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Holiday Gift Buying – Are eCigarette purchases taking off?
While much of the talk over the last 12 months has been of increasing sales in the electronic cigarette industry there is no doubt that competition is more intense today than it ever has been. Even though some companies have fallen by the wayside and some markets may be seen as overpopulated, there is still sufficient competition to keep small, medium and larger players on their toes. As we approach Christmas and the New Year, could we be approaching the ultimate giveaways in the vaping industry?
Competition is intense
There is no doubt that competition not only in the US but around the world has grown in intensity over the last 12 months. We have seen an array of new products, new eliquids and as the number of people switching from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes continues to grow, a growing customer base. As with any relatively new technology some experts believe that the industry is currently overstretching in that there is oversupply for the number of customers available. As a consequence it is highly likely that this Christmas and New Year, very busy times for the vaping industry, could see some amazing bargains.
New Year Resolutions
Smoking has been and continues to be one of the main subjects come the New Year and promises that people make to each other to improve their health and in some cases their wealth. While last year was a very important period for the industry there is no doubt that the additional investment seen over the last 12 months will see companies even more desperate to sell as many products as possible over the festive period and into 2015.
The regulatory situation is one which changes on a regular basis although at this moment in time, despite an array of suggestions, nothing has actually been placed on the statute books. While some may argue this allows critics of the industry an information vacuum in which they can preach their own version of the sector it also allows the general public to create their own opinions going forward. When you consider that even the most ardent critics acknowledge that electronic cigarettes are at worst less harmful than tobacco cigarettes, it is a compelling opportunity for those looking to reduce their tobacco intake.
Could some electronic cigarette companies fall by the wayside?
When you look at the Spanish eCigarette market and the fact that the number of vaping shops has fallen from 3000 to an astonishing 300 in less than 12 months, sometimes the industry can overstretch itself. The Spanish situation is a little different to the traditional electronic cigarette market and there are specific reasons why it has been under so much pressure but this does illustrates the natural life cycle of new technology. Initially there is concern and misunderstanding, eventually the truth filters through, investors plough money into a new industry and very often overcapacity comes into play.
Last year was a relatively successful period for the vast majority of small, medium and large sized ecigarette companies and there were no real casualties because maybe competition was not as intense. The next few months will see some of the major players squeezing their smaller counterparts, margins may be wafer thin for some time and retaining customers will be vital going forward. At the end of the day whether you’re a small, medium or large player in the electronic cigarette industry, the foreseeable future will be dependent upon the underlying quality of your products and your financial strength.
There is no doubt that Christmas 2014 and the beginning of 2015 will see a significant increase in competition across the whole vaping industry. While many of the larger operations seem to grab the headlines, some of the small to medium-sized companies may well be surprisingly well-financed and have surprisingly strong balance sheets. Whether or not we will see any electronic cigarette companies go out of business in the New Year remains to be seen but if anything it will be those who have overstretched themselves, taken their eye off the ball and let the quality of their products slip who will suffer.
Just because you are a large player in the vaping industry does not mean you necessarily have the best quality products!
Mark Benson
For more information about SoShiSha E Liquids and the various products available please visit the SoShisha website.