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After spending a day taste-testing these incredible ten eliquids, especially one called Mermaid’s Milk, I knew that I had to try to get the original Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team to come back and join me for this review. It took a lot of cajoling, some promises were made, even a bit of a bribe, but after the team assembled under one roof for three days, it was decided that the cajoling was worth it, the promises released, and the bribes returned. This might be the original team’s Swan Song, and if it is, it’s a hell of a way to go out…with a winner. – John Manzione – June 23rd, 2015
Read our extensive interview here
Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery
The first thing you notice of course is the name, Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery. I mean, come on, what does that mean anyway? Then it’s the gorgeous bottles, dark amber glass, thick recycled paper labels with their strange fish logo, old fashioned fonts, and all the information you’ll need to know about the liquid inside. Finally, the capper is, well, the cap. All the bottles are dipped and sealed in a deep red wax.
On the esoteric name and looks alone you’re sold on this brand, but you know better now. Marketing is vital, but it doesn’t really tell you anything about the quality of the eliquid, just its presentation. That’s not to demean the presentation, who doesn’t love a great presentation, right? But to remain a customer it’s what’s inside the deluxe packaging that keeps you coming back, and with Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery you will come back… for as long as you remain a vaper, you’ll come back.
This review by the original Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team, plus myself, will be longer than most of our reviews, so rather than fill you in on the company background and the major players, we’ve left that information for our extensive interview, which you will find right here.
All of these premium ejuices are made in New England. They use a blend of USP-grade organic vegetable glycerin combined with organic flavors to create these unique blends. Every one of their eliquid flavorings is kosher, vegan, gluten free, and contain no nuts. They are created in small batches and each batch is handcrafted, then quality tested, and then bottled in contamination free environment, and then finally sealed with wax for the ultimate safety, and freshness.
Although each eliquid blend is unique, they all have a certain, almost invisible link to each other so that if you’ve vaped one or two of their blends and you are then presented with one you haven’t yet tried you will sense that it came from Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery. I have only experienced this kind of connectedness a few times in the past, and it has always been superb brands that become favorites of mine, just as this brand has become.
All ten eliquids perform excellently in subohm tanks and drippers. As such, nicotine strengths are limited to 3mg, 6mg, and the Zero-Nic option. Each eliquid is priced at $21.99 for the 30mL size. As a delightful prize we received one bottle in a 60mL size, so fingers crossed that at some point the 60mL size will become an option for all their wonderful blends.
Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery eliquids are all 100% VG, which makes them perfect for the aforementioned dripping atomizers and subohm tanks. My preference is the Joyetech Delta 2, the Subtank by Kanger, and the Zephyrus tank, using resistances of 0.15, 0.2, .03, and 0.5 ohm. Flavor is equally delivered with Kanthal or Nickel coils.
I’ve asked the team to include the tank, coil resistance and optimum wattage for each of the eliquids, so you can either start where they finished, or explore the wattage scales. If you’ve tried any of these eliquids it would be great if you could post a comment below and let us, and future readers, know your preferred tank/resistance/wattage as well.
One last thing; if you vape any of these eliquids within a few minutes of opening the bottle you’ll get a slightly lighter flavor, so like many other brands, I suggest opening the bottle and leaving it open for a hour or more. The result is a deeper flavor with an accurate flavor profile. I should also note that 100% VG blends do present a little different than 50:50 PG/VG, other than that, 100% VG is the way to go these days.
The Team
Our new team, headed up by Dori Odosso, are all advanced vapers that choose to use dripping atomizers in their personal vaping and for their team reviews. The original team you will hear from below, are mostly low resistance tank vapers. Only Tom is a regular Dripper.
The team today is made up of myself, John Manzione, and Julia and Keira Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride and Jason Little.
Keeping Score
Because there is a new Spinfuel eLiquid Review Team, and a new way to evaluate eliquids based on their methods, we’ve devised our score keeping methods so you won’t confuse them with the “official” 2015 Spinfuel Reviews.
1 Star – Poor, both in flavor and vapor. Almost ugly.
2 Stars – Meh! Nothing to bother about. I wouldn’t vape it, though some might.
3 Stars – Perfectly average. Most eliquids in the world fall here, in the middle, average ejuice. Nothing special, but vape-able if need be. Some brands produce only 3 Stars juices.
4 Stars – Above average, quite good actually. Would definitely vape them, and would buy them if they were on sale. Most vapers would probably like it.
5 Stars – Exquisite, exceptional. Superior eLiquid. Rare execution and beautiful flavors, top-notch vapor production… and very satisfying. Jesus himself would vape this. I’d pay $1 per mL or more for a 5 Star eJuice.
Now, let’s dive in and get our feedback from the team.
“…For twenty years, the owner of Sarcastic Fringehead has faithfully ordered watermelon sorbet with peanut butter topping whenever he visited an ice cream shop. Having been unable to convince a single dubious waitress of the merit of this combo and the necessity to name it after him, he quietly began working to perfect the flavor combination for the vaping community, instead. Here is the result of his perseverance, and twenty years of tireless “research”…”
Julia: 5- Stars Watermelon and peanut butter…WATERMELON AND PEANUT BUTTER?! What are these guys thinking? No seriously, when I read that flavor description I thought that Black Flag just couldn’t be any good…but it is. In fact I decided to vape this in a 0.2-ohm coil head tank and cranked it to a very warm vapor and it was so deep and so delicious that I understand why the owner of Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery chased this flavor for 20 years. Amazing!
Keira: 4.75 Stars – For those that are reading the flavor description and thinking that watermelon is playing a large role with peanut butter are getting the wrong idea, IMHO. Watermelon is a light flavor to begin with, and peanut butter is anything but light. So you will taste a lot more peanut butter later on in the vape, sweet peanut butter really, than you will watermelon. The profile delivers a ‘top note’ of watermelon at first, and then kicks in with a great peanut butter flavor as the main dish. I’m adding this charmer to my rotation for a while at least. If you like peanut butter you’ll droll over this one. Vape warm though, so the peanut butter melts in your mouth.
Tom: 4.5 Stars – Just to be clear, I’m awarding this flavor 4.5 stars because it is a unique, excellently executed and a complex flavor. But I won’t add to my collection because I don’t vape watermelon OR peanut butter flavors. If I did though, this one could be it. I can see why so many people love it because it is a deep and rich vape with just a tad of watermelon essence, and if you are reading these impressions with interest, I’d encourage you to try a bottle. If you like peanut butter and watermelon vapes separately, then this will be a favorite…maybe.
Jason: 4.5 Stars – I remember my first peanut butter eliquid more than 3 years ago, it was awful. The peanut butter flavor was artificial and ugly, and I hated it so much. Over the years I’ve tried others and they slowly got better and better. When it was time for me to try this strange sounding flavor I was a little hesitant.
Well, that’s now in the past, because this eliquid is delicious. The peanut butter flavor has finally been figured out, and this idea of throwing a curveball at it with some watermelon flavor was awesome! If you’re looking for a deep, rich, and warm peanut butter vape you have to try it. Don’t let those two flavors throw you, this is not half and half watermelon and peanut butter, this is a peanut butter vape with a touch of watermelon to give it a depth
John: 5 Stars – I’ve been vaping Black Flag in a Kanger Subtank and the Vea Elite DNA 40. At the 0.5-ohm OCC and 33w Pegleg throws an amazing watermelon flavor on the inhale with a peanut butter flavor in the middle and the end, with tons of vapor and ends it with a wisp of watermelon again on the tip of the tongue. It might not sound like something you would want to vape, but if you’re into peanut butter flavors you’ll love this.
“Some days it’s like you just don’t have a leg to stand on. But when those days arrive, just whip out a bottle o’ Pegleg and let all of life’s worries pass you by. A rich base of pecan brittle plays host to a lightly floral honey, all wrapped up in a caramel swirl. Deep, enticing, and fun to explore, Pegleg offers a harmonious vaping session guaranteed to prop you up until quittin’ time. “
Julia: 4.5 Stars – Pegleg almost had me but… the only disturbing component is the light floral honey. I don’t vape floral vapes anymore and I think it’s because that for months that I’ve been vaping low resistance coils every element of a flavor or flavors really comes out, so with Pegleg that floral honey is really, really, Floral-Honey. Other than that, I loved the sweet pecan component and that last note of cinnamon. We’re talking a 5 Star rating for vapers looking for a floral hit.
Keira: 5 Stars – The two heaviest flavors for me were floral and honey, and they are matched perfectly, and go together nicely. That ending exhale of sweet cinnamon is the perfect topper of this charming and lovely eliquid. A must try to vapers looking for a sweet floral and nutty vape. Loved it!
Tom: 4 Stars – Pegleg is a very interesting and complex flavor. The sweet pecans, the light cinnamon swirl on the exhale, and floral notes make this one of the most complicated vapes I’ve had in a long time. I’m not a big floral vaper, but instead of a flowery floral you can definitely tell it’s the honey blossom that gives this that floral note. Pegleg is outside my comfort zone for sure, but that’s what these reviews are about, going outside your comfort zone and discovering some great new flavors. While Pegleg doesn’t get all 5 of my stars, and it won’t be an eliquid I’ll add to my rotation, it does go above and beyond and shows a real artistry in eliquid mixing.
Jason: 4 Stars – There is a lot to Pegleg, particularly the pecan brittle on the inhale and that delicate cinnamon on the exhale. But, the strongest flavor is that floral honey, and that is the component that will stop me from keeping a supply of it in my collection. I will say though that for vapers that enjoy a floral touch to their ejuice, Pegleg will give it to you in a way that is both light and rich, which are two eliquid descriptions I don’t think I’ve used before. Skillfully crafted, this one could be a very big player in the floral vape community.
John: 4.5 Stars – I don’t vape floral flavors much, or really at all, but somehow this honey floral was somewhat enjoyable for a bit. There are many types of floral notes in floral eliquids, but with Pegleg the floral note, while dominant, is only part of the profile. The pecan brittle is equally strong, plus warm and nutty, and that cinnamon note on the end was a nice touch. I could almost make this one a part of my vape collection, but ultimately there are too many others that fit my personal ‘taste’ better. I don’t think I’ll ever really like a floral eliquid.
“Top Grog will bring out the pirate that lives in the soul of every vaper. Soul warming butter rum and creamy caramel are perfect companions after a long, hard day’s work. And unlike actual rum, this
wonderfully smile-inducing vape goes down smooth, and comes up smooth, too! Decadent and rich, but not too sweet, this is a great all-day vape. Raise a glass, or in this case, a mod, to the joys of vaping! “
Julia: 5 Stars – We all agreed that this was, and is, a delicious all day vape. The butter rum doesn’t throw off an alcohol flavor, it throws off a purer, warmer butter rum. What I really like about it is the caramel flavor and the fact that when mixed together it creates something you don’t want to stop vaping. Almost as good as Mermaid Milk, I’m adding this to my rotation. A must try!
Keira: 5 Stars – Butter rum and caramel as an all day vape is very surprising. Both are supposed to be rich flavors that are hard to vape all day but this one is so smooth, and the vapor so thick that you want to vape it all the time. You’ll find the caramel to be smooth and relaxing, while the butter rum is simply rich and smooth. Julia and I killed a 30mL bottle in less than a day. You have to try this one as soon as you can. Please note that butter rum can work in many flavor combinations, it doesn’t work in all of them.
Tom: 5 Stars – Had Top Grog been just a little richer I don’t think I could have labeled it as an all day vape. I still would love it, the butter rum and caramel are so good together, but there is a ‘gentleness’ to this one that makes it a flavor that lasts all day long. I loved it, and I’m adding it to my rotation immediately as an all day vape.
Jason: 5 Stars – I was concerned about the butter rum having that hard edge of an alcohol flavor to it and when that didn’t happen I was very happy indeed. Maybe it’s the combination of butter rum and caramel, but something evens this out as a flavorful, yet easily tolerated flavor that can be vaped day in and day out. Not as complex as others in this review, but every bit as satisfying. A real winner!
John: 5 Stars – The best of the 10 flavors is Mermaid’s Milk, and it happened to be the first flavor I tried, so needless to say I was very excited about this line. Even if Mermaid Milk was the only all day vape out of the ten I would have been satisfied. All ten have great flavor notes, but like all things, some are more satisfying than others. That said “Top Grog” is 98% as good as Mermaid’s Milk and that is something rare. I don’t taste an edgy alcohol in the butter rum, all I taste is something I would call a non-alcoholic butter rum, more butter than rum maybe. Then with a deep and rich caramel creaminess added to it, it becomes a very satisfying, yet easy to vape eliquid. Awesome original flavor, goes down easy and stays with you all day. Fill a large tank but be prepared to refill a few times before you’ll stop. Wonderful and satisfying, truly an award winning vape.
“This monstrous denizen of the deep is a force to be reckoned with. Dangerously good, The Kraken offers all of the warm, fuzzy feelings you get when you taste your mama’s banana bread- only better. Refined ripe banana undertones cascade across the tongue beneath walnuts, sweet spices, and toffee notes for a bake-sale worthy creation. Available in non-boat-crushing sizes for your convenience. Because science! “
Julia: 4 Stars – Overly complex, dangerously over reaching yet still a delightful vaping experience for a while. I expected to taste banana bread from the onset, but that did not happen. There are components of flavors that are listed in the official description, yet it was difficult to find common ground among them. The toffee was the rarest of the flavors, but the nutty spicy elements are really what The Kraken is all about. I enjoyed it quite a bit but the entire time I couldn’t stop myself from wondering where the banana bread went. For sophisticated palates looking to do a lot of work dissecting these complicated recipe.
Keira: 5 Stars – Julia complained about the lack of banana bread, and she’s right, its hardly there. But what is there is so wonderful that it would be difficult not to love this complex array of marvelous nutty spices and a toffee flavor that bordered on hazelnut coffee tones. I too would have enjoyed a true banana bread flavor but look at it this way; Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery has the opportunity to go full on banana at some point. If you want to love this flavor as much as I do, toss the idea of banana bread out of the window and let the flavors do their job. Leave your mind out of it, let the brain and taste buds work it out for you.
Tom: 4.5 Stars – Sometimes an eliquid can be too complex to truly enjoy, and I suspect that there will be some people that will try The Kraken and believe that there is just too many flavor notes vying for your attention. How many flavors can we distinguish at the same time, anyway? So for me, the way in to The Kraken was to allow the flavors to blend together and let it go where it wanted to go. Doing that, however, can be risky because all the flavors are tasted on the exhale, with one or maybe two being detected on the inhale. That worked for me, this time, and the result was, and is, a fantastic vape.
Jason: 4 Stars – While reading the official description I thought to myself, “Now they’re just showing off” because there are too many flavor ‘happenings’ at the same time. With banana bread, walnuts, toffee, and more fighting their way into the castle, it took all I had to discern them all. Rather than fight like that just try instead to simply enjoy it? I left my reviewers hat off, filled a Subtank Mini with it, (4.5ML) and just started to vape at 35w. And it was a marvelous vape, rich with color, flavor, and vapor. To witness just how a complex recipe of flavorings can create art, try a bottle of The Kraken.
John: 4.5 Stars – In hindsight I wish I could have taken Jason’s suggestions to heart and just allow all these flavors wash over me. Instead, what I attempted to do was to try and identify each element and decide not only how they interact, but why. I’ve done this many times before but not with something as complex as this. Anyway, as I said about every eliquid from SFV, they are designed to vape their best in dripping atomizes and subohm tanks, and it is there where The Kraken lives up to its name.
Overwhelming and marvelous flavors on their own, and when blended together they become a single, formidable and joyous vape. I may not fully understand how it all works, not yet, but I can tell you that you would be missing out on a grand blend if you don’t at least try them.
“Invest in your mental health. Enjoy the tangy bite of pineapple, fresh creaminess of coconut milk,
and a healthy splash of rum all poured into a blender and liquefied by [insert your idea of an attractive guy/gal here] on a sunny beach while you nod along to a steel drum band. Okay, that last bit is a lie. We don’t actually operate at the beach. We tried once, but too much sand got in the juice. Grab a bottle of Sea Dragons and kick back with the flavors of a perfect pina colada, without the need for a designated driver. Winning! “
Julia: 5 Stars – Wow, now this is the perfect blend for the pina colada that doesn’t overdo the pineapple and “underdo” (?) the coconut. So lovely, smooth and satisfying. This is the first pina colada blend in more than a year that I enjoyed as much as the actual drink.
Keira: 5 Stars – This is a nice and creamy Pina Colada that is unlike every Pina Colada eliquid I’ve tried to date. You definitely taste that great mix of pineapple and coconut, with just a touch of rum, but it’s all infused with a genuine creaminess that you usually do not find. I think this is also my first high VG Pina Colada as well, and that deep creamy flavor with massive clouds of vapor just nails it. Definitely will continue buying this one.
Tom: 5 Stars – A couple of years back I was vaping a pineapple and coconut eliquid pretty regularly, but after a while I tired of it and haven’t gone back to adding one in my rotation. That changes with Sea Dragons because here’s one that has a calming effect, huge clouds of vapor, and a definite creaminess (the main reason for the calming effect). I like that there is a sweeter pineapple over a more tart pineapple, and the coconut flavor is also sweet, and rich. Sea Dragon’s in my rotation now.
Jason: 5 Stars – I listened to the others describe Sea Dragons as more sweet than tart, and they are right…to a point. Pineapple without that tangy bite just isn’t right, so it’s there but it’s just not overpowering like some others are. This is kind of like a fresh pineapple whereas it seemed to me that Julia and the others were describing a pineapple in a can with sweet syrup. It’s much better than that, it’s a really nice Pina Colada and the touch of rum flavor is just enough.
John: 5 Stars – I knew the minute I started vaping Sea Dragons that it would wind up being on my rotation. If you’ve read many of my own eliquid reviews or even my short stint as a DIY eliquid maker than you’d know how much I was looking for a perfect Pina Colada. I’m not yet sure that this one is perfect, but it does have the exact pineapple and coconut flavor I was looking for. I vaped an entire bottle of this in like 3 days, so yea, it’s staying in my rotation.
“…A luxurious, rich blend of caramel cappuccino and Kona cream, it will please coffee snobs and the light-and-sweet crowd alike. If you’re gonna wake-and-vape, at least do it right! Notes of butter rum round it out and finish it off because, honestly, what kind of Captain doesn’t add a little somethin’ somethin’ to his coffee- am I right? “
Julia: 3.5 Stars – I wanted to like Captain’s Cabin so much. The description makes it sound absolutely wonderful. The problem is, there is something wrong with the recipe because as rich a flavor as it is I do not get that ‘cappuccino’ type flavor at all. I get plenty of flavor, and it’s a good mix of flavors, but I can’t find anything in common with the description so I have to take away from the score based on what I do taste and what I don’t.
Keira: 4.5 Stars – I’m giving this a high score because I know it is a delicious and rich cappuccino coffee vape. I don’t sense anything artificial in this, and its not overly sweet. It’s the real thing, and as such way too much for me. Unless you like coffee eliquids I’d stay away from it, but if you do, then this is something you must try.
Tom: 5 Stars – I’m beginning to think that SFV can create any flavor they want and do it in a superior way. This Captain’s Cabin is one of the finest coffee vapes I’ve ever had. I have no idea what “Kona cream” is, though I do know Kona Coffee, so to me this is just an amazing cappuccino coffee with a bit of heavy cream and a nice amount of ‘sweetness’ coming from the cream. This is my after dinner, or early Sunday morning vape and will be for along time. Coffee lovers this is your next ejuice, but if you don’t like coffee, don’t bother, there isn’t enough foo-foo flavors in this to warrant a mass consumer Starbuck candy coffee deal.
Jason: 5 Stars – A beautiful cappuccino in vapor form, Captain’s Cabin is that special coffee that you reserve for special friends. Slightly sweet and creamy with a hardy coffee body. I’m in love with this vape, and it is a part of my rotation. Excellent!
John: 4.75 Stars – If I’m not mistaken this is the first high VG coffee eliquid I’ve had, and man does it make a difference. The one thing I always wondered about most coffee formulas was that they never seemed to be massive vapor producers, probably because coffee flavorings needed more PG, I don’t really know. But here, in this blend, it delivers both a great cappuccino coffee blend with the right amount of cream, with tons of vapor that you just want to get lost in. I love this one most during the early morning hours.
“It’s always sunny when you’re vaping on Sunshine Bay, where the weather is a balmy 70 and the birds are always singing. And who can blame them? The sweet, sweet flavor of this juice is enough to make just about anyone burst into song! This fun flavor is light and subtle, reminiscent of Red Vine candy. A sweet, delicate cherry jubilee swimming in a vanilla marshmallow pool of joy. “
Julia: 4.5 Stars – This Sunshine Bay could absolutely be an all day vape for me. I’m not sure what Red Vine candy is supposed to taste like, but what I do know if that this is a light, sweet, subtle cherry flavored vape that is heavy on the vapor but light on the tongue. A lot of fun to vape.
Keira: 4.75 Stars – The coolest part of vaping Sunshine Bay is the sense of ‘dry sweet’ you get from a light flavor that has plenty of sweetness to it. The cherry flavor is there in the sense that it’s not the same flavor as fresh cherries (Julia and I love fresh cherries from the market, so I know that they taste like), but more like a candy cherry flavor. This is an all day vape for me, and it probably would be for you as well.
Tom: 4 Stars – I put every one of SFV eliquids above a lot of other brands because they are very original when it comes to their flavors. Take Sunshine Bay for example. The basic flavor is that Red Vine cherry licorice, but the presentation is a sweet cherry candy delivered by a light flavor, through and through. The same flavor in the inhale and exhale, and light enough and sweet enough that people that like this flavor profile wouldn’t tire of it easily. This is not something I would vape often because my mainstay vapes are tobacco and coffee flavors, but on occasion, this is the kind of eliquid I would spend some serious time with.
Jason: 5 Stars – I debated giving Sunshine Bay 5 stars for a couple of days. On the one hand, this is a vape I could enjoy for days, and it seems so effortless as a flavor. But on the other hand, there isn’t the kind of genius at work here as there is in Mermaid’s Milk. So by giving 5 stars to an eliquid that isn’t on the same level of Mermaid’s Milk I felt I was being too generous with the scores. In the end, I decided to award 5 Stars because while I was vaping it I did not want to stop. So enjoyable, so satisfying in ways that heavier flavors can’t touch, this is a real winning formula.
John: 4.75 Stars – Sunshine Bay and Skallywag are two eliquids that need to breathe more than the others need to in order to deliver their true flavors. For Skallywag it was kind of like getting past the vaping of the green leaves that sit atop a strawberry, if you get through that then the rest of the vape is pure strawberry and cream. And with Sunshine Bay I had to vape beneath the cherry candy flavor to get to the marshmallow and vanilla notes. Imagine eating a few strands of Red Vine candy followed by marshmallows dipped in vanilla, its getting that red vine taste out of the way long enough to enjoy the marshmallow. It’s a cool layering of flavors, and after a few minutes you do get to the marshmallow flavor faster, so, maybe it is a better-blended flavor than I thought. Or am I being to complicated about it?
“Though the Siren is a nasty, man eating beastie herself, the song she uses to lure her prey is an irresistibly beautiful melody. But there’s no need to deny temptation with this irresistible blend, since Sirens aren’t actually a real thing! Yay us! Sing along as your taste buds dance with delight. Refreshing and zesty, lemon meringue pairs with key lime for some pure citrus bliss. Then we smother it with smooth caramel and rich cream to turn it into a sweet and balanced vape that’s a perfect pick-me-up any time of day! “
Julia: 5 stars In the interview portion of this review we learned that Siren Song was a favorite as an all day vape, so I looked forward to tackling this one first. And let me tell you, this is a great all day vape! A nice sweet lemon with actual key lime notes swirling around with a real creamy flavor. It’s so much fun to vape. I think the only component that I had a hard time tasting was the caramel, so it must be the smallest part of this complex recipe.
Keira: 4.75 Stars – The first flavor that hits you is a slightly tart lemon that is actually twice as sweet as it is tart (that’s a good thing!), then the creamy elements, including a top note of caramel followed by a key lime flavor on the exhale. I wish I knew how these flavorists know how to do that kind of thing. It’s magical. Is it an all-day-vape? I can certainly see a lot of vapers using it as an all day vape, but for me lemon is not a flavor that I use all day without getting vapers tongue, so no, not for me. It is an awesome eliquid though!
Tom: 4.5 Stars – Siren Song earns this high score more on the successful execution of a complex layering of flavors than it does my enjoyment of it as a long lasting vape. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but not for a long period. I would vape this, switch to something else, and then come back to it. Excellent flavors, hitting like they should, but the tart lemon has to be taken in moderation.
Jason: 5 Stars – I could vape this one from morning till night without breaking once to swap out to another juice. I vaped Siren Song exclusively in a Kanger Subtank with a .5-ohm OCC and the amount of pure flavor and massive vapor was just out of this world. One of the best I’ve had. A must vape flavor.
John: 4.75 Stars – This one could definitely work as an all day vape for any vaper looking for a smooth, sweet citrus party in your mouth. Lemon meringue and key lime pie together could have been a mistake, but here it works really well. On the exhale you get the tiniest amount of leftover citrus and big creamy notes. I’m not a huge fan of citrus vapes, but this one was done excellently.
“One of our very favorites, Mermaid’s Milk vapes like a beautiful dream. It’s delicate on the tongue
and a delight to the senses. Layers of caramel and cream create a platform for the divine pairing of rich malted vanilla and heavenly mint. A light and airy vape that’s easy to love and hard to forget. Because we were unable to procure actual Mermaid’s milk for testing purposes, we cannot claim that this tastes like the real deal. But if this isn’t what Mermaid’s milk tastes like- it should be!”
Julia: 5 Stars – I got a call from John one night and he convinced me to get the band back together one last time because of this particular eliquid. He hadn’t yet tried any of the others, but this Mermaid’s Milk apparently told him everything he needed to know about Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery. I’ve seen John do this a few times over the past three years and each time he was right about the brand. So I made the calls, nudged the wife sound asleep next to me, and told them all we were saddling up one more time.
Mermaid’s Milk is, truly, one of those rare flavors that you wind up thinking about hours after you last vaped it. This very complex flavor, which starts out with a lovely dry sweetness, rolls into a light minty aura with an exquisite cream caramel and a note of vanilla. If you put your mind to work and vape slowly you can dissect the flavors and hit on each one, or you can load it up into one of the better subohm tanks (I used an Arctic Tank). with a resistance of 0.3 to 0.5 ohms (no lower) and take a nice long lung hit, close your eyes and let the magic that is your tongue and mind go to work. For the first 10 minutes I studied the complexity like a reviewer would, then gave in to the best flavor I’ve had in months (in an eliquid). I would suggest that if you start with a new coil, and you should, leave the long lung hits alone for the first half hour because they dry sweetness that is often described as an airy sweetness, but its more like a dance of sweet molecules bouncing around the inside of your mouth and teasing your brain with it.
Keira: 5 Stars – I found it hard to believe that Mermaid’s Milk could be this good. Taking it apart is almost impossible because there are so many wonderful flavors fighting for attention. Sometimes it tastes like a peppermint candy cane, at other times it’s a creamy mint, and still at other times it’s a sweet vanilla surrounded by a classy mint flavor. No matter what it tastes like during different times of the day, its still perfect. A stunning flavor and one I will keep in my daily rotation for years to come. A must vape!
Tom: 5 Stars – The first thing you need to understand about Mermaid’s Milk is to not mistake that minty comment in the description as anything close to menthol. This is a really sweet, candy-like mint with a rich creamy flavor wrapped up in a bundle of flavors that will have you getting nervous as your bottle contains less and less of this marvelous elixir. I love Mermaid’s Milk more than I thought possible.
Jason: 5 Stars – The perfect combination of sweet mint and creamy caramel/vanilla. The minty flavor is there in the inhale and exhale, and the creamy caramel/vanilla appears on the exhale. The best way to vape this remarkable ejuice is to vape it warm, low resistance, high wattage, and exhale as slow as you can. The flavor is nonstop goodness. Bravo SFV!
John: 5 Stars – This is the flavor that made me bring the old team back for one more review. I couldn’t let them not experience Mermaid’s Milk because this one is the very definition of a perfect vape. A sweet minty vape with overtures of creamy vanilla and a hint of sweet caramel. If you don’t buy a large bottle of Mermaid’s Milk you will miss out on greatness.
“Breathe in the warm breeze of summer that is this wonderful creation. Skallywag is Sarcastic Fringehead’s take on a well-beloved favorite. Enjoy the mouth-watering taste of fresh, cool ripe strawberries fresh from the garden. But just one though. Save the rest, and smother them in a giant bowl of vanilla bean sweet cream. Yes, yes. Can you picture it? Bring the bowl back outside, lay down in the nearest available open field, and let the sun bathe you in warmth. Close your eyes, and savor each berry. It’s okay if some of the whipped cream gets on your shirt. That’s what happens when you eat laying down with your eyes closed, and you should have been prepared for it. A kind-hearted vagrant happens by and enhances your bowl with a drizzling of rum. You continue your journey into the depths of this strawberry bliss.”
Julia: 4.5 Stars – Definitely a nice creamy strawberry vape, and it deserves the high score it gets. But, after tasting some original, marvelous and inspiring flavors Skallywag is a tad disappointing for one reason; it’s a good vape, but its not original enough. But how can SFV hit an original homerun every time? They can’t, so if you place an order for a few of these great vapes, then, if you like a creamy strawberry vape add a bottle of this one, you won’t be let done, but its no Mermaid’s Milk or Sea Dragon either.
Keira: 5 Stars – Sometimes Julia can drive me crazy. We never fight, we are one person in two bodies, but the way she dismisses Skallywag because it isn’t “great” just ticks me off. This is a great strawberry vape, with a fantastic creaminess to it and an endnote of sweet delectable rum. That’s what makes it so much better than many other creamy strawberry eliquids we’ve shared together. She tells me she can’t taste that endnote of sweet rum. Well, maybe not, but that doesn’t mean its not there. This is amazing stuff, and you have to try it if you like strawberry flavors.
Tom: 4.75 Stars – What a fantastic way to present a new twist on a strawberry ejuice. The exacting amount of creamy vanilla adds depth to the rich strawberry, and that hint of rum brings across the finish line. A brilliant recipe and a perfect execution. And hey, I’m not even a big fan of strawberries, so that does that tell you?
Jason: 5 Stars – Has anyone ever mixed rum with a strawberry flavor? I’m serious, I don’t know. This is fantastic strawberry flavor mixed with a nice full vanilla cream, with a top note of, what seems to me is a dark rum, and its that dark rum that throw it off in my opinion. Still, I liked it a lot, but not an everyday vape for me. If you like strawberry flavors and want to experiment with a new one, this is one you should try. If you’ve had this before, please sound off in the comments, I’d love to know what others would say about strawberry and rum.
John: 5 Stars – I think that if I could have made it all day with Skallywag it would have been an awesome achievement for a strawberry eliquid. I loved it for a couple of hours of moderate vaping, but after a while the whole flavor begins to change on me. I lose some of the strawberry and gain more of the rum. I know that the rum flavor is a signature of this great new brand, I’m just not so sure rum can always contribute to an all day vape. Then again, not every eliquid needs to be an all day vape, so I give it 5 stars because it’s a super fine ejuice, and one strawberry vapers would love.
It is very rare that I find a brand that is so well suited to my tastes. There are a few, and I’ve talked about them and written about them many times in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Beginning with this review I will happily add Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery to the short list of my favorite brands.
I knew that I wanted to bring back the original eliquid review team one more time so that they would have a proper send off, a swan song, with an eliquid brand that could inspire a proper swan song review. I knew right away this was the brand to unite the team for one last outing, and now that they have had the opportunity to get the band together again, what follows below is the team’s answer to this question: “If you had to sum up Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery with a single paragraph, what would that be?”
Julia: “Just as I had come to believe that the small artistry brands had seen their day come and go, a new brand comes out of nowhere and proves to me that there are still brilliant eliquid artists out there yet to be discovered, and given an opportunity to spread the love of great flavor, they will continue to surprise us. Long live Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery!”
Keira: “Embrace the Fringehead! Seriously, these ten flavors are truly works of art, a brand that is now a permanent part of our vape lives. Unique and wonderful flavors, a subohm Vaper’s dream, Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery is wonderful!”
Tom: “This (Sarcastic Fringehead Vapery) is what I like to see in our community. When people say that small boutique labels cannot produce great juice AND produce it on the level of quality that meets and surpasses the physical quality (safety, purity, et al.) of much larger brands, I will point to this brand to prove them wrong. We need more companies like this and less large corporations trying to make art. It can’t be done. Art is personal, crafting a unique and wonderful eliquid is a work of love, not of committee.
Jason: “What can I say, you know? I admit that upon seeing the bottle in person that it looked gorgeous and I wouldn’t want to see it change, but I’ve been burned before by giving into temptation of pretty bottles with skanky juice. Happily I can say that the eliquid in the bottles is every bit as good as the packaging. A rarity these days, but Sarcastic Fringehead is amazing stuff!