Table of Contents [show]
The Jack And John Show
Culture, Conversation, Vaping
Season One – Episode One
In the Pilot Episode of the Jack and John Show we had a Giveaway for a Kanger Subtank, the Original, 6ML Subtank. Today we will announced the WINNER of that Giveaway. A person who has subscribed to both the Spinfuel Video Channel and the Av40 Channel. In addition, the winner posted a comment under the pilot episode on YouTube.
Please claim your prize by contacting Spinfuel. Use the Contact Page page and provide your full name, address, and email address associated with your YouTube account. Once we verify that it is you claiming the prize the Subtank will be sent to you from Ave40.
Thank you to everyone that entered the giveaway. We will have more giveaways soon.
Season One – Episode One
Jack and John welcome special guest Smokenjoey! Joey dropped by via Skype and we invited him to join the show. His presence certainly enliven the show more than we believed it would. Joey is welcome back anytime.
Jack Lia, co-host of the show, returned from Spring Festival on February 24th. In this episode we discuss what Jack did during the holiday, and we show you come great photos taken by Jack during the holiday.
Our next segment Jack tells us what to expect in the way of new vape gear over the next 10 days to 2 weeks. Some exciting stuff coming our way!
From there, well, the show skips from topic to topic, with plenty of laughs to be had by all. We think its a good episode, we hope you do as well.
Episode Two is underway, as soon as we lock in the date we’ll announce it. We have some exciting events planned in the coming weeks and months, so subscribe today so you’ll receive a notice when a new episode appears.
Enjoy the show and share the link with your friends, family, and fellow vapers. Help us grown the show by spreading the word!
Jack and John
Special thanks goes out to Ave40, “the” only wholesale supplier of Spinfuel eMagazine, and co-sponsor of the Jack And John Show.