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The Aspire Triton Tank – A Full Review

I don’t think I was the only vaper disappointed in the Aspire Atlantis v2, or even the Atlantis Mega. They were, they are, tweaked out Atlantis tanks with barely an improvement over the original subohm tank that, arguably, started the entire subohm craze. A few shorts weeks later Aspire releases a completely new tank, the Triton, suggesting that the Atlantis v2 was a stopgap tank. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, but one thing is certain, the Aspire Triton has set a new standard for what I have begun calling the ‘Ultra’ level for the subohm market.
Shifting The Ultra Paradigm
The word Ultra can mean excessive, over-the-top, radical, and in the world of subohm tanks the ‘Ultra level’ is reserved for tanks that provide the absolute maximum flavor and vapor performance capable from the current available technology. The Aspire Triton is certainly pushing up against the current technology, with both coil head design and tank design, and as of today, sits atop this paradigm shift to the Ultra marketplace.
The Aspire Triton is unlike any subohm tank I’ve used before, and it is, at this point in the upward struggle to reach to highest peak on the highest mountaintop, the pinnacle of Aspire’s achievements to date. This new subohm tank is so successful at what it was built to do that it will be no doubt be considered ‘overkill’ by many vapers that do not ascribe to the ‘more is better’ philosophy. I’ll try to explain what I mean, so hang on a bit…
The Aspire Triton Tank
Most vendors are selling the Triton for $40-$45, a major increase in price compared to most other subohm tanks that seem to hoover about the $30 price tag. Vapor Authority, a 5-Star vendor we use frequently, is offering it for $39.99, the lowest price we’ve seen, while our other most-trusted vendor, MyVaporStore is offering it at $44.95. For this kind of money Aspire has to convince a whole lot of people that the quality and performance of the tank justifies the hefty price tag. To drop $50, after taxes and shipping, it had better deliver a near-religious experience. Nonetheless, if I were faced with spending fifty bucks for this tank I don’t know if I would buy it. Not that the tank isn’t a great tank, it is, but ‘fifty-bucks-great’?
What is so different about the Triton that allows Aspire to value it beyond what was believed to be the universally accepted price for a subohm tank? Quite a bit, actually. I’ll post the official specs below and then I’ll discuss the most important contributors to this new fifty-dollar threshold.
304 Stainless Steel Construction Throughout
Glass Tank – 3.5mL capacity
Dual-Airflow Control System – Top and Bottom
Wide-Bore Drip Tip – 2-piece but allows for your favorite drip tip.
Custom Surgical-Grade Stainless Steel Aspire Triton Coils – 0.4-ohms and 1.8-ohms
Compatible With Atlantis Atomizer Coils
Uses 100% Japanese Organic Cotton
Convertible to RBA/RTA – Optional product
Top-Filling Tank
Important Contributors
First and foremost, the Aspire Triton is precision personified. It looks and feels meticulous. The tolerances are tight and the fit of each component is such that you would expect this kind of thing in scientific and medical grade tools. The Triton is all work, no play. The Triton is designed to do the heavy lifting, and it looks gorgeous while doing it.
Secondly, Aspire built a top-cooling airflow control valve that sits directly below the wide bore drip tip. This will allow the user to adjust the warmth of the vape. While experiences may differ depending on the wattage used and even the eliquid used, it does indeed work, especially with High VG e liquid in the higher wattage settings.
In addition, the Aspire Triton contains a second, or primary airflow adjustment valve at its base, similar to other subohm tanks. This airflow valve allows the user to control the amount of air that is drawn into* the tank when the user takes a drag. The ‘play’ is wide, vapers looking for a super airy to the super tight, and everywhere in between will not be disappointed.
The design of the airflow systems allows the air to be channeled below the coils, which improves the flavor from the e liquid. When used in conjunction with the 0.4-ohm coils, the wide bore mouthpiece the Aspire Triton Tank is capable of delivering a vape experience on par with the best dripping atomizers.
Two Coil Types
The trend, including a mouth-to-lung designed coil and a lung-hit coil, started with Joyetech and the eGo ONE, and continues with the Aspire Triton. All these new tanks that have arrived on the scene these past many months have left many mouth-to-lung vapers sidelined.
There is a large segment of the community that still prefers the mouth-to-lung process, while most previous subohm tanks were built to satisfy the lung-hit vaping style. My personal preference before the subohm tank was mouth-to-lung, but because I reviewed many of these tanks I switched to lung-hits, yet many have not and because of that they have remained outside the subohm arena. That began to change with the introduction of the eGo ONE.
Aspire designed two types of coils for the Triton. For those who still enjoy mouth-to-lung style the Triton offers Kanthal resistance coils set at 1.8 ohms. These coil heads have a naturally tighter draw, so much so that attempting a lung-hit with them is not easy. Of course, the added benefit of using the 1.8-ohm coil head is a longer lasting battery and less e liquid consumed.
For subohm vapers Aspire designed coils made from 316L surgical-grade stainless steel and nickel wire. These surgical-grade steel heads are available in 0.3 ohms and 0.4 ohms (Our Tritons came with a 0.4-ohm and a 1.8-ohm coil head.) These coils are bigger than Atlantis and Horizon Arctic coils, yet still somewhat smaller than the Joyetech Delta 2 or Zephyrus coils, with substantial holes on the side for e liquid absorption into the organic cotton.
Although Aspire designed these new coils for the Triton, it should be noted that the Triton Tank is also compatible with the Atlantis coils as well. However, if you’re going to drop 50 bucks on a new tank why use an older coil? After all, the coil used in any tank is the major contributor to performance and satisfaction.
The Aspire Triton Tank is a top-fill tank that actually works. No more messy refills by unscrewing the tank from the battery, removing the bottom of the tank, refilling and reattaching the parts. With the Triton you simply remove the drip tip and the base under it. You’ll see two small holes when you align the top ring to expose them, and you squeeze off the e liquid into this reservoir and fill. I truly enjoyed this aspect of the Triton design and I hope others follow suit. It’s time to bring improvements like this to the subohm tank business of for no other reason than the fast vaporizing of e liquid in subohm territory.
While the above are the major factors that affect performance and price, they are not everything that makes the Aspire Triton what it is. And, in addition to that ‘everything else’ of the Aspire Triton, they also offer a new RTA as a separate product. I’ll go over that in my upcoming video, but for vapers looking to use their subohm tank with an RTA this one is hard to beat.
Real World Usage
As disappointed as I was with the Atlantis v2 I have to admit that Aspire quickly corrected course with the Triton. I would absolutely stack up the Triton against any of the competition currently on the market. It is an excellent, albeit expensive, tank.
So, why am I not using it full time?
Frankly, this new Ultra category is not for me. If technology continues down this path it won’t be long until the vapor being exhaled is so thick that you’ll need your hands to help pull it from your throat. The Aspire Triton produces too much vapor for me at my desired wattage. I like warm vapor, and using the Triton 0.4-ohm coil requires 48-50w to create the right warmth and flavor from my favorite e liquids. The amount of vapor that is exhaled with these settings is exceedingly massive. The flavor is exceptional; it actually improves the flavor beyond anything I’ve used before, but vapor is truly overkill. It does its job too well.
In addition to producing too much vapor at my desired settings for flavor and warmth, it also rips through e liquid faster than any other subohm tank I’ve used. With a full tank, 3.5mL, I can empty the tank in less than 30 minutes. Granted, that is with the subohm coil designed for lung hits, but still… it will cost you to keep up a reserve of e liquid if you use the subohm coils.
Vaping with the Triton’s 1.8-ohm mouth-to-lung coils was too restrictive for me to use it for more than an hour at a time. The draw is so tight that ‘hard vaping’ gave me a headache. I’m sure mouth-to-lung vapers won’t vape it as I did, so I’m sure they will find the Triton a dream come true.
To Recommend or Not to Recommend
For vapers looking for super massive clouds of tasty vapor, who choose to vape using the lung hit style, and who are not worried about battery life or the amount of e liquid that will be consumed, the Aspire Triton is a top contender in the Ultra category of subohm tanks. It is also the most expensive. But considering the materials, the precision manufacturing, and the performance I have to say that spending $50 for a tank in this case is worth it, but with some careful considerations.
The Aspire Triton comes with a total of two coils, that’s it. No extra glass tank, no RTA, no nothing else. You can purchase a new glass tank if you need one, but for the most part it is protected and should last a very long time. All you’ll really need to buy is coil head replacements, and for that I strongly recommend the coils built for the Triton.
If the performance I describe above sounds like the performance you’re looking for than by all means, you will get your money’s worth with the Triton. If you want a good tank at a reasonable price, I’d say there are many other subohm tanks for a lot less money.
John Manzione
Aspire Triton Tank Specifications:
- Threading: 510
- E-Liquid Capacity: 3.5 ml
- Casing Material: Stainless Steel
- Tank Material: Pyrex Glass
- Atomizer Coil Type: Standard Resistance / Sub-Ohm
- Atomizer Coil Material: Surgical Steel, Kanthal Resistance (also compatible with Atlantis Coils)
- Available Resistance: 0.3 ohms, 0.4 Ohms, 1.8 Ohms
- Wicking Material: Japanese Organic Cotton
- Height: 2.87 Inches (73 mm)
- Diameter: 0.86 Inches (22 mm)