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On paper, I shouldn’t like the Sigelei Chronus Shikra Mod Kit. Between the oddball joystick control, the “front-loading washer” round display, and its similarity to a million other tall, slender vape mods, the Shikra should have been a miss for me. But you know what? I absolutely love the thing, and highly recommend you check one out.
(Did I need to say “spoiler alert” there?)
Despite all of the above reasons, the Shikra presents users with a sleek, comfortable, high-powered vape device. This well-crafted, mature device features a 1.3-inch TFT screen that is highly legible and pretty sharp, to boot.
The proprietary chipset easily hits 200 watts, fires at a ridiculously fast rate, and has near-immediate response, thanks to the near-perfect control buttons.
More impressive is the sheer amount of protections, including temperature protection, high and low wattage protection, battery reverse protection, and (my favorite) an innovative PIN lock to keep unwanted users out. Parents, take note.

Sigelei Chronus Shikra Mod Specs:
- Available in Chronus, Shikra, and Shikra – Gem Series
- Dimensions – 88.2mm by 44mm by 31mm
- Dual High-Amp 18650 Batteries – Not Included
- Wattage Output Range: 10-200W
- Voltage Output Range: 1.0-7.52V
- Resistance Range: 0.05-3.0ohm
- Temperature Range: 100°-300°C / 200°-570°F
- Ni200, Titanium, and Stainless Steel Compatibility
- Temperature Control TFR Mode
- Round 1.3″ TFT Display Screen
- Customizable User Interface
- Intuitive Firing Button
- 5-Direction Plated Joystick
- 4-Digit PIN Lock
Sigelei Chronus Shikra Tank Specs:
- 24mm Diameter
- 0mL Standard Juice Capacity
- 5mL Bubble Juice Capacity
- Compatible with Sigelei Moonshot 120 Glass Tank
- Superior Stainless Steel Construction
- Pyrex Glass Reinforcement
- Threaded Top Fill System
- Compatible with Other Branded Coils w/ Extra Pin
- Lightly Knurled Bottom Airflow Control Ring
- 510 Centered Connection
- 810 Widebore Resin Drip Tip
Sigelei Chronus Shikra Kit Contents:
- 1 Chronus Shikra 220W Box Mod
- 1 Shikra Sub-Ohm Tank
- 1 0.25ohm MS Coil – rated for 40-80W
- 1 3.5mL Moonshot 120 Glass Tube
- 1 Sealing Ring
- 1 USB Cable
- 1 Electrode Converter
- 1 Spare Parts
- 2 User Manual
- 1 Warranty Card
- 1 Certificate
Taking design cues from its KAOS and Snow Wolf series, Sigelei crafted the Chronus Shikra with the best of all worlds in mind. Though round is round, the display seems more “at home” on this mature, well-designed device. Likewise, the nubby joystick control input has been a bone of discontent in the past for other vape mods, but the Shikra makes it seem like a natural extension of the design.
The dual-18650 Shikra is pocket-friendly and slender, but can still handle 26mm atomizers with room to spare, and without seeming unbalanced or top-heavy. The bottom feeding battery compartment is standard issue stuff, though my rewrapped 18650s all seemed to fit better, even though they struggled to fit in similar devices.
When powered up, the display follows a simple, modern look – clean and uncluttered, but still chock full of vital info for all types of vapers. The clock screen is nice, especially given the round display space. But it would be nicer if it actually kept decenttime. Though I’m not sure anyone cares if their mods keep accurate time, why have the feature if it’s faulty?
Overall, the appearance is subtle, but with some nice, angular cutaways that break up any visual monotony. The Shikra might not garner the most attention of your mod collection, but it’s certainly not going to sit in the back of the pile, either.
Standout Features
While the included Shikra tank is technicallyan adequate sub-ohm offering, the included coils are disappointing and lack the flavor so many of Sigelei’s peers have mastered by now. Each of the included Kanthal coils (0.2-ohm) are flat, with limp flavor and vapor production. They’ll get you through a week of average vaping, but you won’t remember much of it when it’s done. Even if I had tried using the compatibility pin to use the tank with other coils, I really don’t want to consider that Sigelei made a tank that performed better with a competitor’s products.
Perhaps if Sigelei considered including a mesh MS coil, this might have been a different experience, but as it stands, enjoy the Shikra tank if you get the kit, but the real beauty of the kit lies in the mod alone.
Using the Sigelei Chronus Shikra Kit
One of the interesting things about this kit is how little attention is given to temperature control vaping. Maybe it’s indicative of the industry at large. But it might also be because the Shikra just seems better suited for straight, no-nonsense wattage use.
Don’t get me wrong, the Shikra’s TC modes work fine – even well – but it’s all standard issue. I managed to set and maintain smooth temperatures without much fuss, and rarely hit any error points. If you’re looking for a solid performer, the Shikra is as good as any. But power mode just seems simpler. And with its stutter-free performance, all the way to its stated 200 watts, I see little reason to venture beyond its core competencies.
Battery life on the Chronus Shikra is average to above-average, with most of its best moments coming between 70-90 watts. In short, if you’re a mid-wattage vaper who occasionally flies a little higher, the Shikra is well worth a look.
– Striking, mature design
– Ridiculously fast ramp-up time
– Stutter-free performance
– The Shikra tank is forgettable, at best
– Battery life could be better
– Needs more venting
Spinfuel VAPE Recommendation
You’ll know right away if you like the Sigelei Chronus Shikra – not only by looks, but by its focus on a straightforward, frill-free vaping experience. To vapers like me, it shows that the whole can truly be greater than the sum of its parts. Put the tank aside, grab a better atomizer, and enjoy the Shikra for all the simple, high-powered pleasure it provides.