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Smoque Vapours Maiz – Caramel Popcorn Review
A Spinfuel eLiquid Team Review
When we began to single out some “one flavor” team review ideas we had to include this brand new flavor from the premium grade, modestly priced Smoque Vapours. After reading the description, how could we resist? These one-off reviews are chosen by the team in order to discover some very special, Spinfuel Choice Award-worthy eliquids. So far, so good. Both the Limited Edition Juice Box and the Vaporfi/Cosmic Fog Strawberry Shortcake ranked for the Choice Award, so we were silently hoping that Smoque Vapours Maiz would as well… after we began vaping it anyway.
On Choosing Smoque Vapours Maiz

Kiera is the reviewer that suggested we add Maiz to our one-off reviews, and when I heard the name I recognized it as an old native American name for corn. My immediate reaction was “Corn? You want us to review a corn flavor eliquid? Are you nuts?” When she finished laughing, she directed me to the Smoque Vapours website and had me read the description. “Ohhhh…. Caramel popcorn! I get it. Okay, let’s do it” … In about a week’s time we were ready to go.
Each reviewer, myself, Kiera, Tom, and Jason, vaped our own 60mL glass bottle for 72 hours, vaping nothing else the entire time. This, by the way, is optional. If we really don’t like a particular flavor we are not prepared to stay with it for 3 days, that’s one of the reasons we review four flavors at a time. This time, we all wound up devouring ever drop of this original flavor. There are ‘other’ caramel popcorn eliquids out there I’m sure, but this one, this one is rather special. Maiz is the most authentic corn + caramel flavor we’ve ever vaped.
Vape Gear Used
Julia – Freemax Starre Pure – Council of Vapor Tempest (at 82W)
Tom – Herakles Honor – Council of Vapor Tempest – (at 75W)
Kiera – Council of Vapor Wraith – “Tom Built Coils” – (at 80W)
Jason – Lost Vape Therion – Freemax Starre PURE (at 75W)
“Chicago’s known for delicious caramel popcorn and you can’t stop in Chicago without having a bag. We’ve refined the same great tastes and smells of caramel popcorn and we’re happy to introduce: Maíz – caramel popcorn e-liquid! You won’t find a more authentic caramel popcorn vape! Maíz is available in both 60mL and 120mL bottle options. Maíz is a first of its kind and we guarantee your tastebuds will be jumping for more.”
$24.99 – 60mL Bottle
$39.99 – 120mL Bottle
Nicotine Strengths – 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2%
Tom McBride
Tom: 5 Stars – Our quest for fine, premium eliquids that could earn the Choice Award led us to Maiz, a caramel popcorn flavor. My impressions for Maiz surprised me. The first flavor I tasted just after the large direct lung pull was… corn… real, authentic corn-on-the-cob type corn. Following immediately afterward was this awesome tasting caramel, slightly salted and on the sweet side. The combination of all three components, corn, caramel, and salt, were truly fascinating and incredibly delicious.
In addition to the incredible flavors, Maiz delivers such dense voluminous vapor clouds I was genuinely shocked when I began to exhale this enormous amount of vapor. For a brief instant I was kind of concerned that it wasn’t going to stop. (I know, I know).
Best of all, Maiz is an excellent all-day-vape. This thick, HighVG eliquid (it looks and feels like 80% VG, 20% PG) produces authentic flavors, but so smoothly and gently that I could vape it all day without vapers tongue, or harshness on the throat.
Julia Hartley-Barnes
Julia: 5 Stars – Although the flavor of caramel popcorn might scare some people away from even trying Maiz, those who are interested in seeing what the fuss is about will be richly rewarded.
Maiz is unlike any flavor I’ve vaped before. One second I taste an authentic sweet corn, and the next I taste a rich sweet caramel.

At the tail end of the vape they come together and form this weirdly great caramel popcorn that I had a tough time giving up. It’s difficult to understand how Smoque Vapours created this unique flavor, but I do know they did an incredible job.
Vapor production for this HighVG juice is outstanding. My Starre Pure and a new ceramic cylinder coil head provided a very pure flavor and enormous amounts of vapor. Of course, I realize that almost any HighVG eliquid vaped with the Starre Pure at 80w is going to produce great clouds, but when combine the clouds with this unique and delicious flavor it becomes one terrific all-day-vape. In my rotation now.
Kiera Hartley-Barnes
Kiera: 5 Stars – Julia had a much easier time describing what it was she was experiencing with Maiz. She took to it immediately, and urged me to vape more often during the 3-day period. At first I was taken aback by a strange sweet yellow cornmeal flavor, and it was only a few hours later, and several vape “sessions” that some sort of rusty caramel started to reveal itself.
The reason for this was my initial choice for an atomizer. I love my Zephyrus v2 sub-ohm tanks, and it’s been a while since I had used on in an eliquid review. The problem was I ran out of Kanthal coil heads and had to switch to Ni200 (Pure Nickel). This was also the first time I used a Zephyrus Ni200 coil head, and the last. These Nickel coils mute the flavor so badly that I was about to drop out of the review and award 1-star.
Then Tom built me some 0.4-ohm Kanthal coils for my new Council of Vapor Wraith and I filled the Squonker and started again. Everything changed in heartbeat. Now I was tasting what Julia was tasting, and it turned out to be an experience of a new, original flavor that I couldn’t put down until all 60mL was vaped. Happily, that took 3 days.
Vapor from the Wraith at 80w was unbelievably huge and quite delicious. Maiz is going on my daily rotation as an evening ejuice. Although it can certainly be anyone’s all-day-vape, there is something special about vaping Maiz in cool evening A/C.
Jason Little
Jason: 5 Stars – It was hard to believe that a caramel popcorn flavor would receive 5 stars from me. Maybe it was due to vaping a buttery popcorn a few weeks back, or maybe because Smoque Vapours really knows how to build a layered ejuice.
When I vape Maiz I taste three different flavors at three different times. On the inhale, or the tail end of the inhale, I taste a sweet corn flavor that doesn’t offend. I know that some people will see “sweet corn vapor” and think “oh god no!”, but I’m telling you, this tasted great.
The second I began the exhale I tasted a salty caramel flavor on top of the sweet corn, and together I was reminded of a bowl of caramel popcorn… only in vapor form. Speaking of vapor, Maiz produces an amazing amount of vapor with my Freemax Starre Pure. To see how well it would hold up under a lesser quality coil I spent some time, not much, with an old Kanger Subtank and an original OCC coil head (0.5-ohm). The results, although still a fine eliquid, could not compare to what I experienced with the Starre Pure.
Once again, our careful selection process wins out. Although Kiera was the one that chose Maiz, we all have to agree to devote the time to reviewing it. We’re glad we did. Without good word of mouth, or a good review, a flavor like Maiz might not get that many takers. I hope that changes with our Spinfuel Choice Award being given to Maiz.
Maiz does not overwhelm you with strong flavors, the blend of superior flavorings delivers a spectacular all-day-vape with “just enough” flavor. Considering the 60mL bottle for just $24.99, we highly recommend trying it. When you do, come back and let us know what you think. Did this special flavor find a place in your rotation?
Overall Score – 5 Stars – A Spinfuel Choice Award Winner.
Julia Hartley-Barnes, Kiera Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride and Jason Little, the Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team.