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Tony Brittan’s Complete Kanger SubTank Review!
(Vapor Trail Channel)
To win a Kangertech Subtank, you must be subscribed to Vapor Trail Channel, and leave a comment on this video. Winner will be drawn 12-15-2014 and shipped direct from Sun Vapers. Sorry, US shipping only. It’d be nice if you “like” them on Facebook, but not required.
The Subtank is the latest tank from Kanger, and it’s really quite awesome! This thing is like a luxury car compared to most of the tanks on the market. It can accept the enclosed coils that the Aerotank series uses, the new OCC (Organic Cotton Coil) coils, or you can convert it to an RBA tank! So versatile. I still like my Atlantis tanks, but this? Well, this is really something that I can get behind. Great vapor, great flavor, and classy as all get out. Not to mention the 6ml capacity with the standard coil installed.
As always, these are purely my opinions and this item was provided free for review purposes. Check these links out:…
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