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Tony Brittan goes over his November eJuice Pack
EjuicePack is a monthly juice subscription service that offers ease and convenience for those who are looking to discover new eLiquid. They have two plans, are reasonably priced, and allow you to either choose your own juice for your pack, or let them choose for you. If you’re newer to vaping, this would be a good choice for you! I also announce the winner of the full line of Mythos High Performance eLiquid that was just chosen a couple of days ago. We’ll have more contests coming up, so be sure to subscribe so you have a chance to win! Thanks for your support 🙂
This Spinfuel Vaper’s News post is provided to our readers as a ‘jump point’ to the original source of the news noted above. We scour the internet, news services, and other venues looking for the most important news affecting vapers in every state and every country.
We are pro-vaping and although you may find news stories that appear to be otherwise, please note that as a news provider, it is our duty to bring you news and opinion pieces that reflect both sides of the debate. It doesn’t matter what it is called, Electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, e-liquid, e-juice, vaporizers, and any other term in use by the pro or con side of the vaping debate, if it has the potential to affect vapers in a big way, we think you should know about it.
Our news snippets will cover The FDA Deeming Regulations, local, state, and federal government, regulations, taxes, science, pseudo-science, health, and other topics being used to support or defeat the right to vape. We urge you to click the link provided above to read the entire original piece and leave a comment at the original source whenever possible and make your voice heard. Get involved, fight the good fight, and never give up on a fundamental right to make our own choices in life. – Jim Kurz, Editor of the Spinfuel Vapers News Division.