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Check out the Spinfuel eLiquid Team Review for The Refuge
SPINFUEL: Welcome to the pages of Spinfuel. We’ve been looking forward to talking to you. Would you like to introduce yourselves to our readers?
The Refuge: Yes, Thank You guys for inviting us to spinfuel, We are Brent & Rachael Bleam of The Refuge.
SPINFUEL: What position(s) do you hold in the company?
The Refuge: We both are the Owners of The Refuge.
SPINFUEL: Getting down to business; Who or what inspired you to get into the e-juice business, and when was that?
The Refuge: It started out about year and a half ago just making e-liquid for ourselves to have something to do, Then we would have friends who vape try it and they loved it and would want us to make it for them, and then it went to their friends, Everyone enjoyed it so much, we decided to offer it to the vaping community, and thats when was born.
SPINFUEL: Are your eliquids available in physical vape shops? How can readers find a shop that carries your eliquids?
The Refuge: Yes, Our Line of E-Liquid is currently available in 9 Vape Shops in the State of Ohio, with more to be added soon, The best way for readers to find shops who carry our E-liquid, is to 1. Use the store finder on our website or 2. Follow us on Facebook where we will announce new stores we have added or special events being held at current stores that carry our E-Liquid.
SPINFUEL: When you launched The Refuge how did you decide on your first flavor or “set” of flavors?
The Refuge: Some was what we had already created for ourselves and friends, others were created by listening to what other vapors were wanting.
SPINFUEL: It seems that no matter how many eLiquid vendors we review, they all have their own “signature” flavor profile. Each brand is different, which I find remarkable and exciting. With just a handful of ingredients each company is able to create their own specific traits, or flavor profile. How would you describe your signature/profile?
The Refuge: Unique, Yummy, Complexed- But not overly complexed, Alot of love and time has went into each and every one of our flavors, We wanted to create a high quality ,great tasting juice that was well priced, We believe that just because something tastes good doesn’t mean it should be overly priced.
SPINFUEL: We steep all the eLiquids we receive, even if we’re told there is no need to do so. Do you steep your eLiquids before they are shipped to customers? Do you suggest that customers ‘home steep’ them before vaping?
The Refuge: We make our E-liquid in very small batches, so it isn’t here long enough to let it steep,We feel that our E-Liquid doesn’t require steeping, its vapeable as soon as you get it, but if you can put it down long enough, its like a fine wine, the longer it sits the better it gets.
SPINFUEL: Let’s talk about packaging. How are your eLiquids packaged? What information is on your beautiful labels?
The Refuge: All E-liquid comes in a clear glass Boston round bottle, with a CRC dripper cap with the labels consisting of our Company logo, our website and facebook page, The e-liquid flavor name, Nicotine strengths, bottle size, Warning label and Ingredients.
SPINFUEL: There is a lot of concern these days about how and where eLiquids are being made. Could you describe your ‘mixing’ area? Where do you do your mixing? How do you make sure your mixing tools and containers are kept clean and sterile?
The Refuge: Our mixing room is what you could call a small commercial kitchen, all prep areas and surfaces are NSF certified Stainless steel, all containers are either Stainless steel, or Laboratory Certified glass,
SPINFUEL: Does your crew wear any type of special clothing when they are mixing?
The Refuge: We wear Nitrile gloves, hairnets, masks and disposable lab coats.
SPINFUEL: Do you mix everyday?
The Refuge: When we started out, we were mixing bottle by bottle, once we grew we started mixing in small batches and bottling,
SPINFUEL: Do you have a specific audience in mind for your eLiquids?
The Refuge: New vapers, drippers, anyone in particular or do you view them as eliquids for every vaper? We view our e-Liquid for all vapors, We have a Signature Blend which was designed for those who were just getting started vaping or who just wasnt into the whole dripping thing, Alot of people drip our signature blends, But for the drippers we have a Dripper Series (High VG) as well. Signature Blend is available in 0mg,3mg,6mg,12mg and 18mg Nicotine Strengths and the Dripper Series is available in 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg Only.
SPINFUEL: What types of hardware do you use when testing your liquids?
The Refuge: We use a variety of hardware, Glassomizer, Mech Mods, Box Mods set at different Volts/Watts, Drippers with different Ohm coil builds. Our E-liquid goes thru a vast testing phase before its released.
SPINFUEL: Were you a smoker before you switched to vaping? If so, what made you decide to quit smoking?
The Refuge: We both were Smokers, We wanted to be heathier and be around longer with our family. My Father (Rachaels Father) recently passed away from a long bout with COPD and Emphysema. So we have seen it first hand what analogs do to us.
SPINFUEL: How long did it take to completely leave analogs behind?
The Refuge: Once we started vaping it took us approx: 2 weeks to quit the analogs completely.
SPINFUEL: Do you have a “favorite” flavor in your lineup?
The Refuge: Brent’s favorites are LOUIE and CUSTARD FUSION, Rachaels is CUSTARD FUSION and COFFEE CAFE
SPINFUEL: What makes a good all-day-vape?
The Refuge: An E-Liquid that is tasty and well rounded. Everyone’s taste buds are different, but to us taste and quality makes for a good all day vape.
SPINFUEL: Is there anything else you’d like to say to our readers while you have their complete attention?
The Refuge: We want to say Thank You to each and everyone who supports us, we also want to Thank you to everyone for their kind words they speak of us and our E-liquid, We try our best to listen to what vapors have to say, We believe in quality and our E-Liquid will show that, As well as our customer service here at The Refuge. If you haven’t had the chance, please visit us at, take a look around, Be sure to follow us on Facebook.
SPINFUEL: I can’t thank you enough for talking with us today.
The Refuge: Thank You! Spinfuel, We have enjoyed talking with everyone and sharing our story.