Julia Barnes talked with our 2nd Winner of the Historic Giveaway the other day, here is an except from that interview!

Spinfuel: How long have you been vaping?

Brian F: I have been vaping almost 3 years now!

Spinfuel: What did you use to vape?

Brian F: At first I used a Fuma eCig from a local tobacco shop here in Ohio. And though…hmm…I may just be able to do this! Now I am vaping a variable-voltage mod and am loving the option it gives you with different juices.

Spinfuel: What were your favorite eLiquids?

Brian F: My favorite eJuice right off the bat was Bobas Bounty from Alien Visions! Great people and great juice.

Spinfuel: Why did you enter our giveaway? How did you find out about it?

Brian F: Called a vendor with some questions about their products. (Mountain Oak Vapors) and they told me about your contest.

Spinfuel: What was the first thoughts running through you mind when you found out you won? How did you find out you won?

Brian F: Well…Internet in my area was down for 2 days. Seems someone stole the fiber line thinking it was copper…lol. When the Internet was back on I logged on seeing messages saying…”where is Brian?? He won!!” I couldn’t believe it…I was very excited!

Spinfuel: When you opened the package what was your first reaction? Have you tried any of the eLiquids yet? What do you think?

Brian F: When I opened the package I thought to myself…”I can’t believe I won all this!!” I have the Vape Dudes Blue Honey in a tank right now. Absolutely a great juice. Very good in flavor…no perfumey taste. Just pure vaping bliss! So thanks to Vape Dudes for turning me into a fan of their stuff!

Spinfuel: Were you a tobacco smoker before you started Vaping?

Brian F: Yes I was. I smoked for 22 yrs.! 2 packs a day for a good portion of that.

Spinfuel: Why did quit smoking?

Brain F: My kids first. I have 2 young children here at home and wanted to quit to be here longer for them. Plus to save money.

Spinfuel: What was your very first eCigarette like? Do you remember what it was, where you got it?

Brian F: It was a Fuma eCig menthol. Got it at a cheap tobacco store in Ohio.

 Spinfuel: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Enjoy your prizes and I hope you will continue to visit Spinfuel eCigs Magazine, and subscribe when we launch our monthly digital in March!