesses.

The process of a medical marijuana dispensary is very similar to a recreational store except it’s less stringent. Medical marijuana laws allow you to use it at 18 where as recreational laws are 21 and over. Medical marijuana also does not have a limit on the THC dosage in edibles but recreational laws do. For example, in California, you cannot exceed 100mg in edibles.

Recreational Use

Recreational marijuana has been a hot topic recently. It seems like every state is talking about it, most citizens of the USA want it and it has been brought up multiple times in the past couple elections. Over 10 states including Washington D.C. have legalized for recreational use. One of the biggest differentiators between medical and recreational dispensaries are the taxes. Recreational stores collect hefty taxes when you purchase from a legal state where as medical dispensaries do not charge this. Laws are much more strict with recreational.


The process of using a dispensary is super easy however you need to follow a special routine, regardless of where you go. When you first walk in, you will be greeted by a security guard. Give them your identification and if its a medical dispensary, give them your doctors recommendation. When the main room clears up, they will let you go in. You will be greeted with a room of piney aroma along with a few budtenders. When you pick your product, pay for it in cash and done!

What To Do at your localDispensary:

●     Ask Questions

If you’re inexperienced, always remember to ask questions. You don’t want to end up getting a really potent strain of cannabis. This will ruin your entire day! Edibles are also very tricky so make sure to find out everything you need about it before taking it.

●     Bring Cash

Marijuana banking is the only part of this industry that has not caught up. It is lagging behind and it makes it hard for people to purchase cannabis without cash in this cashless society we are going towards.

What Not To Do:

●     Don’t Use Your Phone

Make sure you put your phone on silent when you walk into the main room. Hanging out in the lounge room is ok to talk on the phone but respect the workers and the customers/patients space. Owners also don’t like people taking pictures of their dispensary.

●     Smoke on the Premise

A very good rule of thumb when you get your product is to not open the bag of cannabis until you leave the property. Don’t open it inside the dispensary or in the parking lot. The law states you need to be in a private property to have cannabis in the open and dispensaries do not let this occur on their premises. The only dispensaries that allow you would be ones that offer a smoke lounge inside.

Author Bio:

Alex has been the manager for Smoke Tokes online website. Smoke Tokes has been around since 2009 and it is the number one distributor in Los Angeles for smoke shop and vape shop products along with dispensary supplies.