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Harmony CBD Ejuice Range
Harmony CBD Introduction
Vaping is fast-becoming one of the most popular ways to consume CBD (cannabidiol). This is one of the active ingredients found in the cannabis plant, said to have numerous health properties and often described as something of a wonder-drug. Don’t worry, CBD ejuice has no psychoactive effects due to the lack of THC in these products. Harmony is a new range of CBD based e-liquids, promising the natural flavors of some popular strains of cannabis. This has been achieved by isolating the terpenes (the compounds that provide smell and flavoring) from cannabis strains to provide the flavor for the e-juice. The Harmony CBD ejuice range comes from the team behind the popular Kanavape CBD vape pen, which we reviewed here.
There are three different flavors of CBD ejuice in the Harmony range. These are OG Kush, Super Lemon Haze and Mango Kush, which avid cannabis fans may recognize as well-known strains of cannabis. Their aromas have been carefully created by isolating the terpenes in the original cannabis strains. The juice comes in 10ml bottles with differently colored labels and can contain varying levels of CBD, ranging from 100mg all the way up to 600mg. My samples contain one bottle of 600mg CBD (OG Kush, 60mg/ml) and two bottles of 300mg CBD juice (Mango Kush, Super Lemon Haze, both at 30mg/ml). I understand Harmony are considering offering their ejuice as low as 25mg per bottle (2.5mg/ml), for users who vape a lot throughout the day and prefer a lower dosage.
- 10ml bottle
- PG/VG ratio of 80/20
- Guaranteed zero THC
- Flavors based on terpenes
- No alcohol, no animal extracts
- Tamper-proof and child-proof bottle
- Diacetyl free
The design is clear and simple, with a distinct air of ‘natural medicine’. Despite being heavily linked to well-known strains of cannabis, there are no references to spliffs or getting stoned. The feel is of a professional medical product, not of a recreational drug. This is to be admired as the future legality of CBD depends on it being regarded as a health product, not a mind-altering substance.
Ease of Use
Using CBD e-juice is as easy as using regular e-juice. They come with a needle nose tip meaning they can be used with any refillable tank. The PG/VG ratio is 80/20, so this high level of PG makes them more suitable for a plus-ohm tank. To deliver a comprehensive review, I tried these liquids in both a plus-ohm and a sub-ohm tank. The juice worked fine in both, although the flavor of the Harmony CBD juice lingered in the tanks afterwards, meaning they had to be sterilized – and even then, there was still a faint hint of the CBD juice.
The first thing to note is that these eliquids might come as a shock to people used to vaping light fruit or creamy flavors. The Harmony range are nothing like that. The taste is dark and herbal, far away from standard e-juice. Let’s take them one at a time.
OG Kush is Harmony’s lead product, named after the hugely-popular cannabis strain, often name dropped in the rap world by acts such as Cypress Hill and Wiz Khalifa. This strain has a high concentration of linalool, which is the terpene responsible for the aroma found in lavender. As you’d expect, this juice has an intense floral taste, almost grass-like, with a hint of spice and a notable sweetness. In truth, I found this unpleasant initially as it was markedly different from my standard e-juice flavors, and so much stronger than the CBD vape pens I use. Over time I got used to it, but it requires a shift in expectations – this is for medical purposes, and just as most medicine has a harshness, so does this CBD juice. It’s worth mentioning that this was the Harmony juice with the highest amount of CBD, and I initially tried it in a sub-ohm tank. Considering the Harmony range is 80% PG; this likely explains the harshness. Indeed, when I switched to a plus-ohm tank, vaping at 15w, the experience was much more palatable and while I’d hold back from describing it as pleasurable, it certainly tasted better at this lower wattage.
Super Lemon Haze is similar, but a better introduction to the Harmony CBD juice range. It still has that dank, grassy aroma, but it’s less overwhelming and the lemon taste gives it a light cleanness that makes it much more acceptable to the tastebuds. Again, it isn’t a replacement for your premium juice brand but as far as strong CBD juice, it’s a good choice for beginners.
Much the same can be said for Mango Kush. It’s the mid-point between the OG Kush and the Super Lemon Haze, having the bright fruit taste of the Lemon Haze, with the muggy green tones of the OG Kush. Don’t use this in a sub-ohm tank as the flavor hits hard – almost too hard.
If you’re a huge fan of the herbal aroma of cannabis, you’ll be impressed with these liquids. There’s a slightly synthetic tinge, but the overall taste is faithful to that herbaceous cannabis flavor. Personally, I like my ejuice sweet and creamy so this was a step too far, but keep in mind that this is a medicinal product – you’re unlikely to be vaping them constantly throughout the day for pleasure. A little bitterness to the taste can be a good way of keeping aware that you’re vaping CBD, not standard ejuice.
Now to the real reason we’re vaping this CBD juice: the health boosting properties. Does it work? Undoubtedly. The 300mg CBD juice, Mango Kush and Super Lemon Haze, deliver a notable effect almost immediately. Effects will vary depending on what you’re using CBD for, but I noticed clarity of thought, a calmness and increased motivation to get things done.
I found myself inhaling once or twice every ten or fifteen minutes, with no desire to chain-vape, and with no notable side effects. One interesting byproduct is that it calmed my appetite, meaning I went for hours, working constantly, without wanting to snack or even drink caffeine-based drinks. Towards the end of the day I naturally felt I’d had enough, with no desire to continue consuming the CBD juice on into the evening. In total, I vaped around 1ml of the Mango Kush, meaning I ingested about 30mg of CBD. This was an ideal amount for my needs, but obviously differs from person to person.
The OG Kush was slightly different. This contains a stronger level of CBD, at 60mg/ml and I found it slightly overwhelming. I wasn’t nauseous but after three hits I found it was delivering too high a dosage, making me slightly edgy. If you’re new to CBD I recommend a lower dose, perhaps even 10mg/ml. Of course, seasoned CBD users will know their limits and OG Kush at 600mg CBD could well be the ideal amount.
Of course, it all depends on how regular you vape this juice, as well as what you want it to achieve. Regardless, it’s clear that the Harmony range of CBD juice is a high quality, potent way to consume CBD.
- Range of strengths that caters for all needs
- High quality and effective CBD juice
- Unsuitable for sub-ohm tanks
- Slightly bitter taste for those not used to cannabis
By now you’ll have heard the hype about CBD and you’re wondering if it’s for you. For the complete beginner, we’d recommend one of the vape pens, such as the Kanavape or MediPen, but if you’re looking for something to go with your current vaping set-up the Harmony juice range provides a powerful hit in an easy-to-use form. But be careful, too much CBD can be overwhelming, and the highest level of these Harmony juices can be too much for most users. Try out the lowest strength first, and find your sweet spot. And one final tip: buy a plus-ohm tank specifically for use with CBD juice. The flavors used with the Harmony range are extremely potent and will stick around in your tank for a long time after use.
Harmony CBD is available here
Ian Jones