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Note* Part 1 of this review was published last week. It covered the mechanics and the hardware for 777 eCigs products. We recommend that you read Part 1 before making any final decisions about the product. That said, you don’t need to read Part 1 first. This review (Part 2) can be a standalone review of the 16 flavors available in prefilled cartomizers and 15ML bottles. Still, you’ll want to read Part 1 to make sure you know all about the mechanical aspects of 777 eCigs.
777 eCigs Review – Part Two…
777 eCigs batteries are the newer KR808D-1 battery. A standard width battery is offered, as well as a very thin “ladies” slim-line battery that must use the extra thin cartomizers. They come in many different sizes with many different patterns.
All the batteries have crystal tips that are available in glowing purple, blue, or white. They give a certain distinction between someone vaping 777 eCigs and someone smoking a cigarette, which means you can probably get away with vaping in more places than those that try to publically vape with eCigs that look a lot like a real cigarette.
Today is all about flavor. 16 different “Signature” flavors in fact.
The team members for Part 2 are; myself (Lisa), Julia Barnes, Chelsey Laney, Tom McBride and Jason Little. The hardware used in this review was restricted to 777 eCig batteries, prefilled and blank cartomizers, and the branded eLiquid. We lived with the flavors for a full 48 hours, spending a good deal of time using both prefilled cartos and filling our own empty cartos.
Overall Impressions: – Before getting to the actual flavor and performance tests with the prefilled cartomizers and eLiquids, a few initial impressions that were immediately felt by all 5 team members are in order.
777 eCigs is the first mini-eCig brand that delivers 16 flavors that, for the most part, do not taste like a prefilled cartomizer brand. Each flavor offers a real “eJuice” flavor, which means that except for a precious few there were no aftertaste, no chemical tastes, and no artificial tastes.
777 eCigs prides itself on being a modern mini-eCig brand that knows the consumer is getting smarter and smarter with each passing day; demanding more value for the dollar as well as a better tasting eCigarette. In my opinion, 777 eCigs has succeeded on many levels.
If you’ve vaped any mini-eCig brand in the past then you probably have an idea of what I’m talking about. The vast majority of prefilled cartos have a ‘fake’ or ‘chemical’ taste.
Not all of them are bad, there are some that still manage to deliver a decent flavor, but for the most part the mini-eCig level of the industry hasn’t caught up with the more sophisticated tastes of veteran Vapers.
Except for a couple of “misses”, the 16 flavors offered by 777 eCigs are much closer to some of the better American Made eJuice companies. Though their eJuice does come from China, 777 eCigs has said they custom blend their juice using the top 3 eJuice manufactures in China. (I have no idea what three they are)
If there is one thing lacking from the majority of 777 eCigs flavors it’s the lack of a throat hit. Despite the more powerful KR808D-1 batteries (outputting 4.2v on a full charge), the juice can’t produce much in the way of throat hits.
The eLiquids and prefilled cartomizers we tested ranged between the “light” and “full” flavored nicotine. 777 eCigs are available in 0, 6, 12, and 18MG nicotine, and are bottled in glass bottles with built-in eyedropper.
Ratings: We are using the same 1 thru 5 star rating systems we use on other eJuice reviews in Spinfuel. A single star indicates pretty awful tasting eJuice, and a five star rating means we enjoyed it so much that we could see ourselves purchasing the eJuice again, on our own.
And now, let’s look at each of the 16 individual flavors that make up the 777 eCigs “Signature” line:
777 eCigs Classic Tobacco – Described as their classic tobacco flavor, our team says:
Lisa: Classic tobacco is not 777 eCigs best tasting tobacco blend. The taste was somewhat familiar, as though I had tasted it before in another brand. The vapor production is quite nice however. People with a history of prefilled cartomizers from other brands will find familiarity with this one, but given the choice I would recommend something else. 3.5 Stars
Tom: It’s certainly not a bad tasting tobacco. And although the prefilled and eLiquids are the same formula I had a stronger experience with the eLiquid and a blank carto then I did with the prefilled cartomizers. 3.0 Stars
Jason: I’ll have to agree with Lisa; Classic is not their strongest tobacco flavor and tastes a lot like other branded prefilled flavors from other companies.
The eLiquid and a blank carto together offer a stronger throat hit and more robust tobacco flavor, it’s far from their best. 3.5 Stars
Chelsey: I liked it well enough. No, it’s not the best they offer but it’s still better than many of the mini-eCig prefilled on the market. Vapor production was really good.
Julia: Classic Tobacco left a lot to be desired. After vaping some of their other flavors I did not expect them to revert back to something that reminded me of a prefilled carto from an everyday vendor. 2 Stars
777 Blend – Described as a tobacco vape with hints of vanilla and caramel, the team said:
Lisa: A much better tobacco blend with a good amount of vapor (full flavored). This flavor is better than most other prefilled cartos from other mini-eCig brands. 3.5 Stars
Tom: As a ‘tobacco flavors’ guy this is an eJuice I can get into. It was smart to call this one their blend. You do get the hints of vanilla and caramel as well. Much improved over Classic. 4 Stars
Jason: This is a sweeter tobacco blend than Classic, which I liked. Thick vapor and flavorful too. The eLiquid was slightly better than the prefilled cartos. 4 Stars
Chelsey: Big improvement over Classic; this is very close to being a true original vape. Not a branded prefilled quality to this one, it’s much better. 4 Stars
Julia: Still not close to some of the other flavors that really set 777 eCigs apart. Though it was pretty decent, I’d rate it slightly higher than Classic at 3.5 Stars
Gold 7 – Described by 777 eCigs as a “Bold & exquisite tobacco” what did the team have to say about this?
Lisa: The first 5 Star of the night! This is like a Turkish tobacco from some others. I would vape this regularly if I were in a different business. I enjoyed it very much. Bold flavor, vapor was thick. Gold 7 begins to show the way forward. 5 Stars
Tom: I’m all about vaping Gold 7! A bold and rich flavor, vapor as thick as you’d want it to be. Flavorful, and delicious. Best of all, even in the prefilled carto there is no after taste. 5 Stars
Jason: Not a 5 star to me, but certainly worthy of respect. This is the proof that 777 eCigs is making an attempt to bring the divide between those that like their mini-eCigs and the simplicity of prefilled cartos and veteran Vapers who choose larger batteries and filling cartos, Clearomizers, and tanks with eLiquids. 4 Stars
Chelsey: Nice and dark, very flavorful. One of the very best prefilled mini-eCig cartos on the market. Luscious vapor. Worthy.
Julia: Not your everyday prefilled carto flavor is it? This has a very good flavor to it. Even better when you fill a blank carto with the eLiquid version. 4+ Stars.
777 eCigs Traditional: Described as “flue cured” the team had this to say:
Lisa: This is my favorite tobacco flavor from 777 eCigs. Lots of flavor, more vapor than the other tobaccos, and strong enough for the most demanding ex-smokers. A real delight. 5 Stars
Tom: Indeed this is the better tobacco blends out there for the mini-eCig market, especially considering the eJuice is not American Made. Stronger and more vapor than the others as well. When I filled a carto with this the flavor was even stronger. 4.5 Stars
Jason: I was surprised by this one because the name, to me, meant traditional in the sense of normal prefilled cartos, but it is anything but. Still, tobacco flavors from 777 eCigs are not the best flavors they offer. But we’ll get to that. 4 Stars
Chelsey: A strong tobacco vape, and better in the eLiquid form than the prefilled cartos. Lots of vapor. This is a good flavor choice for ex-smokers. Solid flavor. 4 Stars.
Julia: Stronger than the rest, bold and flavorful. The eLiquid was better than the cartos. Lots of vapor. 4 Stars
Coffee: 777 eCigs left no real description for the rest of the flavors, so we’re taking them as the name indicates. Coffee, and our team says:
Lisa: One of the best natural coffee flavors around. Nothing fancy, just coffee. And it was wonderfully simple and delicious. 5 Stars, a true delight to vape. Sometimes all you want in a coffee flavor is the flavor of coffee, you know what I mean?
Tom: I found myself picking up the Coffee eLiquid after the vaping period was over which is something I usually don’t do unless I really enjoy vaping it. This is a great coffee. I would add this into my rotation, in fact, I have. The prefilled and the eLiquid both were excellent. This is where 777 eCigs gets going, in the flavored vapes where the pros play. 5 Stars!
Jason: I don’t think this team has found a natural coffee flavor that all of us liked. This may be it. I loved this flavor. Not only is it the best ‘prefilled’ carto Coffee flavor I’ve had, the eLiquid is right up there as well. I will also add this to my rotation.
This is a simple coffee without a hint of harshness to it. 5 Stars
Chelsey: I don’t like fancy coffee vapes, so seeing as this one is a simple normal coffee flavored vape was awesome for me. It’s just the simple flavor of a good coffee. No burning in the throat, no harshness, just flavor.
Vapor was there in abundance. But the best thing about this flavor is it’s a no-nonsense coffee flavor that many others would be jealous over. 5 Stars
Julia: When you’re right you’re right. This is a damned fine Coffee flavor. Both the prefilled cartos and the eLiquid were a delight to vape. Tons of vapor too. This makes me wonder why so many eJuice companies tamper so much with their coffee flavors. I love fancy coffees too, but a simple flavor is often times just what you need. I liked it a lot. 5 Stars
777 eCigs Caramel: Our team said this about the Caramel blend:
Lisa: A fair vape, with hints of caramel but not enough. I liked it though, in its own right. Vapor was good, and it turned out to be a pleasant vape despite the fact that it was a very light flavor. 4 Stars
Tom: The prefilled cartos of Caramel provided a very mild vape. I wished there was more caramel in the caramel.
But when I used the eLiquid and blank carto it was much better. A real caramel flavor never did come through though. 4 Stars for the eLiquid. The prefilled cartos on the other hand were kind of weak. Still had good vapor, but hardly enough caramel. 3 Stars
Jason: Tom is exactly right. I used a prefilled carto first and found it lacking in flavor. But when I added the eLiquid to a blank carto the flavor came out a whole lot more.
Same as Tom, 4 Stars for the eLiquid, 3 for the prefilled carto. I will say this though, the vape wasn’t harsh, and vapor was good, but it should have a heavier flavor. 4 Stars
Chelsey: I don’t taste Caramel in this flavor at all. But I do taste ‘something’ and that something was pretty nice. I enjoyed the vape quite a bit with the prefilled carto. The eLiquid was stronger which helped with making the flavor perk up. 4 Stars
Julia: I’ve had caramel flavors quite a bit and this lacks the caramel. But like Chelsey, I enjoyed it anyway. Weird. Other, more complicated caramels are out there but they are too complicated. The vapor is quite good. The eLiquid and the prefilled cartos were evenly matched. 4 Stars
777 eCigs Peppermint: The team offered up:
Lisa: I apologize, but this is the worst flavor of the 16 by FAR. I swear it was like inhaling Vicks VapoRub. 1 Star
Tom: Terrible. Not peppermint. Vicks. 1 Star
Jason: Awful. Worse than awful. Peppermint, and I use the term loosely, goes in with a chemical taste and comes out with the taste of Vicks. What we they thinking? 1 Star.
Chelsey: Let me expand on your comments, okay? Yes, it does taste like Vicks VaporRub. No, there isn’t a hint of peppermint at all. The prefilled carto was the worst, but the eLiquid was almost just as bad. I did not care for this one at all. 1 Star
Julia: I can’t save this one. I’ve had great flavors from 777 eCigs, some of the best are coming up, but this isn’t one of them. This was awful. 1 Star.
777 eCigs Vanilla: An we’re back… The team says;
Lisa: The BEST vanilla flavor I’ve had in a prefilled carto. A nice, smooth vanilla that didn’t leave an aftertaste. Charming, full of vanilla. The thing about 777 eCigs flavors is that they are often uncomplicated, simple flavors. This is one of them.
The vanilla goes in easy and comes out easy. No weird flavor going in like a lot of vanilla vapes have. Vapor production was good. 5 Stars
Tom: I don’t like overly sweet vapes, but this is a true vanilla that deserves praise from the prefilled carto users out there that will try this one. The eLiquid was even better, but the prefilled carto was smooth and creamy. This is exactly what a simple vanilla should taste like.
A nice change over some of the radical vanilla concoctions I’ve had lately. Don’t get me wrong, they were awesome, but sometimes all you want is something simple and delicious. Vanilla like this fits the bill perfectly. 5 Stars
Jason: Wow, a real vanilla that doesn’t bite back. A simply flavor that really hits the spot. I loved it. A very smooth flavor, a nice vanilla flavor that does not overwhelm you. This is one I would vape over and over. 5 Stars
Chelsey: Vanilla is one of my all time favorite flavors. This particular vanilla was done exactly right. Very smooth, creamy, and delicious. Lots of vapor too but sadly no throat hit. Still a 5 Star vape.
Julia: This is a good vanilla vape. Reminded me of Vanilla Wafers. Rich and creamy, good vapor, but no throat hit. A simple flavor for a simple Vaper, me.
Chocolate: The team says;
Lisa: An average chocolate, but no aftertaste, which counts for a lot. Vapor was decent too. Not the best chocolate out there, but pretty darn good. 3.5 Stars
Tom: I’m not a chocolate guy, but I didn’t hate it and I hate most of them. So, I’m going with a 3.5 Stars because it has a decent chocolate flavor that did not overpower.
Jason: I do like chocolate and I thought this was really good. The eLiquid performed better, and the chocolate taste was a little stronger, but the prefilled cartos were good too. 4 Stars
Chelsey: I love chocolate! What I really liked about this one is that, like the vanilla, it wasn’t trying to be some fancy chocolate. It had a chocolate milk taste to it, which is very nice. Good vapor. 4.5 Stars
Julia: Judging this as a prefilled carto I would say that this was an unassuming chocolate flavor that did not bite back.
It wasn’t harsh, and it tasted like real milk chocolate. The eLiquid, on the other hand, was stronger in every sense of the word. But still a very good flavor. 4 Stars
Apple: The team offered up this for the Apple flavor;
Lisa: The apple flavor was there but it wasn’t strong enough. The apple flavor appeared more on the exhale. I liked the vape though. The vapor was really thick. Apple is a hard taste to nail down but these guys did well. 4 Stars
Tom: This is an original Apple vape. I liked it, though it was on the sweet side. It doesn’t overpower you. The eLiquid was stronger in flavor by about 50%. A lot of vapor, no throat hit. I enjoyed it though, and that’s what’s important. 4 Stars
Jason: This is a solid Apple vape. I will add this to my own rotation, in the eLiquid form anyway. I like that 777 eCigs uses flavors that don’t try to be fancy, just good. And this apple-flavored vape was good. 5 Stars
Chelsey: I love Apple flavored vapes. This one did not disappoint me. While I preferred the prefilled cartos the eLiquid was good too. A lot of vapor with it as well! 5 Stars
Julia: A mild apple flavor that wasn’t the least bit harsh, as some Apple flavors can be.
More flavor on the exhale, but a good vape nonetheless. Once again, 777 eCigs offers a good, yet simple flavor that doesn’t over promise, and delivers on the name. 4 Stars
Watermelon: The team says:
Lisa: The best watermelon I’ve had in weeks. Just like the watermelon you can get at the store, only as a vape.
There are many watermelon flavors out there in the eJuice community, and most of them are blends with other fruits. 777 eCigs has produced a simple watermelon vape that tastes just like a watermelon should taste. Thick vapor, excellent watermelon flavor, it has to be a 5 Star vape
Tom: I’ll admit it; this tasted exactly like Watermelon. And it was good! The prefilled and the eLiquid were identical as well, both offering up a great tasting watermelon flavor. I know we’ve used the word ‘simple’ quite a bit in this review but it describes so many of these flavors.
After spending months and months reviewing complex flavors (which were awesome!), it’s really nice to be able to review a flavor that is as simple flavor. 5 Stars
Jason: Unbelievable! Nothing fancy, just good old watermelon. Light, sweet, delicious watermelon flavor in a vape. I think that’s how our readers should take this review, as describing a company that has decided to provide good flavors in their simplicity. No guessing games, no weird fake tastes, no tricks. You want watermelon? Here’s a watermelon. Easy. Good vapor too. 5 Stars
Chelsey: Watermelon is a great flavor for vaping and this version was awesome. Light, true watermelon flavor, one of my favorite vapes by 777 eCigs. 5 Stars
Julia: Again, a sweet, natural watermelon flavor and that’s it. No secret blends, so mystery flavors, just simple watermelon without any harsh vapor. I liked it a lot. 777 eCigs isn’t trying to overpower you or confuse you, its just offering up a unique flavor, and this watermelon is one of them. 5 Stars!
Strawberry: the team says:
Lisa: Smucker’s Strawberry Jam! That’s how much strawberry I tasted in this delightful vape. Sweet strawberries, nothing else. I loved it. 5 Stars
Tom: A natural strawberry flavor with no aftertaste. It’s funny when you stick to the basics, don’t try to throw in a dozen flavors you get a really good vape, simple but tasty. Whoever supplies 777 eCigs with flavoring is doing a great job. 5 Stars
Jason: I refilled my carto twice with this strawberry vape. It was a natural, light and sweet strawberry that I didn’t need to guess at. These guys know what they are doing. Stick with the natural flavors, it doesn’t fail. 5 Stars.
Chelsey: A very good strawberry vape. Sweet, light, and tasty. Real strawberry flavor, without any gimmicks. I loved it. 5 Stars
Julia: Simplicity is key! Strawberry and strawberry only, this is a naturally sweet, strawberry vape that is sure to please anyone that likes strawberries. Terrific! 5 Stars!
Very Berry: The teams says:
Lisa: a nice mix of various berries results in a light, sweet mixture that almost works. You can get the hints of blueberries, raspberry, and even a touch of strawberry; this is a nice cool vape. A little difficult to identify each berry and that goes against all the singular flavors above, but still, a nice vape. 4 Stars
Tom: I’m not a fruit loving Vaper, and they had me with the watermelon, but for this I just couldn’t get there. 3 Stars
Jason: A fruity mix that really got to me. Many subtle flavors combining to form a sweet but light mix of fruit. This is a good tasting vape on a hot humid day. The cartos and the eLiquid were equally as good. 5 Stars
Chelsey: I was ready for a light and fruity vape and this did not disappoint. Something about the right mix of berries gives this a truly wonderful mix of fruit. 5 Stars!
Julia: What can I say? Again, 777 stays out of the complicated flavors and gets back to basics. The result is a pleasant fruity vape with many different hints of berries yet remains uncomplicated. Blueberry and cherry, a touch of strawberry. Something different, but not really. 4.5 Stars
Italian Crème – The team says:
Lisa: John loves this one. As do I. Very rich and creamy, very UNLIKE anything I’ve ever tasted in a vape. The name fits perfectly; it’s a delicious Italian crème flavor. Everybody loves this one! 5 Stars
Tom: Just fantastic and so unusual! An original work of art. I’d love to know how they did it. I will buy this eLiquid quite a bit because the eLiquid is even better than the prefilled cartos. Never heard of an Italian Crème vape before this, so to me it’s completely original.
Jason: I was shocked when I tasted Italian crème. A real original flavor that I loved to vape! Such creamy goodness, the right amount of sweetness, this one is an award winner. 5 Stars
Chelsey: Don’t get me wrong, I liked this one a lot. But it was too original for me. I loved the prefilled cartos but when I filled a blank carto with the eLiquid it was too heavy, too much flavor. If I didn’t know better I’d swear it was made with real, thick cream. 4 Stars
Julia: A perfectly original, rich and creamy, sweet desert vape made to taste like Italian Crème. I would stack this one up against many of the American Made pro-level eJuice flavors out there. Delicious! 5 Stars.
Pina Colada – the team says:
Lisa: We’ve been looking for a prefilled carto of Pina Colada that would be every bit as good as another brand we’ve really loved this year. Finally, we found it here in 777 eCigs Pina Colada. This is a real Pina Colada vape that didn’t leave an aftertaste, and delivered a fine pineapple and coconut concoction. 5 Stars
Tom: A real Pina Colada flavor, with just the right amount of pineapple and coconut. Smooth, creamy, and delicious. Lots of vapor. I would stack this one up to the pros, easy. 5 Stars
Jason: Not a hint of aftertaste, no phoniness, just real honest to goodness Pina Colada flavors. A delicious vape, both in prefilled cartos and eLiquid. This will be a favorite of many.
Chelsey: I’ve had one other Pina Colada from a branded prefilled carto brand and I really liked it. I’ve been searching for another and until I found this one I thought it would never happen. THIS is better than my previous favorite. The prefilled and the eLiquid are just fantastic. 5 Stars
Julia: Another flavor that our editor thought was awesome. I do as well because it is a real pina colada flavor. Genuine flavors of pineapple and coconut, blended together perfectly. The only thing missing is, what? The rum? This is a 5 Star vape.
Menthol: The team says:
Lisa: Terrible. The same as peppermint. Awful aftertaste. Tastes like it came from the drug store. 1 Star. Not very menthol at all. Medicine tasting, in a bad way.
Tom: Just not any good. Very much like the peppermint without any hint of peppermint. I can’t imagine the same people choosing Pina Colada to offer to their customers would choose this as their menthol. Doesn’t make sense. 1 Star
Jason: Like the peppermint above, this is awful. What more can I say? 1 Star
Chelsey: Absolutely awful! How do you go from making a hit like Italian Crème or Pina Colada to this? I don’t know, but it is terrible stuff. 1 Star.
Julia: I can’t even say it’s mentholated. There is something in it that reminds me of suntan lotion at the beach. Terrible, just terrible. 1 Star
Final thoughts
As you can see, some of the flavors were every bit was good as the top American Made eJuice companies we’ve reviewed in the past, despite coming from China. Some were the worst we’ve seen (peppermint and menthol).
But all in all, this is a company that has a future if they can make their way in the brutal market of eCigarettes.
So far their choices for flavors have been good. I would advise them to immediately dump the peppermint and menthol and look for replacements.
Of special note is a few of their flavors are pro-level flavors. Now I know 777 eCigs might be taken aback by that statement, but for us at Spinfuel, our insistence that the eJuice market has to come to America or the UK, not China, is based not only on taste, but other issues as well.
Somehow, 777 eCigs has found an eJuice company in China that is capable of delivering some great tasting juice. (They say 3 companies). I think that’s great, and since I consider American Made to be the “pros”, anything coming from China is substandard, in MY view.
Because some of the flavors in the review are every bit as good as some of the pros then I believe the credit for that falls directly on the shoulders of those who launched 777 eCigs. They recognize the need for great tasting eCigarettes. If only all mini-eCig brands were like that.
Their Italian Crème and Pina Colada should not go untried. When ordering your starter kit make sure those two flavors are in there somewhere. As far as tobacco flavors go, the 777 Blend or Gold 7 are your two best choices. Classic and Traditional are a little more common tasting. Finally, Strawberry, Watermelon, and Apple are worthy flavors to consider as well.
I highly recommend 777 eCigs if you are looking for a company that offers both cartomizers and eLiquid in some very good flavors.
The batteries are wonderful, the crystal colored tips that light up in purple and pink are great, and the various size batteries, in KR808D-1 configuration is right on target.
The prices are fair, the quality is excellent. Just stay away from the Peppermint and Menthol and you’ll be fine.
Lisa Johnston, lead writer, with Tom McBride, Jason Little, Chelsey Laney, and Julia Barnes.
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