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Belgium Simmered Tobacco by Hurricane Vapor
I am more than aware that there are people that review eLiquids who use certain ‘descriptive’ words in attempts to describe, as best they can, the characteristics of certain ‘flavors’. I am just as guilty as anyone else, hell I’m probably quiliter than most.
Words like “Rich”, “smooth”, “deep”, “intense”, and so on are used in so many eliquid descriptions, and while most of the time the words fit the taste of the eJuice, they can begin to lose their power when they become so
What do they really mean these days? Is My definition of “rich” even close to your definition?
It would be a poor showing of hubris on my part to tell you that I consider myself to me an expert on tobacco-flavored eLiquid. Nonetheless, I believe I’ve enjoyed more than my share of tobacco eLiquids and I’ve become somewhat of a connisuer of tobacco flavors and all the subtities that exist in so many of the great ones.
I find a certain amount of joy, or fun at least, in vaping tobacco eLiquids. Not because they taste like cigarettes, most do not, but because they do taste like rich, expensive, tobacco that would otherwise cost fistfuls of money to experience them in tobacco products like Cuban cigars, or English pipe tobaccos. To be able to vape these amazing flavors with impunity and practically pennies, is the best reason I know for taking up vaping. Well, other than freeing oneself from the cancer causing effects of the actual evil plant. If I could not vape great tobacco flavored juice than vaping would become a very boring part of my life.
I’ve come to appreciate other flavors of eLiquids though, but for me vaping will always be best when I am enjoying a beautiful tobacco blend.
Coming in Mid-May (sorry folks) Hurricane Vapor’s newest tobacco-flavor storm juice will begin shipping to Vapers everywhere. I have been vaping it for almost a week now so I thought I would get my thoughts about this new tobacco flavor in Spinfuel so that you tobacco Vapers out there in Vapelandia could get an idea of what you can expect. Some of you have already adopted Hurricane Vapor has your new favorite eLiquid vendor, but many more of you have not. They are, after all, brand new.
First though, a little about Hurricane Vapor’s expertise in tobacco storm juice. (storm juice = e-juice, as I am sure you already surmised) Hurricane Vapor offers ten (10) flavors as of today, with Belgium Simmered Tobacco being the eleventh (11) win it ships. Out of the ten that are available now, two are them are authentic tobacco flavors;
Sunshine Cured Tobacco and Amber Toasted Tobacco are two of the best tobacco flavored e-liquids I’ve ever had the pleasure to vape. Unlike many of today’s tobacco blends these two deliver the true tobacco experience in very different ways.
Sunshine Cured is a smooth, slightly dry, heavenly flavor that lends itself to being an excellent all-day vape. When we had plenty of this juice in the office I would load up a 6ML Texas Tuff Tank in the morning and vape it all day long. Never caused a single headache, a cough, or anything else. It just kept delivering a smooth tobacco experience. Not in the way cigarette tobacco does, but rather in that unique tobacco taste that is only available in the finest liquids by the most premium of e-liquid vendors.
Sunshine Cured Tobacco was my “go-to” storm juice for almost a month, and then I ran out of it and Hurricane Vapor had some delays in their launch. Now that they have finally arrived on the scene all the flavors I had privy to are back again, in the same incredible forms. I’m in the process of stocking up on these great tobacco storm juices.
Toasted Amber Tobacco is another excellent tobacco blend. This one is richer and bolder than Sunshine Cured, more of a rich pipe tobacco experience. It is also slightly more aromatic than Sunshine Cured. I vaped Toasted Amber more in the evening than the daytime because it is a deeper flavor that demands more of your attention than does Sunshine Cured.
For such a young company in such a young industry the two people behind the company, especially Christian Vargas the ‘artist’ behind the recipes really understands the underlying requirements for creating an e-liquid that can render a Vaper speechless. His talent for creating ‘tobacco’ eliquid are especially magical. Both Sunshine Cured and Toasted Amber are excellent examples of authentic and delicious tobacco flavored eJuice available to Vapers everywhere.
Belgium Simmered tobacco
Because I tend to think of Hurricane Vapor as a ‘tobacco house’ of eliquids, albeit a bit unfairly, I was not surprised to hear that their next ejuice blend would be a tobacco based flavor. As it turns out, the new flavor nicely rounds out their tobacco offerings with another all-day flavor that is both rich and smooth.