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Vaporetti V-Drops
One year ago to the day we published our first, and only, review for Vaporetti V-Drops. We didn’t plan this, but we sure are delighted to revisit them again on the exact one-year anniversary.
To be fair we made it a point not to read the review from a year ago, and instead to approach this review as if we had never vaped Vaporetti V-Drops before. That said, despite having been so long since vaping their juice we do remember two very distinct characteristics about them. One, they were loaded with flavor, more so than we had hoped for, and two, they were huge vapor producers. I’m happy to say that V-Drops are still very flavorful juice, and they still produce an abundance of vapor.
John M reminded me that some of their flavors, as good as they were, didn’t deliver a lot on the throat hit, and that’s true, they were on the light side. But what a difference a year can make… The two flavors we’re reviewing here today deliver a better throat hit.
The two flavors, Como Caramel and Caffe Dolci Cheesecake are very different in actual taste/flavor, but bear a resemblance in their flavor profile. I would describe the profile as being “deep and dark, intense, velvety, and opaque.” Both eLiquids leave flavor behind every hit. What I mean by that is simply this; if you don’t like the taste of caramel or cheesecake, you won’t like these two eLiquids on any level. You won’t be able to tease out a ‘note’ or this, or a ‘hint’ of that. Caramel is very much a dark silky caramel, and Cheesecake and Italian roast coffee in the Caffe Dolci are omnipresent.
The reverse of that is also true. If you happen to enjoy the taste of caramel on your taste buds you are in for a treat. If Italian roast coffee and cheesecake are the ‘after dinner’ dessert you lust for, well, you won’t forget Caffe Dolci.
It would be disingenuous of us if we glossed over the price of Vaporetti V-Drops in their 10ML bottle. $7.99 is 80 cents per ML, a very high price to pay for any eLiquid. I won’t even try to justify the price at this size other than to say that once you try them you’ll have the opportunity to buy 30ML bottles for a much more affordable $16.98…still on the above average price scale, but overall affordable in the grand scheme of buying eLiquids.
American Made – American Sourced – Top Shelf Brands
Yes, Vaporetti V-Drops™ are made in the USA using FDA approved/USA produced ingredients. They utilize 99.9% pharmaceutical-grade nicotine and 100% natural flavors and USP Kosher food-grade Vegetable Glycol and Propylene Glycol. They aren’t the only ones to do this however, most premium brands use the same grade of ingredients, except for maybe the “all 100% natural flavorings” but it is good to know that V-Drops are uber-premium juice. The use of 100% natural flavoring brings about a higher cost for the brand, and that could certainly explain the need to be a couple of bucks higher than most other premium brands. Still, $7.99 for a 10ML is steep, but not the most expensive we’ve seen.
Packaging – Bottles – Safety
Vaporetti V-Drop bottles are quipped with safety childproof/tamper-proof caps and warning labels. They also include the full ingredients on the bottle and each bottle is assigned a batch number and Date of Birth. Our eJuice was dated January 14th and were ready for vaping right out of the mailbox. One very important aspect of their packaging, and certainly a factor in the cost, V-Drops are also packaged in their own super premium, full color, embossed lettering, sealed boxes. A very nice touch indeed.
Hardware Used In This Review
We used various batteries, atomizer devices (cartomizers, clearomizers, and an Aspire Vivi Nova Tank and X.Jet’s), too many to list here, and more than enough to judge the juice in various situations and equipment. Surprisingly, the flavors and vapor were pretty much identical no matter what hardware was used, except on certain, rare occasions.
The Review
Vaporetti® V-Drops™ Como Caramel
Vaporetti describes Como Caramel: “Silky, milky, dreamy, creamy, chewy….mmmm….so many words to describe the simple, but oh so pleasurable experience of relishing a small little square of caramel candy in your mouth! Get the same exact flavor in our Como Caramel V-Drops™. Buttery…sugary…they are as simply sophisticated as the Como Lake region of Italy after which they are named. Simple, sweet elegance.”
John M. – I have no clue as to what the percentage of flavorings go into the V-Drops eLiquids, but I can tell you that it has to be close the maximum you can get away with. I mean this was an intense caramel flavor. Vaporetti tells us that this flavor is supposed to taste like the small, square caramel candy, but to me it is much denser than that. There is almost a caramel coffee flavor to it, with what feels like 90% caramel and 10% dark roast coffee.
A deeply flavored eLiquid will leave behind the taste of its primary flavor, in this case caramel, after the vapor has left the building, and Como Caramel did just that. But using a word like “aftertaste” gives it a negative connotation, so I am avoiding that word. There was nothing negative about it. I suppose you could equate it with the same effect hard caramel candies leave behind when the candy drop is gone. You still taste it for a few minutes, and it’s a good taste.
Lastly, Julia and I vaped 18mg juice, John Castle received 24mg. The throat hit was a nice thump, not harsh, and it fit the profile well. For execution, for creating a very intense, Italian character caramel eLiquid Vaporetti earns 5 Stars for Como Caramel, however, for me it was too much of a dark caramel, too dark to vape all day. It is better as a dessert vape. If you’re looking for one of the ultimate caramel flavors Coco Caramel is definitely one you should try. Overall Score – 4.5 Stars
Julia – Como Caramel is not a caramel flavor that you might expect from a US based eLiquid vendor. I’ve enjoyed many caramel flavors, but not a caramel solo flavor like this one. Como Caramel is almost like tasting a concentrated form of caramel, intense flavor of real caramel, but with a darker tone. It is a sweet, luscious flavor, with deep dark notes that flood your senses with flavor.
Usually when I vape a flavor this intense I find myself vaping it less often, for fear that I could ‘over vape’. That didn’t happen with Como Caramel, I vaped for hours with short breaks in between, but kept filling my X.Jet clearomizer and returning for more. Tons of vapor from Como Caramel as well, which I found just a little surprising seeing as how the PG/VG ratio has to lean toward PG because of the amount of flavor and the healthy throat hit.
You will have to like caramel to even understand this flavor, much less enjoy it. But I can’t stress enough the point that if you are expecting an everyday run of the mill caramel flavor you will be surprised. If someone told me that the flavor was “Italian Caramel” I would believe them, even though I have no idea what ‘Italian Caramel” is. I know it sounds silly, but I get the sense that Como Caramel is like a European caramel flavor. Silly, right? – 4.5 Stars
John C. – With Como Caramela, I get all the flavor presence that Caffe Dolci Cheesecake didn’t give me, but I also get a little something extra, flavor-wise. Let’s leave that aside for just a moment while I tell you about the vapor output and throat hit.
And I do want to mention those, because just as with Cafe Dolci Cheesecake, those are plentiful — nothing delicate happening where vapor and throat hit are concerned with either liquid. Those attributes, on both liquids, are just phenomenal, in my opinion.
But unlike the Cheesecake liquid, I get massive flavor presence with Como Caramel. Detracting just a little from that, however, is the fact that on certain hardware setups I get a sense of a flavor just a little different from what Vaporetti may have intended with this one. Along with the caramel — so dominant on the nose — in the flavor itself, I get a hint of what I can only describe as peanut butter protein bar. I’m actually thinking of a specific brand of protein bar, here, but I’m hesitant to name it since I’m not sure that I’m allowed to do that.
Overall, this is a phenomenal vape; however, because you might experience an unexpected flavor with this one, I have to give it 4.75 Stars.
Vaporetti® V-Drops™ Caffe Dolci Cheesecake E-liquid
Vaporetti Describes Caffe Dolci Cheesecake – “Who doesn’t love a cappuccino with their cheesecake? We do, that’s why we took our slightly sweetened, bold Italian roast Caffe Dolci Cappuccino V-Drops™ and infused it with our super smooth, super delicious, super decadent Italian Cheesecake flavor. The result is our Caffe Dolci Cheesecake V-Drops™. And every time you inhale, you will get that “evening at a quaint outdoor ristorante” feeling. Il Vero Amore! True Love!”
John M – First, the vapor production from Caffe Dolci Cheesecake is enormous. Out of the two flavors I would say the vapor production was at least 50% more from this one even though the PG/VG ratio is probably the same. I won’t pretend to understand; I’m just saying it and leaving it there.
Now, as for the flavor, there is a reason the Caffe Dolci comes before the word Cheesecake, and its not just because it name flows better that way. The Italian roast coffee flavor is the dominant flavor, to me anyway, and the cheesecake makes an appearance on the exhale. Even at that, the cheesecake flavor is subtle, nearly imperceptible.
This is a sweet, deep flavored, utter delightful vape. Why I like it so much is because of the excellent balance, and I found myself wanting to take another drag as soon as the vapor was gone from my exhale. That is a rare occurrence for me, and one I don’t take lightly. At 18mg nicotine I could see myself over indulging quite easily.
Although the flavor was just as intense as the Como Caramel there wasn’t a lingering aftertaste. Comparing the flavor to Como Caramel, in characteristic terms, Caffe Dolci Cheesecake is more defined. In addition, unlike Como Caramel, Caffe Dolci Cheesecake works as an all-day vape, even though it goes against type. You don’t get many dark, deep flavors that also make prime all-day vapes, but this one does.
Conclusion – An okay throat hit, tons of vapor, and another great flavor, this one rates a flat out 5 Stars. But it comes with a warning, unless you like the flavor of Italian roast coffee this isn’t for you.
Julia – While I agree that the cheesecake is the lesser part of the flavor makeup, it is there, and some people might catch it immediately. But if you’re looking specifically for a cheesecake vape there are better choices, both from Vaporetti and from others. I wouldn’t recommend this as a cheesecake eLiquid, but I would certainly recommend it as a luscious, silky, Italian coffee with sweet cream and hints of creamy (chocolate?) cheesecake.
Speaking of chocolate, maybe I’m wrong, but I do get the taste of a delicate chocolate cheesecake. I suppose some might interpret it as the gentle Italian roast coffee, but to me it’s a delicate chocolate flavor.
I also think this is a dandy all-day-vape because the flavor, deep and intense as it is, isn’t in a way that overdoes it.
Conclusion – After splitting a 30ML bottle with John M, we have about 5ML left of Como Caramel, but ran out of Caffe Dolci Cheesecake 3 days later. I’m giving it 5 Stars.
John C. – The first thing that really struck me with this flavor is that it’s delicate. There’s a lot going on here, flavor-wise: I get a hint of latte, a touch of caramel, but the dominant flavor here is cheesecake.
Anybody who’s seen me knows from my somewhat regal (by which I mean “well-upholstered”) bearing is that I like sweet stuff, and one of the sweet delights I know and love pretty well — even if I don’t dare indulge in it often — is cheesecake.
Caffe Dolci Cheesecake delivers on the flavor fidelity, but because of how delicate the flavor is, I can’t really give this vape a full 5 stars. What it indisputably brings in authenticity, it seems to lack in presence — for my taste, anyway. 4.0 Stars
As you can see, Vaporetti blends their eLiquids with a lot of 100% natural flavorings, so if you’re the type of Vaper that loves juice with deep, intense flavors we recommend giving them both a try. The Caramel in Como Caramel is palpable; you can’t mistake it for anything else. But if you’re on the fence about caramel flavors I would be cautious. If you’ve enjoyed other caramel blends, but not this one, I doubt you’ve tasted caramel this intense.
Both flavors are excellent, of that you can be sure, but they may not be for everybody. There is a definite Italian sense to them, in that they both strong flavors. I think that works in both the positive column and the negative column. I happen to adore intense flavors, as do others, but some people don’t want to flood their senses with caramel or Italian roast coffee or even cheesecake, and you will flood your senses with these, believe me.
Vapor production is excellent in both flavors, but the nod goes to Caffe Dolci Cheesecake, which is such a vapor monster it will surprise you. Out of the two flavors only one is a sure-thing all-day vape, and that’s the same Caffe Dolci Cheesecake.
One other interesting note about these two flavors is that they can handle higher voltage with ease. We used a variety of hardware to vape them, and we easily got into the high 4 volts without losing flavor, with dual coils too. In fact, the Caffe Dolci seemed to really come alive at 4.3 with a dual coil X.Jet, that’s a lot of juice to send to the juice. Both are even better with warmer vapor so don’t be afraid to push them a little. In fact, the flavor profile begs for warm vapor.
Buying Advice
The 10ML Bottle – As we mentioned above, the price of the 10ML is just too high, even if it is understandable. I recommend that you steer clear of the 10ML size once you know you like a flavor, unless you’re cool with $7.99 a bottle. 80 cents per ML is a lot to pay for me.
Now, having said that, I understand that the ‘grade’ of the ingredients means paying more to make the product, and the super premium packaging costs a lot more than a plastic bottle with a neck band, so I don’t think for a minute that Vaporetti is over charging for their 10ML bottles. What I am saying is that when it comes to spending your hard earned money on eLiquids you should always pay attention to the per ML price.
Is there any scenario where 80 cents per ML makes sense? Yes, I can think of one: gifting. If there is a Vaper in your life, one that is on a quest to explore as many eLiquids as he or she can, or if you’re looking to buy something special for that Vaper in your life, then treating them to some V-Drops is a kind of luxury gift that makes sense. It’s like choosing between a Whitman’s Sampler and a Lady Godiva box of candy.
Lastly, I would encourage Vaporetti to ‘consider’ the effect on the bottom line of replacing the 10ML bottle with 15ML. I would happily pay $7.99 or $8.99 for a 15ML bottle.
The 30ML Bottle – The best option that I can think of for everyday vaping is going in on a few 30ML bottles with one or two friends. The price of their 30ML bottles are much more affordable, only 59 cents per ML. That’s a 21 cents per ML difference for the same eLiquid. $16.98 for a 30ML bottle is actually lower than some we’ve reviewed, and higher than others we’ve reviewed. Taking into consideration the top shelf ingredients, the deluxe packaging, and the flavors themselves, I would not have any problem spending $16.98 for a 30ML bottle of Vaporetti V-Drops.
Like other eLiquid brands Vaporetti has a flavor profile all their own. If you don’t have a friend or two that wants to go in on a 30ML bottle, then spring for one that comes closest to your likes in eLiquid flavors and try it out. Once you try any of their flavors you will understand their profile in an instant and when you choose other flavors you’re going to get something that you can identify as a V-Drop flavor immediately.
Because so many of our original team has gone on to other things, we are working with Vaporetti in obtaining more of the flavors for another, larger review. I think it’s certainly worth taking another look at some of the flavors reviewed a year ago today, and some of the other newer flavors that have come out since that day. Vaporetti may be known as a hardware vendor, with branded hardware and accessories, but you should not dismiss their eLiquids as some sort of side project. These eLiquids are dead serious flavors made with the finest possible ingredients and packaged in a deluxe manner that is more reminiscent of brands you would see on the shelves of Neiman Marcus.
Last Word
We hope you enjoyed this review and we welcome your comments. If you’ve tried V-Drops feel free to add your two cents below in the comments, and if you have any questions about the two flavors we’ve reviewed post them below. If you want to read more about V-Drops and can’t wait until we bring you another big review from them, then we invite you to take a look at last years V-Drops review.
Julia Barnes, John Manzione, John Castle